

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


 This journal comprises both clinical and basic studies at the interface of nephrology, hypertension and cardiovascular research. The topics to be covered include the structural organization and biochemistry of the normal and diseased kidney; the physiology and pathophysiology of glomerular and tubular function, of endothelial and vascular smooth muscle cell function and of blood pressure control, as well as the molecular biology of transporters. Also discussed are the physiology and biochemistry of renal hormones; the molecular biology, genetics and clinical course of renal disease and hypertension, and the renal elimination, action and clinical use of drugs. Featuring peer-reviewed original papers, editorials translating basic science into patient-oriented research and disease, in-depth reviews, and regular special topic sections, ‘Kidney & Blood Pressure Research?is an important source of information for researchers in nephrology, cardiovascular research, internal medicine as well as transplantationThis journal comprises both clinical and basic studies at the interface of nephrology, hypertension and cardiovascular research. The topics to be covered include the structural organization and biochemistry of the normal and diseased kidney; the physiology and pathophysiology of glomerular and tubular function, of endothelial and vascular smooth muscle cell function and of blood pressure control, as well as the molecular biology of transporters. Also discussed are the physiology and biochemistry of renal hormones; the molecular biology, genetics and clinical course of renal disease and hypertension, and the renal elimination, action and clinical use of drugs. Featuring peer-reviewed original papers, editorials translating basic science into patient-oriented research and disease, in-depth reviews, and regular special topic sections, ‘Kidney & Blood Pressure Research?is an important source of information for researchers in nephrology, cardiovascular research, internal medicine as well as transplantation

Instructions to Authors
Guidelines for Authors

Rapid communications
Color Illustrations
Page Charges
Electronic Submission


Only original papers written in English are considered and should be sent to:

S. Karger AG
Editorial Office ¡®Kidney & Blood Pressure Research
PO Box
CH¨C4009 Basel (Switzerland)
Tel. +41 61 306 1361
Fax +41 61 306 1434
E-Mail e.bettiol@karger.ch

Mailing address for courier deliveries only:
Allschwilerstr. 10
C4055 Basel (Switzerland)

Manuscripts should be submitted in quadruplicate (with four sets of illustrations of which one is an original; final high-resolution pictures need only be sent after acceptance of the paper) together with a soft copy on disc. The manuscript should match the electronic file exactly. For details please refer to Electronic Submission. Editorial work and copy-editing will be executed from the electronic version of your manuscript.

Rapid Communications

Manuscripts intended for rapid communication must present new findings of sufficient importance to justify their accelerated appearance. Double-spaced manuscripts cannot exceed 5½ pages, including figures, tables and references; longer manuscripts will be returned. Decision will be made within 2 weeks after receipt of the manuscript. It will be published in the next possible issue following acceptance.


All manuscripts are subject to editorial review.

Manuscripts are received with the explicit understanding that they are not under simultaneous consideration by any other publication. Submission of an article for publication implies transfer of the copyright from the author to the publisher upon acceptance. Accepted papers become the permanent property of ¡®Kidney & Blood Pressure Research and may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without the written consent of the publisher.

It is the author's responsibility to obtain permission to reproduce illustrations, tables, etc. from other publications.


The authors may indicate whether the manuscript belongs to:
 basic science
 clinical nephrology
¨ blood pressure research

Title page: The first page of each paper should indicate the title, the authors?names, the institute where the work was conducted, and a short title for use as running head.
NB: Authors wishing to preserve the phonetic meaning of diacritics (PubMed reduces diacritics to their root characters) must spell their names accordingly when submitting manuscripts (e.g. Müller should be Mueller).

Full address: The exact postal address of the corresponding author complete with postal code must be given at the bottom of the title page. Please also supply phone and fax numbers, as well as e-mail address.

Key words: For indexing purposes, a list of 3-10 key words in English is essential.

Abstract: Each paper needs an abstract of up to 200 words. It should be structured as follows:
Background/Aims: What is the major problem that prompted the study
Methods: How was the study performed
Results: Most important findings
Conclusion: Most important conclusion

Footnotes: Avoid footnotes.

Tables and illustrations: Tables and illustrations (both numbered in Arabic numerals) should be prepared on separate pages. Tables require a heading and figures a legend, also prepared on a separate page. For the reproduction of illustrations, only good drawings and original photographs can be accepted; negatives or photocopies cannot be used. Due to technical reasons, figures with a screen background should not be submitted. When possible, group several illustrations in one block for reproduction (max. size 180 x 223 mm) or provide crop marks. On the back of each illustration, indicate its number, the author's name, and top. Electronically submitted b/w half-tone and color illustrations must have a final resolution of 300 dpi after scaling, line drawings one of 800-1,200 dpi. Final pictures are only necessary after acceptance of the paper.

Color Illustrations

Up to 6 color illustrations per page can now be integrated within the text at the special price of CHF 660. / EUR 410.00 per page. Color illustrations are reproduced at the author's expense.


In the text identify references by Arabic numerals [in square brackets]. Material submitted for publication but not yet accepted should be noted as unpublished dataand not be included in the reference list. The list of references should include only those publications which are cited in the text. Do not alphabetize; number references in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. The surnames of the authors followed by initials should be given. There should be no punctuation other than a comma to separate the authors. Preferably, please cite all authors. Abbreviate journal names according to the Index Medicus system. (Also see International Committee of Medical Journal Editors: Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. N Engl J Med 1997;336:309-315. www.icmje.org)

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
S. Karger Publishers supports DOIs as unique identifiers for articles. A DOI number will be printed on the title page of each article. DOIs can be useful in the future for identifying and citing articles published online without volume or issue information. More information can be found at www.doi.org

(a) Papers published in periodicals:
Chatel J-M, Bernard H, Orson FM: Isolation and characterization of two complete Ara h 2 isoforms cDNA. Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2003;131:

(b) Papers published only with DOI numbers:
Theoharides TC, Boucher W, Spear K: Serum interleukin-6 reflects disease severity and osteoporosis in mastocytosis patients. Int Arch Allergy Immunol DOI: 10.1159/000063858.

(c) Monographs: Matthews DE, Farewell VT:
Using and Understanding Medical Statistics, ed 3, revised. Basel, Karger, 1996.

(d) Edited books:
DuBois RN: Cyclooxygenase-2 and colorectal cancer; in Dannenberg AJ, Dubois RN (eds): COX-2. Prog Exp Tum Res. Basel, Karger, 2003, vol 37, pp 124-137.

Page Charges

There are no page charges for papers of 6 or fewer printed pages (including tables, illustrations and references). Each additional complete or partial page is charged to the author at CHF 320 / EUR 198.00. The allotted size of a paper is equal to approx. 20 manuscript pages (including tables, illustrations and references). The inability to pay the additional page charges will not prejudice publication of the paper. This will be decided by the Editor.


Unless indicated otherwise, proofs are sent to the first-named author and should be returned with the least possible delay. Alterations made in proofs, other than the correction of printer's errors, are charged to the author.


Order forms and a price list are sent with the proofs. Orders submitted after the issue is printed are subject to considerably higher prices.

Editorial Board
Editorial Board

Managing Editor

C. Wanner, Wrzburg


F. Lang, Tbingen
K.H. Rahn, Mnster

Gesellschaft fr Nephrologie
Editorial Representative

W.H. Hörl, Vienna

Czech Society of Nephrology
Editorial Representative

V. Tesar, Prague

Editorial Board Members

C. Canessa, New Haven, Conn.
J. Floege, Aachen
J. Galle, Wrzburg
H. Geiger, Frankfurt
M. Gekle, Wrzburg
N. Gordjani, Wrzburg
S.C. Hebert, Nashville, Tenn.
R. Kinne, Dortmund
A. Kurtz, Regensburg
F.C. Luft, Berlin
G. Mayer, Innsbruck
H. Murer, Zurich
V. Nickeleit, Chapel Hill, N.C.
R. Oberbauer, Vienna
M. Palacin, Barcelona
H. Pavenstädt, Freiburg
A. Perna, Naples
J.M. Pfeilschifter, Frankfurt
T. Quaschning, ¹rzburg
E. Schlatter, M¹nster
R.W. Schrier, Denver, Colo.
W. Siffert, Essen
H. Suzuki, Saitama
V. Teplan, Prague
V. Vallon, T¹bingen
G.B. Wolf, Hamburg
W. Zidek, Berlin


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