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主题范畴:Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology;    OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


The Journal of Voice is widely regarded as the world's premiere journal for voice medicine and research. This peer-reviewed publication is listed in Index Medicus and is indexed by the Institute for Scientific Information. The journal contains articles written by experts throughout the world on all topics in voice sciences, voice medicine and surgery, and speech-language pathologists' management of voice-related problems. The journal includes clinical articles, clinical research, and laboratory research.

The Journal of Voice includes clinical and research articles that are of interest to all professionals of all backgrounds. Papers are solicited on all aspects of voice, including basic voice science, acoustics, anatomy, synthesis, medical and surgical treatment of voice problems, voice therapy, voice pedagogy, and studies in other areas that increase the knowledge of normal (including performance) and abnormal vocal function in adults and children. Review articles will also be considered.


Instructions to Authors

Please include a cover letter indicating the name, address, and telephone number of the individual to whom correspondence and proofs are to be addressed. Please avoid PO Box addresses. Not all shipping services can deliver to a PO Box. FAX numbers and e-mail addresses should be included if available. Wrap the package well and use extra strength envelopes if possible. All manuscripts will be acknowledged by postcard upon receipt at the Editorial Office.

Manuscripts should be submitted in English in quadruplicate, one original and three copies, on standard 81.2 x 11-in. (21-cm x 28-cm) paper with 1-in (2.5-cm) margins. All copy, including captions, footnotes, and references must be typed, doublespaced, and on one side of the sheet only. Materials should be prepared on a word processor, and a diskette should be submitted with the printed copies. A printer of at least letter quality should be used; do not justify the right margin. If a word processor is not available and submission of a diskette represents a hardship to the author, an exception should be requested in the cover letter that accompanies the manuscript.

All materials submitted for publication, including solicited articles and supplements, are subject to editorial review and revision. Only previously unpublished material will be considered for publication. Material submitted to the Journal must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. All accepted manuscripts become the property of the Journal and may not be reproduced without the written permission of the Editor and the Publisher.

Copyright. In compliance with current U.S. Copyright law, transfer of copyright from author to publisher or its designee must be explicitly stated in writing to enable the publisher to assure maximum dissemination of the authort a meeting, the name of the meeting, location, and date should be given.

The abstract and key words should be on a separate page following the title page. The abstract should be limited to 200 words or fewer. It must be factual and comprehensive, including statements of the problem, method of study, results, and conclusions. If pertinent, the application of the results should be shown or suggested. Abbreviations and general statements (e.g., "the significance of the results are discussed") should be avoided. Avoid the use of first person (I and we). Authors are to provide a list of suggested key words or phrases below the abstract for indexing purposes.

Authors are cautioned to type, where possible, all mathematical and chemical symbols, equations, and formulas and to identify all unusual symbols the first time they are used.

Body of Paper. The beginning of the manuscript should be an introduction to the topic discussed, including reference citations (numbered in superscript) to related literature, followed by a statement of the Purpose and, where applicable, specific questions to be answered by the research. Typically, this section is followed by labeled sections with a sequence similar to Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusions.

References. References are to be supplied in order of citation in the text, numbered consecutively, and typed double-spaced. Sample references per AMA style are given below of a journal article and a book.

1. Sataloff RT. Professional singers: the science and art of clinical care. Am J Otolaryngol. 1981:2;251-266.
2. Sataloff RT, Myers DL. Cancer of the ear and temporal bone. In: Gates GA, ed. Current Therapy on Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery. 3rd ed. Toronto and Philadelphia: B.C. Decker; 1987:157-160.

Volume and issue numbers, specific beginning and ending pages, and name of translator should be included where appropriate.

Journal title abbreviations should follow the practices of Index Medicus. Provide all author names where there are six or fewer co-authors. In the event that there are more than six co-authors, list only the first three and use et al. Authors are responsible for the bibliographic accuracy of all references. "Personal communications" and "unpublished observations" should be indicated Instructions for Contributors within the text and inside parens () and should state who, what type, and when, and are excluded from the reference list (such communications and observations should be used only with the permission of those cited).

Symbols and Abbreviations. Use of symbols and abbreviations should conform to those provided by professional standards publications like the American National Standard Letter Symbols and Abbreviations for Quantities Used in Acoustics Y10.11-1984, and the American National Standard Acoustical Terminology S1.1-1994. These two publications are available from the American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10018, 212-642-4900.

Accuracy of Data. For all studies dealing with measured quantities, a statement of the "error of measurement" should be included. For studies dealing with judgments, a statement concerning the procedure for determining the "reliability" of said judgments is expected.

Glossary. Authors are encouraged to define or explain jargon, technical or novel language (or expressions) for those terms not commonly known across the voice professions. These terms and explanations can be placed as footnotes, endnotes, or in a glossary table after the Abstract and key words or at the end of the manuscript prior to the References. If few, the terms can be explained within the text.

Tables. All tables should be cited sequentially in the text, numbered, supplied with suitable explanatory legends and column headings, typed on separate sheets, and placed at the end of the manuscript following the references. Tables should not be supplied typed within the body of the manuscript. They should be self-explanatory and should supplement, rather than duplicate, the material in the text.

Figures and Illustrations. All figures and illustrations must be cited in the text, numbered, and supplied with captions. All captions should appear together on a separate sheet following the tables and references.

Captions to figures should be brief, specific, and explanatory. They should not unduly repeat information already given in the text. Magnification and stain should be provided where appropriate. All photographs and illustrations documenting any postoperative change must be labeled with the postoperative interval.

All art work must be submitted in duplicate in camera-ready form with all figures marked (lightly in pencil) on the back with the lead authord Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects (1979, Office of the Protection from Research Risks Report, Bethesda, MD: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services), and the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (DHEW Publication No. [NIH] 80-23, Revised 1978, Reprinted 1980, Office of Science and Health Reports, DRR/NIH, Bethesda, MD 20205); and the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki guidelines (JAMA. 1997;277: 925-926). To be considered for publication, studies involving human research subjects ordinarily require a statement indicating Institutional Review Board approval and/or compliance with the Guidelines specified.

Instructions for Electronic Manuscript Submission

Mosby will accept submission of electronic versions of manuscripts in conjunction with the traditional paper version. The preferred storage medium is a 3-1/2 inch disk or zip disk.

Files should be submitted in a standard word processing format such as Microsoft Word or WordPerfect. We accept either PC or Mac formats. While we can convert from other word processing formats, the vagaries of the conversion process may introduce errors.

Each submitted disk must be clearly labelled with the author, item title, journal title, type of equipment used to generate the disk, word processing program (including version number), and file names used.

The file submitted on disk must be the final corrected version of the manuscript and must agree with the final accepted version of the submitted paper manuscript. The disk submitted should contain only the final version of the manuscript. Delete all other material from the disk.

Please follow the general instructions on AMA style/arrangement and, in particular, the AMA reference style as given in "Instructions for Contributors."

Note, however, that while the paper version of the manuscript must be presented in the traditional double spaced format, the electronic version will be typeset and should not contain any extraneous formatting instructions. For example:

Use hard carriage returns only at the end of paragraphs and display lines (e.g., titles, subheadings).
Do not use an extra hard return between paragraphs.
Do not use tabs or extra space at the start of a paragraph for list entries.
Do not indent runover lines in references.
Turn off line spacing.
Turn off hyphenation and justification.
Do not specify page breaks, page numbers, or headers.
Do not specify typeface.
Care should be taken to correctly enter "one" (1) and lower case "el" (l), as well as "zero" (0) and capital "oh" (O).
Do not double space after periods.

Please observe the following conventions concerning dashes: Use a single hyphen with space before it for a minus sign, use a double hyphen (with space before and after) to indicate a "long dash" in text, and a triple hyphen (with no extra space) to indicate a range of numbers (eg, "23---45").

Illustrations and tables will be handled conventionally. However, figure and table legends should be included at the end of the electronic file.

Nonstandard characters (Greek letters, mathematical symbols, etc.) should be coded consistently throughout the text. Please make a list of such characters and provide a listing of codes used.

For art being submitted on disk: Art that is placed in text files is for placement only. Print-quality art must be saved in a separate file. Figures should be saved at the highest dpi possible, minimum 600 dpi, and saved as ".TIFF" or ".EPS" files. (When possible, accompany files with high quality prints—see Instructions for Contributors.)

Editorial Board


Robert Thayer Sataloff, M.D., D.M.A.
Professor of Otolaryngology, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Editorial Board:
Mona Abaza, M.D.
Jean Abitbol, M.D.
Timothy Anderson, M.D.
Moya L. Andrews, Ed.D.
Arnold E. Aronson, Ph.D.
R.J. Baken, Ph.D.
Margaret Baroody, M.M.
Mara Behlau, Ph.D.
Michael Benninger, M.D.
Gerald S. Berke, M.D.
Stanley Blaugrund, M.D.
Daniel R. Boone, Ph.D.
Marc Bouchayer, M.D.
David W. Brewer, M.D.
Mitchell F. Brin, M.D.
W.S. Brown, Jr., Ph.D.
Linda M. Carroll, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Janina Casper, Ph.D.
Donald O. Castell, M.D.
Manuel Pais Clemente, M.D., Ph.D.
Thomas Cleveland, Ph.D.
John R. Cohn, M.D.
Raymond H. Colton, Ph.D.
Donald Cooper, Ph.D.
D. Garfield Davies, F.R.C.S.
Pamela Davis, Ph.D.
Philippe H. Dejonckere, M.D., Ph.D.
Kate A. Emerich, M.S.
Molly Erickson, Ph.D.
Charles N. Ford, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Rafael Garcia-Tapia, M.D.
Jean Westerman Gregg, M.A., M.S.
Lucinda Halstead, M.D.
Thomas Harris, M.D.
Pamela Harvey, M.A., CCC
Mary Hawkshaw, R.N., B.S.N.
Yolanda Heman-Ackah, M.D.
Stellan Hertegärd, M.D., Ph.D.
Marcus Hess, M.D.
Reinhardt J. Heuer, Ph.D.
Minoru Hirano, M.D.
Thomas Hixon, Ph.D.
Jeannette Hoit, Ph.D.
Harry Hollien, Ph.D.
Cheryl Parnell, PA-C, D.M.
Michelle Horman, M.A., CCC-SLP
Krzysztof Izdebski, Ph.D.
Joel C. Kahane, Ph.D.
Philip Owen Katz, M.D.
Gwen S. Korovin, M.D.
James Koufman, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Dennis H. Kraus, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Rebecca Leonard, Ph.D.
Steven Harris Levy, M.D.
Christy Ludlow, Ph.D.
Hans F. Mahieu, M.D., Ph.D.
Steven Mandel, M.D.
Nicholas E. Maragos, M.D.
David Mayer, M.D.
John F. Michel, Ph.D.
Richard Miller
Stephen Mitchell, M.D.
Murray D. Morrison, M.D.
Thomas Murry, Ph.D.
Garyth Nair
James Netterville, M.D.
Robert Ossoff, D.M.D., M.D.
Rosemary Ostrowski, M.M., M.S., CCC-SLP
Paulo Pontes, M.D.
Sharon L. Radionoff, Ph.D.
Lorraine Olson Ramig, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Bonnie N. Raphael, Ph.D.
Rick M. Roark, Ph.D.
Clark A. Rosen, M.D.
David B. Rosenfield, M.D.
Howard B. Rothman, Ph.D.
John S. Rubin, M.D.
Wallace Rubin, M.D.
Christine M. Sapienza, Ph.D.
Anna Moffo Sarnoff
Ronald C. Scherer, Ph.D.
Harm K. Schutte, M.D., Ph.D.
Marshall Smith, M.D.
C. Richard Stasney, M.D., F.A.C.S.
R. Ed Stone, Jr., Ph.D.
Johan Sundberg, Ph.D.
Sten Ternström, Ph.D.
Susan L. Thibeault, Ph.D.
Ingo Titze, Ph.D.
Harvey M. Tucker, M.D.
Charles W. Vaughan, M.D.
Katherine Verdolini, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Hans von Leden, M.D.
Jürgen Wendler, M.D.
Gayle Woodson, M.D.
Hejun Yang, M.D.
Steven Zeitels, M.D., F.A.C.S.

Address for Contributors. All material submitted for publication in the Journal should be sent to:

Robert T. Sataloff, M.D., D.M.A.
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Voice
1721 Pine Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103, U.S.A.




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