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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal



The Journal of Vegetation Science publishes papers on all aspects of vegetation science, with particular emphasis on papers that develop new concepts or methods, test theory, identify general patterns, or that otherwise are likely to interest a broad readership.

Papers may focus on any aspect of vegetation science including theory, methodology, spatial patterns (including plant geography and landscape ecology), temporal changes (including palaeoecology and demography), processes (including ecophysiology), and description of ecological communities (by phytosociological or other methods), provided the focus is on increasing our understanding of plant communities. Papers with a more applied focus should be directed to our sister journal, Applied Vegetation Science.

The Journal of Vegetation Science accepts original papers (including shorter ones), reviews, forum contributions and reports. It commissions reviews of selected books. Vegetation Science.

Impact factor for the Journal of Vegetation Science



Instructions to Authors


There are no page charges. However, please consider taking a subscription to J. Veg. Sci. and/or Appl. Veg. Sci. (they carry important articles in your field), thus helping us to avoid charges. The personal subscription rates are very reasonable and include membership of IAVS. (Those in financial hardship: contact j.h.j.schaminee@alterra.wag-ur.nl for help.) Manuscripts must comprise work that has not been published, and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. The language must be English (either British or American throughout). Articles should not normally exceed eight journal pages (shorter articles are welcome, and may be published sooner).

The Editorial Office (edit@opuluspress.se) can provide an advance length estimate of a manuscript you are preparing. Preferably send an MS-Word copy of the ms including tables and figures. One of the Chief Editors or Associate Editors will be selected as Co-ordinating Editor for each submitted mss. There are four categories of contributed paper: Ordinary article, Forum, Letter, and Report.

Forum papers are essays with original ideas / speculation / well-sustained arguments. They will usually contribute to free debate of current and often controversial ideas in vegetation science. There may be criticism of papers published in JVS/AVS, or (if interesting to our readers) of papers published elsewhere. An Abstract is required, but otherwise the sectional format is flexible. Maximum length is normally four pages. Forum papers have high priority in publication. The Journal has specific policies for Forum papers to ensure fair treatment for all (contact edit@opuluspress.se for a copy), covering situations such as referees wishing to submit a reply, the editor soliciting other contributions on the topic, particular scientific work being cricitised, errata of previous papers, etc. Letter A letter is a very short but refereed paper (<= 0.5 pp.) with one scientific idea. It will have the highest priority in publication. The section is intended for positive ideas, not for papers primarily intended to criticise.

This includes items that are not scientific papers: e.g. news items, obituaries (normally commissioned), software, databases and technical information. Submission Submit manuscripts to the Editorial Office. Electronic submission to edit@opuluspress.se speeds processing: either an Acrobat .PDF file or one paper copy plus a word-processor file. Send electronic files on diskette or as an E-mail attachment. Include figures and tables in the electronic copy if possible, or as separate files, or on paper. Format Double-space manuscripts (including tables and references). Number all pages. If possible number the lines on each page. Figures in the submitted manuscript should be reproduced at the size at which they are intended to be printed: either one-column or full-page width. Place each figure/table caption on the same page as the figure/table. Figures and tables may be embedded in the text. Use scientific names of taxa, and avoid vernacular names. Units of measurement must follow the International System of Units: e.g. mg.m-2.yr-1. Numbers with units of measurement must be in digits, 3.5 g; numbers of up to ten items in the text (i.e. integers) should be in words, e.g. ten quadrats; otherwise in digits, e.g. 11 sampling times. Thousands in large numbers should be indicated by a space, e.g. 10 000 for ten thousand. For an example of format, click here.
Title: This should be strongly directed towards attracting the interest of potential readers.
Author names and addresses:
Follow exactly the format in an issue of the journal. Give an E-mail address for all authors. Fax and web addresses may be given for the corresponding author.
Abbreviations. List any that will be frequently used in the text. Nomenclatural reference (as a source for the authors of scientific names). Abstract: Up to 250 words (fewer for a Forum paper). No references. The abstract for ordinary papers should have named sections, normally: Question, Location, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. Vary this structure when necessary: e.g. for reviews; omit Location for theoretical papers; make other small changes when expression is clearly enhanced."
Keywords: These should not duplicate the title. Main text [starting on a new page]: Indicate new paragraphs by indentation. Avoid footnotes. Variation from the usual Introduction - Methods - Results - Discussion structure is acceptable when appropriate.
Acknowledgements: Keep them brief. References to research projects/funds and institutional publication numbers go here.
Reference can be made to material that is published, in press or to a thesis. Indicate all other material as ¡°unpubl.¡± or ¡°pers. comm." (the latter with date and description of the type of knowledge, e.g. ¡°local farmer¡±); ¡°submitted¡± may be used only if the citing manuscript is in the journal¡¯s editorial process. To cite (in the text) publications by more than two authors use the form ¡°Smith et al.¡±. Abbreviate journal names as in [reference to web document]. If in doubt, give the full name. E.g.:
Lane, D.R., Coffin, D.P. & Lauenroth, W.K. 2000. Changes in grassland canopy structure across a precipitation gradient. J. Veg. Sci. 11: 359-368.
Greig-Smith, P. 1983. Quantitative plant ecology. 3rd ed. Blackwell, Oxford.
Whittaker, R.H. 1969. Evolution of diversity in plant communities. In: Woodwell, G.M. & Smith, H.N. (eds.) Stability and diversity in ecological systems, pp. 178-196. Brookhaven National Laboratory, Brookhaven, NY.
Levin, S.A. 2001. Immune systems and ecosystems. Conserv. Ecol. 5(1): article 17. URL: http://www.consecol.org/vol5/iss1/art17 [Ecological Society of America].

Photographs (referred to in the text as Plates) of the vegetation or landscapes studied are encouraged. Supply high-contrast glossy prints. They may be reproduced in colour if this enhances the reader's understanding appreciation of the results presented, and if an arrangement can be made regarding the extra costs. Extra, non-essential photographs that help the reader appreciate the landscape/vegetation/plants are welcome; they will be printed if there is spare space in the article, or otherwise put in the electronic archive. Appendices, and the journal¡¯s electronic archive Appendices (except mathematical ones) are not printed, but are placed in the journal¡¯s electronic archive, and a web address to the archive is given in the printed paper. This facility can be used for raw data, extra tables, extra figures or maps (including coloured ones), etc. The archive is held at three geographic locations, to ensure permanence.

Authors receive 25 free offprints, plus a .PDF file of their paper from which they are free to make paper or electronic copies. Further offprints may be ordered from the Publishers (an order form accompanies the proofs).


Editorial Board





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