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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

 Journal of Vascular Surgery on ScienceDirect(Opens new window)


Journal of Vascular Surgery provides vascular, cardiothoracic, and general surgeons with the most recent information in vascular surgery. Original, peer-reviewed articles cover clinical and experimental studies, noninvasive diagnostic techniques, processes and vascular substitutes, microvascular surgical techniques, angiography, and endovascular management. Special issues publish papers presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Vascular Surgery. The Journal is recommended for purchase in the Brandon-Hill study, Selected List of Books and Journals for the Small Medical Library.

Instructions to Authors
Official Publication of The Society for Vascular Surgery

Complete information for authors and editorial policies are available in the January and July issues, at our Web site www.journals.elsevierhealth.com/periodicals/ymva, or at our Editorial Manager Web site at jvs.editorialmanager.com.

An abbreviated checklist for manuscript submission follows. Manuscripts that are accepted for publication become the property of the Journal of Vascular Surgery, which is copyrighted by The Society for Vascular Surgery and The American Association for Vascular Surgery. They may not be published or reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the author(s) and the Journal. Manuscripts to be considered for publication should be submitted to the Journal electronically using the Editorial Manager submission system located at jvs.editorialmanager.com. Detailed instructions on submitting a manuscript are available on that Web site.

Checklist for manuscript submission

(Note: If any item in the following abbreviated list is not clear, please review the complete Information for Authors document or consult the editorial office.)

• Use of Editorial Manager (EM) system to submit the corresponding author's name, address, e-mail, telephone and fax numbers, and the names and affiliations of all other authors.
• A completed Author Role, Sponsor Involvement, and Competition of Interest form, uploaded to EM with the manuscript.
• A completed Reviewer Request form, uploaded to EM with the manuscript.
• Formatting of Manuscript
• double-space entire manuscript
• at least 12-pitch font
• ragged (unjustified) right margin
• number all pages consecutively
• Abstract and Title Page should include the title of the manuscript, the names of the authors, affiliations, and contact information for the corresponding author. Abstract should be at least 250 words and must not exceed 400 words in structured format for clinical and basic science manuscripts
• Text of Manuscript
• For studies involving human subjects, a statement that appropriate human ethics committee approval was obtained.
• For studies involving animal experiments, a statement that institutional approval was obtained.
• References, figures, and tables cited in numeric order
• Acknowledgments
• References
• in numeric order as cited in text
• must include up to 6 authors et al
• Tables
• each saved and uploaded to EM as a separate file
• descriptive title for each
• Legends: double-spaced and in a separate electronic file
• Figures
• All images must be provided electronically, and uploaded via the EM system as separate files.
• If possible, figures should be saved and uploaded as TIFF or EPS files
• Detailed artwork instructions and help with formatting, sizing, scanning, and file naming can be found at External link http://www.elsevier.com/artwork .
• Permissions
• permission to reproduce published material from copyright holder
• signed releases to publish patient photographs
Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board


“Tourism is an extremely important economic phenomenon, whole countries depend on it and almost every human-being loves it.?/I>

John Tribe , Editor-in-Chief of Annals of Tourism Research

What's new?

EES online training session: March 4th
EES People Database Management
External link  More information & register
February 17, 2009

EES online training session: February 18th
EES Using Classifications
External link  More information & register
February 17, 2009

Elsevier Foundation awards $555,000 to support innovative libraries in developing countries, science scholars and a new program to address the global nursing shortage
February 4, 2009

Next EES online training session: February 4th
EES Improving Decisions: (Advanced)
External link  More information & register
January 21, 2009

Next EES online training session: January 21st
EES Improving Decisions: (Basic)
External link  More information & register
January 21, 2009

External link  Introducing SciTopics - the new free online expert generated knowledge sharing service. Designed as a perfect starting point for scientific research, SciTopics integrates a content publishing platform with search functionalities and community features.
January 20, 2009

Our editors have long-standing and distinguished careers in their respective fields. Some recent achievements are highlighted in this section, as well as recent appointments.

Anne-Lise Børresen-Dale received the annual prize for excellent research from the Research Council of Norway. The award - amounting to 500.000 NOK - was handed over by Tora Aasland - Minister of Education and Research.

According to the jury: "Anne Lise Børresen-Dale ranks among the foremost experts in the country in the field of cancer research. Throughout a period of many years she has conducted ground-breaking research of excellent quality in a number of fields within her subject area. She has made decisive discoveries in research on lung cancer, testicular cancer, colon cancer and - in particular - breast cancer. Børresen-Dale has demonstrated outstanding skills as a builder of scientific milieus. She is involved in a large number of collaboration projects, both nationally and internationally. In 2008 she was elected president of the External link  European Association for Cancer Research . Her research will gain a major clinical significance within diagnostics, therapy and cancer diseases."

Further information: Anne-Lise Børresen-Dale External link  research group home page - Molecular Biology of Breast Cancer.


Marion Broome, PhD, RN, FAAN, editor in chief of Nursing Outlook, has been appointed to the National Advisory Council for Nursing Research at the External link  National Institutes of Health . Her service begins in September.



Rhys Williams (Swansea, UK) has been named the new Editor-in-Chief of Primary Care Diabetes as of July 2008. Professor Williams takes over from Professor Guy Rutten (Utrecht, The Netherlands) who has been acting as Editor-in-Chief since the journal’s launch in 2007. Primary Care Diabetes is the official journal of Primary Care Diabetes Europe (PCDE).

Eugene Hughes, Chairman of PCDE, welcomed the appointment, ?I>It is a great honour to have someone as distinguished as Rhys Williams taking over as Editor-in-Chief of the journal. We will aim to build on the solid foundation, and international reputation that has been created since the launch.?/P>

Rhys Williams is Dean of Medicine and Professor of Clinical Epidemiology at the School of Medicine, Swansea University, UK. He is a member of Diabetes UK’s Advisory Council, Chair of its Wales Advisory Council and was, until recently, a Vice President of the International Diabetes Federation. He is a member of IDF’s Prevention Task Force and of its Diabetes Atlas Editorial Board. He is also a visiting consultant to the World Health Organization, Geneva

Editorial Board


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