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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


One of the most frequently cited scientific journals, The Journal of Trauma® Injury, Infection, and Critical Care provides a specific focus on traumatic injury, as well as a wide range of subjects within this general field. Emphasizing clinical applications, techniques, and new developments in trauma care, each issue presents practical information of immediate use to the physician caring for critically injured patients. 

In every issue of The Journal of Trauma®...

  • Original articles
  • Case reports
  • Review articles
Brief reports
Instructions to Authors


The Journal of Trauma® Injury, Infection, and Critical Care welcomes submissions from all sources and all countries of original articles that contribute to the scientific knowledge of the surgical management of trauma.

Authors should submit five (5) high-quality copies of their manuscript along with five sets of all illustrations and tables. The editorial review process cannot begin until this requirement is met. (The authors should always retain one complete copy of the manuscript including illustrations and tables.) Rejected manuscripts and illustrations will not be returned.

The following items should be included with each manuscript submitted:

Letter of Transmittal
This letter must include the name, address, and telephone number of the author to whom all correspondence concerning the manuscript (including galley proofs, should the article be accepted) should be sent. (Note: Should any of this information change after submission, the Editorial Office should be notified promptly.)

The letter should include a brief inventory of key elements of the submitted manuscript, such as the number of pages, tables, figures, references, and legends. The inclusion of a computer diskette should also be noted.

Additionally, the letter must also include a statement indicating that the manuscript has been submitted solely to this journal and has not previously been published in any form in another publication, with the exception of preliminary reports in abstract form and papers presented at the American College of Surgeons Surgical Forum.

Finally, the author is requested to inform the Editorial Office of any drug, device, or other product used or evaluated in the reported study for which he deems there to be potential interest on the part of the manufacturer to advertise in the Journal of Trauma® or purchase reprints for use in marketing.

The manuscript should be typed double spaced on 8 1/2 X 11-inch paper and should consist of the following elements:

  1. A short title (running head) page (not more than 45 characters).
  2. A complete title page, including the names of all authors and their degrees.
  3. A page listing the affiliations of all authors. Also included on this page should be acknowledgments, where applicable, for financial or other support received for the study; complete disclosure of any identifiable conflicts of interest (financial or otherwise) relating to products, companies, or organizations mentioned in the manuscript; the organization, date, and place of meeting for any paper previously presented in whole or in part; and the name of the person and exact address (including ZIP or country code) to whom reprint requests should be sent.
  4. A written statement to the editor, signed by the author(s), must be submitted that specifies whether the author(s) has/have financial or proprietary interest in the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript, including (but not limited to) employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, and paid expert testimony. Nonfinancial conflicts of interest must be disclosed if the manuscript is accepted; the editor decides whether this information is accepted; financial disclosure statement may be published with the affiliation footnote on the first page of the article
  5. An abstract of no more than 150 words must be in a structured format. This abstract should consist of four paragraphs, labeled Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. They should briefly describe, respectively, the problem being addressed in the study, how the study was performed, the salient results, and what the authors conclude from the results. Where appropriate, two of the first three paragraphs may be combined into one. A list of key words (to be used for indexing) should appear at the end of the abstract. Please note that a case report should NOT include an abstract. For case reports, the list of key words should simply accompany the manuscript.
  6. The text. Normally, scientific articles are divided into the following sections: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, and Discussion. Acknowledgment of persons who assisted in the study or helped in other ways should follow the Discussion section. The manuscript pages should be numbered consecutively.
For all articles on laboratory or clinical experiments involving animals or humans, the text must contain a statement, preferably in the Materials and Methods section, about institutional approval of the study and adherence to established guidelines on the treatment of subjects.

In general, the style guidelines set forth in the American Medical Association Manual of Style, eighth edition (Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1989) should be followed. All references appearing in the Reference list (see below), figures, and tables MUST be cited in the text and numbered in the order of appearance. Use generic names for drugs with the brand name in parentheses if appropriate. The manufacturer or source, city, and state or country should be given in parentheses for any equipment, devices, or supplies mentioned that may be critical to the replication of an experiment or study.

All references MUST be cited in the text and in numerical order. The accuracy of references is the responsibility of the authors. The Reference list should carry the heading "REFERENCES" and should be typed double spaced. The references MUST be arranged in the order of appearance in the text (i.e., in numerical order). Journal abbreviations should follow Index Medicus style. If a journal is not listed in Index Medicus, give the full name.

Use the following style of citation:

Journal article: author names (list all authors up to six; if more than six, list the first three followed by "et al"), title of article, Journal abbreviation, year, volume number, inclusive page numbers.

  1. Koons TS, Boyden GM. Gas gangrene from parenteral injection. JAMA. 1961;175:46-47.
Monograph: author names (list all authors up to six; if more than six, list the first three followed by "et al"), title of book, edition or volume number (if appropriate), city of publication, publisher name, year, page numbers of section of book cited.

Chapter in book: author names (list all authors up to six; if more than six, list the first three followed by "et al"), title of chapter, editor names (list all editors up to six; if more than six, list the first three followed by "et al"), title of book, edition or volume number (if appropriate), city of publication, publisher's name, year, inclusive page numbers.

  1. Herget CH. Wound ballistics. In: Bowers WB, ed. Surgery of Trauma. Philadelphia, PA: JB Lippincott; 1953:494-510.
Five complete sets of all illustrations are required. Line drawings and photographic prints must be suitable for reproduction in black and white. Figures in 3 X 5-inch or 5 X 7-inch format with a minimum of white space are preferred. The type used to label any figures should be large enough to be readable if the figure is reduced. This includes arrows and other symbols. Line drawings should be professionally drawn. X-ray films should be converted to high contrast glossy prints in negative model (i.e., the black areas of the print should correspond to the black areas of the x-ray film). Graphs and charts prepared with a computer and laser printer or a plotter may be suitable if they are very clear, the toner has good density, and there are no smudges; the editorial staff will determine the suitability of such figures. Xerographic copies of illustrations are not suitable. Prints should not be mounted or clipped with paper clips or binder clips. The authors' names, article title, figure number, and an indication of the top of the figure should be placed on the back of each figure on a gummed label. If a pen is used to mark the backs of figures, make sure it will not smudge or offset to the front of the next figure when they are stacked.

All figures must be cited in the text and numbered in the order of appearance. Each figure must be accompanied by a descriptive legend. Legends should be typed double spaced on a sheet of paper separate from the figures. The legends for photomicrographs should indicate the original magnification unless a scale is included in the photograph. The legends for slide preparations must include the stain used, if any.

If an illustration is used from another published source, a letter of permission from the holder of copyright must accompany the manuscript. Photographs of patients must be accompanied by a release signed by the patient or guardian or the subject's face must be obscured.

Color illustrations will be published only if color is absolutely necessary to the clarity of the illustration. Authors should be prepared to bear the costs of the color separations for color illustrations.

Each table must be typed on a separate sheet and preferably double spaced. Use of abbreviations should be kept to a minimum and all abbreviations should be defined in a note at the bottom of the table. Do not use vertical rules or horizontal rules within the body of the table. All tables must be cited in the text in numerical order. Tables should be constructed so that like information reads down.

To help us increase the efficiency of the publication process, THE JOURNAL OF TRAUMA® Injury, Infection, and Critical Care encourages authors to include a computer diskette containing the word processing files of their article along with the hard (paper) copies of the manuscript. Files in IBM-compatible WordPerfect or in ASCII format are preferred. However, we can have files from most popular word processing programs converted and we can also accept Apple-compatible diskettes. Either double-density (DD) or high-density (HD) 5 1/4-inch or 3 1/2-inch diskettes are acceptable. In all cases, you should send a copy of the original files (not the original files), and the diskette should be labeled with the authors' names, the title of the article, the type of computer, the DOS version, and the word processing software used.

7330 San Pedro Ave., Suite 654
San Antonio, TX 78216
Telephone: 210-342-7903
Fax: 210-342-2966
Email: jtrauma@uthscsa.edu


Lippincott Williams & Wilkins and most other publishers seal issues of professional journals in polywrap bags to mail to subscribers. Although these bags are very effective in protecting issues from damage during transport, they are not biodegradable and pose serious environmental problems. A number of you have written to us to suggest that we change to biodegradable plastic or paper wrappers or no wrappers at all. We have considered the alternatives and have chosen the one imposing the least environmental threat-no wrappers for issues mailing to addresses within the United States. Second class postage regulations require that wrappers be used to mail issues outside the United States.

We hope your issues of The Journal of Trauma© Injury, Infection, and Critical Care arrive in good condition. If they do not, please telephone us at 1-800-638-6423.
Vice President
Society Publishing

Editorial Board


The Journal of Trauma?/sup> Injury, Infection, and Critical Care is published 12 times per year by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins in two volumes beginning in January and July. Content focuses specifically on traumatic injuries giving the reader hands-on coverage of this fast-growing specialty. Articles cover everything from the nature of the injury to the effects of new drug therapies... from recommendations for more effective surgical approaches to the latest laboratory findings.

Business Correspondence

John Ewers
Lippincott William & Wilkins
351 West Camden Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone: 410-528-4088

Account Manager
Paul Cook

Editorial Correspondence

Basil A Pruitt, Jr., MD
Journal of Trauma® Editorial Office
7330 San Pedro
Suite 654
San Antonio, TX 78216
Phone: 210-342-7903
Fax: 210-342-2966
Email: jtrauma@uthscsa.edu

  • Index Medicus/Medline
  • EMBASE/Excerpta Medica
  • Current Contents/Clinical Medicine
  • Science Citation Index
  • Category: Surgery
  • Impact Factor: 1.531
  • Rank: 38th of 139

Information above cited from the 2001 Institute for Scientific Information Journal Citation Report (ISI)


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