

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版社:SPRINGER, ONE NEW YORK PLAZA, SUITE 4600 , NEW YORK, United States, NY, 10004

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal



Journal of Thermal Spray Technology

From the scientific to the practical¡ª stay on top of advances in this fast-growing coating technology

  • Critically reviewed scientific papers and engineering articles combine the best of new research with the latest applications and problem solving
  • Covers all fundamental and practical aspects of thermal spray science, including processes, feedstock manufacture, and testing and characterization
  • Contains worldwide coverage of the latest research, products, equipment and process developments
  • Includes technical note case studies from real-time applications and in-depth topical reviews
  • Provides abstracts of recent technical literature with patents and critically reviewed scientific papers
  • Covers industry news such as organizational changes and event listings

Instructions to Authors

The Journal of Thermal Spray Technology publishes contributions of news, technical notes, and archival peer-reviewed papers, including processes, feedstock manufacture, testing and characterization, and engineering applications. The scope of JTST encompasses both fundamental and practical aspects of this technology.

A manuscript will be published according to subject matter as either a "peer-reviewed paper" or a "technical note." Assignment will be made by the Editorial Office, but author guidance is appreciated.

All manuscripts, including symposia, will be judged by one or two qualified reviewers, assigned by the Editor or an Associate Editor. The review will be conducted against established criteria to determine technical quality. The reviewers each submit a recommendation to the editorial office regarding the merit of the manuscript, but the Editor or Associate Editor provides a final decision on acceptance of the paper for publication.

Submission for publication is representation that neither the manuscript nor the basic information in the manuscript has been copyrighted, published, or submitted for publication elsewhere. Prior publication is a basis for rejection except for special circumstances such as appearance in a conference or symposium proceedings that had very limited circulation. The prior publication history should be clearly noted on the manuscript. If the manuscript is under a prior copyright but still appropriate for publication in JTST, the author must have permission of the prior copyright holder for JTST to print the manuscript and to include it in an online version of the publication.

The Journal of Thermal Spray Technology publishes three classes of papers:

Reviews: Authors who intend to write extensive reviews are invited to submit an extended abstract (400-500 words) and a listing of section headings to the Editor prior to submission of the complete manuscript. It is expected that this prior discussion and planning of the paper will facilitate rapid publication.

Peer-Reviewed Papers: Manuscripts should represent completed original work embodying the results of extensive field, plant, laboratory, or theoretical investigation, or new interpretations of existing problems. Material must be considered to have significant permanent value. In addition to technical acceptability, material should be presented clearly and concisely in English. These articles will be identified by a "JTST Peer Reviewed" logo within JTST.

Technical Notes: This classification provides more rapid publication of short items. Abstracts and divisional headings are not used. The length for a Technical Note should be about 1,000 words of text, accompanied by whatever figures and tables may be required to support the text. Technical notes may be of the following categories:

  • Communications that detail case histories of practical importance concerning the demonstration and use of thermal spray coatings and associated technology.
  • Discussion of reviews, peer-reviewed papers or technical notes, which makes a contribution to a previously published article by providing confirmation or additional interpretation; it will be referred to all original authors for a reply, which will be published concurrently.
  • Announcements and summaries of computations and computer programs or other compilations that are available on request from the author or a specified agency.

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Manuscript Preparation
  1. Send one complete copy of all material, including cover letter to:
    Journal of Thermal Spray Technology
    Dr. Christopher C. Berndt, Editor
    Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering
    Stony Brook University
    Stony Brook, New York 11794-2275
    Phone: 631/632-8507
    Fax: 631/632-8525

    E-mail: JTST@sunysb.edu
    Home Page: http://DOL1.eng.sunysb.edu/tsl/berndt1.html

    The cover letter should include the following: (1) complete names, titles,  and current mailing address of all authors. E-mail address, fax and   telephone number for the corresponding author should be included and will be  printed in the JTST article. Contact information should also be included for  at least one co-author. If there is only one author, please provide contact  information for an assistant or co-worker as backup. (2) Where the work was performed (if relevant).

    Manuscripts that have been published or submitted for publication in other periodicals and books will not be considered for publication in the Journal  of Thermal Spray Technology.
  2. Submit one copy, complete with abstract, tables, and figures and 3-5 keywords. All manuscripts submitted to the Journal must be in final form and in English. All copy(abstract, text, footnotes, references, figure captions)should be typed double‑spaced.  All text pages must be numbered consecutively.  One copy of micrographs and/or line drawings is required for review purposes. To reduce the amount of time between submission and publication and ensure accuracy, authors are additionally required to submit the article electronically on computer disk* (3.5 in. high density disk or zip disk-IBM compatible) with all components of the manuscript text, tables, references, and figure captions included. Please place tables at the end of document. Electronic disk and hard copy must match exactly.  Word document is preferred; please specify what software was used, including which release. Please keep a backup disk for reference. The Editor will acknowledge receipt of the manuscript at the editorial office within five working days.
    *Electronic files may also be sent via e-mail to Cathy McNeill (cmcneill@asminternational.org). Please send over several e-mails if submitting large files.
    •   Copyright transfer form and electronic disk must accompany the  manuscript. See section entitled COPYRIGHT POLICY that follows. The copyright transfer form can be downloaded from http://www.asminternational.org/pdf/JTSTCT03.pdf.
    • A separate list of figure captions should be included (double‑spaced)in addition to the caption appearing with each figure.
    • All tabulated data identified as tables should be given a table number and descriptive caption. Tables should be numbered consecutively.
  3. Figures (halftones and line drawings) should be designed for final  printing in single column 8.5 cm (3‑1/4 in.) width. Double column 18 cm (7 in.) treatment will be used only when required by the complexity of the material.
    • Line drawings. These should be no smaller than 4-1/4 inches wide, and no larger than 22 X 28 cm (8‑1/2 X 11 in.). Text should be at least 1/8 inch high and clearly legible.
    •   Photographic material. One mounted set of glossy prints with captions should be furnished. These should be protected by cardboard to avoid creases and markings. Staples, tape or clips should not be used. If necessary, indicate suitable framing, position, and proportion on a working copy. Photocopies are not acceptable.
    • Electronic art submission. If illustrations are available in electronic form, please include them on a separate disk labeled with the drawing program and computer type used. Tif files are preferred with a 300 dpi resolution for photos and micrographs and 1200 dpi resolution for line drawings. Please do not embed art into a Word document. This causes art to default to 72 dpi, resulting in low resolution art not suitable for print production. Please include micron bars on all micrographs and avoid thin lines and gray shading. NOTE:  If art is submitted in Word document or low resolution electronic files, it is currently necessary to also include camera-ready copies of illustrations per above specifications.
    • Color printing of photographic material can be arranged, but this will involve a cost billed to the author. Authors should contact Ellyn Vander Kaay, Journals Coordinator (Contact e-mail: evander@asminternational.org; phone 440/338-5151, ext. 5518 regarding specific papers.
    • Original drawings and photographic material will be returned to the author after publication upon written request made at the time of   submission.
  4. The title of the contribution should be succinct (no greater than 15 words) and clearly describe the focus of the work. The full contact address of the author for all inquiries and correspondence must be available and will be included in the printed JTST article. The Editor would also appreciate the e-mail address, fax number, and telephone number for expediting the review and editorial processes. Contact information should also be included for at least one coauthor. If there is only one author, please provide contact information for an assistant or co-worker as backup. 

  5. The abstract is the author's summary of a scientific paper and is included in the review procedure. It should indicate newly observed facts, conclusions, and the essential parts of any new theory, treatment, apparatus, technique, etc. It should be concise and informative and only in exceptional cases exceed 200 words.

  6. References should be double‑spaced and listed on a separate sheet. The required format is shown in the section entitled STYLING OF REFERENCES. Reference to unpublished work that is difficult to obtain (such as classified or secret works) should be kept to a minimum. Editor may ask for further clarification or substantiation of such references.

  7. Extensive revision at the author's option of text or figures in proof is costly and will be charged to the author. Typographical errors may be corrected and references updated without charge.

  8. There are no facilities for translating or making editorial revisions of contributions written in foreign language.

  9. The policy of the Journal of Thermal Spray Technology is to use the International System of Units (SI). For guidelines, see National Bureau of Standards Special Publication 003‑003‑02380‑9 (for sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402). If other units are required for special situations, a conversion to SI must be provided in parentheses or in a table.

  10. Avoid the use of trade names and proprietary information whenever possible.Such use can occasionally be justified if this is the best way to specify a particular material or process. Company name and location (city, state, and country) must accompany trade name use.

  11. A series of papers dealing with the separate aspects of a subject should be cross referenced. Divisions, such as Part I and Part II, are not recommended as they complicate the review procedure and abstract listings. If such divisions are considered essential, they should be justified by the author at the time of submission and are subject to approval in review.

  12. Table of Symbols and their corresponding dimensional units should be included when symbols are used extensively throughout a paper.

Styling of References

Reference citations must allow: (a) the relevance of the article with regard to the present work to be established, and (b) the ready location of such articles. Include as much information as possible (as detailed below) so that the Editorial Office can make appropriate formatting and style adjustments.

The following general rules are mandatory for all manuscripts.

  1. Use the abbreviations ¡°Anon.¡± for an anonymous author(s).
  2. Article titles must be included.
  3. The text language must be indicated if it is not in English. State the language of the paper in parenthesis at the end of the citation; i.e. ¡°(in German)¡± or ¡°(in English and German)¡±.
  4. All authors' names should be listed.
  5. A referenced journal should be readily available by subscription and included in most library collections. Use journal abbreviations as given in the current listing of Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index.

    Example: Authors: ¡°Article Title,¡± Journal, year, volume(issue number), pages (language).

    R.A. Miller, P. Agarwal, and E.C. Duderstadt: ¡°Life Modelling of Atmospheric and Low Pressure Plasma Sprayed Thermal Barrier Coatings,¡± Ceram. Eng. Sci Proc., 1984, 5(78), pp. 470-78 (in German).
  6. References to articles in books should include the title and the pages within the book. Many conference proceedings fall in this classification.

    Example: Authors, Book Title, edition, Editor(s), Publisher, City, State, year, pages.

    J. Sickfield: ¡°Pull-off Test¡± in Adhesion Aspects of Polymeric Coatings, 2nd ed., K.L. Mittal, ed., Plenum Press, New York, NY, 1983, pp. 543-67.

    Anon: ASTM Designation C633, in 19th Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 17, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, 1969, pp. 636-42.
  7. A private communication, unpublished research, or company and agency reports may be cited when required. The citation must include the affiliation and, where necessary, the address of the person involved as well as the year. Papers presented at meetings but not published are in this category. These must contain the Dissertation Abstracts number, if available.


    J. Smith: ¡°ABC Coatings-A New Technology,¡± AAA Company, New York, NY, promotional literature, undated.

    P.A. Siemers and W.B. Hillig: ¡°Thermal Barrier Coated Turbine Blade Study.¡± NASA Cr-165351, NASA-LeRC, Cleveland, OH, Aug 1981.

    P. Ostojoc: ¡°The Adhesion of Thermally Sprayed Coatings,¡± Ph.D. Thesis, Monash University, Clayton, 3168, Australia, 1986.
  8. In press references must include the journal name and as many details as are available at that time.
  9. References such as submitted for publication and to be published should not be used. Such citations can be treated in the same fashion as 7 above.

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Publication of Symposium Papers

There are special situations when it is desirable to publish a group of papers concurrently in JTST. Typically, these arise when a technical committee has organized a limited meeting program of two or three half-day sessions on a particular theme. The material must be original, of high quality, and closely correlated but not sufficient in volume to justify a monograph or proceedings-type publication.

To obtain approval, the chairman of the symposium program should write to the Editor outlining the symposium scope and the papers to be considered, and abstracts if available. On receipt of this information, the Editor will determine suitability of the material for a focused issue. All manuscripts in the symposium will be reviewed according to JTST standard review procedure.

Copyright Policy

JTST is subject to the U.S. Copyright Law which became effective on January 1, 1978. Accordingly, the signed copyright transfer form must be received in the Editorial Office before an article can be processed for publication. This form, published in each issue of JTST and downloaded from http://www.asminternational.org/pdf/JTSTCT03.pdf, may be duplicated and must be signed by each author unless excepted as noted under Part A, "work made for hire" or Part B, which pertains to U.S. Government employees. Other copyright transfer forms may not be substituted for this form.

The copyright transfer becomes effective when the manuscript is accepted for publication. If the article is not published in JTST, the copyright transfer will not take effect. As the copyright owner for articles in JTST, ASM International® will continue to promote the widest dissemination of the technical information printed in this journal.

Editorial Board


Joachim Heberlein, Chair


University of Minnesota

Christian Moreau, Vice Chair/Secretary National Research Council
Christopher C. Berndt Stony Brook University
Pavel J. Chraska Institut of Plasma Physics ASCR
Christian Coddet Institut Polytechnique Belfort-Montbeliard
Daryl E. Crawmer Thermal Spray Technologies
Pierre Fauchais University de Limoges
Patrick S. Grant Oxford University
Peter Hanneforth Sulzer Metco U.S. Inc.
Peter Heinrich Geschaftsstelle Der GTS E.V.
Y.C. Lau GE Research & Development Center
Sang-Ha Leigh Caterpillar
Montia C. Nestler Sulzer Metco
Dong-Wha Park Inha University
Purush Sahoo Sermatech International
Elliott R. Sampson Praxair TAFA, Inc.
Roland D. Seals Oak Ridge Y-12 National Security Complex
Mark F. Smith Sandia National Laboratories
Robert C. Tucker, Jr. The Tucker Group, LLC
Jan O. Wigren, Sr. Volvo Aero Corp.
Toyonobu Yoshida University of Tokyo

The Journal of Thermal Spray Technology Editorial Committee serves an important role in making sure the JTST remains the pivotal peer-reviewed journal in its field. The Editorial Committee identifies major trends and developments in thermal spray technology, and aids the JTST editor in manuscript acquisition in order to present timely and significant reviewed information to subscribers. The committee also reviews the publication for technical quality, currentness and fulfillment of stated scope. We thank these individuals for their efforts and their employers for granting them the time to make such a significant contribution to the advancement of thermal spray.


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