

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


The Journal of the World Aquaculture Society is an international scientific journal publishing original, peer-reviewed, English-language papers on the culture of aquatic plants and animals. The Journal, published quarterly, covers nutrition, disease, genetics and breeding, physiology, environmental quality, culture systems engineering, husbandry practices, and economics and marketing as well as a number of other topics related to the culture of aquatic organisms. The Journal is listed in Current Contents as well as several other major Contents/Abstracting services and currently has a citation factor of 0.727.

Papers are selected for publication based on scientific competence and the significance of the knowledge or ideas presented. Four categories of papers are published in the Journal. Review Articles provide objective synthesis of a subject of importance in aquaculture. Research Articles are full scientific reports of original research. Research Notes differ from research articles on the basis of scope, not quality, and are generally shorter and of narrower scientific focus. Finally, Communications are brief reports of new observations, concepts, or methodologies.

Instructions to Authors


  • How to Submit a Paper
  • Editorial Policies
  • Checklist for Manuscript Preparation
  • Helpful Hints for Authors
  • On-line Abstracts


    Checklist for Manuscript Preparation
    (Check items and submit with manuscript)
    or print this in pdf format

    I. General Instructions

    ___ Type or print manuscripts on 22 x 28 cm (8?x 11 inch) or A4 (21 x 30 cm) paper.

    ___ Use any standard 10 or 12 pt typeface. Do not use italic, bold, or other non-standard type. Underline words to be italicized. Do not justify right margins. Indent the first sentence of all paragraphs.

    ___ Double-space throughout, including title page, abstract, literature cited, tables, and figure legends.

    ___ Leave at least a 2.5-cm (1-inch) margin on all sides.

    ___ Do not hyphenate a word at the end of a sentence.

    ___ Number all pages sequentially.

    ___ Use metric units of measurement. When needed, English equivalents may be given in parentheses.

    ___ Abbreviations accepted without definition are listed on the inside back cover of the Journal. Designate temperature as 20 C. Define all other abbreviations the first time they are used.

    ___ Express ratios by using a slant line (e.g., mg/L).

    ___ Scientific names should accompany common names in the title and when they are first mentioned in the abstract and in the text. Authority for scientific names need not accompany the genus and species unless needed for clarity.

    ___ Spell out one to ten unless followed by a unit of measurement (e.g., four fish, 4 kg, 14 fish). Do not begin a sentence with a numeral. Use 1,000 instead of 1000; 0.13 instead of .13; and % instead of percent.

    ___ Use the 24-hour clock for dial time: 0830, not 8:30 a.m. Calendar date should be day month year (7 August 1990).

    ___ Each reference cited in the text must be listed in the Literature Cited section, and vice versa.

    ___ Literature citations in the text follow the name-and-year system.

    1. One author: Jones (1994) or (Jones 1994)

    2. Two authors: Smith and Jones (1994) or (Smith and Jones 1994)

    3. Three or more authors: Smith et al. (1994) or (Smith et al. 1994)

    4. Manuscripts accepted for publication: Jones (in press) or (Jones, in press)

    5. Reference to unpublished data or personal communications is strongly discouraged. If necessary, cite as R. Ishihara (Humboldt State University, unpublished data) or R. Ishihara (Humboldt State University, personal communication).

    6. Within parentheses, use a semicolon to separate multiple citations of literature and figures and tables (Smith 1991; Jones 1994) (Table 1; Fig. 2). Cite multiple references within parentheses by year, with the oldest first.

    ___ Use "Figure" only to start a sentence; otherwise use "Fig." or "Figs." (e.g., Fig. 5; Figs. 5, 6). Spell out "Table" in all useages.

    ___ Assemble the manuscript in this order: title page, abstract page, text, literature cited, tables, figure legends, figures.


    II. Title Page (Page 1)

    ___ Near the middle of the page, type the title of the paper, centered, in capital and lower case letters (e.g., Acute Toxicity of Copper Sulfate to Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus).

    ___ Below the title, type the author(s) names, affiliation(s), and unabbreviated complete address(es). If the author is currently at another location, include a superscript number after the name and provide the full present address as a footnote.

    ___ In papers written by authors at different addresses, type the name and address of the first author, the name and address of the second author, and so on.

    ___ In multiauthored papers, type "Corresponding author:" and follow with the full mailing address of the author responsible for correspondence. Type this near the bottom of the page, but above any footnotes.

    III. Abstract page (Page 2)

    ___ Type the heading "Abstract," centered, at the top of the page.

    ___ Abstract must be one paragraph. Do not cite references or use abbreviations other than those listed on the back cover of the Journal.

    ___ Be concise (normally not more than 3% of the text length) but include why you did the study, how you did it, the results of the study, and what the results mean.

    ___ "Communications" do not have an abstract.

    IV. Text (Beginning on page 3 for full papers; on page 2 for Communications)

    ___ Follow general instructions in Section I.

    ___ Begin with an introduction that concisely establishes the purpose and importance of the work. Do not use a heading for this section.

    ___ Subsequent sections in the text should include centered headings in capital and lower case letters. Typical main headings are Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Acknowledgments. Do not start these sections with a new page.

    ___ Second level headings (if required) are centered, in capital and lower case letters, and underlined. Do not use third level headings.

    ___ Acknowledgments should contain grant and contribution numbers. Acknowledge only those people and institutions that contributed directly to the research or manuscript quality.

    V. Literature Cited

    ___ Start this section at the top of a new page.

    ___ Verify all entries against citations in the text.

    ___ Verify the accuracy of all entries against the original sources, especially journal titles, authors, pages, and spelling.

    ___ Start the first line of each entry at the left margin and indent other lines.

    ___ Alphabetize entries first by the surnames of the senior authors and first word or acronym of corporate authors; second by the initials of senior authors with the same surname (e.g., Smith, B. F. precedes Smith, J. W.); and third, by the surnames of the junior authors. Single authored citations precede multiauthored works by the same senior author regardless of date.

    ___ List multiple works by the same authors by date.

    ___ Distinguish papers by the same author in the same year by putting lower case letters after the date (e.g. 1994a, 1994b). Be sure that such date citations within the text correspond to the dates in the Literature Cited.

    ___ Spell out journal names in full.

    The following illustrates some common citation formats.

    Journal Article:

    Xu, D. and W. A. Rogers. 1993. Oxytetracycline residues in           hybrid striped bass muscle. Journal of the World           Aquaculture Society 24:466-472.


    Boyd, C. E. 1982. Water quality management for pond fish            culture. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company,            Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

    Stickney, R. R., editor. 1986. Culture of nonsalmonid freshwater             fishes. CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida, USA.

    Article or chapter in a book:

    Ward, P. D. 1982. The development of bacterial vaccines for             fish. Pages 47-58 in R. J. Roberts, editor. Microbial             diseases of fish. Academic Press, New York, New             York, USA.

    Dissertation or Thesis:

    Hymel, T. M. 1985. Water quality dynamics in commercial             crawfish ponds and toxicity of selected water quality             variables to Procambarus clarkii. Master's thesis.             Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana,             USA.

    VI. Tables (Continue page numbering)

    ___ Start each table on a new sheet.

    ___ Double space everything, including title, column headings, and all entries. Do not reduce type size in an effort to fit the table on one page. Use the same size type as the text. Print tables broadside, if necessary, to allow adequate margins. In extreme instances, continue the table on a second page.

    ___ Type the table caption at the top of the page. Start at the left margin with the table number, which should be in Arabic followed by a period (e.g., Table 4.). Follow with the table title using sentence-style capitalization (not title-style).

    ___ Place a single horizontal line beneath the table title.

    ___ Use single horizontal lines to separate column heads.

    ___ Use a single horizontal line to indicate the end of the table.

    ___ Do not use vertical lines in the table.

    ___ Indicate footnotes by lowercase superscript letters (a, b, c, etc.).

    VII. Figure Legend (Continue page numbering)

    ___ List all figure captions sequentially on one or more pages, double spaced. Do not use a separate page for each caption and do not put captions on the same page as the figure.

    ___ Type the first line at the margin for each entry. Indent other lines. Spell out "Figure" followed by an arabic number. Use sentence-style capitalization of the caption:



    Figure 1. Growth of Peneaus setiferus over time at various combinations of water exchange and stocking density.

    ___ Do not include symbols (dots, circles, triangles, etc.) in the figure captions. Label them in the figure or refer to them by name in the caption.

    ___ Do not refer to magnification of photomicrographs in the caption: figures will be reduced when printed so they will be wrong if given in the caption. Place a bar scale directly on each photo and give its equivalent length in the caption (e.g., bar = 25 mm).

    VIII. Illustrations

    Line Drawings

    ___ Submit xerographic copies of line drawings with the initial manuscript submission. Original artwork should be submitted with the final accepted manuscript copy. Original line drawings give best printing fidelity and should be drawn in black ink with mechanical drafting equipment or output through a laser printer. Photographs of line drawings are often slightly out of focus and are not encouraged.

    ___ Lettering should be clear and large enough to withstand at least 50% reduction without becoming illegible. A clean sans serif typeface (such as Helvetica or Univers) is preferred. Lettering on a figure 20 cm wide should be at least 4.5 mm high (18-point type) to withstand reduction.

    ___ Typed or handwritten letters or symbols are unacceptable.

    ___ Write a small number near the top, right-hand corner of each illustration for cross reference with the figure caption.


    ___ Submit four sets of photographs with the initial manuscript submission.

    ___ Lightly write the figure number and author’s name on the back of each photograph. Indicate the top of each photo.

    ___ Print photographs on glossy paper with good contrast.

    ___ Color illustrations will not be accepted without approval of the editor. The cost of color reproduction must be paid for by the author.

    IX. What and Where to Submit

    ___ Submit four high-quality copies of the manuscript, tables, and line drawings. Submit four sets of photographs.

    ___ Submit a cover letter that includes (1) a statement that no substantial part of the manuscript has been published or submitted for publication elsewhere; (2) a list of colleagues who have seen or reviewed the manuscript in draft; (3) complete mailing address and any address change during the next several months for the corresponding author; and (4) telephone, FAX, and e-mail address for the corresponding author.

    ___ Submit this checklist with completed items marked.

    ___ Make sure that everything is adequately packaged for mailing.

    ___ Submit to:

    Dr. Harry Daniels
    North Carolina State University
    Department of Zoology
    1607 S. Gardner
    Campus Box 7617
    Raleigh, NC 27695

    E-Mail: harry_daniels@ncsu.edu

    Phone +1-919-515-4589
    FAX +1-919-515-5327
    e-mail harry_daniels@ncsu.edu

  • Editorial Board


    Submit this checklist with completed items marked.

     Make sure that everything is adequately packaged for mailing.

    Submit to:

    Dr. Harry Daniels
    North Carolina State University
    Department of Zoology
    1607 S. Gardner
    Campus Box 7617
    Raleigh, NC 27695


    Phone +1-919-515-4589
    FAX +1-919-515-5327


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