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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal



Edited by:

Jean-Paul Ortonne

Print ISSN: 0926-9959
Online ISSN: 1468-3083
Frequency: Bi-monthly
Current Volume: 18
ISI Journal Citation Reports® Ranking: 2003: 16/38 (Dermatology)
Impact Factor: 1.368

The Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology publishes articles of general and practical interest in the field of Dermatology and Venereology on clinical and basic science topics, as well as research with practical implications. The Journal also publishes: editorials, review and practice articles, original papers of general interest, short reports, case reports, letters to the editor, news items, features and Academy announcements.

Referee Report Form
Please complete the following form and submit it to the Editor by clicking on the "Send Form" button at the end. http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/static/jdv_rrf.asp

Indexed/Abstracted in

Core Journals in Dermatology
Current Contents/Clinical Medicine
Index Medicus/MEDLINE
Oncology and Information Service
Research Alert

Instructions to Authors


The Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology is the official organ of the Academy. It welcomes contributions that advance the medical science and practice of dermatology and venereology. Emphasis is placed upon aspects of the speciality that are of interest to the practising dermatovenereologist.

These guidelines are in accordance with the 'Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals' a document issued by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. The complete document is published in Medical Education 1999; 33:66-78.

Libel: It is the author's responsibility to ensure that no part of any manuscript submitted for publication in the journal will be libellous or infringe upon or violate any copyright or any other personal or proprietary rights, or negligently contain material which will be harmful or otherwise be unlawful.

Conflict of Interest: Authors are request to disclose to the editors any financial or other arrangement they may have with a company whose product is mentioned in this article, or with a company making a competing product. Financial interest in companies whose products may be affected by the article shall be similarly disclosed.

Ethics: Human subject experiments should be in accordance with the ethical standards of a responsible committee and with the Helsinki Declaration. Animal studies should also be carried out within recognised guidelines for the care of laboratory animals.

Types of Contribution: Manuscripts are welcome from all countries in the following categories and preference will be given to articles that fall within the limits and definitions given:

Editorials: Should be initially discussed with the Editor. Brief substantiated commentary on particular subjects. Max. 500 words.

Reviews: Should be initially discussed with the Editor. Review of several clinical studies or a pattern appearing in several cases. Max. 20,000 words.

Original Research Articles: Original, in-depth clinical and investigative laboratory research articles. Max. 10,000 words.

Case Reports: Brief individual case reports on unusual interest. Max 6,000 words.

Letters to the Editor: Comments on articles already published. Urgent and brief reports. Max. 600 words with one figure, six references.

Book Reviews: 800 words.

Conference Reports: Concise statements summarising material of interest presented at major meetings and seminars.

Submission of Manuscripts:

 JEADV strongly encourages online submission of manuscripts. Original articles should be submitted through http://jeadv.manuscriptcentral.com Support for online submission is available at http://blackwellsupport.custhelp.com or by e-mail to manuscriptcentral@blacksci.co.uk Telephone support is available in the USA (+1 866 849 3738). If online submission is not possible, authors should send original papers with a disk to Professor Jean-Paul Ortonne, Hôpital L¡¯Archet 2, Senice de Dermatologie, 151 Rovtede St Antoine de Ginesti¨¨re, BP 3079, 06202 Nice Cedex 3, france. E-mail: ortonne@unice.fr

Submission of an article is understood to imply that the article is original and unpublished and not being considered for publication elsewhere, and should be accompanied by a declaration to this effect. Submission of multi-authored manuscripts implies the consent of each of the authors. On acceptance, a signed Copyright Assignment Form will be required. Manuscripts should be in their final form when submitted. All articles will be subject to peer-review by one or more referees. Four copies of the final form of the manuscript are required, accompanied by a matching electronic disk containing the manuscript.

Electronic Submission: Manuscripts are published from disk and must be provided in this form. The text should be generic Rich Text Format (RTF) or a Microsoft Word file. This reduces typesetting errors and speeds up publication.

The final version of the hard copy and the file on disk must be the same. Carriage returns should not be used at the ends of lines within paragraphs. The hyphenation option should be turned off. Disks will not be returned to authors.

Preparation of Manuscripts: Although English is the main language of the journal, a large number of authors and readers will have a first language other than English. It is important, therefore, that authors write in a clear and concise manner.

The entire manuscript (including tables, figure legends and references) should be typed double-space, on one side of the page only and with a wide left hand margin. Every part of the manuscript, including the title page, references, tables, etc., should be numbered. The author(s) should retain a complete copy of the manuscript: the original cannot be returned.

Organisation of Manuscripts Title Page: This should contain (1) Full title; (2) Name(s) of the author(s); (3) Complete postal address(es) of the affiliation(s) of the author(s); (4) List of keywords (4-6 items) for indexing purposes. (Use the Medical Subject Headings from Index Medicus); (5) Complete correspondence address to which the proofs should be sent (also offprint requests); (6) Complete telephone, fax numbers and e-mail address.

Abstract: Structured abstracts are preferred: using headings in the abstract is encouraged, e.g. objective/aim, background, study design, setting, subjects, methods, intervention, main outcome, results. The abstract should be suitable for translation into other European languages.

Main Text: Divide into sections for clarity: e.g. Introduction, Materials and Methods, Subjects, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion etc.

References: References should be limited in number, weighted in favour of recent material and verified against the original references. They must accord with the 'Uniform Requirements' (see above - General editorial requirements). All publications cited in the text should be presented in a list of references following the text of the manuscript. References should be numbered in accordance with appearance in the text. Examples:

[1] Yirrell DL, Vestey JP. Human of infections. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venerol. 1994;3; 451-459.
[2] Bartolom¨¦ B, C¨®rdoba S, Nieto S, Fern¨¢ndez-Herrera J, Garc¨ªa-D¨ªez A. Acute arsenic poisoning: clinical and histopathological features. Br J Dermatol. 1999;141; 1106-1109.
[3] Higgins E. du Vivier A. Skin Disease in Childhood and Adolescence. Oxford. Blackwell Science. 1996.
[4] Baran R, Haneke E. Tumours of the Nail Apparatus and Adjacent Tissues. In: Baran R, Dawber RPR, editors. Diseases of the Nails and their Management. 2nd ed. Oxford. Blackwell Science, 1994: 417-497.

References concerning unpublished data and 'personal' communications should not be cited in the list of references, but may be mentioned in the text.

Tables: Tables should be presented on separate sheets of paper and be of such a format, size and layout that the information given is obvious after short inspection. They should have brief and self-explanatory titles and be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text. The text should include references to all tables. Any explanation essential to the understanding of the table should be given in footnotes to the table.

Figures: Figures should be submitted either as original, unmounted artwork suitable reproduction or as glossy photographs to fit either single or double columns (max. 7.5 or 16 cm) or the printed page length (max. 20 cm). The back of each figure should carry the following information: figure number, first author's name, and an arrow indicating the top of the figure. With photographs, care should be taken not to break the photographic emulsion. A limited number of colour illustrations will be accepted. Photomicrographics should include a scale bar. Any notation used within the figure should be large enough to be legible after reduction (at least 2mm). The text should include references to all figures. Figures should be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text. Legends to micrographs should mention the staining technique. Patients appearing in photographs should have their identity concealed or should give written consent to publication.

Legends: In the full-text online edition of the journal figure legends may be truncated in abbreviated links to the full screen version. Therefore the first 100 characters of any legend should inform the reader of key aspects of the figure.

Please also send us digital versions of your figures. More details are available on our Digital Illustrations Page.

Footnotes: Footnotes should only be used if absolutely essential. In most cases it will be possible to incorporate the information in normal text. If used, they should in the text, indicated by superscript numbers, and kept as short as possible. CopyrightAny material which has been published elsewhere must be accompanied by written consent to republication by the copyright holder and the authors.

Following acceptance for publication in the journal, the corresponding author will be asked to transfer copyright to the Publisher on behalf of all co-authors. ProofsOne set of proofs will be sent to the corresponding author as given on the title page of the manuscript. Only typesetter's errors may be corrected; no changes in, or additions to, the edited manuscript will be allowed.

Corrected proofs should be returned to the Publisher within two days or receipt.

All questions arising after acceptance of the manuscript, especially those relating to proofs, should be directed to:

The Production Editor
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
Blackwell Publishing
9600 Garsington Road
Tel: +44 (0) 1865 476470
Fax: : +44 (0) 1865 471470
E-mail: vicky.taylor@oxon.blackwellpublishing.com

Offprints: Fifty offprints will be supplied free of charge. Additional offprints can be ordered on an offprint form which will be sent to the corresponding author by the Publisher.

The Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology has no page charges.


Editorial Board

Editorial Information

Professor Jean-Paul Ortonne
Hôpital L'Archet 2
Service de Dermatologie
151 rte St Antoine de Ginesti¨¨re
BP 3079
06202 Nice cedex 3
e-mail: ortonne@unice.fr

Editorial Office

Maryse Clappier
Hôpital L'Archet 2
Service de Dermatologie
151 rte St Antoine de Ginesti¨¨re
BP 3079
06202 Nice cedex 3
Tel: +33 4  9203 6119
Fax: +33 4 9203 6532
e-mail: maryse.clappier@unice.fr


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