

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


The Ceramic Society of Japan welcomes submission of any paper concerning ceramics to JOURNAL OF THE CERAMIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN (JCerSJ). The JCerSJ is a highly ranked international journal and contributes to the development of basic science, application, technology and industry of ceramics-related materials. Now about 250 papers full of variety are on the JCerSJ a year. The JCerSJ is sincerely looking forward to your submission!

Instructions to Authors

1.  Aims
  The Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan contains theoretical and experimental articles 
in the fields of both traditional and modern ceramic science and technology.
  2.  Qualification of Authors
It is preferable that at least one of the authors is a member of the Ceramic Society of 

  3.  Category of Articles

  3.1  Articles are classified as (1) Review, (2) Paper, (3) Ceramic letter, (4) Technical 
report (technical, experimental test or survey report), (5) Note, and (6) Discussion.
  3.2  Length of articles in printed form should be as follows:
       Review: 7 pages or less.
       Paper: Not limited but preferably concise, conclusive and comprehensive.
       Ceramic letter: 3 pages or less.
       Technical report: 5 pages or less.
       Note: 3 pages or less.
       Discussion: 1 page.
One printed page contains approximately 1,000 words. Word count should be reduced about 100 
words for each average-sized figure and table.
  3.3  Review should be related to specified subjects of science and technology of ceramics 
and should contain survey on domestic and foreign references as well as author' s original 
view, opinion or discussion on the subjects.
  3.4  Paper should be unpublished work in printed form and should contain original research, 
discussion or valuable conclusions. Papers published in proceedings of international meetings 
are judged to be published.
  3.5  Ceramic letter should contain high degree of originality and important findings or 
conclusions together with evidence which supports the findings. Ceramic letter is published 
with high priority. Papers published in proceedings of international meetings are judged to 
be published.
  3.6  Technical report should contain valuable data, results or conclusions relevant to 
experiments, test, and evaluation of ceramics, to product development, improvement of 
processes and devices, and to field survey of raw materials.
  3.7  Note may not be conclusive but should contain new and important findings, valuable 
data, or conclusions.
  3.8  Discussion is a comment or comments on papers published in the Journal. Discussion 
should be submitted not later than 7 months after the publication of the papers. Reply by the 
original author will also be published.
  4.  Manuscript Requirements
  4.1  Manuscript should be written in Japanese or in English.
  4.2  All submissions in English should be typed double-spaced on one side only of white 
bond A4 paper. One page contains about 26 lines. Left and right margins should be at least 
3 cm each.
  4.3  The first page of the manuscript should provide the category of articles, title, 
authors'  name, authors'  affiliation, addresses, name of the responsible author and the 
address for correspondence (When a paper is prepared by plural number of authors, one author 
with responsibility should be indicated), and request for rewrite service in English 
(see 6. Rewriting Service).
  4.4  Abstract not exceeding 300 words is required for all kinds of articles except 
discussion. The abstract should be typed on the first page or on a separate sheet. Key-words 
up to 8 words should be given following the abstract. The key-words express properly the 
information (substances, methods and conclusions) in the paper.
  4.5  Text for articles except Note should be divided into three or more sections (Note 
should not be subdivided into sections). Typical section titles are (1) Introduction, 
(2) Experimental, (3) Results, (4) Discussion, and (5) Conclusions (or Summary). Sections can 
be divided into two or more subsections. Sections and Subsections are indicated by the point 
system as shown in the following example.
         2.2  Characterization of PZT thin film
         The thickness of the film used for the characterization was about 2 ??m. The 
       constituent phases and the orientation of the film were identified by X-ray 
       diffraction (XRD)............
                                    3.  Results
         3.1  Deposition characteristics
       Figure 1 shows the XRD patterns of the films prepared under high and low PO2 
       from 35C to 55C. For PZT phase, (h00) and (00l) reflections were observed 
       irrespective of PO2......
  4.6  Terminology should be used consistently. Either a formula or a chemical name can be 
used for a substance, but it should be used throughout the paper. Abbreviations may be used, 
but they should be defined at the first time when they are used.
X-ray diffraction (XRD), Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS), 
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
  4.7  Mathematical equation, if it is an independent equation, should be expressed in 
such a form of
              a            a + b
             ---  and/or  -------  .
              b            c + d
Equation included in a sentence should be expressed as follows, 
                      a/b and/or (a + b)/(c + d).
  4.8  The use of Footnote is limited. The information should be included in the text.
  4.9  References should be numbered in the order in which they appear in the paper and 
indicated by the form of 1),2), or 1)-5). References are limited to easily available 
materials. When a reference is indicated by authors'  name in the text and the number of 
the authors are more than 3, the first author' s name should be referred to, as Lawn et al.1)
  All references should be listed at the end of the text on separate sheets in the order of 
numbering. All authors'  names should be presented in the reference list. Reference to 
periodical papers should include (as applicable) the authors'  names, periodical title, volume 
number, page range, and year. Title of periodicals should be abbreviated in accordance with 
the Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index. Do not use ibid., when the same periodical is 
referred to in succession. Book references should include (as applicable) authors'  names, 
book title, editors'  names, publisher' s name, location, year of publication, and page range. 
Paper from proceedings should include the name of the publisher and the year of publication.
  1)  Garino, T. J. and Bowen, H. K., J. Am. Ceram. Soc., Vol.73, pp.251-257 (1990).
  2)  Nishino, J., Shiohara,Y. and Tanaka, S., J. Ceram. Soc. Japan, Vol.100, pp.138-143 (1992).
  3)  Iler, R. K., "Ceramic Chemical Processing", Ed. by Hench, L. L. and Ulrich, D. R., 
      Wiley-Interscience, New York (1986) pp.3-20.
  4)  Ukyo, Y., Sugiyama, N. and Wada, S., Proc. 1st Int. Symp. on the Science of 
      Engineering Ceramics, Ed. by Kimura, S. and Niihara, K., The Ceramic Society 
      of Japan (1991) pp.141-46.
  4.10  SI units (the international system of units; Systfeme Internationale d' Unit"es) 
should be used in the Journal. SI base units, SI prefixed, SI-derived units (including 
units called "SI supplementary units") are summarized in Tables 1-3. Also, the guide 
for unit usage recommended for the Journal is listed in Table 4 with non-SI units for 
temporary use and non-SI units discouraged.
  The followings are the instructions for the use of units of measure.
  1)  Compound units as products of two or more units should be expressed as follows;
for example: N.m or Nm or N x m
  2)  Compound units derived by division should be expressed as follows,
for example: m.s-1, m/s.
  3)  The solidus must not be repeated on the same line, if parentheses are not used,
for example: m/s2 or (m/s)/s, but not m/s/s
  4)  The use of SI prefixes should be in the following manner.
    4-1)  Compound prefixes by juxtaposing two or more prefixes must not be used,
          for example: nm but not: mum
    4-2)  In case of decimal multiple and submultiple of the unit of mass (kilogram, kg), 
          prefixes should be attached to gram (g) instead of kilogram,
          for example: mg, but not ukg
    4-3)  A prefix must not be used alone,
          for example: not M/m3
  The use of units for labels of axes in figures and column headings in tables should be in 
the following manner.
  1)  Physical quantities are expressed to be the products of the numerical values and units. 
      Thus, all the values in tables and figures should be dimensionless.
  2)  The recommended styles of labels of axes in figures and column headings in tables are 
      as follows.
    2-1)  Names of physical quantities and units of measure should be set in Roman face, 
          whereas symbols should be set in italic type. Subscript and superscript are 
          generally set in Roman face, but italic type subscript is appropriate only if 
          the combination of the symbol and the subscript is required to express the 
          physical quantity (e.g., Cp (heat capacity at constant pressure)).
    2-2)  The standard style is " 'Quantity name'/ 'Unit of measure' ",
          for example: Temperature/K
    2-3)  Another optional style is " 'Quantity name' , 'Quantity symbol' / 'Unit of measure'",
          for example: Temperature, T/K
    2-4)  If the physical quantity possesses no appropriate name or can be expressed only 
          with a complex name, the style "'Quantity symbol (or mathematical expression)'
           / 'Unit of measure'" can be used,
          for example: T-1/10-3K-1
    2-5)  The usage of quantity names, quantity symbols, and units of measure should be 
          based on the IUPAC recommendation; please refer  "Quantities, Units, and 
          Symbols in Physical Chemistry," Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, 1988.
    2-6)  Recommended and discouraged styles are listed in Table 5.
    2-7)  For detailed information on figures and tables, refer the section 4.11-4.13.
  4.11  Figures and figure captions should be presented on separate sheets. Line drawings 
should be drawn in Indian ink on tracing paper with the aid of a stencil. Computer 
drawings are acceptable only when produced by a laser printer. Recommended styles of axes 
labels in figures are illustrated in the Example (p. 6). Figures should be numbered in a 
single sequence and referred to in the text and caption as Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc. Each figure 
must be identified with a figure number and caption. Figure caption should not be too 
concise, and should be understandable without reading the text. A separate list of captions 
for figures should be provided after the Reference. Notes indicating where figures should 
appear should be given on the right margin of the text.
  The width of figures is reduced to less than 8 cm for publication. Lines and marks 
should be drawn boldly to ensure clear reproduction. Lettering within each figure should 
be sized with regard to its appearance when the figure is reduced.
  4.12  Photographs are classified as figures. Photographs should be submitted as glossy, 
high-contrast, black and white originals. If the authors wish color reproduction, specify 
the request to the Editor-in-Chief of Editorial Committee. The authors will be requested 
to pay for the added costs of printing in color.
  Photographs are reduced to about 8 cm in width. A scale bar should be used as shown 
in the examples. Original photographs should be submitted in the copy for review.

4.13  Tables should be typed on separate sheets at the end of the manuscript. Tables 
should be numbered in a single sequence and referred to in the text and title as Table 1, 
Table 2, etc. The table title should not be too concise, and should be understandable 
without reading the text. The column headings should be as concise as possible; 
explanatory information should be presented as table footnotes. Recommended style of 
tables are illustrated in the Examples (p. 6). The list of table titles should be typed 
on separate sheets together with the list of figure captions. Notes indicating where 
tables should appear should be given on the right margin of the text.
  Submitted tables should be camera-ready originals. The width of a table is reduced to 
less than 8 cm for publication. When tables are made with 12 point font, the width of 
submitted tables should be from 10 to 14 cm.
  5.  Submission
  All articles should be submitted, in duplicate, to the Editor-in-Chief of Editorial 
Committee of J Cer SJ, The Ceramic Society of Japan, 22-17, Hyakunin-cho 2-chome, 
Shinjiku-ku, Tokyo 169, Japan.
  Photocopies of line drawings are acceptable in the copy for review, but original 
photographs should be submitted. One set of manuscript is composed of first page, 
abstract, text, references, figure captions and table titles, figures, and tables in 
the order stated.
6.  Rewriting Service
  Rewriting service in English is available. The cost of rewriting is shared equally 
with authors and the Ceramic Society of Japan. When the Editorial Committee judges that 
the English usage is poor, the authors will be requested to use the rewriting service.
7.  Refereeing
  All articles submitted are sent to a referee who is asked for his opinions on the 
value of the article and any ways in which it might be improved.
  The decision on the accept, reject or ask for revision of the paper is made by the 
Editorial Committee on the basis of referee' s report. The report of the referee is 
sent to the author, occasionally with editorial comments. If revision is required, 
the final decision will be taken after the Editorial Committee has had the opportunity 
to study the revised version of the article.
  In some cases, articles are accepted in categories different from the authors desire, 
and the Editorial Committee will ask authors to change the category in such case.

  8.  Submission by Floppy Disks

  When the article is accepted for publication, the Editorial Committee asks the 
authors to submit their accepted manuscript on floppy disks. Either a 3.5- or 5.25-in. 
floppy disc is acceptable. The authors'  names, manuscript number, computer name, 
program name, and version number should be indicated on the disk.
9.  Reprints
  Authors are required to purchase obligatory 100 reprint for their article. 
Additional reprints are available on request.
10.  Copyright
  Accepted articles shall become the exclusive copy right of the Ceramic Society 
of Japan and may not be reproduced elsewhere without the Society' s permission.

  11.  Publication in the International Edition

  All the articles that appear in the Journal of Ceramic Society of Japan will be 
duplicated in the Journal of the CERAMIC SOCIETY of Japan, International Edition.

Editorial Board


UEMATSU, Keizo (Nagaoka Univ. Tech.)    

Associate Editor

HOSONO, Hideo (Tokyo Inst. Tech.)

Editorial Board

FUJITA, Shoji (Kyoto Univ.)

FUKUDA, Koichiro (Nagoya Inst. Tech.)

FUNAKUBO, Hiroshi (Tokyo Inst. Tech.)


HASHIMOTO, T. (Mie Univ.)

HAYASHI, Shigeo (Akita Univ.)

ITO, S. (Asahi Glass, Co., Ltd.)

KAGAWA, Y. (Univ. of Tokyo)

KAMIYA, Hidehiro (Tokyo Univ. Agri & Tech.)

KATAYAMA, K. (Tokai Univ.)


KIKUTA, K. (Nagoya Univ.)

KIM, B.-H. (Korea Univ.)



MIYAJI, F. (Shimane Univ.)

MIYASHITA, Yukio (Nagaoka Univ. Tech.)

Monma, H. (Kogakuin Univ.)

MURASE, Taku (TDK Co.)

NAKANISHI, K. (Kyoto Univ.)

NOGUCHI, Yuji (Univ. of Tokyo)

OHGAKI, M.(Tokyo Med. and Dent. Univ.)

PAN, W. (Tsinghua Univ.)

SAKKA, Yoshio (NIMS)

SHIRONITA, Yoshio (Shinagawa Fine Ceramics)

TAKENAKA, T. (Tokyo Univ. Sci.)

TAKIZAWA, H. (Tohoku Univ.)

TANAKA, Hidehiko (NIMS)

TANI, T. (Toyota Central R & D Labs., Inc.)

UEDA, K. (Kyusyu Inst. Tech)

YASUMORI, Atsuo (Tokyo Univ. Sci.)


Editorial Board

HOSONO, Hideo (Tokyo Inst. Tech.)


Editorial Board

FUJITA, Shoji (Kyoto Univ.)

FUKUDA, Koichiro (Nagoya Inst. Tech.)

FUNAKUBO, Hiroshi (Tokyo Inst. Tech.)


HASHIMOTO, T. (Mie Univ.)

HAYASHI, Shigeo (Akita Univ.)

ITO, S. (Asahi Glass, Co., Ltd.)

KAGAWA, Y. (Univ. of Tokyo)

KAMIYA, Hidehiro (Tokyo Univ. Agri & Tech.)

KATAYAMA, K. (Tokai Univ.)


KIKUTA, K. (Nagoya Univ.)

KIM, B.-H. (Korea Univ.)



MIYAJI, F. (Shimane Univ.)

MIYASHITA, Yukio (Nagaoka Univ. Tech.)

Monma, H. (Kogakuin Univ.)

MURASE, Taku (TDK Co.)

NAKANISHI, K. (Kyoto Univ.)

NOGUCHI, Yuji (Univ. of Tokyo)

OGAKI, M.(Tokyo Med. and Dent. Univ.)

PAN, W. (Tsinghua Univ.)

SAKKA, Yoshio (NIMS)

SHIRONITA, Yoshio (Shinagawa Fine Ceramics)

TAKENAKA, T. (Tokyo Univ. Sci.)

TAKIZAWA, H. (Tohoku Univ.)

TANAKA, Hidehiko (NIMS)

TANI, T. (Toyota Central R & D Labs., Inc.)

UEDA, K. (Kyusyu Inst. Tech)

YASUMORI, Atsuo (Tokyo Univ. Sci.)



Editorial Board

FUJITA, Shoji (Kyoto Univ.)

FUKUDA, Koichiro (Nagoya Inst. Tech.)

FUNAKUBO, Hiroshi (Tokyo Inst. Tech.)


HASHIMOTO, T. (Mie Univ.)

HAYASHI, Shigeo (Akita Univ.)

ITO, S. (Asahi Glass, Co., Ltd.)

KAGAWA, Y. (Univ. of Tokyo)

KAMIYA, Hidehiro (Tokyo Univ. Agri & Tech.)

KATAYAMA, K. (Tokai Univ.)


KIKUTA, K. (Nagoya Univ.)

KIM, B.-H. (Korea Univ.)



MIYAJI, F. (Shimane Univ.)

MIYASHITA, Yukio (Nagaoka Univ. Tech.)

Monma, H. (Kogakuin Univ.)

MURASE, Taku (TDK Co.)

NAKANISHI, K. (Kyoto Univ.)

NOGUCHI, Yuji (Univ. of Tokyo)

OGAKI, M.(Tokyo Med. and Dent. Univ.)

PAN, W. (Tsinghua Univ.)

SAKKA, Yoshio (NIMS)

SHIRONITA, Yoshio (Shinagawa Fine Ceramics)

TAKENAKA, T. (Tokyo Univ. Sci.)

TAKIZAWA, H. (Tohoku Univ.)

TANAKA, Hidehiko (NIMS)

TANI, T. (Toyota Central R & D Labs., Inc.)

UEDA, K. (Kyusyu Inst. Tech)

YASUMORI, Atsuo (Tokyo Univ. Sci.)


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