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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The Journal of the American Statistical Association (JASA) is published quarterly, in March, June, September, and December. The journal is divided into three main sections: Applications and Case Studies, Theory and Methods, and Reviews. There is also a Book Review and Letters to the Editor section in each issue. Papers can only be submitted for publication to one section at a time. Articles that have previously been published or that are under review by another journal will not be considered for publication.

Instructions to Authors

Submitting Articles to JASA

The editors of JASA strongly prefer to receive your article submissions as PDF or PS files (printable on 8.5 x 11 paper). Please submit a blinded, as well as an unblinded version. Send files by email to the appropriate editorial office (see http://www.amstat.org/publications/jasa/board.html for information on editorial offices) or send an email message with a pointer to an ftp or http site from where these files can be downloaded.

JASA Applications and Case Studies Editor-elect Mark S. Kaiser will begin accepting manuscripts July 1, 2003. The current Editor, Thomas Louis, will handle revisions through December 2003 for manuscripts submitted before July 1, 2003.

Page Charge - To help defray the rising costs of publication, articles published in JASA are subject to a page charge of $65 per page to be billed to the institution or granting agency supporting the research. This charge represents only a portion of the cost per page. If the charge is honored, 100 free reprints will be supplied. The page charge does not apply to book reviews.

Contents of the Journal

Applications and Case Studies

The Applications and Case Studies section publishes original articles that apply to one or more of the following:

  1. For real data sets, present analyses that are statistically innovative as well as scientifically and practically relevant.
  2. Contribute substantially to a scientific field through the use of sound statistical methods.
  3. Present new and useful data, such as a new life table for a segment of the population or a new social or economical indicator.
  4. Using empirical tests, examine or illustrate for an important application the utility of a valuable statistical technique.
  5. Evaluate the quality of important data sources.

Note that careful analyses of data of substantive importance may be published in JASA even if there are no methodological innovations. It is, of course, essential that such data analyses be carried out using the best available methodology, that the substantive problem be important, and that the relation of the statistical findings to the underlying scientific questions be discussed thoroughly.

Theory and Methods

The Theory and Methods section publishes articles that make original contributions to the foundations, theoretical development, and methodology of statistics and probability. Authors are reminded that, although statistical theory has roots in mathematics, the phrase theory and methods should be interpreted broadly to include all techniques relevant to statistics and probability. This may include computational and graphical methods as well as more traditional mathematical methods. The research reported should be motivated by a scientific or practical problem and, ideally, illustrated by application of the proposed methodology to that problem. Illustration of techniques with real data is especially welcomed and strongly encouraged. This section also published articles that adapt and extend existing theory in an important way to special fields of application as well as survey articles that present a novel integration or synthesis of a topic in statistics or probability. Articles should report on completed research and should adequately compare methods with existing methods. Authors are reminded that the Journal of the American Statistical Association is the flagship publication of the American Statistical Association. As such, it seeks to publish substantive articles that are likely to have broad impact on the theory, methodology, and practice of statistical science. For this reason shorter contributions or more narrowly focused contributions, while of considerable merit in their own right, may be inappropriate for the Theory and Methods section of the Journal of the American Statistical Association.

Review Papers

Review papers may be a review of an area of applied statistics or a review of statistical methodology or theory. Suggestions about such papers should be sent to the review editor.

Special Topics

Special Topics sections will appear frequently. Each section will have as a theme a specialized area of statistical application, theory, or methodology. Inclusion of such special topics will permit the editors of JASA to focus attention on specific areas of application, including ones not traditionally represented in JASA, as well as new and developing areas of statistical research. Suggestions about special topics sections should be sent to the review editor.

Book Reviews

Publishers submit books to the review editor, Russ Lenth, who then solicits reviews for books judged to be of sufficient interest to JASA readers.

Letters to the Editor

Concise expressions of fact and interpretation pertinent to contributions published in JASA (not including book reviews or comments on published articles) will be considered for publication if they are received by the coordinating editor within three months of publication of the contribution. Exceptions to this time limit will be granted if there are extenuating circumstances.


Readers are urged to send to the coordinating editor notices of errors found in this or any previous volume. Corrections appear in the Letters to the Editors section.

Guidelines for Manuscripts

LaTEX - Manuscripts submitted in LaTeX should use the "article" style and should not use any special macros.

The manuscripts should be formatted for 8 1/2 x 11-inch paper, one side only, double-spaced throughout (including references), with margins of at least 1 inch on all sides. Normal-sized fonts should be used; very small letters are especially discouraged. The copies must be clear and readable. Number all pages consecutively. The manuscript must contain an abstract (see the abstracts paragraph, which follows) and from three to six key words or phrases. Refer to the ASA style guide for more detailed information. Copies of unpublished papers and technical reports cited in the manuscript and needed for review should be included with the submitted manuscript.

Review Process¡ªManuscripts submitted to Applications and Case Studies or Theory and Methods are referreed by a double-blind process. The authors do not know the identities of the reviewers, and the referees do not know the names of the authors. The associate editor is not blinded, however. To facilitate the review, the corresponding author should submit one blinded file of the manuscript without the authors' names and institutions and one file with such identification. Supporting manuscripts should be submitted in the same manner. Authors are solely responsible for removing clues about their identities, including references to unpublished work and sources of funding, from their manuscripts and supporting documents.

Abstracts¡ªEach manuscript should contain an extended abstract of 200¨C400 words. The first 100 words should succinctly describe the paper's motivation and contribution. For the benefit of JASA's broad readership, the remainder of the abstract should amplify and illustrate, preferably using concrete examples and interesting special cases. Do not cite references in the abstract.

General Comments on Style¡ªDo not use footnotes, and avoid abbreviations. Represent exponentials by "exp( )." Write fractions in text using a solidus¡ªfor example (w+x)/(y+z). Do not use overbars extending over more than one character, or underbars. Use boldface for each symbol representing a vector or a matrix (e.g., A). Avoid confusion between ambiguous characters (e.g., between lowercase el and one). Specific comments on mathematical material are provided in the ASA style guide.

Manuscript Length¡ªThere is no maximum length for manuscripts, but it is much more difficult and time-consuming to get reviews for long manuscripts. An efficient writing style with selective use of tables and figures is appreciated. Most manuscripts accepted for publication have fewer than 25 double- spaced pages, including text, figures, tables, and references.

Figures and Tables¡ªFigures and tables should be numbered consecutively at the top with arabic numerals, and clearly titled and labeled. Once an article is accepted for publication the author must supply figures in print-usable form; Detailed guidelines for preparation of figures and tables are provided in the ASA style guide.

Data¡ªWhenever a data set is used, its source should be fully documented. When it is not practical to include the whole of a data set in the paper, the paper should state how the complete data set can be obtained. Unless conditions of security or confidentiality intervene, availability of the data on which the paper is based is a requirement for publication.

Results Based on Computation¡ªPapers reporting results based on computation should provide enough information so that readers can evaluate the quality of the results. Such information includes estimated accuracy of results, as well as descriptions of pseudorandom-number generators, numerical algorithms, computers, programming languages, and major software components that were used.

Appendixes¡ªLengthy technical portions of a manuscript should appear in a separate appendix to the manuscript.

References¡ªReferences are to be cited in text with the authors' names and dates of publication. ASA discourages the use of inessential unpublished or obscure references. Details for listing and citing references are given in the ASA style guide.

Copyright¡ªJASA is copyrighted, and authors must sign a copyright transfer to ASA before publication. U.S. government employees are exempt from this requirement if the work is part of their official duties.

Submitting Revised Manuscripts¡ªRevised manuscripts that are resubmitted more than six months after the last action by the editor may be considered as new submissions.

Editorial Board

JASA Applications and Case Studies Editor-elect Mark S. Kaiser will begin accepting manuscripts July 1, 2003. The current Editor, Thomas Louis, will handle revisions through December 2003 for manuscripts submitted before July 1, 2003.

Coordinating Editor and Applications Editor

Professor Thomas A. Louis
Department of Biostatistics
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
615 North Wolfe Street
Baltimore, MD 21205-2179 USA
Editor's Homepage
Johns Hopkins Biostatistics Department

Editorial Coordinator

Mary Joy Argo
(Tel) 410- 614-4454
(Fax) 410-955-0958

Coordinating Editor and Applications Editor-elect

Beginning July 1, 2003, send all Applications and Case Studies submissions to:

Mark S. Kaiser
Department of Statistics
102E Snedecor Hall
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011-1210

Theory and Methods Editor

Professor Francisco J. Samaniego
Department of Statistics
University of California
1 Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616
Tel (530)752-6492

Editorial Coordinator

Cara Martorana

Review Editor

Russell V. Lenth
JASA/TAS Reviews
311 Calvin Hall
The University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242
Tel (319)335-0814 FAX (319)335-3017

Editorial Coordinator

Linda Yanney
Tel (319) 335-1917


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