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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


 The official publication of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry , the journal is devoted to the rapid publication of comprehensive original research papers covering all aspects of mass spectrometry. Papers from all fields of scientific inquiry in which mass spectrometry can play a role are considered. These fields include chemistry, physics, geology, and environmental science as well as the biological, health, and life sciences. The journal publishes papers on both fundamentals and applications. Fundamental subjects include instrumental principles, design, and demonstration, structures and chemical properties of gas-phase ions, studies of thermodynamic properties, ion spectroscopy, chemical kinetics, mechanisms of ionization, theories of ion fragmentation, cluster ions, and potential energy surfaces. Application papers focus primarily on the development or validation of a mass spectrometric method. Papers describing computer developments are also considered. Short Communications and Brief Accounts of Research are regular features of the journal.

If you would like more information on JASMS please visit JASMS Online homepage at http://www.elsevier.com/locate/jasmsonline

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Instructions to Authors

For fastest handling, submit manuscripts in electronic format to the office of the Editor-in-Chief. Please consult "Preparing Electronic Files", below, for specific instructions. Send the manuscript file as an e-mail attachment to Joyce Neff, editorial assistant: neff@wuchem.wustl.edu. Do not submit to any of the editors.

If e-mail submission is not possible, the second preferred method is by diskette. Submit diskette to:
Michael L. Gross, Editor
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry
Department of Chemistry
Washington University
Campus Box 1134, One Brookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130
tel: (314) 935-4814
fax: (314) 935-7484

Label diskette with authors' names, abbreviated title of manuscript, computer operating system, and name of word processor (including version number).

If neither electronic method is possible, submit one paper copy of the manuscript to the above address.

Regardless of submission method, please mail a signed copy of a submission letter to Michael L. Gross (address above). In addition, identify at least three (and preferably five) persons who are qualified to serve as reviewers.

Authors will receive acknowledgement of receipt of their manuscript and will be informed of the editor who is responsible for review. All submissions will be reviewed. Address correspondence about the manuscript during review to the appropriate editor.

Manuscripts are received with the understanding that their content is unpublished material and is not being submitted for publication elsewhere. Further, it is understood that each coauthor has made substantial contributions to the work described and that each accepts joint responsibility for its publication.

Send correspondence on other editorial matters to Michael L. Gross.

Preparing Electronic Files

For Initial Submission

For initial submission and review, prepare your manuscript, including all figures, tables, spectra, equations, etc., as a single PDF file. Figures can be embedded at appropriate points within the body of the PDF file, or they can be included on separate pages at the end of the PDF file. If you are unable to provide a PDF, text and graphics may be submitted as separate files in the following formats:

Text: Use Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, WordPro, or send one copy in Rich Text Format (.rtf). Macintosh users should ensure that any diskettes submitted are formatted for PC/Windows OS. Check the accuracy of all file conversions before submitting.

Graphics: Save files in JPEG or TIFF format. PowerPoint files should not be converted but should be submitted in their original format (.ppt). Label figures as referenced in text and include a list of figure legends. Note: Macintosh users without access to JPEG or TIFF conversion platforms: please submit graphics files in PowerPoint format.

It is very important that your original submitted file, including text and figures, be no larger than 2 MB although 1 MB is preferred.

For Final, Accepted Manuscripts

Once your article has been accepted, submit the text portion of your final manuscript in electronic form (e-mail or diskette) plus two paper copies. To create digital artwork for your final copy, please consult the Elsevier Science Electronic Artwork web site;http://www.elsevier.com/locate/authorartwork which contains appropriate instructions. Please note that Elsevier does not allow the submission of PowerPoint or other screen-produced digital files because they have poor resolution. Owing to reprographic quality requirements, also submit one clearly separated and labeled set of laser-printed, paper-copy figures. Arrange the final manuscript as per instructions in "Manuscript Preparation" below.

Submit the final manuscript to the editor who is handling your article. Label diskettes with authors' names, manuscript number, computer operating system, and name of word processor. Ensure that the submitted electronic files exactly match paper copies.

Deadline for Manuscript Revisions

Resubmit manuscripts that are accepted conditionally (contingent upon making minor revisions) within one month of receipt by the author of the initial acceptance letter. Manuscripts received after this period may be regarded as new submissions and may be subject to re-reviewing to ensure currency.

Related Unpublished Work

Submit by electronic means (PDF format preferred) copies of any articles containing description of work that is related and that is submitted to or in press in this or other journals. If an electronic version is not available, send one paper copy to Michael L. Gross.

Copyright Transfer, Proofs, Reprints

Return signed copyright transfer forms, which are sent separately with a letter from the publisher, acknowledging receipt of the accepted manuscript. Copyright is owned by the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, but the Publisher arranges copyright transfer.

Return corrected proofs to the Publisher within 48 hours of notification that proofs are available. Authors receive instructions from the Publisher by e-mail and/or fax and are directed to a URL from which a PDF proof of the paper can be obtained. Instructions for making corrections accompany the proof.

Order reprints by using the reprint order form that accompanies the letter from the Publisher acknowledging receipt of the accepted manuscript.

Style Guide

Use as the style guide The ACS Style Guide, A Manual for Authors and Editors, 2nd Edition, Dodd, J. S., Ed., American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 1997.

Manuscript Preparation

Arrange manuscript as follows: Title Page, Abstract, Text, Acknowledgments, References, Tables, Appendices, Legends for figures and schemes, Illustrations. Number pages starting with the title page as page 1 and ending with the figure-legend page. References, tables, and figure legends should be provided on separate sheets at the end of the document. Arabic numerals should be used in numbering tables and figures, and recommended placement should be indicated in the text. All tables should have short, descriptive titles.

Prepare the manuscript in double-spaced format throughout (including the title page, abstract, text, references, tables, and legends) on one side only on 8.5" x 11" or A4 paper with 1" (2.54 cm) margins all around.

Wherever possible, generate all mathematical and chemical symbols, equations, and formulae as part of the manuscript text. If these must be handwritten, write clearly and leave ample space above and below for printer's marks. Identify all Greek or unusual symbols in the margin the first time they are used. Distinguish in the margin symbols (e.g., k, K; l, 1) wherever confusion may arise. Underline with a wavy line any vector quantities. Use fractional exponents to avoid root signs.

Title Page

Give the paper as short a title as possible. Submit also a running title of no more than 45 characters (including spaces).

List, at the bottom of the page, "Address reprint requests to ...." followed by the name, exact postal address with zip code, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address of the author to whom communications, proofs, and requests for reprints should be sent.


Provide an abstract no longer than 250 words for an Original Article, Communication, Application Note, and Account and Perspective. An abstract is not required for book reviews and letters to the editor.


Organize as Introduction, Experimental or Methods, Theory (if applicable), Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments, References, Tables, Appendices, Legends for Figures and Schemes.

Cite references in square brackets. Refer to illustrations and tables in numerical order in the text. Spell out, or define in parentheses, all abbreviations, even if they are commonly employed.

Use the nomenclature recommended by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry for chemical compounds. For nomenclature of mass spectrometry, see the IUPAC rules (Todd, Journal of Pure Applied Chemistry, 1991, 63, 1541-1566). Additional suggestions for definition and style can be found in Standard Definitions of Terms Relating to Mass Spectrometry, by Price, Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 991, 2, 336-346 and in Sparkman, O. D., Mass Spec Desk Reference, Global View Publishing, Pittsburgh, PA, 2000.

Give all measurements and weights in SI units, using standard abbreviations (see IUPAC Quantities, Units and Symbols in Physical Chemistry). Non-standard abbreviations should be used sparingly and must be defined at their first appearance. Daltons (Da) or mass units (u) may be used, but amu should not be used.

Headings and Subheadings

Consult recent issues of the Journal for the recommended style for headings and subheadings.

Equations and Formulae

Number equations (both chemical and mathematical) consecutively with Arabic numerals in parentheses placed at the right-hand side of each equation. Number chemical structures consecutively with boldface, Arabic numerals. Designate schemes showing fragmentation pathways by consecutive capital Roman numerals (schemes should not have titles or captions); the individual pathways within schemes can be distinguished (if necessary) with lower-case letters placed on the arrows.

Add spaces before and after mathematical symbols (e.g., +, -, =) to distinguish some of them from chemical bonds.


Type acknowledgments, including complete grant or subsidy information, at the end of the text before the references.


Identify references in the text by using Arabic numerals in brackets on the line.

Cite personal communications, manuscripts in preparation, and other unpublished data in the text in parentheses or as footnotes for that page.

Type references double-spaced starting on a separate page. Number consecutively in the order in which they are mentioned in the text. Include, if possible, the titles of articles in the references. The recommended formats are:

1. Doroshenko, V. M.; Cotter, R. J. Ideal Velocity Focusing in a Reflectron Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 1999, 10, 992-999.

2. Mahler, H. R.; Cordes, E. H. Biological Chemistry, 2nd ed.; Harper and Row: New York, 1971; p. 87.

3. Anderegg, R. J., Using Deuterium Exchange and Mass Spectrometry to Study Protein Structure. In Mass Spectrometry in the Biological Sciences, Burlingame, A. L.; Carr, S. A., Eds.; Humana Press: Totowa, NJ, 1996; p. 85.

Abbreviations of journal titles should conform to those listed in The ACS Style Guide.

Double-check references for accuracy, completeness, and duplication.

Avoid, if possible, the use of footnotes. When necessary, place at the bottom of the page, or include in parentheses in text. Do not include footnotes in the reference list.


Prepare tables in double-spaced format (if possible), each with an Arabic numeral and title above the table and explanatory notes and legends below. Indicate notes with lower-case Arabic letters. Include identification of all abbreviations not defined in the text.

Design tables to be self-explanatory, and do not duplicate data in text or illustrations.

Figure Legends

Type legends double-spaced. Use Arabic numerals and verify the order in which the illustrations occur in the text. Include identification of all abbreviations not defined in the text.

Figures and Illustrations

Submit figures and illustrations in electronic format as specified above ("Preparing Electronic Files"). If electronic format is not available, submit as laser-printed paper copies or glossy prints. On the back of each paper-copy illustration, indicate the first author's name and the figure number.

Ensure that lettering and other figure objects are of adequate size to fit one column width (3.25"; 8.25 cm) of printed text (final lettering size, after reduction, should be at least 1.5 mm high). Use no more than two sizes of lettering within a figure. Label multi-part figures with lower-case letters. Remove titles and explanatory material (often used in lecture presentations) and place this material in the legend. Larger, complex figures will be published in two-column format.

Do not submit structures and reaction schemes as figures. Number structures and simple reaction equations consecutively and refer to them in the text using boldface Arabic numerals. Number and place simple reaction pathways in the written text following their mention, and merge them with mathematical equations. Place complex reaction pathways in schemes.

Color: Consult Editor if color illustrations are proposed; the additional cost of publishing color will be borne by the authors. Consult with the Publisher for cost estimates.

Permission to Republish Figures, Schemes, Tables

Obtain written permission from both the Publisher and the author (the latter as a courtesy) to reproduce any previously published tables, figures, or schemes, using either a letter or a permission-to-publish form of your own design. Submit completed forms or letters to the editor handling your manuscript. Specify in figure or scheme legend "reprinted from reference [ ] with permission of . . . (specify the publisher, using the style indicated in their permission letter." Authors are responsible for seeking permission to republish, and they should contact the permissions department of the publisher of the material to be reprinted."

The Use of High Resolution Mass Spectral Data for Formula Confirmation

For publication of exact-mass data that are used to confirm identities of synthetic and natural products, report the uncertainty in the exact-mass measurement used for formula verification along with the result. The acceptable uncertainty in a measurement by any analytical method must be adequate for the intended use of the data.

Evaluate the uncertainty of exact mass measurement by any statistically valid method. Determine, for example, the precision and accuracy of replicate measurements or evaluate the performance characteristics of the mass spectrometer (see, for example, Sack, T. M., Lapp, R. L., Gross, M. L., and Kimble, B. J. Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Proc. 1984, 61, 191-213). Consider all candidates fitting the experimentally determined value and its reported uncertainty when the result of exact mass measurement is used for formula confirmation. Do not set fixed acceptable error limits for exact mass measurement. The correct discussion is given below.

When valence rules and candidate compositions encompassing C0-100, H3-74, O0-4, and N0-4 are considered at nominal parent m/z of 118, there are no candidate formulae within 34 ppm of each other. When the ion is of m/z 750.4 and the formulae are in the range C0-100, H25-110, O0-15, and N0-15, there are 626 candidate formulae that are possible within 5 ppm. Thus, for a measurement at m/z 118, an error of only 34 ppm uniquely defines a particular formula, whereas at m/z 750, an error (and precision) of 0.018 ppm would be required to eliminate all extraneous possibilities.

Length of Communications and Application Notes

Restrict Communications and Application Notes to a length sufficient to occupy no more than four printed pages. The length of these in submitted form should be approximately 3500 words or equivalent, excluding title and abstract. To estimate the number of words that are equivalent to a figure or table, scale the item to fit in a single column. Estimate the number of words by counting the number of lines corresponding to the height of the scaled figure (plus legend).

Communications and Application Notes will be returned without review if they significantly exceed these specifications.


If you have any questions about the review or editorial process, contact Joyce Neff, Editorial Assistant at the Journal Editorial Office:
tel: (314) 935-7464
fax: (314) 935-7484
E-mail: neff@wuchem.wustl.edu

Specific questions for the Publisher regarding production of an accepted paper or reprints should be sent by email to authorsupport@elsevier.ie. Please mention clearly the name of the journal, the title of your paper, the authors (in the sequence given in the article) and the Publisher's manuscript ID number.

Editorial Board
Michael L. Gross, Washington University, Department of Chemistry, 1 Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO 63130, USA
Associate Editors:
Veronica M. Bierbaum, Boulder, CO, USA
Kelsey D. Cook, Knoxville, TN, USA
Gary L. Glish, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Carol Robinson, Cambridge, UK
Editorial Board:
S. Akashi, Saitama, Japan
P.B. Armentrout, Salt Lake City, UT, USA
G.J. van Berkel, Clinton, TN, USA
J. Brodbelt, Austin, TX, USA
A.L. Burlingame, San Francisco, CA, USA
M.M. Claeys, Antwerp, Belguim
R. Graham Cooks, West Lafayette, IN, USA
D.J. Douglas, Vancouver, BC, Canada
C.G. Enke, Albuquerque, NM, USA
M. Karas, Frankfurt, Germany
H. Kenttamaa, West Lafayette, IN, USA
J.A. Leary, Berkeley, CA, USA
C.B. Lebrilla, Davis, CA, USA
L. Li, Edmonton, Canada
J.A. Loo, Los Angeles, CA, USA
A.G. Marshall, Tallahassee, FL, USA
R.C. Murphy, Denver, CO, USA
N.M.M. Nibbering, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
P. Roepstorff, Odense, Denmark
R.D Smith, Richland, WA, USA
S.T. Weintraub, San Antonio, TX, USA
C.L. Wilkins, Fayetteville, AR, USA
E.R. Williams, Berkeley, CA, USA
R. Zenobi, Zurich, Switzerland


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