

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

 The Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association publishes manuscripts on all aspects of leather science, engineering, technology, and economics, not just those within the traditional scope of leather chemistry. The Journal Editor and the Editorial Board of the Journal will consider publication of any original research papers or articles related to the concerns of the industry. Some examples are; the quality of hides and skins, new and improved methods and equipment for producing and evaluating leather, studies of tanning materials, development of new and improved leathers and leather chemicals, studies of the comparative quality of leather and substitute materials, utilization of leather, studies of collagen and other leather by-products, impacts of changes in leather products industries, and investigations into more efficient tannery operations including safe and healthful working conditions, and safe and economical disposition of waste products.

Instructions to Authors


 Types of Articles


To allow the greatest possible latitude to scientists, engineers, technologists, economists, and production people who have developed new information on any of the subjects, the Journal accepts articles in four categories, Technical Papers, Technical Notes, Reviews and Invited Papers/Lectures. Technical Papers are complete technical articles that comprise the Journal's major publication emphasis. They should be a thorough treatment of a specific subject, including such tables, drawings and photographs as may be needed to illustrate the points made in the text and to justify the conclusions drawn. The papers may be of any length, but should not generally exceed 15 Journal pages (not counting photographs and drawings); this would be a maximum of about 25 double-spaced pages of typed text and tables. Technical Papers are subject to peer review prior to acceptance (see section of this policy entitled Peer Review for details of this process.)


Technical Notes are generally shorter than Technical Papers but may also contain appropriate illustrative material and tables. The publication of Notes was originally designed to accommodate less formal presentations from the tanning industry but may come from research institutions that use them for the publication of preliminary scientific reports or laboratory techniques. Other appropriate subjects for Notes are methods of operation, safety precautions, laborsaving devices, management innovations, helpful hints to other tanners, and descriptions of equipment, chemicals, and other supplies.  Although the editorial pages of the Journal are not to be used for advertising purposes, the industry's suppliers are invited to submit Notes on the nature,             properties, function, or method of use of a product, so long as technical data are included to justify the statements made.  Notes are also appropriate for publication of certain papers presented at meetings of the Association. Notes are less formal presentations than Papers, but they must meet the literary standards of the Journal. Notes, however, will not be peer reviewed and need not contain an experimental section or references.


Review Papers and Invited Papers/Lectures will be published only on currently important theoretical or practical aspects of leather science, manufacture, and economics. Usually such papers are prepared at the request of the Journal Editor or of various ALCA committees. They may or may not be peer reviewed.



 General Requirements for Manuscripts


The first page of a manuscript should have at the top a running head. This is usually an abbreviated title, limited to about 40 characters that will be printed at the top of each Journal page of the article. The running head should be followed by the complete title, which should be as brief as possible consistent with providing a precise identification of the subject. The authors' name(s) follow the title, with the corresponding author first (unless otherwise indicated by a footnote). Authors should have contributed to the conception of the study, the analysis of the data, and the writing of the manuscript. Individuals that have not participated in all of these facets of the work should be cited in the Acknowledgment section. The location where the work was done including the name of the organization, city, state, and ZIP code and country if other than the US is presented under the authors. If the paper was presented orally, the occasion, place and date of the presentation should appear as a footnote to the title. If the present connection of any of the authors is different from the location indicated, this should also be indicated by a footnote to the author's name. The title, author, and location should be followed by an abstract, not exceeding 150 words. The Abstract tells why the work was done and briefly states the results and their significance.


Some flexibility is allowed for the body of the paper. However, the editor prefers that Technical Papers be divided into the following sections: Introduction, Experimental, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, and

References. While the Introduction should state the purpose of the investigation and its relationship to other work, it should not contain a complete review of the literature. However, the Introduction must cite important contributions to the subject matter that have been previously published and clearly state how the work in the submitted manuscript differs from them.


It will then be up to the reviewing members of the Editorial Board as well as the Editor to decide whether the paper covers sufficiently original work to be acceptable for publication in JALCA.


The Experimental section must be detailed enough to permit other investigators to verify the work. It must include the source and grade of all chemicals that are used as well as detailed descriptions of any equipment used to make the measurements The actual data obtained should be given under Results, and their interpretation under Discussion. Often a clearer and more concise presentation can be achieved by combining the Results and Discussion  sections. Conclusions should be brief and must be based on the reported results. Any necessary credits should appear in the Acknowledgments section.


 References should be numbered consecutively throughout the paper as superscripts. At the end of the paper, the complete citations should be given, numbered in the same order in which they are referred to in the paper. In the list of references, this Journal is referred to as JALCA; for other journals, the Chemical Abstracts abbreviations should be used. "In press" references are discouraged. Private communications should appear in the text as footnotes, with the name and address of the correspondent. They should not be included with the references.


For other editorial details, recent copies of the Journal should be consulted. This is the best method for determining the correct format.



 Further Requirements for Manuscripts


Manuscripts should be typewritten double-spaced on 8.5 by 11-inch paper, with 1-inch margins. Three copies should be submitted. The extra copies of the manuscript should include copies of illustrative material, but these copies need not be of reproduction quality. In addition to the hard copy, the editor requests that manuscripts be submitted in electronic format (either as an email attachment or on computer disc) For technical papers that will be reviewed, electronic format is not required with the initial submission but is requested after the paper is revised based on the recommendations by the reviewers. Having the final paper in electronic format eliminates printer's transcription errors, expedites printing, and reduces the cost of printing.


Mathematical equations should be centered between successive lines and identified by consecutive numbers in parentheses at the          

right hand margin for subsequent reference. Chemical equations and structural formulas should be carefully hand or preferably computer drawn and placed in the desired location in the text.


Standard abbreviations such as mm, C, and hr are used without a period (except for in., to avoid confusion with the preposition). Abbreviations should be avoided in titles and abstracts, since these are often translated into other languages. When in doubt, do not abbreviate. Spell out percent in the text, although % is permissible in tables. Use M for moles, not as an abbreviation for molar. Use mM for 10-3M and ¦ÌM for 10-6M. Use mM per liter instead of micromoles per ml. Data to be compared should all have the same powers of 10.




Tables should be numbered consecutively with Roman numerals. They should be prepared in a form that is consistent with tables that have appeared in recent issues of the Journal.  Tables with more than 6 or 7 columns that must be printed sideways on the page should be avoided if at all possible.




Figures are preferred in electronic format in order to avoid the cost of the printer scanning them. Photographs should be 8 by 10 inch glossies. Drawings should be done on high quality paper with India ink. Lettering, if not done with a letter set, should be of comparable neatness and clarity. Where needed, illustrations should contain a dimension bar for size designation. If graph paper is used, cross-sectional lines must be in blue; other colors interfere with good reproduction. Ordinates and abscissas of graphs should be labeled along the axes and outside the graph proper. Captions and legends for Figures should be provided on a separately. If there is a question about the proper orientation of an illustration, the "top" should be labeled. Avoid the use of oily overlays, such as draftsmen's tracing paper or wax paper. Do not mail prints face to face; place them flat between two heavy pieces of cardboard (thin corrugated paper does not adequately protect photographs in the mail).


Figures should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. The figure number, with the author's name, should appear on the back or front of each drawing or photograph, but the captions or legends need not be included. For un-mounted photographs, use an adhesive label for this identification, since pencil marks invariably make an indentation on glossy prints.


Color reproduction of figures can be provided but at additional expense to the author.


Peer Review


Technical Papers are reviewed by two members of the Editorial Board or by experts on the subject of the paper before they are accepted for publication. If the reviewers find that the subject is not of interest to subscribers to the Journal (see the Subject Matter section of this policy for details) or the reported work is not original, the manuscript will be rejected for publication. The Introduction section must make the case for the originality of the reported work. The reviewers will also determine whether the reported work is scientifically/technically valid. Scientific validity includes:


?nbsp;    design of the experiments,

?nbsp;    interpretation of the results

?nbsp;    conclusions justified by the presented data


Criteria that must be met to be technically valid are:


?nbsp;   meets all requirements defined in the General Requirements for Manuscripts section of this policy

?nbsp;   adequate experimental controls

?nbsp;   all reported data averaged from multiple measurements

?nbsp;   a measure of the uncertainty in the reported averages such as a standard deviation

?nbsp;   valid statistical inferences when comparing measured quantities

In addition, the reviewers will determine whether the presentation meets the literary standards of the Journal. To meet this requirement, the manuscript must:


?nbsp;   be understandable to English-speaking readers

?nbsp;   use proper English grammar and standard American spelling, abbreviations, and decimal conventions

?nbsp;   not contain misspelled words, wrong words, and inappropriate matches between the tense of the subject and the verb


The reviewers will recommend revisions to the manuscript to make it acceptable for publication. The authors must respond to all of the reviewers?recommendations either by revising the manuscript or by explaining why they deem the recommendation inappropriate. The Editor will determine whether all of the recommendations have been responded to appropriately. Failure of the authors to respond to all of the recommendations is a basis for rejection. The reviewers also may make suggestions that would improve the impact of the paper. Suggestions do not require a response.


Other than an inappropriate subject or lack of originality, papers can be made acceptable for publication by revision.        However, papers requiring excessive revision, in the opinion of the reviewers or the Editor, will not be accepted for publication. The significance of the reported work will contribute to the decision of the amount of required revision that is excessive.


 The Journal Editor makes the final decision as to acceptability of manuscripts for publication in JALCA. Also, the Journal Editor reserves the right to make editorial changes to manuscripts that he accepts.



 Life Lines


 Every manuscript should be accompanied by a brief biography of each of the authors to be published under "Life Lines." Authors whose work has appeared recently in the Journal may simply cite the issue and page of the previous "Life Line" biography.



Publication Rights


 All authors of papers to be published in the Journal, except those employed by the Federal government, will be required to sign a "Transfer of Copyright" form before the paper is published. Those employed by the Federal government will be required to provide a certification that they are government employees.

 All papers based on oral presentations at the annual meetings of the American Leather Chemists Association are the property of the Association, and the Journal has exclusive rights to publish them.


 Contents of papers published in the Journal may not be republished elsewhere without the written permission of the Journal Editor. Permission will be granted for publication of the entire paper in non-English-language journals and trade journals or for summaries of the paper along with reference to the complete article in JALCA in English-language technical journals.



Correspondence on Manuscripts


 Manuscripts should be sent to the Journal Editor, whose name and address is on the cover of the Journal. Future correspondence regarding the manuscript will be addressed to the first-named author unless specific instructions are received to the contrary.



Proofs and Reprints


 When an issue of the Journal is formatted in the publishing program, the printer will transmit by email to the corresponding author a galley proof of his/her paper in pdf format.  The authors are requested to indicate any changes directly on the proofs and to fax to the Journal Editor only the pages of the proof with changes

Editorial Board


American Leather Chemists Associatio

Texas Tech University - Box 45300, Lubbock, Texas  79409-5300Ph: 806-742-7296  

  Fax: 806-742-7298    Web: leatherchemists.org    

 Email: alca@leatherchemists.org


Kadir Dönmez, Secretary~Treasurer                        

Carol Adcock, Executive Secretary

EDITOR:  Dr. Kenneth A. Boni




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