

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Journal of the American Ceramic Society

For more than three-quarters of a century, the Journal of the American Ceramic Society has been the premier forum and archive used by scientists, engineers, and students to learn about original research in ceramics. Every month the Journal publishes more than 40 papers that have been rigorously reviewed by an international team of renowned ceramists. The papers describe research concerning traditional and advanced ceramic materials and composites, fabrication processes, applications, and instrumentation. Invited feature papers by recognized authorities who review scientific developments in particular fields of research are published frequently. The Journal is published 12 times each year. It includes approximately 3600 editorial pages.

Instructions to Authors

Instructions for Preparation of Papers

I. Purpose of Instructions
These instructions are intended to provide guidance to authors in preparing and submitting technical papers for publication in the Journal of the American Ceramic Society. Adherence to these instructions will ensure that papers are reviewed, edited, and published in the most timely and efficient manner. Any questions regarding these instructions should be addressed to Sandra Myers, Managing Editor, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, at Society headquarters. A listing of current AcerS staff is available at

II. Description of Journal
The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, published monthly, contains reports of original research on the entire range of ceramic materials. There are three categories of papers published in the Journal: articles, communications, and features.

Articles contain original research, applied research and development, and reviews of a scientific or engineering nature. They must be of enduring value and relevant to the field of ceramics. Each article is reviewed by two qualified individuals. Communications are brief scientific or technical reports about new ideas or theories relevant to ceramic science and engineering. One reviewer critiques each communication. Features are similar to articles but usually are more detailed expositions of the subjects they cover. Features often include reviews of recent research on the subject to enable the widest possible audience to understand the technical content. The feature is always the lead paper in the Journal.

The Journal also publishes comments and replies. Any reader may submit for publication a comment on any paper that has been published in the Journal, and the author of the paper will be invited to reply.

III. Length of Manuscripts
Communications will be no longer than three printed pages (~3000 words), with no exceptions. The staff will estimate the length of submitted communications. If they appear to be longer than three pages, their authors will be notified. The authors will have the option to decrease the lengths of the papers or to resubmit them as articles.

Articles will be no longer than eight pages (~8000 words). The staff will estimate the length of submitted articles. If manuscripts appear to be longer than eight pages, their authors will be notified. Authors will have the option to decrease the lengths of their papers or to request exceptions to the eight-page limit. Exceptions will be granted to those authors who agree to pay a page charge surcharge for all pages above the eight-page limit. Lengths of feature articles will be determined by the authors and the Managing Editor. Comments, as are replies, are limited to two printed pages.

In all of the above formats, each average-sized (8.5 cm wide by 8.0 cm deep) micrograph, line drawing, or table is equivalent to about 200 words.

IV. Manuscript Requirements

(1) Page Format
All manuscripts must be in double-spaced format, including the abstract, references, and figure captions. They should be formatted to print on 8 1/2 in. x 11 in. (approximately 22 cm x 28 cm) paper with left and right margins of at least 1 in (approximately 2.5 cm) each.

(2) File Formats
Authors are asked to submit manuscripts electronically using Rapid Review? the Journal's online manuscript management and review system. (See Section VI (1) for further details on submission and step-by-step instructions for using Rapid Review.)

Acceptable file formats for electronic manuscript submission in Rapid Review are as follows.

Text: Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, PostScript, RTF, PDF+ASCII from TeX or LaTeX, and Acrobat PDF (PDF format is acceptable for review purposes only. Accepted manuscripts must be submitted in one or more of the other formats listed )

Graphics: TIFF or EPS created from supported applications, PowerPoint, PostScript, Acrobat PDF (PDF format is acceptable for review purposes only)

Mixed Text and Graphics - all for review purposes only. (Accepted manuscripts must be submitted in one or more of the formats listed above): Acrobat PDF, PostScript, Microsoft Word with embedded graphics. If using TeX or LaTeX, please save and submit as a PostScript file.

Compression Software: WinZip (PC) or Stuffit (Macintosh)

Resolution of graphics files must be at least 300 dpi for halftones, 600 dpi for lettering, and 1200 dpi for line art.

A paper copy of a manuscript may be submitted under some circumstances (see Section VI(2), step 10).

(3) Title
The title should be both brief and descriptive. Introductory words, such as "On,' "Observations on," "Some," and "Study of' are to be avoided. For indexing purposes, chemical names rather than formulas are preferred in titles.

Footnotes should be used to document the following general types of information about a paper: notice that the paper was presented at a technical meeting, information regarding a thesis or dissertation upon which the current paper is based, and the source of financial support for the work. (See Section IV(8) (a) to (c) for details.)

(4) Authors' Names and Affiliations
Authors' first and last names should be provided. The Journal, as is customary in the United States, displays the full names of authors in the following order: given name, middle name or initial, family name. This applies to names from all sources, regardless of cultural practices that follow other rules. Membership of authors in the Society should be indicated in a footnote.

The affiliations of the authors at the time the work was performed should be presented with the institution and department names (if applicable) presented in full, with the city, state/ prefecture/province, postal code, and country (if not United States). Do not include local address information, such as street name, on the manuscript; however, this information should be included in the online submission form or cover letter.

If authors' current or permanent affiliations are different from the above, this should be explained in a footnote.

(5) Abstract
An abstract not exceeding 100 words must be provided with each paper. Preferably, the abstract will be of the informative type, presenting a condensed version of the information in the paper. The abstract should briefly state the purpose of the research (unless given in the title), new or unusual techniques used in the experimental procedure, and significant results.

No footnotes or references may appear in the abstract.

(6) Text Sections
The text of each paper should be divided into three or more sections. Typical section titles are as follows:

Experimental Procedure
Conclusions (or Summary)

The background and context of a paper should be presented in an Introduction, and the main points of the paper should be reiterated in the Conclusions or Summary section.

Sections can be divided into two or more subsections. The titles of subsections should be brief, and the subsections should reflect an organized breakdown of the section subject. Subsection titles should be as brief as clarity permits and should be parallel in structure.

All text should be formatted double-spaced.

(7) Acknowledgment and Support
If the author wishes to acknowledge nonfinancial support (for example, donation of materials or use of laboratory equipment), a brief Acknowledgment section may be presented immediately preceding the Reference section. However, the source of financial support for the work represented by a paper should appear in a footnote at the beginning of the article. (See Section IV(8)(c).)

(8) Footnotes
Several categories of information should be presented as footnotes in a paper. These categories include the following:

(a) Notice that the paper was presented in part or in whole at a technical meeting. The footnote should be presented in the following style: "Presented at the 97th Annual Meeting of The American Ceramic Society, Cincinnati, OH, May 9, 1995 (Basic Science Division, Paper No. 99-B-95)."

(b) Information regarding a thesis or dissertation upon which the paper is based. The footnote should be presented in the following style: "Based in part on the thesis submitted by J. J. Jones for the M.S. degree in ceramic science and engineering, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, 1995."

(c) Information regarding the source of financial support for the research work. The footnote should be presented in the following style: "Supported by the Basic Energy Sciences Division, U.S. Department of Energy, under Grant No. DE-AC0240ER1 159."

(d) Membership in The American Ceramic Society.(e) Fellowship in The American Ceramic Society.

(f) An author's current or permanent affiliation if different from that shown in the affiliation information at the beginning of the paper.

(9) Manufacturers
Manufacturer-specific information regarding materials or equipment used in the work should be included in parentheses following the generic name for the material or equipment, for example, ". . . microscope (Model 123, Wabash Instruments, Center City, IN)."

(10) References
A Reference section should follow the text. References should be listed in the order in which they appear in the paper. Complete information is essential. References to periodical papers must include (as applicable) the authors' names, paper title, periodical title, volume number, page range, and year of publication. Book references should include (as applicable) authors' names, chapter/ section title, page range, book title, editors' names, publisher's name and location, and year of publication. Papers from proceedings should include the location and date of the relevant meeting, as well as the name and location of the publisher and the year of publication.

Non-English titles of books should include the English translation of the title, in parentheses, following the non-English title.Titles of periodicals should be abbreviated in accordance with the Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index (CASSI).

Formats of typical references are as follows:

1G. W. Scherer, "Theory of Drying," J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 73 [11] 3-14 (1990).
2H. R. Baumgartner and B. R. Ressing, "Sintering and Properties of Plasma Synthesized SiC Powder"; pp. 3-16 in Ceramic Transactions, Vol. 2, Silicon Carbide '87. Edited by J. D. Cawley and C. F. Semler. American Ceramic Society, Westerville, OH, 1989.
3J. Moyer, A. Prunier Jr., N. Hughes, and R. Winterton, "Synthesis of Oxide Ceramic Powders by Aqueous Coprecipitation"; pp. 117-39 in Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 73, Better Ceramics through Chemistry 11 Edited by C. Brinker, D. Clark, and D. Ulrich. Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA, 1986.

All references should be typed double-spaced.

(11) Tables
Tables should be presented on separate sheets at the end of the manuscript. The title should be as concise as possible, similar to a section title; explanatory information should be presented as table footnotes. Column headings also should be concise, but understandable. Units of measurements, where applicable, should be presented as SI units in parentheses.

An example of a table in Journal format is shown as
Table I.

To conserve space in the Journal, unusually long tables that are not immediately needed for understanding the content of a paper are placed with the Society's Data Depository Service. Individuals interested in the tables are able to obtain copies as indicated in a footnote to the reference to the table in the text.

(12) Figure Captions
Captions of all figures should be grouped in a single list after the Reference section. The captions should be formatted double-spaced. This grouping of captions is in addition to the presentation of each individual caption with its appropriate figure. (See Section IV(13).)

(13) Tables
Tables should be prepared on separate pages at the end of the manuscript. The title should be as concise as possible, similar to a section title; explanatory information should be presented as table footnotes. Column headings also should be concise, but understandable. Units of measurements, where applicable, should be presented as SI units in parentheses.An example of a table in Journal format is shown as Table I.

To conserve space in the Journal, unusually long tables that are not immediately needed for understanding the content of a paper are placed with the Society's Data Depository Service. Individuals interested in the tables are able to obtain copies as indicated in a footnote to the reference to the table in the text.

(14) Figures
Each figure submitted must be clearly identified with a figure number and caption. (See Section IV (11).) It is best to prepare and submit graphics in the final size that they will appear on the journal page.

Spelling in figures should be checked carefully, because figures are not normally corrected or redrawn before publication. As in text, only SI units of measurement should be used.

If a figure has been taken directly from another published source, the author must obtain written permission to reprint from the original publisher. This permission should be forwarded with the article being submitted for publication, and the source of the figure should be cited as a reference in the figure caption. Alternatively, if the author has modified the original figure in any significant way, no permission to reprint is required. However, the reference to the published paper containing the source figure should be cited at the end of the figure caption in the form "(After Smith and Jones.8)."

Micrographs usually will be sized to approximately 8.5 cm (3.3 in.) in width.

Magnification indicators, e.g., '1000X", must not be used, because micrographs are typically reduced before publication. Instead, scale bars should be used. (
See Fig. 1.)

Normally, micrographs are submitted and published in black and white. If color reproduction is essential, the author will normally be required to pay for the added costs of printing in color.

Line drawings should be drawn boldly to ensure clear reproduction. Lettering within each figure should be sized with a regard to its appearance when the drawing is reduced for publication.

For online submissions, figure files must be clearly identified with a figure number. Detailed information regarding submission formats for graphics is available at
http://cjs.cadmus.com/da/. Resolution of graphics files must be at least 300 dpi for halftones (photographs and micrographs), 600 dpi for lettering, and 1200 dpi for line art. Figures embedded in text are acceptable for review purposes only. Multipanel figures (figures with parts labeled a, b, c, d, etc.) should be assembled into one piece and be submitted as one file. File compression (using Winzip or Stuffit) is recommended in order to reduce loading times and error messages when submitting digital files.

For mail submissions, photographs and line drawings nominally smaller than 8 1/2 in. x 11 in. must be mounted on paper similar in size to that of the manuscript. If figures are embedded in the text, separate originals are required. One set of original micrographs should be sent as glossy, high-contrast, black and white originals. Screened photographs (processed as a dot pattern for printing) are not acceptable for publication. If photographs are computer-generated, they need to be submitted on a disk when the paper is approved, and must meet the same resolution requirements given for online submissions. Additionally, three sets of glossy black and white or high-resolution scanned micrographs need to be sent for review purposes.

Photocopies of micrographs do not provide the quality necessary for review and will not be sent to reviewers. Line drawings should be "camera-ready" originals or photographic copies.

V. Style

(1) General
Authors are expected to follow generally accepted rules of grammar and punctuation and to use American spelling (e.g., center and color, not centre and colour). Jargon and slang should be avoided, because Journal readership comprises many cultures and backgrounds. Abbreviations may be used, but they must be defined the first time they are used.

Terminology should be used consistently. Either a formula or a chemical name can be used for a substance, but it should be used throughout the paper.

(2) SI Units
The Society insists on the use of metric units of measurement, specifically SI units, in the Journal. English or other nonmetric units may appear in a paper, but they should appear only in parentheses following the SI units, e.g., 32 mm (1.25 in.).

The primary acceptable SI units are the base units, supplemental units, and derived units. (See
Tables II and III, Table IV.) In addition, certain units not part of SI are so widely used that it is impractical to abandon them. These exceptions (Table V) are permitted in the Journal, although SI equivalents are preferred whenever possible. Other non-SI units are not permitted as primary measurements: these include calorie, degree Fahrenheit, dyne, gauss, inch, oersted, poise, pounds per square inch, and torr. If these non-SI units are included in a paper, they should appear only in parentheses following the SI units.

An excellent guide to the use of SI units is the ASTM Standard for Metric Practice, E 380-86.

(3) Mathematical Expressions
All mathematical expressions should be presented in a clear and unambiguous manner. Every symbol must be defined, and care should be taken to avoid multiple meanings for the same symbol. Be particularly careful to avoid confusion in the use of the numeral '1", the lower-case letter "1", and the capital letter "I", and between the numeral "0" and the capital letter 'O", because many type fonts do not clearly distinguish between them. If necessary, make a marginal note to identify the character.

In display equations using fractions (except superscripts), numerators should be stacked over denominators rather than placed on a single line and separated by a slash (/).

Very large and very small numbers should be expressed in scientific notation, e.g., 3.62 x l09 and 3.62 x 10-9.

VI. Submission, Review, and Publishing

(1) General Submission Guidelines
Authors are asked to submit manuscripts electronically using Rapid Review, the Journal's online manuscript management and review system. (See detailed instructions for use of Rapid Review in Section IV(2).) The author should also complete a copyright form (available from Rapid Review or from
http://www.ceramics.org/publications/journreqforms.asp) and return it to Society headquarters as soon as possible, because the paper cannot be accepted until the completed form is received.

Contact information for the author, including an E-mail address, fax number, and telephone number, must be provided with all submissions.

Authors must submit cover letters with their manuscripts (in Rapid Review, a text box is provided for the letter). The cover letter may be used to direct the paper to a specific Journal Editor. Papers concerning electrical, optical, or magnetic properties of ceramics, glass, X-ray diffraction, crystal chemistry, bioceramics, nuclear ceramics, defects, diffusion, phase transformation, phase equilibria, thermodynamics, and refractories should be directed to David Johnson. Papers concerning mechanical behavior, microscopy and microstructure, and composites should be directed to David Green. Papers concerning processing, clay and clay products, cements, and whitewares should be directed to Lisa Klein.

Occasionally, a paper is submitted in which the English usage is too poor to permit review and editing. In these instances, the Journal Editor will request the author to make use of the Society's rewrite service, available at modest cost, or to otherwise improve the quality of the language usage to a satisfactory level.

(2) Electronic Submission of Manuscripts
To submit a manuscript electronically in Rapid Review, go to the Journal's Rapid Review Author Portal at
http://www.rapidreview.com/ACerS2/author.html. This site is also linked to the Journal Online website at www.ceramicjournal.org.

Electronic manuscript submissions will be converted to PDF format for review purposes. Figures also can be submitted as electronic files with the text of the manuscript.

New users of Rapid Review should start by creating their own account by following the directions given (click on "New to Rapid Review" for logon instructions and additional information about using the system). The submission process is described in the following steps.

1. Logon to Rapid Review using your author user name and password. Your suggested user name is your first initial plus last name (no spaces, all lower case). If you are an Editor, an Associate Editor, or a reviewer, your account has already been set up. Once entered, you cannot change your user name; however, you may log on to change your password at any time. If your user name or password does not work, contact mssubmission@acers.org for assistance.

2. From the navigation bar, click "Submit New MS", then from the drop down menu choose the journal you wish to submit to and click the "Go!" button.

3. The Submission Form screen will appear. Complete the Submission Form. Mandatory fields are indicated with an asterisk (*), but please make every effort to fill in all the optional fields also.

4. When finished, decide how you are going to submit your manuscript. You have two choices indicated with buttons at the bottom of the Submission Form.
a) Submit Manuscript ONLINE (proceed to number 5 below)
b) Submit Manuscript by MAIL (proceed to number 10 below)
Note: To complete your submission at a later time, save the Submission Form information you've already completed by clicking the "Save BUT Don't Submit Yet" button and return later to complete the submission. A temporary manuscript number will be assigned to the manuscript and you can finish the submission by clicking the "Finish My Submission" button that appears next to the manuscript details in the My Manuscripts inbox, the screen that first appears when you logon. You are given two weeks to finish your submission. After two weeks the temporary submission will be deleted from the system.

To abandon your submission completely (no record of your attempted submission will be recorded) click the "Abandon Submission" button.

5. Submit Manuscript ONLINE
To submit online, click the "Submit Manuscript ONLINE" button.

After clicking the "Submit Manuscript ONLINE" button, the Attach Files screen will appear. On this screen you will browse your system, locate the files you want to "attach", provide a description of each including submission and format information and indicate the order in which the files should be assembled. You must upload your files one at a time.
Note: If you change your mind at this point, or cannot submit digital files, scroll to the bottom of the Attach Files screen and click "Click here to return to your Submission Form" and choose one of the other options at the bottom of the Submission Form.
  • To proceed, in the Attach Files section of the screen, click the Browse button to locate the files on your system. When you have the first file selected, click Open on the dialog box, and then click the Attach button on the screen. Your file will now begin to upload. This can take a few minutes to nearly an hour depending on the size of the files you are submitting and your internet connection. Do not interrupt this process. Wait until the "File Submission" screen appears.

  • When the File Submission screen appears, you need to indicate whether your manuscript files are intended for reviewing purposes only or if they are also going to be used for print or online production (more stringent format requirements apply to files being used for production). You are asked:

    "Are you submitting these digital files for: (check all that apply)"
    reviewing purposes only?
    reviewing and/or print production?
    reviewing and/or online production?

    Select reviewing purposes only if the manuscript is an original submission or a revised version that needs further review. Also, select this option if your paper has been (or you think it will be) accepted, but you don't have the correct digital formats for production use; then mail your hard copy originals for production use to the journal office.

    Select reviewing and/or print production or reviewing and/or online production if your paper has been (or you think it will be) accepted, and you have the correct digital formats for production use.

    At the bottom of the "File Submission" screen, indicate whether you have used any file compression utilities and submit your file by clicking the "Continue" button. If you wish to cancel click the "Cancel" button and you will be returned to the "Attach Files" screen again.

  • Once the system knows the purpose of the files, it takes you through a series of screens for each file submitted. You will be asked to identify the file type and to provide a brief description of the file such as full text of paper, tables, figure captions etc.
During this process, for reviewing purposes only manuscripts, fill in the information required on the File Type screen and click the "OK" button to proceed. You will be returned to the "File Attach" screen. Go to step 6 below to continue. If you are unsure about your file formats, you can use the Cancel button to return to the beginning of the file attachment process. You can then determine the format information required or using the "Save BUT Don't Submit Yet" button and return later and finish the submission once you have determined the format. You can also decide to Submit By MAIL when you log back into the system to finish your submission should you be unclear about your file formats.

If you are submitting files for production or online use, there will be a number of additional questions that relate to your figure files. It is important to understand that uploading your file(s) in this manner screens them for potential problems, telling you now instead of later that you need to submit hard copy originals. Click "OK" to proceed.

Should your answers indicate that the files cannot be used in production, you will need to "Return to Submission Form" and begin the "Submit Manuscript ONLINE" process again, this time indicating that you are submitting files for review purposes only. Then you will need to mail your hard copy originals to the journal office. If your files can be used, you will be returned to the "File Attach" screen. Go to step 6 below to continue.

6. After you have attached your first file, you can click the Browse... button, Open your next file, and Attach your second file. The series of questions repeats. Repeat these steps for as many files as you have.

7. Once the files are attached, indicate the order the files should appear in the MS. In the "Files Attached" section of the screen, a box appears listing the files you attached, indicate the proper order in the Order column of the box.

8. When finished, click the "Submit Manuscript ONLINE" button at the bottom of the page and proceed to number 9 below. If you would like to finish your submission later, click the "Save BUT Don't Submit Yet" button to return later and finish your submission. The manuscript will appear in your My Manuscripts inbox screen (the first page you see when logging on) with a "Finish My Submission" button that appears next to the manuscript details.

9. Once you have successfully uploaded all of your file(s), clicked the "Submit Manuscript Online" button, the "Submission Summary" screen will now appear and your files will now convert into a single PDF file. This PDF file will be used by the journal office staff, editors and reviewers to process your manuscript. Do not interrupt the PDF conversion process. It will take a few minutes for the PDF to be created.

If you prefer not to wait for the conversion to complete and would like to finish the submission later, choose option number one in the PDF Conversion section of the screen, "Log Off and Return Later". You can logon later and double-check the PDF file that has been created and finish the submission. Option number 2 "Click here to Refresh your browser", will refresh your screen and when the PDF file has converted a "View PDF" icon will appear. You may need to do this several times until the PDF is created. Generally, the conversion process takes a few minutes but this is very dependent on the number of files you submit and their file size. Click the "View PDF" icon when it appears and you can view the PDF version of your manuscript. Please take care to double-check the PDF file to make sure all files have converted properly.

After you have finished converting and double-checking your PDF file, you can complete the submission of your manuscript to the journal. In the Select an Action section of the screen, you have five options with radio buttons and a "Done" button.
  • "I approve the PDF conversion. Submission complete." Select this choice and click "Done" if you are happy with your PDF file and want to finish the submission. A window opens acknowledging your submission. The acknowledgement includes your manuscript number, the journal mailing address, email address, telephone and fax numbers. PRINT THIS SCREEN (hit Ctrl-P then the Enter key) AND KEEP IT WITH YOUR RECORDS. You are now finished with your submission, click "OK" and then click "Log Off" at the top right of the screen to exit the system. If you have an E-mail address in the system, you will receive a confirming email.

  • "I wish to edit the Submission Form." Select this choice and click "Done" if you need to make any changes to your original Submission Form.

  • "I wish to upload new files and try again." Select this choice and click "Done" if you are not happy with the PDF file created and wish to try creating a new one or wish to add or delete files. You will be returned to the Attach Files screen where you can make the adjustments.

  • "I will submit the manuscript by mail." Select this choice and click "Done" if you decide you would rather submit the manuscript by mail to the journal office and not submit your manuscript digitally. See step 10 below for additional information.

  • "I will come back and finish this later." Select this choice and click "Done" if you would like to finish the submission at a later time. The partial submission of this manuscript will be displayed in the My Manuscripts screen, the first screen you see when you logon, with a "Finish My Submission" button which brings you to the manuscript again to complete.

10. Submit Manuscript by MAIL
If you decide to submit by mail, click the Submit by Mail button.

  • A window opens acknowledging your "submission". The acknowledgement includes your manuscript number, the journal mailing address, E-mail address, telephone and fax numbers. PRINT THIS SCREEN (hit Ctrl-P then the Enter key) TO KEEP WITH YOUR RECORDS AND INCLUDE A COPY OF IT WHEN YOU MAIL YOUR MANUSCRIPT.
  • You are now finished with your submission, click "OK" and then click "Log Off" at the top right of the screen to exit the system.
  • If you have an E-mail address in the system, you will also receive an E-mail message confirming the start of the submission process.
  • When you click the Submit by Mail button, you create a Manuscript Record in the system. The Manuscript Staff will be expecting your paper. In addition to the paper copy, send the electronic files of your complete manuscript, if possible, on disk, zip disk, or CD. Mail the manuscript and electronic files to: Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 735 Ceramic Place, Westerville, OH 43081-8720.
Look for these buttons and links that will present you with more helpful details.

More About File Formats: For in-depth details on file formats.

More About MS Status: For reviewing a list of the status descriptions used throughout the manuscript process that appear in the author's "My Manuscripts" inbox.

Copyright Form: You can download a PDF version of the journal's copyright form to complete and send.

Author Guide: (On the left side of the screen). This will take you to the journal's author submission guidelines.

(3) Review
The review system assigns a manuscript number, forwards the manuscript to the Journal staff, and sends an E-mail letter to the paper's author acknowledging receipt of the manuscript. The Journal staff electronically forwards the manuscript electronic file (PDF) to the Journal Editor. For articles, the Journal Editor compiles a short list of reviewer candidates, from which two are selected, and forwards the manuscript PDF file to each of them. The Journal Editor also selects an Associate Editor, who also receives the manuscript. The reviewers send their comments to the Associate Editor, who provides an accept/reject recommendation to the Journal Editor. The Journal Editor then decides whether the article will be accepted as is, rejected, or accepted with minor revisions. The Journal Editor's decision is sent to the author, with the reviewers' comments. The identities of the reviewers are not revealed to the authors.

In some instances, the Journal Editor may decide that a paper submitted as an article would better serve as a communication, or vice versa, and the author is so apprised.

The review process for communications is identical to the above, except that an Associate Editor, or a designee, is the sole reviewer.

An author may determine the status of his/her paper by logging on at the Rapid Review Author Portal. Manuscript status is shown for each manuscript in the author's "My Manuscripts" inbox. Authors may also contact Robert Thompson, Review Process Administrator, or Melva Coyle, Review Process Coordinator at Society headquarters. A listing of Journal staff is given on the AcerS website, at
www.ceramics.org. In any communication regarding a specific paper, the author should refer to the manuscript number assigned to the paper.

(4) Publishing
The Journal Editor forwards an accepted paper to Society headquarters. The Journal staff edits the manuscript and prepares it for composition. When composed page proofs are available, the Journal staff proofreads and forwards them to the author for final review and to answer any editorial questions that may have resulted from editing the manuscript. The author should return the corrected page proofs to the Journal staff within three working days, if possible, to avoid delaying the publishing date for the paper.

Authors whose manuscripts are accepted for publication are requested to submit electronic files for the final (revised) version text and graphics to Rapid Review. Note that digital graphics submitted for web-based peer review do not require the same high-resolution preparation that digital graphics submitted for print production do. If resolution is too low, new graphics files may be needed to meet print requirements upon acceptance of a manuscript.

(5) Order of Publication
Articles and communications are edited and published in the order in which they are approved. However, 90% of the pages published each month are reserved for papers for which page charges have been paid, and 10% of the pages are reserved for papers for which the page charges have not been paid. Publication of communications is given priority over publication of articles.Page charges are $110.00 per page for papers of which at least one author is a Journal subscriber and $120.00 per page for papers of which no author is a subscriber. Surcharges for articles longer than eight pages are $330.00 per page and $360.00 per page for subscribers and nonsubscribers, respectively. If an article that has been estimated to be eight pages long by the staff results in a composed format that is nine pages long, an attempt will be made to decrease the length by reformatting tables, graphics, etc., but deleting no material. If this does not result in an eight-page article, no surcharge will be made. Authors may seek exceptions to the page charge surcharge based on financial considerations by making such a request to the Senior Journal Editor. If the Senior Journal Editor denies such a request, authors may appeal their request to the Publications Committee.

(6) Reprints
Reprints may be ordered according to the current price scale.

VII. Comments, Replies, and Corrections

Any reader may comment on a feature, article, or communication published in the Journal. The comment should be sent to the appropriate Journal Editor at Society headquarters. A comment must address a subject of significant technical interest, must be clearly written, and cannot be frivolous. Authors of a paper commented upon will be invited to reply. The person making the comment will not be shown the reply prior to publication. The comment and reply will be printed in the same issue of the Journal.

No subsequent comment or reply by the same persons regarding the same paper will be considered for publication. The appropriate Journal Editor will make any necessary judgments as to whether a particular comment or reply is suitable for publication. Page charges must be paid for all comments but are not expected of replies.

Corrections to papers will be published as soon as possible after receipt from the author. Corrections should be kept as brief as possible. They must be limited to corrections in presenting or explaining original data and may not be used as a vehicle for presenting new data or new interpretation of results.

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