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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

  New Feature:
Tables of Contents for Future Issues

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins is pleased to provide access to online full-text content published in the print version of the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry starting with the January 1995 issue. All of the content published in the printed journal will be available in both HTML and PDF formats, with all associated images, on this web site. New content will be posted on or about the time that the print journal mails.

Journal Description
The journal is recognized as THE major journal focusing exclusively on today's psychiatric research and treatment of the child and adolescent. Published twelve times a year, each issue gives you a variety of perspectives on the problems seen in daily practice. This website provides scientific information for clinicians. Clinical advice or referral services regarding specific children or families is not available. All received messages requesting clinical information will be discarded.

AACAP Members, please note you must activate your subscription by entering your member number with the prefix ACAP.


Instructions to Authors
The Journal's purpose is to advance research, clinical practice, and theory in child and adolescent psychiatry. We are interested in manuscripts from diverse viewpoints, including genetic, epidemiological, neurobiological, cognitive, behavioral, psychodynamic, social, cultural, and economic. Studies of diagnostic reliability and validity, psychotherapeutic and psychopharmacological treatment efficacy, and mental health services effectiveness are encouraged.

The major manuscript categories are regular articles (research reports) and case studies. Review articles (theoretical or critical analyses of the literature) must be invited by the Editor. Ideas for Special Sections must be approved by the Editor before submission.

Clinical Perspectives: communicate potential topics directly to the Associate Editor, Michael Jellinek, M.D., Pres., Newton Wellesley Hospital, 2014 Washington Street, Newton, MA 02462. Dr. Jellinek works with authors to develop their Clinical Perspectives submissions. When they are ready, they undergo formal peer review.


Research involving human beings must be conducted ethically with due regard for informed consent. Please include in the manuscript a statement of IRB approval and description of consent/assent procedures.

In case studies, patient anonymity must be protected and any identifying information omitted. In addition, the parent/guardian and the patient (if able) should give permission for publication. Even though the case may be disguised, the family or someone who knows them may encounter the publication and identify the child. This is an unpleasant surprise, even for families who would willingly have given permission for publication. Information such as the location of the clinical facility, age, diagnosis, etc., might identify the patient. The professional literature is increasingly accessible to lay persons via the Internet.

Duplicate Publication
Manuscripts are considered for publication with the understanding that they represent original material and have not been submitted or accepted elsewhere, either as a whole or any substantial part.

Divided Publication
Piecemeal publication of small amounts of data from the same study is not acceptable. Each publication should report enough new data to make a significant and meaningful contribution to the development of new knowledge or understanding. The Journal is less interested in divided analyses of data from large data sets. We are most interested in the core, primary analyses from studies and the papers that have the most important and integrative findings for improving clinical care and furthering research.

When data from the same study are reported in more than one publication, the authors must inform the Editor (either in the body of the manuscript or in an accompanying letter) about and submit copies of other manuscripts from the same study that have been published, are in press, have been submitted elsewhere, or are in preparation. The author must inform the Journal's Editor, in the manuscript or in an accompanying letter, how the manuscript submitted to the Journal is different from other manuscripts from the same study.

Conflict of Interest
Authors are responsible for recognizing and disclosing financial and other conflicts of interest that might bias their work.

Give authorship credit only if substantial contributions have been made to all of the following:
  • Conception and design of study or analysis and interpretation of data.
  • Drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content.
  • Final approval of the version to be published.
Participation solely in the acquisition of funding, the recruitment of subjects, or the collection of data does not justify authorship. General supervision of the research group is not sufficient for authorship. Each author is required to have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for the content.

At the time of submission, the Journal requires written approval of manuscript submission by the corresponding or lead author and express transfer of copyright. Send a cover letter containing one of the following statements with each manuscript. Manuscripts will not be reviewed until this is received.
  1. For papers submitted by all authors except those whose work is part of their employment with the federal government:

    In consideration of the Journal's taking action in reviewing and editing my (our) submission [title of article], the author(s) undersigned hereby transfer(s), assign(s), or otherwise convey(s) all copyright ownership to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in the event that such work is published in the Journal. I (we) warrant that the material contained in the manuscript represents original work, has not been published elsewhere, and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

  2. For papers prepared as part of an author's employment with the federal government:

    The work described in [title of article] was done as part of my (our) employment with the federal government and is therefore in the public domain. The author(s) undersigned warrant(s) that the material contained in the manuscript represents original work, has not been published elsewhere, and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

    When a paper is accepted, the Editor sends the author an agreement authorizing the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry to publish the article and to own the copyright. This form must be signed by all authors and returned to the Editorial Office before the paper can be published.

General Instructions
Print manuscripts on 8 by 11-inch bond paper, 10-point or larger font or 10 characters per inch, using 1-inch margins. Double-space all copy, including title page, abstract, list of references, tables, and figure captions. Number pages consecutively throughout. Blinding beyond the title page is the responsibility of the author.

Manuscripts exceeding word limits will not be accepted without permission from the Editor. Manuscripts of excessive length may be returned unreviewed.
  • Research reports-6,000 words, including title page, abstract, references, tables, and figures. Limit tables and figures to 5 or fewer double-spaced manuscript pages.
  • Case studies-2,500 words.
  • Clinical Perspectives-2,200 words.
Each manuscript must contain the following elements, ordered as below. Review of manuscripts lacking one of these parts may be delayed until the submission is complete. Begin each element on a separate sheet of paper.

Manuscript Submission Checklist (PDF Format)

  1. Cover sheet ?on an unnumbered page, provide:
    • A running head (an abbreviated form of the main title) of 40 or fewer characters and spaces.
    • Name, address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address of the corresponding author.
    • Name(s) of study statistical expert(s); if none, state that on the cover sheet.
    • Word count, including references and tables.

  2. Title page-first numbered page
    • Title
      • Regular articles-maximum 15 words
      • Case studies-maximum 10 words
    • The full names of authors and their academic degrees (on a separate line)
    • Affiliations and acknowledgment paragraph of no more than 120 words, with authors' affiliations, any necessary credit lines, and the name and address for reprint requests and/or correspondence. Include a description of financial support relevant to the manuscript and any potential conflict of interest.

  3. Structured abstract-maximum 200 words
    • The abstract must stand on its own and must meet the quality criteria set by JAMA (Winker, 1999:281:1129-1130). Do not include general statements that refer the reader to the text. Do not cite references in the abstract.
    • Research articles
      • Objective: the primary purpose of the study
      • Method: design of the study and main outcome measures
      • Results: key findings
      • Conclusions: including clinical significance
    • Review articles
      • Objective: the primary purpose of the review
      • Method: data sources, study selection (number of articles reviewed and the selection process)
      • Results: methods of data synthesis and key findings
      • Conclusions: summary statement of what is known, including potential applications and research needs
    • Case studies require an unstructured abstract of not more than 100 words.
    • Key words-3 to 5 key words to be used for indexing

  4. Text
    • Technical items
      • Begin on the third numbered page.
      • Spell out all abbreviations (other than units of measure) the first time they are used.
      • Do not use footnotes to the text.
      • When using direct quotations, cite the page number for the quotation in the text, immediately after the quotation.
      • Use the generic term for a drug. When it is necessary to refer to the proprietary name, list it in parentheses after the generic term, followed by the register mark, ?
    • Research reports: Sections titled Introduction, Method, Results, and Discussion are required.
      • Introduction
        • Purpose of the study
        • A priori hypotheses
        • Recent and relevant literature review
      • Method
        • Participants/Subjects
          • Sampling frame and sampling and recruitment strategies
          • Inclusion and exclusion criteria
          • Determination of sample size (include power calculation)
          • Complete information about sample composition: gender, race/ethnicity, and family occupational status and educational attainment. Use the current and codable occupational categories, four educational attainment categories (without H.S. diploma, H.S. graduate without college education, some college education, degree from 4-year college or more), and five race/ethnicity categories (e.g., U.S. Bureau of Census).
          • Representativeness of the sample
        • Measures
          • Variables measured
          • Instruments used. Provide sufficient information about rating scales and other measures so that readers can access them for their own use.
        • Design and Procedures
          • Method of randomization (if applicable)
          • Degree of "blindness"
          • Response rates or follow-up rates and possible bias
          • If a manual-based treatment is used, include information on how to obtain the manual.
          • Data Analysis
            • Describe all analyses with names of specific statistical tests used.
            • Justify and clearly reference the use of unusual statistical techniques.
            • If multiple comparisons are unavoidable, use an appropriate adjustment to control type I error.
            • State whether tests were one- or two-tailed.
          • Results
            • Summary statistics (such as means and standard deviations)
            • When reporting significant results, include the statistical test used, the test value, degree(s) of freedom, and the probability level (p value)
            • When possible, report confidence intervals on the main findings.
          • Discussion: Subsections titled Limitations and Clinical Implications are required.
            • Focus on integrating the findings into what is known and how these findings advance theory or practice.
            • Limitations-point out and discuss any weaknesses in study design or execution that may limit generalizability of the findings.
            • Clinical Implications-relevance for clinical practice or developmental theory. Why should a clinician read this paper?
          • Randomized controlled trials (RCTs)

  5. References
    • References in text: If there are more than two authors in a citation, use "et al." after the first author's name. If more than one citation appear together, arrange them in alphabetical order.
    • Reference list
      • Accuracy of references is the responsibility of the author.
      • Arrange in alphabetical order by author names; do not number.
      • Use initials and surnames of authors.
      • List all authors' names for each publication.
      • If several papers by one author are cited, list them in chronological order. When an author has published several papers in the same year, the date is followed by a, b, c, d, etc.
      • Refer to the National Library of Medicine's List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus or for Online Users for the appropriate abbreviations of journals' titles (www.nlm.nih.gov/tsd/serials/serials.html).
      • Do not cite unpublished manuscripts, submitted manuscripts, or personal communications in the reference list; they may be noted only in the text.
      • Cite "in press" manuscripts in the reference list.
      • If using Endnote?software, visit www.isiresearchsoft.com to obtain the Journal's style file.
      • Consult a recent issue of the Journal for sample references prepared using Journal style.

    Sample References

  6. Tables and figures

    Tables and figures should comprise no more than a total of 5 double-spaced manuscript pages. The Journal does not publish tables or figures that have appeared in other publications. Cite previously published materials only for reference.

    • Avoid duplicating information in the text and in tables.
    • Number tables consecutively using arabic numerals in order of appearance in the text.
    • Cite each table in the text and note approximately where it should be placed.
    • Type each table on a separate page with the title and legend included.
    • Double-space the table and any footnotes to it.
    • Do not use underlining.
    • Properly align numbers, both horizontally and vertically.
    • Use brief headings for columns.
    • If abbreviations are necessary, explain them in a key.
    • Keep footnotes to a minimum; if necessary, use superior letters to denote them.

    • Number figures consecutively using Arabic numerals in order of appearance in the text.
    • Cite each figure in the text in order.
    • Submit figures camera-ready, suitable for reproduction, as laser copy on high-quality paper. Dot-matrix printing is not acceptable.
    • Minimum resolution of 300 dots per inch (dpi).
    • Prepare figures with the size of the Journal page (one column or page width) in mind.
    • Font size should range between 8 and 14 points when the figure is 100% size (i.e., after reduction to one column or page width).
    • Use a sans serif font such as Arial, Helvetica, or Universal.
    • Use solid black lines no finer than 1 point in thickness.
    • Do not use levels of gray shading for fill on graphs or charts.
    • List captions together on a separate sheet of paper.
    • Place a label on the back of each original figure (but not on the copies of figures) with the figure number, last name of the first author, and "top."
    • Do not mount artwork.

    Detailed Figure Preparation Guidelines

    All manuscripts are subject to peer review. The Journal finds that blinding manuscripts with respect to the authors' identity and affiliation helps in providing unbiased reviews. A paper is judged by four essential criteria: Is the material new, true, important, and comprehensible?

    Authors can usually expect a decision within 6 to 10 weeks. Review comments that are judged useful to authors will be sent with the decision letter. Manuscripts will not be returned. Accepted papers are subject to editorial revisions and copyediting. However, the contents of the paper remain the responsibility of the author.

    Page proofs will be sent by the printer. Corrected proofs must be returned to the printer within 48 hours. Authors will be billed for excessive changes on proofs (not due to printer error). Reprints may be ordered when proofs are returned to the publisher.

    Submit manuscripts in quadruplicate (original and three clear copies) to:
      Mina K. Dulcan, M.D., Editor
      Journal of the AACAP Editorial Office
      Children's Memorial Hospital
      2300 Children's Plaza #156
      Chicago, IL 60614-3394
    For more information, including e-mail addresses of the Editorial Office staff, please visit our Web site at http://www.jaacap.com or call 773-327-2920.

    Letters to the Editor    To top of page

    The Letters column is a corner of the Journal that encourages opinion, controversy, and preliminary ideas. We especially invite reader comments on the articles we publish as well as issues or interests of concern to child and adolescent psychiatry. The Editor reserves the right to solicit responses and publish replies. All statements expressed in this column are those of the authors and do not reflect opinions of the Journal.

    Letters should not exceed 750 words, including a maximum of 5 references. They must be signed, typed double-spaced, and submitted in duplicate accompanied by an electronic copy on diskette and the completed Electronic Editing Form. All letters are subject to editing and shortening. They will be considered for publication but may not necessarily be published nor will their receipt by acknowledged. Please direct your letters to Mina K. Dulcan, Editor, Journal of the AACAP, Editorial Office, Children's Memorial Hospital, 2300 Children's Plaza, #156, Chicago, IL 60614-3394.

    Editorial Board
    This is THE major journal focusing exclusively on today's psychiatric research and treatment of the child and adolescent. Published twelve times per year, each issue gives you a variety of perspectives on the problems seen in daily practice. Practice parameters are also published once per year.

    The Journal’s purpose is to advance research, clinical practice, and theory in child and adolescent psychiatry. It is interested in manuscripts from diverse viewpoints, including genetic, epidemiological, neurobiological, cognitive, behavioral, psychodynamic, social, cultural, and economic. Studies of diagnostic reliability and validity, psychotherapeutic and psychopharmacological treatment efficacy, and mental health services effectiveness are encouraged.
    • ISSN: 0890-8567
    • Published Monthly

        Please click here for a comprehensive contacts list

    • Index Medicus/Medline
    • Research Alert
    • Biosis
    • Combined Cumulative Index to Pediatrics
    • Clinician's Research Digest
    • Current Contents/Social & Behavioral Science
    • Social Sciences Citation Index
    • EMBASE/Excerpta Medica
    • National Council on Family Relations
    • Categories: Pediatrics & Psychiatry
    • Impact Factor: 3.662
    • Ranks:
      Pediatrics -- 1st of 68 journals
      Psychiatry -- 10th of 88 journals

    Information above cited from the 2002 Journal Citation Report (ISI)


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