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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Journal of Stored Products Research on ScienceDirect(Opens new window)

The Journal of Stored Products Research provides an international medium for the publication of both reviews and original results from laboratory and field studies on stored products. These include food, foodstuffs and durable items, including materials such as timber and museum artifacts.

Suitable subjects include:

• the biology, ecology, physiology, behavior, taxonomy, genetics and control of pests and spoilage agents

• relevant biotechnology, pest management and decision support systems

• the physical and chemical nature of the stored product environment, including its modification

• the assessment, prevention and control of losses

• regulatory, technological and economic subjects relevant to stored products

• the design and structure of the storage environment.

The Journal of Stored Products Research reflects the worldwide interest in the scientific problems of infestation in stored food and their relevance to trade and the increasing world food shortage.

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Publisher's acknowledgement to Reviewers

For more information/suggestions/comments please contact AuthorSupport@elsevier.com Hide Aims & Scope
Editor-in-Chief Contact the Editor
P.F. Credland

Instructions to Authors

Submission of Papers
Authors are requested to submit their original manuscript and figures with two copies to the appropriate Regional Editor:

Australia & Asia:
B.R. Champ
ACIAR, Research Program
GPO Box 1571
Canberra, ACT 2601
Tel: +61 262 303557
Fax: +61 262 303557
E-mail: champ@austrametro.com.au

Europe & Africa:
C.H. Bell
Central Science Laboratory
Sand Hutton
York, YO4 1LZ
Tel: +44 1904 462000
Fax: +44 (0) 1904 462111
E-mail: c.bell@csl.gov.uk

The Americas:
N.D.G. White
Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada
Cereal Research Centre
195 Dafoe Road
Manitoba R3T 2M9
Tel: +1 204 983 1452
Fax: +1 204 983 4604
E-mail: nwhite@agr.gc.ca

Reviews should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief:
P.F. Credland
School of Biological Sciences
Royal Holloway University of London
Surrey, TW20 0EX
Tel: +44 1784 443767
Fax: +44 1784 470756
E-mail: P.Credland@rhul.ac.uk

Submission of a paper implies that it has not been published previously, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and that if accepted it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any other language, without the written consent of the publisher. Submission also implies that all authors have approved the paper for release and are in agreement with its content. Where preliminary or pilot studies have been published previously, full accounts may be accepted for the Journal of Stored Products Research at the discretion of the editors.

Manuscripts which describe work involving new methodology, synthetic or natural compounds, or extracts from animals, plants or minerals, must contain sufficient information about the methodology, the structure and concentration of the compounds, their formulation, or the source of the extracts for the work to be repeated. The information must be given in full where the methodology or the materials are novel, or by reference to previously published sources to which there is open access where this is appropriate. Papers concerning methodology or compounds or extracts of novel composition which has to remain confidential at the time of submission will not be considered for publication.

Work described in all manuscripts must conform to the legal requirements of the country in which it was carried out, including those relating to conservation and animal welfare. Attention is drawn to the 'Guidelines for the Use of Animals in Research' published in each January issue of the journal Animal Behaviour since 1991. Any possible adverse consequences of the work for populations or individual organisms must be weighed against the possible gains in knowledge and its practical applications. Authors of manuscripts involving work on vertebrate animals are required to sign a declaration that their work conforms to the legal requirements of the country in which it was carried out, but editors may seek advice from referees on ethical matters and the final decision of acceptability will rest with the editors.

Types of Contributions

  • Regular papers, normally no longer than 15 printed pages in length.
  • Reviews, which are normally invited and usually between 10 and 15 printed pages in length. Potential authors should initially approach the Editor-in-Chief, indicating the subject which they wish to review.
  • Short communications, which should not exceed 4 pages in length. They should not consist of material, which the author intends to publish in more detail at a later date. They should be of similar scientific standard to longer papers.

Manuscript Preparation
General: Manuscripts, in English, must be typewritten, double-spaced with wide margins on one side of white paper. Good quality typescripts with a font size of 12 pt are required. The corresponding author should be identified (include a Fax number and E-mail address). Full postal addresses must be given for all co-authors. Authors should consult a recent issue of the journal for style if possible. An electronic copy of the paper should accompany the final version. The Editors reserve the right to adjust style to certain standards of uniformity. Authors should retain a copy of their manuscript since we cannot accept responsibility for damage or loss of papers. Original manuscripts are discarded one month after publication unless the Publisher is asked to return original material after use.

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Abstracts: All papers and short communications must be provided with a brief abstract of less than 300 words.

Text: Follow this order when typing manuscripts: Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, Main text (Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results, Discussion), Acknowledgements, Appendix, References, Figures, Figure Captions and then Tables. A very brief summary or conclusion may be included after the Discussion, but it should neither replace nor repeat the Abstract. Do not import the Figures or Tables into your text. The corresponding author should be identified with an asterisk and footnote. All other footnotes (except for table footnotes) should be identified with superscript Arabic numbers. Please also supply five key words (or short phrases).

The technical description of methods should be given in detail only when such methods are new. SI units, and abbreviations, should be used throughout. Any unusual or Greek letters must be clearly identified.

The international rules of nomenclature should be used for all organisms. Full species names including the authority (e.g. Acanthoscelides obtectus (Say) ) should be given the first time that an organism is mentioned. Authorities for the names should be given in full except in the cases of Linnaeus and Fabricius, which may be abbreviated to L. and F. respectively. Other than at the beginning of a sentence names may subsequently be abbreviated, (e.g. to Acanthoscelides obtectus or to A. obtectus) where no ambiguity may arise. Common names should be avoided in the title.

Common names of pesticides, which have been accepted by the International Standards Organisation (ISO), should be used wherever possible. In other situations a name used by a renowned national body (Entomological Society of America, INRA, etc.) should be used. The full chemical name of pesticides, which lack an ISO name, should be given when the compound is first mentioned. Trade names for active ingredients are preferable to those for particular formulations.

The following symbols and abbreviations may be used as appropriate. Days (d), hours (h), moisture content (m.c.), relative humidity (r.h.). When using any abbreviation (except % and oC) leave a single space between the numeral and following character. Avoid fractions. Numbers should be written in full where they occur at the beginning of a sentence and where they are not associated with units (thus:?Ten beetles in 5 months).

References: All publications cited in the text should be presented in a list of references following the text of the manuscript. In the text refer to the author's name (without initials) and year of publication (e.g. "Since Peterson (1993) has shown that..." or "This is in the agreement with results obtained later (Kramer, 1994)"). For three or more authors use the first author followed by "et al.", in the text. The list of references should be arranged alphabetically by authors' names. The manuscript should be carefully checked to ensure that the spelling of authors' names and dates are exactly the same in the text as in the reference list. "Please note that all journal titles should be given in full".

References should be given in the following form:

Journal Article:
Perez-Mendoza, J., Hagstrum, D.W., Dover, B.A., Hopkins, T.L., Baker, J.E., 1999. Flight response, body weight, and lipid content of Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) as influenced by strain, season and phenotype. Journal of Stored Products Research 38, 183-195.

Edited book:
Cardona, C., Karel, A.K., 1990. Key insects and other invertebrate pests of beans. In: Singh, S.R. (Ed), Insect Pests of Tropical Food Legumes. Wiley, Chichester, pp. 157-191.

Pitt, J.I., Hocking, A.D., 1985. Fungi and Food Spoilage. Academy Press, Sydney.

Papers or books with titles in a foreign language may have an accurate English translation of the title in addition to the title in the original language (except where the language has a non-Roman alphabet, in which case a translation alone is acceptable with the original language clearly indicated).

Figures: All figures should be provided in camera-ready form, suitable for reproduction (which may include reduction) without retouching. Photographs, charts and diagrams are all to be referred to as "Figure(s)" and should be numbered consecutively in the order to which they are referred. They should accompany the manuscript, but should not be included within the text.
All illustrations should be clearly marked on the back with the figure number and the author's name. All figures are to have a caption. Captions should be supplied on a separate sheet.
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The Journal of Stored Products Research has no page charges.


Editorial Board
P.F. Credland, Division of Biology, School of Biological Sciences, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX, UK
Regional Editor (Australia & Asia):
B.R. Champ, ACIAR, Research Program, GPO Box 1571, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia
Regional Editor (Europe & Africa):
C.H. Bell, Central Science Laboratory, Sand Hutton, York, YO4 1LZ, UK
Regional Editor (The Americas):
N.D.G. White, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Cereal Research Centre, 195 Dafoe Road, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2M9, Canada
Advisory Board:
D.M. Armitage, York, UK
H.J. Banks, Canberra, Australia
M. Bengston, Kenmore, Australia
P.M. Cogan, York, UK
E.J. Donahaye, Bet Dagan, Israel
P. Fields, Manitoba, Canada
F. Fleurat-Lessard, Villenave d'Ornon, France
P.W. Flinn, Manhattan, KS, USA
D.P. Giga, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
C.P. Haines, Chatham Maritime, UK
A. Hocking, North Ryde, Australia
R.J. Hodges, Chatham Maritime, UK
D. Jayas, Manitoba, Canada
J. Leos-Martinez, Nuevo León, Mexico
B.C. Longstaff, Canberra, Australia
D.E. Maier, West Lafayette, IN, USA
H. Nakakita, Tsukuba, Japan
C. Reichmuth, Berlin, Germany
D. Wicklow, Peoria, IL, USA
D.M. Wilson, Tifton, GA, USA
R.G. Winks, Canberra, Australia
J.L. Zettler, Fresno, CA, USA



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