

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

 This Journal is devoted to reporting advancements in the science and technology associated with spacecraft and tactical and strategic missile systems, including subsystems, applications, missions, environmental interactions, and space sciences. The Journal publishes original archival papers disclosing significant developments in spacecraft and missile configurations, re-entry devices, transatmospheric vehicles, systems and subsystem design and application, mission design and analysis, applied and computational fluid dynamics, applied aerothermodynamics, development of materials and structures for spacecraft and missile applications, space instrumentation, developments in space sciences, space processing and manufacturing, space operations, interactions with spacecraft and sensors, design of sensors and experiments for space, and applications of space technologies to other fields. The context of the Journal also includes ground-support systems, manufacturing, integration and testing, launch control, recovery and repair, space communications, scientific data processing, and human and environmental factors in spacecraft and mission design. Papers also are sought which describe the effects of propulsion, guidance and control, thermal management, and structural systems on spacecraft and missile design and performance.

Instructions to Authors



Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets |

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Managing Editor:  Amanda Maguire  ( amandam@writetrack.net )

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Editorial Board



Vincent Zoby
NASA Langley Research Center
Mail Stop 408A
Hampton, VA 23681--0001
E-mail: e.v.zoby@larc.nasa.gov

Associate Editors  (terms expire in year indicated)

Prof. Iain Boyd (2004)
University of Michigan
Department of Aerospace Engineering
3012 FXB Building
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2140
E-mail: iainboyd@umich.edu

Mr. Timothy Collins (2005)
NASA Langley Research Center
Mail Stop 190
Hampton, VA
E-mail: t.j.collins@larc.nasa.gov

Dr. Russell Cummings (2003)
California Polytechnic State University
Aeronautical Engineering Department
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407
E-mail: rcumming@calpoly.edu

Dr. David Edwards (2004)
NASA George C. Marshall Space Flight Center
Huntsville, AL 35812
E-mail: david.edwards@msfc.nasa.gov

Dr. Nikolaos Gatsonis (2005)
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Mechanical Engineering Department
100 Institute Road
Worcester, MA 01609-2280
E-mail: gatsonis@wpi.edu

Dr. Basil Hassan (2004)
12114 Camelot Place NE
Albuquerque, NM 87122
E-mail: bhassan@sandia.gov

Peter Huseman (2006)
Lockheed Martin
Space Systems
Denver, CO 80201
E-mail: peter.g.huseman@lmco.com

Dr. Andrew Ketsdever (2005)
Air Force Research Laboratory
10 East Saturn Boulevard
Edwards Air Force Base, CA 93524-7201
E-mail: andrew.ketsdever@edwards.af.mil

Dr. Roger Kimmel (2006)
Air Force Research Laboratory
274 Cora Drive
Carlisle, OH 45005-3223
E-mail: roger.kimmel@wpafb.af.mil

Dr. Craig Kluever (2004)
University of Missouri–Columbia
Department of Mechanical And Aerospace Engineering
E3403A Engineering Building East
Columbia, MO 65211
E-mail: klueverc@missouri.edu

Dr. Mark Lake (2004)
Composite Technology Development, Inc.
1505 Coal Creek Drive
Lafayette, CO 80026
E-mail: mark@ctd-materials.com

Dr. Tony Lin (2004)
1229 Mills Avenue
Redlands, CA 92373-4969
E-mail: tony.lin@ngc.com

Dr. James Martin (2003)
Boeing Phantom Works
5301 Bolsa Avenue
Huntington Beach, CA 92647-2099
E-mail: james.a.martin5@boeing.com

Dr. Craig McLaughlin (2005)
University of North Dakota
4149 Campus Road
530 Clifford Hall
Grand Forks, ND 58202-9008
E-mail: craigm@space.edu

Mr. Mark Miller (2005)
117 Lovvorn Lane NW
Huntsville, AL 35806-1289
E-mail: mark.miller@dynetics.com

Dr. David Spencer (2005)
The Pennsylvania State University
Department of Aerospace Engineering
223 Hammond Building
University Park, PA 16802-1401
E-mail: dbs9@psu.edu

Dr. Irwin Vas (2003)
Boeing Missiles & Space Division
Defense and Space Group
Civil Space Product Development
Huntsville, AL 35824-6402
E-mail: irwin.e.vas@boeing.com

Dr. Paul Weinacht (2003)
U.S. Army Research Laboratory
Building 390, Room 210
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005
E-mail: weinacht@arl.army.mil

Dr. Walton Williamson (2003)
6624 Crooked Stick Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76132-4537
E-mail: w.e.williamson@tcu.edu


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