

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The Journal of Soil and Water Conservation is a forum to promote creative thinking and encourage investigation of conservation issues and concerns in the area of soil, water, and related natural resources, present new research and ideas, discuss conservation concepts, policies, and viewpointS.

Writers, researchers, readers, and staff are professionals in soil and water conservation, technical and research fields, and organizational decision management. Readers are highly knowledgeable, well educated, and active in their particular fields. Readers are scientists, researchers, administrators, educators, environmentalists, conservation field practitioners, policymakers, and natural resource managers.

Expertise is in the areas of: agronomy, conservation education, conservation planning, ecosystem management, environmental quality, erosion and sediment control, geology, floodplain management, farmland preservation, forage management, forestry, GIS, GPS, irrigation, mined land reclamation, nonpoint source pollution, rangeland management, soil science, sustainable agriculture, watershed management, wetland restoration, and wildlife management

Instructions to Authors

The Journal of Soil and Water Conservation has two sections to the publication--a front section denoted with page numbers ending with "A" and the applied research section.  The front "A" section contains various departments and feature articles.  The research section contains peer-reviewed applied research reports.

Manuscripts that are accepted for the "Feature" section of the Journal will be cut for length and clarity. Authors will have an opportunity to review all editorial changes prior to publication. Because of space constraints, we suggest that "Features" be no longer than 5 single-spaced manuscript pages, 12-point font, and contain no more than two tables and one figure. Decision on the acceptability of a manuscript for the feature article category rest with the editor of the JSWC. Feature articles are judged on the basis of content, literary quality, and readership appeal.  Feature articles should deal with some aspect of the management of land, water, or other renewable natural resources.  Authoritative discussions of policy, philosophy, problems, and significant controversies are appropriate.  Comprehensive, timely review articles dealing with research and/or management topics also are pertinent.  Please submit an electronic copy to the Editor, Deb Happe at deb@swcs.org. It is suggested to query the editor about the topic before submitting.

Applied Research Reports
Manuscripts must address subjects of concern to the readership, be of current and ongoing interest, and be written in a readable style. All manuscripts are peer reviewed by experts in the particular field and assessed page charges.
Submissions should be made by postal mail. Please save the text and tables in Microsoft Word and save any graphs, photos, or images as tiff files (JPEG is acceptable). We ask for six complete sets of paper copies. A set equals the text, all tables, charts, graphs, and images.

Manuscript Submission

Guidelines. It is assumed that any manuscript submitted for publication has been cleared, if clearance is required, by the author¡¯s agency or organization and has not been published previously.

Style. JSWC style is based on the Chicago Manual of Style, 14th edition.

Hard copy preparation: Hard copies of the manuscript should be printed on one side of the page, double-spaced. The preferred font style is Arial. Print your name(s), title, email, phone, fax, and address, on the first page. Items that must be included:

Abstract: Make sure your abstract gives a summary of the essential content and conclusions to the research performed.  Abstracts should not be more than 150 words.

Keywords: Up to 8 keywords should be included and presented in alphabetical order.

Authors: Full names and titles for all authors should be included on the first page.

Sections: The Journal manuscripts are presented with the following sections: ¡°Methods and Materials¡±; ¡°Results and Discussion¡±; ¡°Summary and Conclusions¡± and ¡°References Cited¡±   Optional section: ¡°Acknowledgements¡±

Please present your findings within this framework.

          Tables/figures: Place figures, captions, tables, references, etc., at the end of your manuscript.Place each table and figure on a separate page. Use only one unit style in the tables and figures.

            Text: All units of measurement should be expressed in both International and American units. In the text, use author(s) last name only, with date. Use ¡°et al.¡± for three or more authors.

If your manuscript is accepted, you will need to submit an electronic file.  You will be asked to provide:

  • Electronic version of your manuscript saved in Microsoft Word 6.0-8.0.
  • Electronic final copies of all tables and identifying headers associated with the manuscript, saved in Microsoft Word format.
  • All graphs, charts, and illustrations must be sent in one of the following formats: 1) tiff,  2) eps, or 3) jpg.  (jpg is sometimes a poorer quality in the print process)
NOTE: If you are sending your graphics in PowerPoint, we can convert these images to the format we need, but the quality will be low.  The graphics will not be as crisp and clear coming from a PowerPoint file.

References. All references cited must be spelled out, accurately documented, and complete. Also, any conferences, meetings, etc. must carry the full name of the conference, the paper title and if it was presented and/or if it was included in the written proceedings, along with the date (month, day, and year) of the conference or meeting, and the location where it was held.

Research Approach
-Stated hypothesis must be tested.
-Use appropriate investigative techniques.
-Ensure data is accurate and analyzed by suitable statistical techniques.
-Support interpretations with the data presented.
-Document thoroughly all data sources, models, and other information.
-Submit only manuscripts that have not been previously published.

Manuscripts should be written in 12-point, double-spaced on one side of the paper and no longer than 15 pages. This length includes all graphs, tables, charts, or images, in addition to text. We do not include interpretive studies or appendices.

Turn Around Time
Authors are notified of manuscript status within three to four months from the date they are received. If published, we inform authors of which issue the manuscript will appear in. Accepted manuscripts are published six to nine months from the date of acceptance. Reprints are available at a reasonable price.

Page Charges
Page charges are assessed to accepted applied research manuscripts in pages other than the A-section. Charges for research reports are based on the layout pages rather than the submitted document pages. The rates are:

For Soil & Water Conservation Society members:
$  80.00 per page for the first three pages
$140.00 per page for each additional page

For non members of Soil & Water Conservation Society:
$100.00 per page for the first three pages
$160.00 per page for each additional page

Submit 6 Copies of the Manuscript to:
Deb Happe, editor
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
945 SW Ankeny Road
Ankeny, IA  50021

(515) 289-2331, ext. 26
Fax: (515) 289-1227

Editorial Board

Chairman and Research Editor:





Jorge Delgado


Fort Collins, CO

soil scientist (biogeochemistry, nutrient mgmt. N modeling, soil and water quality, winter cover crops)

Associate Research Editors:





1.  Grant Cardon

Colorado State University

Ft. Collins, CO

irrigation/water quality management

2.  Tom Davenport



Portage, IN

national expert on nonpoint source control

3.  Michael Dosskey

USDA National Agroforestry Center

Lincoln, NE

research ecologist (riparian management, watershed conservation planning)

4.  Eric Harmsen

University of Puerto Rico

Mayaguez, Puerto Rico

agricultural engineer (numerical modeling of water flow and chemical transport)

5.  Madhu Khanna

University of Illinois

Urbana-Champaign, IL

agricultural economics (environmental and resource economics)

6.  Bradley King

University of Idaho

Aberdeen R & E Center

agricultural engineer (irrigation, precision farming)

7.  Peter Kleinman

USDA-ARS Pasture Systems and Watershed Management Research Unit

University Park, PA

soil scientist (National Phosphorous Project, subsurface transport)

8.  David Lobb


University of Manitoba

Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada

professor of soil science

9. Birl Lowery

University of Wisconsin - Madison

Madison, WI

professor of soil science

10. Loretta (Lori) Lynch

University of Maryland

College Park, MD

associate professor, Ag and Resource Economics

11. Jeffrey Novak

USDA-ARS Coastal Plains Soil, Water, And Plant Research Center

Florence, SC

soil scientist (manure application, tillage, BMPs, pesticides)

12. Kenneth Potter

USDA-ARS Grassland Soil and Water

Temple, TX

soil scientist (soil physics and hydrological properties)

13. Clint Truman

USDA-ARS Southeast Watershed Research Lab

Tifton, GA

soil scientist (transport and fate of agrichemicals in soils)

14. John White

University of Florida

Gainesville, FL

research assistant professor of soil science

15. John Williams

USDA-ARS Columbia Plateau Conservation Center

Pendleton, OR

hydrologist (overland and underground solute movement, soil erosion, runoff)


Advisory Members:




Warren Busscher


Florence, SC

Lynn Betts


Des Moines, IA

Mary Cressel


Washington, DC

Maurice Mausbach


Washington, DC




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