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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Aims & Scope

A peer-reviewed, international publication dedicated to the dissemination of scientific information about raptors, The Journal of Raptor Research publishes original research reports and review articles on the biology and conservation of diurnal and nocturnal raptors. Articles describing ecology, behavior, life history, conservation, or techniques are appropriate, as are reviews of published studies. International contributions are encouraged.

Instructions to Authors

The Journal of Raptor Research (JRR) publishes original research reports and review articles about the biology of diurnal and nocturnal birds of prey. All submissions must be in English, but contributions from anywhere in the world are welcome. Manuscripts are considered with the understanding that they have not been published, submitted, or accepted for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts are subjected to peer review for evaluation of their significance and soundness, and edited to improve communication between authors and readers. Decisions of the editor are final.

Material is published as feature articles, short communications (usually not longer than two printed pages), and letters (see recent issue of the JRR for examples). Submissions that adhere closely to the JRR's format greatly enhance the efficiency and cost of the editorial and publishing processes. Author's efforts in this regard are deeply appreciated by the editorial staff.

When submitting scholarly papers, send the original and three copies, a completed checklist, and a cover letter that includes: (1) a statement that the data in the manuscript have not been published or accepted for publication in the same form, and have not been submitted simultaneously elsewhere, (2) the name and address of the corresponding author (in multiauthored papers) including any temporary addresses where that author will be during the review process (also the phone number and, if possible, a FAX number and e-mail address of the corresponding author), and (3) if applicable, any special instructions. Authors may also suggest potential reviewers.

If the manuscript submitted was produced on a word processor, also send a diskette (3 1/2") containing a single file that is identical with the printed copy. The electronic copy should be supplied as a text file (ASCII), preferably IBM-compatible. Include information on the type of computer and word processor used.

Manuscripts that are accepted upon condition of revision must be returned to the editor within 60 days. Manuscripts held longer will lose their priority and may be treated as new submissions. The editor should be notified if extenuating circumstances prevent a timely return of the manuscript.

Authors will receive proofs of their articles prior to publication. Proofs must be read carefully to correct any printer errors and returned by the fastest mail within two days of receipt TO THE EDITOR. Changes in typeset text are expensive and authors making extensive changes will be billed for the costs. A reprint order will accompany page proofs to enable authors to buy reprints. Costs of reprints are the author's responsibility and payment for reprints ordered must accompany the order form. Both must be sent TO THE EDITOR.

Publication is expensive and member dues do not cover the entire cost of producing the JRR. Hence, the Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. expects that authors defray the high costs of publication through payment of page costs (currently $100.00 U.S per page). Authors who are not associated with a research institution or simply do not have access to such grants may request the page charges be waived. Such a request can only be approved if the author is a member of the Foundation and the article is short. Payments of amounts less than the full page charges will be accepted. Authors of long manuscripts are expected to pay publishing costs. It is unlikely that articles longer than 10 printed pages or 18 typewritten pages including tables and illustrations can be published without full payment. Authors employed by government agencies, universities, or firms that will meet reprint and page charges may forward a statement to the editor indicating intent to pay. Upon receipt of such a statement, reprints will be mailed to the author and the agency will be billed with the understanding that payment will be made within 30 days. All checks should be made payable to the Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. All personal payments toward publication costs are tax-deductible in the United States.

Editorial Board

Editor in Chief: James C. Bednarz

Associate Editors:

Ian G. Warkentin
Juan Jose Negro
Marco Restani
Clint W. Boal
James R. Belthoff
Joan L. Morrison
Troy Wellicome

Spanish Editor: Cesar Marquez Reyes

Editorial Assistants:  Rebecca S. Maul and Joan Clark

Book Review Editor: Jeff Marks


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