

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology on ScienceDirect(Opens new window)

The Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology provides a forum for the publication of papers relating to the various aspects of photobiology, as well as a means for communication in this multidisciplinary field. The scope includes:
• bioluminescence
• chronobiology
• DNA repair
• environmental photobiology
• nanotechnology in photobiology
• photocarcinogenesis
• photochemistry of biomolecules
• photodynamic therapy
• photomedicine
• photomorphogenesis
• photomovement
• photoreception
• photosensitization
• photosynthesis
• phototechnology
• spectroscopy of biological systems
• UV and visible radiation effects and vision.

Instructions to Authors


PDF version

Submission of contributions
Authors should submit three copies of their manuscripts, one complete set of original illustrations and two copies to one of the Editors. The names and (e-mail) addresses of three potential referees must me indicated in the submission letter. For the final version, in addition to the original and two copies, authors should submit an electronic version of their manuscript on disk.
It is now also possible to submit your paper online and benefit from the considerably shorter time required to reach an editorial decision about publication. Submit your paper online via http://www.elsubmit.com/esubmit/jpb


Alison Curnow

Cornwall Dermatology Research Project
Polgooth Ward
Royal Cornwall Hospital
Cornwall TR1 3LJ
Phone/Fax: +44-1872-253-251
E-mail: alison.curnow@RCHT.swest.nhs.uk

Biophysics, spectroscopy of molecules of biological interest

Department of Biophysics and Cell Biology
University of Debrecen
Faculty of Medicine
Nagyerdei krt 98,
H-4012 Debrecen, Hungary
Phone/Fax: +36-52-412-623
E-mail: lmatyus@jaguar.dote.hu

Dermatology, Photosensitisers, Oxygen radicals
Fritz Böhm

Quarters 206
Friedrichstr. 71
D-10117 Berlin
submission to the Assistant Editor:
Klaus Winckler

Environment & Information Technology Consultant
Misdroyer Str. 50
D-14199 Berlin
Phone/Fax: +49-30-824-4058
E-mail: editor-4@KLWinckler-ck.de

Contributions are accepted on the understanding that the authors have obtained the necessary authority for publication. Submission of an article must be accompanied by a statement that the article is original and unpublished and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. Upon acceptance of an article by the Journal, the author(s) will be asked to transfer the copyright of the article to the Publisher. This transfer will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information.
Authors are reminded that delays in publication may occur if the instructions for submission and disk and manuscript preparation are not strictly followed. Authors are strongly recommended to submit disks to aid rapid processing. To facilitate communication, authors are requested to provide their current e-mail address, telephone and fax number.
There are no page charges.

Preparation of manuscripts on disk
Main Text
Articles prepared using any of the more popular word-processing packages are acceptable but please note the following points.

  • Submissions should be made on a double-density or high-density 3.5" disk.
  • The disk format, wordprocessor format, file name(s) and the title and authors of the article must be indicated on the disk.
  • The disk must always be accompanied by a hard-copy version of the article, and the content of the two must be identical.
  • The disk text must be the same as that of the final refereed, revised manuscript.
  • Disks formatted for either IBM PC compatibles or Apple Macintosh are preferred. If you can provide either of these, our preference is for the former.
  • The article must be saved in the native format of the word processor used, e.g. WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, etc.
  • Although most popular word processor file formats are acceptable, we cannot guarantee the usability of all formats. If the disk you send us proves to be unusable, we will publish your article from the hard copy.
  • Please do not send ASCII files as relevant data may be lost.
  • There is no need to spend time formatting your article so that the printout is visually attractive (e.g. by making headings bold or creating a page layout with figures), as most formatting instructions will be removed upon processing.
  • Leave a blank line between each paragraph and between each entry in the list of bibliographic references.
  • Tables should preferably be placed in the same electronic file as the text. Authors should consult a recent issue of the Journal for table layout.

Although there are still a large number of technical difficulties to overcome, we are processing graphic files in a growing number of cases. Both scanned and computer-generated illustrations, either in colour or black and white are acceptable.

The following requirements are to be met:
A hard copy of the manuscript should be sent in all cases. Since we cannot a priori guarantee the usability of your graphic file(s), hard copies of all illustrations should accompany the accepted printout of the manuscript in all cases. One set should be in a publishable condition.
Disks: Files should preferably be submitted on disk, either IBM or Macintosh.
Submission via e-mail is not recommended for large files.
Format: TIFF or EPS files are preferred. TIFF files should preferably be compressed, but only LZW (Macintosh) compression is acceptable. Please note that corrections in EPS figures are only possible if they have been prepared with Adobe Illustrator 3.0 or higher versions. The usability of other formats is to a large extent dependent on the information you supply us with concerning the soft and hardware used. It is a good idea to put the relevant information in the header of the file.
Resolution:Drawings made with Adobe Illustrator and Aldus Freehand (Macintosh) and CorelDraw (IBM/DOS) generally give good results. Drawings made in WordPerfect or Word generally have a too low resolution; only if made at a much higher resolution (1000 dpi) can they be used. Files of scanned line drawings are acceptable if done at a minimum of 1000 dpi. For scanned halftone figures a resolution of 300 dpi is sufficient. Scanned figures compressed with JPEG usually give no problems. Please note that scanned figures cannot be enlarged, only reduced.

Manuscript preparation
Papers will be published in English. Authors' manuscripts must be consistent in style, spelling and syntax. Authors in Japan please note that a listing of commercial companies and individuals offering English polishing services, for the checking, correction and improvement of manuscripts (prior to submission) can be obtained from the following address:
Elsevier Science KK
Editorial Service
1-9-15 Higashi Azabu, Minato-ku
Tokyo 106-0044, Japan
Tel: +81-3-5561-5032
Fax: +81-3-5561-5045

Estimation of length
For a rough estimate of the final length of their printed article, authors should count 850 words per full two-column page and four illustrations per page.

Papers should be headed by a concise and informative title. This should be followed by the name(s) of the author(s) and by the name and complete address of the laboratory in which the work was performed. If the address of the author at the time when the paper will appear will be other than that where the work was carried out, this may be stated in a footnote, but footnotes should otherwise be avoided. Recognition for financial support should not be made by a footnote to the title or name of the author but should be included in Acknowledgements at the end of the paper.

An abstract of 50-200 words should be included at the beginning of a paper. The abstract should comprise a brief and factual account of the contents and conclusions of the paper as well as an indication of any new information presented and its relevance. Abstracts should be understandable in isolation, and reference to formulae, equations or references that appear in the main text is thus not permissible.

Normally, a maximum of four to six keywords should be indicated below the abstract to describe the content of the manuscript.

A full-length paper should have a short Introduction. This should state the reasons for the work, with brief reference to previous work on the subject.

The references should be brought together at the end of the article, and numbered in the order of their appearance in the text. Footnotes should not include bibliographic material, and reference lists should not include material that could more appropriately appear as a footnote. Authors should check whether every reference in the text appears in the list of references and vice versa. Numerals for references are given in square brackets. In the reference list, journals [1], books [2], and edited multi-author books [3] should be cited in accordance with the following examples:

1 G. Jori, Far-red-absorbing photosensitizers: their use in the photodynamic therapy of tumours, J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem. 62 (1992) 371-378.

2 L.R. Snyder, Principles of Adsorption Chromatography, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1968.

3 D. Mauzerall and F.T. Hong, Photochemistry of porphyrins in membranes and photosynthesis, in K.M. Smith (Ed.), Porphyrins and Metalloporphyrins, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2nd ed., 1976, pp. 701-725.

Each reference should be complete, thus the use of ibid., idem., et al., etc. is not permitted. Abbreviations for the titles of journals should follow the system used by the Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index, 1970 edition, and supplements.
References to books should include the following information: title, publisher, town of publication, year of publication and page number. This information should also be given for published proceedings or abstracts of conferences, together with the location and date of the meeting, e.g.

4 D.P. Häder, Photomovement in eukaryotic microorganisms, Proc. 1st European Congress on Photobiology, Grenoble, 1986, University of Grenoble, Grenoble, 1986, p. 143. Articles not yet published should be given as "in press", "submitted for publication" or " in preparation". Details of personal communications or unpublished results should be given as a reference, e.g.

5 A. Jones, personal communication, 1986.

Tables should be typed in double spacing on separate sheets and provided with a suitable heading. Tables should be clearly referred to in the text using Arabic numerals. Considerable thought should be given to layout so that the significance of the results can be easily grasped. Each table should have a title which makes the general meaning understandable without reference to the text.

Line drawings and cyclic or aromatic chemical formulae should be in a form suitable for direct reproduction, drawn in black ink on drawing or tracing paper. Alternatively, such illustrations may be supplied as high contrast, black and white glossy photographs. Where magnifications are concerned, it is preferable to indicate the scale by means of a ruled line on the photograph. There is no need to specify reductions for figures; however, figures will generally be reduced in size before printing and any lettering should be sufficiently large (minimum height, 3-5 mm) to remain legible. All illustrations should preferably require the same degree of reduction and be submitted on paper of the same size as, or smaller than, the main text to prevent damage in transit. Legends to illustrations should be typed in sequence on a separate page or pages and be understandable without reference to the text.

Colour illustrations
Illustrations can be printed in colour at no charge when they are judged by the Editor to be essential to the presentation. Otherwise, the publisher and author will each bear part of the extra costs involved. The charge to be passed on to authors of articles containing colour figures is NLG 1300 (approx. US$ 800) for the first page containing colour and NLG 650 (approx. US $ 400) for each additional page containing colour. Authors will be billed in Euros; the dollar price is for guidance only and is based on the exchange rate at the time of the preparation of these instructions.

Further information
All questions arising after acceptance of a paper, especially those concerning proofs, should be directed to:
Elsevier Science
Log-in Dept (JPB)
PO Box 2759
1000 CT Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (20) 485 2480, Fax: +31 (20) 485 25 21
E-mail: c.varkevisser@elsevier.nl

Authors will receive their proofs by fax or e-mail. It is therefore essential that they provide their fax and e-mail address. For the sake of rapidity, the authors will be given five days to return their proofs adequately checked. No new material may be inserted in the text at the time of proof reading. A Note added in proof must be dated and the author must have requested and received the Editor's approval.

Fifty offprints are supplied to the corresponding author free of charge. Additional offprints may be ordered at prices shown on the offprint order form which will accompany the proofs. This order form should be returned promptly since the price of offprints ordered after publication is substantially higher.


Editorial Board
A. Curnow, Cornwall Dermatology Research Project, Polgooth Ward, Royal Cornwall Hospital, Treliske, Truro, Cornwall TR1 3LJ, UK
Fax: +44-1872-253251, Email: alison.curnow@RCHT.swest.nhs.uk
Biophysics, spectroscopy of molecules of biological interest:
L. Mátyus, Department of Biophysics and Cell Biology, University of Debrecen, Faculty of Medicine, Nagyerdei krt 98, H-4012 Debrecen, Hungary
Fax: +36-52-412-623, Email: lmatyus@jaguar.dote.hu
Dermatology, Photosensitisers, Oxygen radicals:
F. Böhm, Meoclinic, Quarters 206, Friedrichstrasse 71, D-10117 Berlin, Germany
Assistant Editor to Dr Böhm:
K. Winckler, Environment & Information Technology Consultant, Misdroyer Strasse 50, D-14199 Berlin, Germany Email: editor-4@KLWinckler-ck.de
Founding Editor:
G. Jori, Padova, Italy
Editorial Board:
D. Averbeck, Orsay, France
D. Balasubramanian, Hyderabad, India
A. Batlle, Buenos Aires, Argentina
G.M.J. Beijersbergen van Henegouwen, Leiden, The Netherlands
R.V. Bensasson, Paris, France
U.C. Biswal, Orissa, India
N. Brown, Sheffield, UK
E.R. Gaillard, DeKalb, IL, USA
P.U. Giacomoni, Melville, NY, USA
M. Iino, Osaka, Japan
A. Jenei, Debrecen, Hungary
B. McIlroy, Issaquah, WA, USA
D.J. Robinson, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
R. Roelandts, Leuven, Belgium
B. Röder, Berlin, Germany
J. Rozema, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
R.P. Sharma, Hyderabad, India
H. Sies, Düsseldorf, Germany
M. Wainwright, Leeds, UK
W.H. Woodruff, Los Alamos, NM, USA



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