

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

 The Journal of Petrology provides an international forum for the publication of high quality research in the broad field of igneous and metamorphic petrology and petrogenesis. Papers published cover a vast range of topics in areas such as major element, trace element and isotope geochemistry and geochronology applied to petrogenesis; experimental petrology; processes of magma generation, differentiation and emplacement; quantitative studies of rock-forming minerals and their paragenesis; regional studies of igneous and meta morphic rocks which contribute to the solution of fundamental petrological problems; theoretical modelling of petrogenetic processes.


Instructions to Authors
Please read carefully and adhere strictly to these instructions to ensure that the review and publication of your paper is as quick and efficient as possible.


The Journal of Petrology provides an international forum for the publication of high quality research in the broad field of igneous and metamorphic petrology and petrogenesis. Papers published cover a wide range of topics including:
  • major element, trace element and isotope geochemistry and geochronology applied to petrogenesis
  • experimental petrology
  • processes of magma generation, differentiation and emplacement
  • regional studies of igneous and metamorphic rocks which contribute to the solution of fundamental petrological problems
  • theoretical modelling of petrogenetic processes
  • quantitative studies of rock-forming minerals and their paragenesis


Papers must be written clearly and concisely in English. The normal maximum length is 12,000 words, including equivalent space for tables and figures, but longer papers can be accepted, provided that the length is justified by the scientific argument presented in the paper. However, authors are encouraged to submit papers which are substantially shorter than the normal maximum length. Four copies of manuscripts must be submitted to one of the Editors (see inside of front cover). Papers submitted for review should report original and unpublished work that is not under consideration for publication elsewhere in any language. If previously published illustrations, tables, figures or more than 200 words of text are to be included, the written permission of the copyright holder must be obtained and enclosed with the paper.

Every paper is reviewed by at least two independent referees selected by the Editors. Authors should submit the names and addresses of three appropriate reviewers with their manuscript. Referees' reports are carefully considered by the Editors before making decisions concerning publication, major or minor revision or rejection.


The aim is to publish papers in the Journal as soon as possible after acceptance. Efficient methods of communication are expected and encouraged. For this purpose authors must provide e-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers. Strict adherence to the guidelines given in the 'Guide for the Preparation of Electronic Submission' during preparation of the manuscript text, tables and figures will ensure that there will be no delays in final acceptance for publication.


Manuscripts must be printed on A4 or American quarto paper and double-spaced. Margins of 25 mm should be left at the sides, top and bottom of the page. The approximate position for insertion of each table and figure should be marked in the margin. Number each page sequentially, including the title page. Authors should study carefully the current issue of the Journal of Petrology to ensure that papers correspond in format and style with the requirements.

Title page

The title must be short, specific and informative. The surname and initials of each author should be followed by his or her department, institution, and city with postal code and country. Any change of address can be given in numbered footnotes. The author to whom required revisions and/or proofs are to be addressed (the corresponding author) should be indicated and his/her telephone, FAX and e-mail address given. Please provide a running title of not more than 50 characters.

Key words

Up to five key words, which may or may not appear in the title, must be given below the abstract in alphabetical order with each word separated by a semi-colon.


The paper must be preceded by the Abstract, which must be written on a separate page. The Abstract must not exceed 200 words and must be without abbreviations and reference citations. Please abide strictly by this limitation of length. The Abstract should be comprehensible to readers before they have read the paper.


These must be included at the end of the text and not in footnotes. Personal acknowledgements should precede those of institutions or agencies.


Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references, which must be given in the text in one of the following formats:

McKenzie & Bickle (1988); (McKenzie & Bickle, 1988)
Deer et al. (1963); (Deer et al., 1963)
(Yoder & Tilley, 1962; Deer et al., 1963; Thompson & Gibson, 1991)
Wilson & Rosenbaum (in press); (Wilson & Rosenbaum, in press)

References cited must be given in full and listed in alphabetical order in the last section of the manuscript. The following examples are given:

McKenzie, D. & Bickle, M. J. (1988). The volume and composition of melt generated by extension of the lithosphere. Journal of Petrology 29, 342-532.
Yardley, B. W .D. (1989). An Introduction to Metamorphic Petrology. Harlow: Longman Group UK.
Thompson, J. B. Jr. (1959). Local equilibrium in metasomatic processes. In: Abelson, P. H. (ed.) Researches in Geochemistry. New York: John Wiley, 427-457.
Wilson, M., Rosenbaum, J. M. & Dunworth, E. A. (1998). Melilitites: Partial melts of the thermal boundary layer? Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, in press.

Personal communications (J. Smith pers. com.) must be authorised in writing by those concerned and unpublished data should be cited as (unpublished data). References to papers in preparation, i.e. not yet accepted for publication, should be cited in the text as (J. Smith & N. Jones, in preparation) but should not be included in the list of references.


There is a four-tier structure, as shown in the examples below:

Level 1: PETROGRAPHY (bold capitals)
Level 2: Diorites (bold, capital and lower case)
Level 3: Textures (italic, capital and lower case)
For level 1¨C3 headings the following text should begin without indent after one line space. Subsequent paragraphs should be indented.
Level 4: Tholeiitic trend (italic, indented); text to continue on same line.


Tables must be numbered consecutively and printed on separate sheets with a brief descriptive title set above the body of the table. Footnotes may be used. To facilitate typesetting of tables they must be prepared in Word, using the TAB key function to space columns (NOT Word Table format, or Excel unless the table is to be made available as an electronic appendix, see 'publication of large data sets', below). Tables must be designed to fit a single (80 mm) or double column (165 mm) width of a Journal page. Text references to tables should appear as Table 1 or (Table 1) as appropriate.


Figures included with the review copies of the manuscript must be good quality laser prints. Think carefully about how the figures will look after reproduction and study some recent issues of the Journal to see the page lay-out.
Faint or fine-grained stippling/shading or continuous-tone shading will be lost, reproduce patchily or may appear black on reproduction. Use coarse stippling or an appropriately patterned fill. Grey shading and grey lines should be avoided because they do not reproduce well. Use black lines, preferably no finer than 1 pt or 2 pt.
Each figure must be submitted on a separate page, be clearly identified with figure number and author's name(s), be no larger than A4 size and of a line weight and lettering size suitable for reduction to the type area of the Journal. The maximum width of a double column figure is 164 mm and the maximum depth is 214 mm. After reduction, the smallest lettering should not be less than 2 mm high.
Where figures are comprised of several parts, they must be squared accurately and separated by at least 5 mm. Each part must be labelled with a lower case letter, e.g. (a), (b) etc.
Attach a legend in which all symbols and abbreviations used in the figure are defined. Common abbreviations or those that have been defined in the text need not be redefined in the figure legend.
A list of all figure captions should be printed on a separate sheet(s). Text references to figures should appear as Fig. 1 or (Fig. 1) as appropriate.
When requested (see Accepted Manuscripts, below) the corresponding author must submit electronic versions of the figures prepared according to instructions in 'Guide for Preparation of Electronic Submission'. Please pay particular attention to the list of acceptable software which may be used. Please supply high-resolution electronic files (1200 d.p.i. for line drawings and 300 d.p.i. for colour and half-tone artwork).

Figures can not be amended, relabelled or replaced at proof stage without prior permission from the Executive Editor, because such alteration might represent un-refereed data.


Photomicrographs and field photographs may be submitted as original glossy prints. They must be of high quality with respect to detail, contrast and fineness of grain. If the scale is not already obvious on the photograph, indicate the scale by using a bar.

Colour illustrations

Colour illustrations are welcome. Authors will be required to contribute £100 per page towards the cost of reproduction. If there is a choice of colours on a schematic, please choose clearly distinct colours (i.e. not two shades of blue) and avoid black backgrounds.


SI units and their standard abbreviations must normally be used. Acronyms are allowable, but must be defined in full immediately after first usage.


It is desirable to publish, in electronic format, extended data sets or other additional materials which support the manuscript. Such materials do not appear in the printed copy of the Journal but are accessible through the Oxford University Press World Wide Web site. Tables of data for inclusion as 'electronic appendices' should be prepared using Excel, to facilitate downloading from the web site. Each table must be numbered and named. Text references to these tables must be made in the appropriate place in the text and given as http://www.petrology.oupjournals.org Paper copies of these tables are also required and should be included with the submission.


Three paper copies of revised manuscripts must be returned to the Editor within six months of the author's receipt of referees' reports. Normally, only one opportunity for revision will be allowed. Revised manuscripts are subject to re-review at the discretion of the Editor.


The Executive Editor (Editorial Office) will inform the corresponding author when his/her manuscript is approved for publication and will request from the corresponding author two additional paper copies and the full electronic submission of text, tables and figures on 3.5-inch disk, ZIP disk or CD-ROM which will be used to typeset the paper. See 'Guide for the Preparation of Electronic Submission' below. In the event of any discrepancy between electronic and paper copies of the manuscript, the paper copy will take precedence.


Authors are sent page proofs by mail, or electronically in PDF format, together with instructions. Proofs must be checked immediately for typographical errors and returned by express mail, e-mail (J.Petrology@earth.leeds.ac.uk), e-mail attachments or, if necessary, by FAX (44 (0)1937 573595) to the Editorial Office, Journal of Petrology, School of Earth Sciences, University of Leeds, LEEDS, LS2 9JT, UK. Please note that the legibility of faxed pages is often poor. Essential changes of an extensive nature may be made only by insertion of a Note added in proof and may delay publication of the paper.


Authors will receive either 50 printed offprints or electronic access to their paper free of charge. If the offprint order form is not returned with the proofs, the corresponding author will automatically receive electronic access to their paper. Additional offprints may be purchased in multiples of 100. Rates are indicated on the order form which must be returned with the proofs.


It is a condition of publication in Journal of Petrology that authors grant an exclusive licence to Oxford University Press. This ensures that requests from third parties to reproduce articles are handled efficiently and consistently and will also allow the article to be as widely disseminated as possible. As part of the licence agreement, Authors may use their own material in other publications provided that Journal of Petrology is acknowledged as the original place of publication and Oxford University Press as the Publisher.

Guide for the Preparation of Electronic Submission

Papers for publication in the Journal of Petrology are typeset from disk. To gain full advantage great care must be taken in the preparation of the files. The files must be submitted on 3.5-inch disk, Zip disk or CD-ROM formatted for Macintosh or PC. Do not include on the disk any files other than those pertinent to the paper. Copy your files to unused, newly formatted disks, clearly labelled with first author's name and paper title. The disk will not be returned.
Authors must also complete the Electronic Submission Check List on which all file names, file formats and versions of software used must be clearly listed.



  • Submit text in Microsoft Word or in RTF format
  • enter text in the style and order of the Journal
  • place and list references in the correct order and style of the Journal
  • type unjustified without hyphenation except for compound words
  • use headings in the style of the Journal
  • use the TAB key once or an indent command for paragraph indents
  • use Times or Times Roman for the text font and Symbol for Greek and special characters
  • input text continuously; only insert hard returns at the end of paragraphs or headings, subheadings, lists etc.
  • use the word processing formatting features to indicate bold, italic; Greek and maths, superscript and subscript characters
  • indicate clearly any special characters which have been drawn by hand
  • use the automatic pagination function incorporated in your word processing system
  • check the final copy of the paper carefully as any spelling mistakes and errors may be translated into the typeset version. In the case of mismatch between disc and hard copy, the hard copy will be taken as the definitive version


  • use double spaces after each sentence within a paragraph



  • prepare in Microsoft Word using the TAB key to space columns, without grid lines, tables which are to be printed with the text
  • prepare in Excel tables which are to be available for downloading from the web site (electronic appendices)


  • prepare tables in Word using the 'table' function
  • prepare tables in Excel for publication in print.



  • prepare and save figures in one of the following formats: Freehand, Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, CorelDraw, Claris Draw, Canvas, Mac Draw Pro, PowerPoint, Cricket Graph, Chem Draw Pro
  • give details of the software version used e.g. Corel Draw v.9
  • submit, if possible, as TIFF, JPEG or EPS files in addition to the above.


  • use for figure preparation any graphics package not listed above.


  • save figure captions, tables and figures as separate, individually labelled files, e.g. MW/300 Fig.1 ai
  • list individual files on the Electronic Submission Check List
  • check that the file names on the disk correspond to the file names on the form
  • check that the content of each file corresponds to the paper copy by printing a copy from the figure file.

Electronic Submission Check List

After the Executive Editor has confirmed that your manuscript is suitable for publication, you will be requested by the Editorial Assistant to submit an electronic version ¨C text, tables and figures. Please read carefully the 'Guide for Electronic Submission'. Complete this checklist and send it with your disk(s) and, or, CD-ROM to the Editorial Office.

Operating system  PC  Macintosh

Word processing program (e.g. Word: Mac 2001)_________________________________

Tables program (not optional)
To be printed with text: WORD, tab-delimited yes/no
For electronic appendix: EXCEL yes/no

Figures program(s) (e.g. ADOBE Illustrator 9.0)___________________________________

Interchange format used (e.g. RTF) ____________________________________________

List of file names (e.g. MW/300 Fig.1.ai)

Additional notes (e.g. Fig. 4 to be printed in colour: invoice to author)

Final acceptance of your manuscript for publication in the Journal of Petrology will not be confirmed until your electronic submission is complete and in the correct format(s)

Editorial Board
Executive Editor:
Dr Marjorie Wilson
Journal of Petrology
Department of Earth Sciences
University of Leeds
Leeds, LS2 9JT
Email: M.Wilson@earth.leeds.ac.uk

Editorial Assistant:
A. Lumsden, UK
Journal of Petrology
School of Earth Sciences
University of Leeds
Leeds LS2 9JT
Phone and Fax: 44(O)1937 573595
Email: J.Petrology@earth.leeds.ac.uk

Editorial Board:
R. Arculus, Australia
N. T. Arndt, France
K. Bucher, Germany
G. Clarke, Australia
G. R. Davies, The Netherlands
C. Devey, Germany
B. R. Frost, USA
J. Gamble, Ireland
D. Geist, USA
P. D. Kempton, UK

Book Review Editor:
A. Lumsden, UK

Advisory Board:
G. Bergantz, USA
J. Davidson, UK
J. G. Fitton, UK
T. H. Green, Australia
S. Harley, UK
B. Harte, UK
B. D. Marsh, USA
E. R. Neumann, Norway
I. A. Nicholls, Australia
I. Parsons, UK
J. A. Pearce, UK
R. C. Price, New Zealand
J. M. Rhodes, USA
S. Sorensen, USA
M. Thirlwall, UK
B. G. J. Upton, UK


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