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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

 Cover Image

 A design for chiral catalysts for Pd-catalyzed asymmetric allylic alkylations envisions creating chiral space. The DPPBA modular ligands have shown the broadest scope employing the most mechanisms for asymmetric induction in this process. See Trost, p 5813. Professor Trost is the recipient of the 2004 Arthur C. Cope Award.

Instructions to Authors
  • All Manuscripts
    • Before preparing your manuscript, please review the Recent Changes to the Guidelines for Authors.
    • Detailed information about Journal-specific requirements for preparation and submission of manuscripts can be found in the complete Guidelines for Authors (PDF). This page presents only a summary.
    • In preparing the manuscript:
      • Whether you are preparing a hardcopy manuscript, or you plan to submit on the Web, you are encouraged to use a pre-formatted Manuscript Template.
      • Read the Guidelines for Authors (PDF) for information about word-processor software and about preparation of chemical structure graphics and other illustrations.
      • Double-space the entire text, including tables, experimental details, and references.
      • Number all of the pages.
      • Include an abstract (<200 words for an article, <80 words for a note).
      • Include a graphic for the table of contents as the last page of the manuscript.
      • Before printing a hardcopy manuscript, or before submitting on the Web, set the paper size in Page Setup to U.S. Letter size.
    • Include in the Cover Letter:
      • The manuscript title and a brief statement of the significance of the reported work.
      • The name, mailing and e-mail addresses, and telephone and fax numbers of the corresponding author.
      • The manuscript type (article or note) and the author's preference for Web or paper galley proofs.
      • A list of color graphics in the manuscript.
      • Preferably, suggestions of 5 to 8 potential reviewers (with affiliations and e-mail addresses).
      • Optionally, the name of the Associate Editor to whom you would like your manuscript assigned.
      • Copies of any required permission letters, and copies of reviews from any previous submission of the manuscript to another ACS journal.
    • Furnish a Compound Characterization Checklist if the manuscript reports the synthesis of new compounds or the results of theoretical computations.
    • The following types of material should be included in the Supporting Information rather than in the manuscript:
      • The General Experimental Procedures paragraph
      • Reproductions of NMR spectra to support compound identification and demonstrate compound purity.
      • Procedures and product characterization data for routine transformations (e.g., protection and deprotection steps) in multi-step synthetic sequences.
      • Additional examples of reactions described in the Experimental Section (procedures and product data).
      • Computational and X-ray crystallographic data and graphics that are not vital to the discussion.
    • Copies of cited "in press" articles, cited "submitted for publication" manuscripts, and any other material intended for the information of reviewers and editors should be submitted as "Review-Only Material."
    • Consult the instructions for CIF preparation.
    • Use the CheckCIF Web utility for checking X-ray crystallographic data files in CIF format.
    • Obtain a Copyright Status Form to submit for your manuscript. The completed, signed form should be included with a hardcopy manuscript. For a Web submission it should be mailed to the editor after receipt of the manuscript has been acknowledged.
    • Consult the Permission Request Guidelines to Use Material from the ACS Publications Division for instructions on using material previously published by the ACS.
  • Hardcopy Manuscripts
    • See Submitting a Hardcopy Manuscript for general requirements for all ACS journals.
    • You may either copy-and-paste all of the graphics into the text or print them on separate pages and place them after the text pages. In the latter case, continue the page numbering onto the pages of graphics.
    • A Hardcopy Manuscript Submission Checklist (PDF) is available to help ensure that the manuscript is correctly formatted and that the submission package is complete. This checklist should not be included with the submission.
    • Two copies of the manuscript and any Supporting Information should be mailed to:

      Professor C. Dale Poulter, Editor-in-Chief
      The Journal of Organic Chemistry
      Department of Chemistry, University of Utah
      315 South 1400 East, Room 2020
      Salt Lake City, Utah, 84112-0850 U.S.A.

    • X-ray crystallographic data in CIF format should be emailed to the Editor-in-Chief (joc@chem.utah.edu) after receipt of the manuscript has been acknowledged by e-mail.
    • If the manuscript is accepted for publication, a disk (diskette, CD, or ZIP disk) with the manuscript text and graphics files, and a completed Media Description Form (PDF) identifying the software used for the files on the disk, will be requested with the final revision. No disk should be included with the initial manuscript submission.
  • Web-Submitted Manuscripts
    • See How to Submit A Manuscript for detailed instructions on uploading your manuscript using the ACS Paragon System.
    • Supporting Information and Review-Only Material may be submitted in a variety of electronic formats. See Preferred Software for details.
    • Copies of letters of permission and reviews from a previous submission should be attached to the cover letter file.

To Begin or Resume Submission of a Manuscript

If you are already logged into Paragon click Home at the top of this page. If you have not yet logged into Paragon click log in at the top of this page and enter your Paragon User ID and Password. If you do not already have a User ID and Password, click New User? on the Log In page.

After logging in, you will be at your Paragon Home Page. To begin submitting a manuscript select the journal to which you wish to submit in the Submit New Manuscript pulldown list.

Additional information on The Journal of Organic Chemistry can be found at the journal Home Page.

Editorial Board

C. Dale Poulter
Department of Chemistry
University of Utah
315 South 1400 East, RM 2020
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0850
Phone: (801) 581-3368
Fax: (202) 513-8639
E-mail: joc@chem.utah.edu
Editorial Advisory Board [PDF] Senior Editor
Cynthia J. Burrows
Department of Chemistry
University of Utah
315 South 1400 East, RM 2020
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0850
Phone: (801) 581-3368
Fax: (202) 513-8639
E-mail: cjb.joc@chem.utah.edu

Coordinating Editor
Shawn Darby
Department of Chemistry
University of Utah
315 South 1400 East, RM 2020
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0850
Phone: (801) 581-336
International Fax: (800) 585-3628
eFax: (202) 513-8639

E-mail: joc@chem.utah.edu Editoral Assistants
Katie Turner Research Assistant Analyst
Peter Harvey Associate Editors
Carsten Bolm
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
E-mail: joc@oc.rwth-aachen.de
Robert K. Boeckman, Jr.
University of Rochester
E-mail: joc@chem.rochester.edu
David B. Collum
Cornell University
E-mail: joch2@cornell.edu
Daniel L. Comins
North Carolina State University
E-mail: jorgchem@ncsu.edu
Jacquelyn Gervay-Hague
University of California at Davis
E-mail: joc@chem.ucdavis.edu 
Robert J. McMahon
University of Wisconsin
E-mail: joc@chem.wisc.edu
Albert Padwa
Emory University
E-mail: joc@emory.edu
Scott Rychnovsky
University of California, Irvine
E-mail: jochem@uci.edu
Daniel A. Singleton
Texas A&M University
E-mail: joc@mail.chem.tamu.edu Recent Reviews Editor
Veronica M. Cornel
Reedley College
E-mail: vmcornel@scccd.org Centennial Perspectives Editor

Jeffrey I. Seeman

University of Richmond

Editorial Board


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