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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry on ScienceDirect(Opens new window)Devoted to advancements in nutrition science, The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry presents experimental nutrition research as it relates to: biochemistry, neurochemistry, molecular biology, toxicology, physiology and pharmacology. Rigorous reviews by an international editorial board of distinguished scientists ensure publication of the most current and key research being conducted in nutrition at the animal and human level. In addition to its monthly features of critical reviews, research communications, and experimental methods, The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry also periodically publishes conference summaries, symposium reports, metabolic pathways, and short communications.

The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry has been accepted for coverage in MEDLINE. Issues will be covered beginning with the January 2003 issue



Instructions to Authors
The editors of The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry (JNB) welcome the submission of original manuscripts on experimental and clinical nutrition as it interfaces with biochemistry, molecular biology, physiology, pharmacology, and toxicology. The scope of the journal includes the broad area of in vitro and in vivo studies of mechanistic aspects of nutritional sciences. The criteria for acceptance of papers submitted for publication are originality, quality and clarity of the content. Each manuscript is internally reviewed and prioritized before a full external review takes place. All contributions must be based on original, unpublished research and will be peer reviewed. All authors bear responsibility for ensuring the integrity and quality of their reported research. It is the author's responsibility to secure permission to use figures or tables that have been published elsewhere.

Contributions may be classified as original research, review, rapid communication or methodological articles. Most review articles are invited by the editor. Authors interested in submitting a review article should contact the editorial office. Rapid publication of original manuscripts is a goal of the journal. Manuscripts must be written in English. Each manuscript is considered for publication with the understanding that it has not been submitted to any other journal. Upon acceptance for publication, papers are subject to editorial review and revision.

Contact Address:

Dr. Bernhard Hennig, Editor-in-Chief
The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry
University of Kentucky
900 Limestone Street
Rm. 599 Wethington Health Sciences Building
Lexington, KY 40536-0200
E-mail address: JNB@uky.edu
Fax: 859-257-1811

Submission Guidelines

All manuscripts must be submitted via the Elsevier Editorial System (EES) at External link http://ees.elsevier.com/jnb/ . Authors may send queries concerning the submission process, manuscript status or journal procedures to the Editorial Office (JNB@uky.edu). All correspondence regarding submitted manuscripts will be through e-mail. Authors who are unable to provide an electronic version or have other circumstances that prevent online submission must contact the Editorial Office prior to submission to discuss alternate options.

A manuscript submission through EES consists of a minimum of three distinct files: a cover letter; 3-5 suggested reviewers; and the manuscript. EES accepts files from a broad range of word processing applications. All three files must be typed in 12-point type, double-spaced with one-inch margins, and all pages should be numbered consecutively. The file should follow the general instructions on style/arrangement, and, in particular, the reference style. The file should use the wrap-around end-of-line feature, i.e., returns at the end of paragraphs only. Place two returns after every element, such as title, headings, and paragraphs.

In addition, Tables and Figures should be included as separate, individual files.

Revised manuscripts should also be accompanied by a file (separate from the cover letter) with responses to reviewers' comments. All files should be labeled with appropriate and descriptive file names (e.g., SmithText.doc, Fig1.eps, Table3.doc). The text, tables and graphics must be submitted as separate files. Complete instructions for electronic artwork submission are accessible via the JNB home page (External link http://journals.elsevierhealth.com/periodicals/jnb/ ). The web site guides authors through the creation and uploading of the various files. The preferred file format is Microsoft Word. Please note that PDF files are not allowed for submission. When the submission files are uploaded, the system automatically generates an electronic (PDF) proof which is then used for review.

Cover Letter

Provide a cover letter indicating the name, mailing address, telephone, fax number, and e-mail address of the corresponding author. The cover letter must state that: all authors listed have contributed to the work, all authors have agreed to submit the manuscript to JNB, no part of the work has been published before, except in abstract form, and all human and animal studies have been reviewed by the appropriate ethics committees. All authors listed in a manuscript submitted to JNB must have contributed substantially to the work, participated in the writing of the manuscript, and seen and approved the submitted version. All individuals who have contributed to the writing of the manuscript must be listed as authors. The editor reserves the right to reject manuscripts that do not comply with the above-mentioned requirements.

Suggested Reviewers

Provide a list of 3 to 5 suggested reviewers for your manuscript. Please be sure to give complete contact information with the e-mail address being the most important.

Manuscript Outline

The manuscript should include the text, references, and figure/ table legends. Do not include the figures or tables in this file.

Title page

Please provide the following:
• The first name, middle initial, and the last name of all authors
• The name and address of the corresponding author to who reprint requests should be sent
• Each author's institutional affiliation(s)
• A running title of up to 50 characters;
• Grants, sponsors, and funding sources
• Up to six key words


• Provide an abstract of a single paragraph with up to 250 words summarizing the hypothesis tested, experimental design, results, and conclusions. Do not cite references and avoid abbreviations.


• Start the text on a new page. Arrange the text into four parts: Introduction, Methods and Materials, Results, and Discussion.

SI Units

• All laboratory data should be presented in SI units. See Young, DS. Implementation of SI units for clinical laboratory data. J Nutr Biochem 1990; 1: 599-633.


• References should follow the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals". References should be numbered sequentially in the order of their citation in the text, e.g., [1, 2], and appear at the end of the main text. Style references as follows:

For journal articles:

Brown M, Evans M, McIntosh M. Linoleic acid partially restores the triglyceride content of conjugated linoleic acid-treated cultures of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes. J Nutr Biochem. 2001;12:381-7.

For article or chapter in edited book:

Hennig B, Toborek M, Boissonneault GA. Lipids inflammatory cytokines, and endothelial cell injury. In: Gershwin ME, German JB, Keen CL, editors. Nutrition and Immunology: Principles and Practice. New Jersey: Humana Press Inc.; 2000. pp. 203-20.

For books:

Abbas AK, Lichtman AH, Pober JS. Cellular and molecular immunology. 4th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 2000 [chapter 11].


To properly submit digital artwork, please see "Artwork Instructions" on External link http://ees.elsevier.com/jnb/ or External link http://authors.elsevier.com for details on image formats, sizing, naming conventions, preparation, and file delivery of your digital artwork. Digital artwork that does not conform to these instructions will be rejected.

Supplemental Data

Supplemental data will include parts of the manuscript that are not essential for the hard-copy version of JNB, but will be available with the electronic version of the manuscript. This may include microarray data, large or oversize figures and extensive tables. Authors are encouraged to designate material for on-line use only; in communication with the authors, the Editors also reserve the right to suggest and decide what parts of the manuscript can be online-only.

Revised Manuscripts

Please provide a separate file that clearly addresses the reviewers concerns. In the letter that describes the responses to the reviewers' comments, changes made in the revised manuscript must be clearly identified with page and line numbers. Once a revised manuscript is accepted for publication, a proof is prepared and submitted for final review to the corresponding author. Subsequently, the corrected proof will be published in JNB online as an 'article-in-press' available for immediate citation. The authors are solely responsible for the accuracy of their articles. Once a manuscript is selected for inclusion in an issue, the article will be updated with volume, issue, and page information.

Scientific Correspondence

Letters to the Editor will be considered for publication at the discretion of the editor. Submission of a letter constitutes permission for publication. Letters are subject to editing and abridgement.


An order form will be sent to the corresponding author from the publisher at the time your manuscript begins production.

Conflict of Interest Policy

Authors are required to disclose commercial or similar relationships to products or companies mentioned in or related to the subject matter of the article being submitted. Sources of funding for the article should be acknowledged in a footnote on the title page. Affiliations of authors should include corporate appointments relating to or in connection with products or companies mentioned in the article, or otherwise bearing on the subject matter thereof. Other pertinent financial relationships, such as consultancies, stock ownership or other equity interests or patent-licensing arrangements, should be disclosed to the Editor-in-Chief in the cover letter at the time of submission. Such relationships may be disclosed in the Journal at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief in footnotes appearing on the title page.


All manuscripts accepted for publication become the sole property of the Publisher. Before publication authors are requested to assign copyright to Elsevier. As an author, you retain rights for large number of author uses, including use by your employing institute or company. These rights are retained and permitted without the need to obtain specific permission from Elsevier. The copyright transfer form is sent to authors with proofs.

Sponsored Articles:
The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry offers authors or their institutions the option to sponsor non-subscriber access to their articles on Elsevier's electronic publishing platforms. For more information please click here.

Updated September 2009

Editorial Board
B. Hennig, PhD, RD, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA
Associate Editor:
M. Toborek, MD, PhD, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA
Editorial Manager:
J.R. Richardson, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA
Founding Editor:
S.H. Zeisel, MD, PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Board of Editors:
K.G.D. Allen, PhD, Fort Collins, CO, USA
G.H. Anderson, PhD, Toronto, Canada
H.C. Bauer, PhD, Salzburg, Austria
P.R. Borum, PhD, Gainesville, FL, USA
R.K. Chandra, MD, Newfoundland, Canada
J.D. Finkelstein, MD, Washington, DC, USA
N.K. Fukagawa, MD, PhD, Burlington, VT, USA
J.L. Greger, PhD, Madison, WI, USA
V.S. Hubbard, MD, PhD, Bethesda, MD, USA
C.L. Keen, PhD, Davis, CA, USA
S.I. Koo, PhD, Manhattan, KS, USA
D. Kritchevsky, PhD, Philadelphia, PA, USA
B. Lonnerdal, PhD, Davis, CA, USA
C.J. McClain, MD, Louisville, KY, USA
J.P. McNamara, PhD, Pullman, WA, USA
L.P. Mercer, PhD, Lakeland, FL, USA
S.N. Meydani, PhD, Boston, MA, USA
G.D. Miller, PhD, Rosemont, IL, USA
J.A. Milner, PhD, Rockville, MD, USA
A.E. Rogers, MD, Boston, MA, USA
Q.R. Rogers, PhD, Davis, CA, USA
E.J. Smart, PhD, Lexington, KY, USA

B.A. Watkins, PhD, West Lafayette, IN, USA
M.B. Zemel, PhD, Knoxville, TN, USA


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