

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal



The Journal of Navigation

Journal of Navigation contains original papers on the science of navigation over land and sea and through air and space, including a selection of papers presented at meetings of the Institute and other organisations associated with navigation. Papers cover every aspect of navigation, from the highly technical to the descriptive and historical. Subjects include electronics, astronomy, mathematics, cartography, command and control, psychology and zoology, operational research, risk analysis, theoretical physics, operation in hostile environments, instrumentation, ergonomics, financial planning and law. The journal also publishes selected papers and reports from the Institute’s Special Interest Groups, as well as book reviews. Contributions come from all parts of the world.


Instructions to Authors
Journal of Navigation
The Journal of Navigation is an international journal publishing original work on the latest research
developments and historical aspects of navigation on land, at sea and in the air; it also provides a forum
for navigators, engineers and academics to raise more controversial topics for discussion.
Two copies (the original plus one), or a diskette or e-mail attachment, should be submitted to the Editor
by post at:
Wing Commander Norman Hughes, OBE
Editor, Journal of Navigation, 1 Kensington Gore, London SW7 2AT.
Or by e-mail to:
Heather Leary
Assistant Editor, Journal of Navigation.
Tel: +44 (0)20 7591 3133, Fax: +44 (0)20 7591 3131
E-mail: editor@rin.org.uk
Articles should be 4000-6000 words long, although articles longer than 6000 words will be accepted on
an occasional basis, if the topic demands this length of treatment. Authors are responsible for ensuring
that all manuscripts (whether original or revised) are accurately typed before final submission.
Manuscripts may be returned to the author with a set of instructions if they are submitted in a form
substantially different to our style.
Contributions are normally received with the understanding that they comprise original, unpublished
material and are not being submitted for publication elsewhere. Translated material, which has not been
published in English, will also be considered. Most articles are refereed to ensure both accuracy and
relevance, and amendments to the script may thus be required before final acceptance. On acceptance,
contributions are subject to editorial amendment, but authors will receive proofs for approval before
publication. Corrections can be returned by normal (or air) mail or fax/e-mail if these are minor
amendments (see PROOFS).
Shorter items
?The FORUM section exists for the expression of opinion, and allows authors to submit material
which might not be appropriate for full length articles but which contains ideas worthy of
publication and discussion (1500-2500 words).
?BOOK REVIEWS are welcomed (800-1200 words).
?The RECORD section includes conference reports and other issues of interest on navigation.
Presentation of manuscripts
Manuscripts should be typed single-sided and double-spaced, and conform as closely as possible to the
Journal style. Every sheet should be numbered. Footnotes, abstract and references should also be doublespaced.
International Standard Size A4 paper is preferred with a left-hand margin of 40mm.
Arrangement of papers
1. Short title (up to 40 characters including spaces), subtitle (if desired), author’s name and
affiliation. Respective affiliations of co-authors should be clearly indicated.
2. Self-contained abstract of up to 100 words, outlining in a single paragraph the aims, scope and
conclusions of the paper; key words (maximum four); acknowledgements (if any).
3. Main body of text, suitably divided either under numbered side headings with un-numbered and
un-titled paragraphs, or numbered main paragraphs with titles containing related, numbered subparagraphs
for which further headings are optional (i.e. paragraph numbering ?3., 3.1, 3.1.1 etc).
4. Acknowledgements (if any).
5. References.
6. Appendices if appropriate.
7. Originals of tables used in the text (each on a separate sheet).
8. Originals of illustrations used in the text (preferably with captions on a separate sheet or well
separated from the illustration to enable scanning).
The text should be organised under appropriate side or main paragraph headings, which, ideally, should
not be more than 500-600 words apart. If side headings are used, they should be in capitals and placed on
the left-hand side at the start of the related text, with a double-line space above and below. If main
paragraph headings are used, they should be in capitals and placed at the beginning of the paragraph text
with a double-line space above; the first line of sub-paragraphs should be indented with titles in italics.
Authors are urged to write as concisely as possible, but not at the expense of clarity. Descriptive or
explanatory passages, necessary as information but which tend to break up the flow of the text, should be
put into appendices. Units, symbols and abbreviations should conform to the recommendations contained
in the Royal Society publication Quantities, Units and Symbols (1975).
Text preparation on disk or e-mail
The Editor encourages submissions to the Journal on disk or by e-mail; however, copies of
illustrations/figures need to be to a high standard or provided as hard copy prints.
For The Journal of Navigation the Harvard style system is the preferred reference system: authors?names
(no initials) and dates (and specific pages, only in the case of quotations) are given in the main body of
the text, e.g. (Kemp, 1998, p29) or (Steele and White, 1996). References should be listed alphabetically at
the end of the paper, double-spaced and conform to current Journal style as below:
For The Journal
Rosenkrans, W. A. (1978). Aeronautical chart servicing. This Journal, 31, 39-51.
For other journals
Smart, W. M. (1946). On a problem in navigation. Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
106, 124-127.
For Book
Skolnik, M. I. (1976). Radar Systems. McGraw-Hill, Inc.
For Proceedings
Helwig, A. W. S., Offermans, G. W. A. and van Willigen, D. (1996). Implementation and testing of
Eurofix in standard Loran-C receiver technology. Proceedings of the 25th Annual Technical Symposium of
the International Loran Association, San Diego, CA.
Other publications
Where there is doubt, include all bibliographical details.
Tables should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and given a suitable caption. Notes and
references within tables should be included with the tables, separately from the main text. Notes should
be referred to by superscript letters. All table columns should have an explanatory heading. Tables should
not repeat data available elsewhere in the article, e.g. in an illustration.
All graphs, diagrams and other drawings should be referred to as Figures, which should be numbered
consecutively in Arabic numerals and good camera-ready copies provided on separate sheets at the end of
the manuscript. All illustrations must have captions preferably on a separate sheet or well separated from
the illustration to enable scanning. Copies should also be included in the text or their required position
clearly indicated. Photographs are welcome, where they add materially to the text and will be reproduced
in black and white. Colour reproduction is available if the author is willing to bear the additional printing
costs. Only the original need be submitted; it should be identified on a label (by number, article title and
journal) on the back. Captions should be provided, on a separate sheet. Electronic figures are preferred in
‘gif?or ‘eps?formats.
By submitting an article for possible publication, authors are expected to agree to the ‘Transfer of
Copyright?should the article be selected for publication. This transfer enables Cambridge University
Press to protect the copyrighted material for the authors, but does not relinquish the author’s proprietary
rights. The transfer of copyright covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article,
including reprints, photographic reproductions, microform or any other reproduction of similar nature and
translations, and includes the right to adapt the article for use in conjunction with computer systems and
programs, including reproduction or publication in machine-readable form and incorporation in retrieval
?Have you told readers, at the outset, what they might gain by reading your paper?
?Have you made the aim of your work clear?
?Have you explained the significance of your contribution?
?Have you set your work in the appropriate context by giving sufficient background (including
relevant references) to your work?
?Have you addressed the question of practicality and usefulness?
?Have you identified future developments that may result from your work?
?Have you structured your paper in a clear and logical fashion?
One set of proofs will be sent to the first named author before publication, which should be returned
promptly to the Editor by e-mail if the proposed amendments are minor or by first-class mail (by Express
Air Mail if outside the UK). The publishers reserve the right to charge for any amendments made at the
proof stage (other than printers?errors) since the insertion or deletion of a single word may necessitate the
resetting of whole paragraphs.
Twenty-five offprints of each paper will be provided free of charge to the first named author of main
articles. Further offprints, in minimum quantities of fifty, can be purchased from the publisher using the
proforma provided with the set of proofs.
Instructions to Authors


Editorial Board

Wing Commander Norman Hughes
The Royal Institute of Navigation
at The Royal Geographical Society
1 Kensington Gore
London SW7 2AT
Email editor@rin.org.uk


Air Cdre Norman Bonnor
The Royal Institute of Navigation
at The Royal Geographical Society
1 Kensington Gore
London SW7 2AT
Email norman.bonnor@nottingham.ac.uk

Director, RIN

Group Captain D.W. Broughton, MBE
The Royal Institute of Navigation, UK
Email director@rin.org.uk


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