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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

 This title, published nine times per year, encompasses the entire range of metamorphic studies, from the scale of individual crystals to that of lithospheric plates. Bringing together scientists working in metamorphic petrology, mineral deposit geology, geochemistry, tectonics, and structural geology, the Journal of Metamorphic Geology remains as innovative today as it was twenty-one years ago when it began. Since its inception, the Journal has been associated with several societies including:

  • The Geological Society of London
  • The European Union of Geosciences
  • The Mineralogical Society of America
  • The Canadian Mineralogical Association
  • The Geological Society of Australia

Read by students and researchers alike, the Journal of Metamorphic Geology is at the forefront of international geological research


Instructions to Authors

The current issue of the Journal of Metamorphic Geology should be consulted for house style. Manuscripts not following house style are liable to be returned for modification.

All manuscripts should be submitted through the JMG Electronic Editorial Office (EEO), accessed at: http://jmg.manuscriptcentral.com

Please submit the text, figures and tables for your manuscript in a single file, rather than as several individual files. This will allow editors and reviewers to download your whole manuscript as one file, rather than having to work with many individual files. Any figures included in this single file that have poor resolution in PDF format, should also be uploaded as individual items to allow viewing at better resolution.


  1. Papers on topics of international interest in any aspect of metamorphic geology are welcomed; those of local interest are unsuitable.
  2. Manuscripts should be prepared using a good font size (e.g. Times 12) and should be double spaced text.
  3. Papers should be original and comprise previously unpublished data, interpretations or syntheses.
  4. Papers should be in English, using UK spelling, but if appropriate an abstract in another language may be included.
  5. Papers should normally be less than 15,000 words equivalent (i.e. including tables, figures and references), although in special circumstances longer papers will be considered. The number of words in the text and reference list should be specified under "Comments to Editor in Chief."
  6. Papers will be reviewed by at least two referees. You will be able to make recommendation as to appropriate and inappropriate reviewers when submitting via the EEO.
  7. Papers are submitted on the basis that they have not previously been submitted or published elsewhere either in part or full.
  8. For multi-authored papers, the submitting author will be taken as the Corresponding Author unless indicated otherwise. Submission of such papers is on the basis that the corresponding author has the agreement of all authors for submission and publication of the paper.
  9. Authors should note that some electronic databases utilize searches of paper titles only. Thus, titles as well as keywords should be designed with this in mind.

Colour Figures
It is the policy of JMG for authors to pay the full cost for the reproduction of their colour artwork.
Therefore, please note that if there is colour artwork in your manuscript when it is accepted for publication, Blackwell Publishing require you to complete and return a colour work agreement form before your paper can be published. This form can be downloaded as a PDF* from the internet. The web address for the form is:

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Once completed, please return the form to the Production Editor at the following address:

  • The Production Editor
    Journal of Metamorphic Geology
    Blackwell Publishing Ltd
    101 George Street
    EH2 3ES
  • Fax: +44 (0)131 226 3803

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  1. The first text page should list the paper title, name(s) of author(s), institutional address(es), and a short title of not more than 45 characters.
  2. The second text page should contain an abstract of not more than 300 words, followed by up to five key words. The abstract must be intelligible without reference to the paper, and be a condensation of the essential new information and interpretations in the paper, not a mere recital of the subjects covered.
  3. The main text should follow and may be subdivided into primary, secondary and tertiary sections. The text should be paginated.
  4. Acknowledgements should follow in the main text and be headed ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.
  5. All literature cited in the text should be arranged in alphabetical order at the end of the text under the heading REFERENCES. In the text, references should be cited by the name(s) of the author(s) and the year in brackets. References should be in the form used in a recent issue, with journal titles given in full. The reference list should typically NOT include non-peer reviewed items such as abstracts and theses.
  6. Tables should be on separate pages, and not double spaced. Units should be given once at the column heads and not throughout the table. Ditto should not be used. Tables should be enclosed within rules at the top and bottom.
  7. Captions to figures should be double spaced, and follow on from the reference list. All illustrations are called figures and should be referred to as Figure 1 if at the start of a sentence, or as Fig. 1 otherwise.
  8. SI units are recommended, but ¡ãC is house style. If Kelvin is used on figures then an additional ¡ãC scale should be displayed.
  9. Footnotes should not be used.
  10. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of their data. Microprobe, ICP and other analytical analyses and derived data should be given to the number of decimal places justified by the precision of the analytical methodology. All papers reporting stable isotope data should include values obtained typically for up to six NBS standards. Such data can be presently reported using either the standard SMOW and PDB or the newer VSMOW and VPDB formats. All papers reporting argon data should include the spectra and statistics of the regression analysis as a minimum, the full dataset may be lodged as an appendix for on-line accession.
  11. Extensive datasets typically will not be published in hard copy form; instead a representative data subset should be provided that will allow readers to derive actual results of examples of calculations (e.g. P-T results). A full dataset should be submitted with the manuscript and consist of a separately numbered document with the first page to contain the authors names etc., and the abstract on the second page. This full dataset will then be made available via on-line PDF files.

Abbreviations for rock forming minerals
The abbreviations system described in Kretz, R., 1983, Symbols for rock forming minerals. American Mineralogist, 68, 277 ¨C 279, supplemented by Bucher & Frey (Petrogenesis of Metamorphic Rocks, 6th edition, p. 309-310) is recommended for use. Abbreviations may be used in figures or as parts of a reaction and/or assemblage, but where used individually in the text, names should be given in full.


  1. Equations are generally introduced as parts of sentences; they require punctuation.
  2. Authors must provide clear instructions about how they wish symbols to be set.


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All maps etc should include a metric bar scale. Letters or numerals should not be less than 1.5mm in height after reproduction. Separate parts of a single figure should be labelled (a), (b), (c) etc., and referred to as (a), (b), (c) etc., in the text and captions.

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Editorial Board

Michael Brown
Department of Geology
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Tel: + 1 301 405 4365 (office)
Tel: + 1 301 405 4080 (direct)
Fax: + 1 301 314 9661

Jean Morrison
Department of Earth Sciences
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0740
Tel: + 1 213 740 3551 (direct)
Fax: + 1 213 740 8801

Doug Robinson
Department of Earth
Wills Memorial Building
University of Bristol
Bristol  BS8 1RJ
Tel: + 44 117 954 5400
Tel: + 44 117 954 5428
Fax: + 44 117 925 3385

Roger Powell
Department of Geology
University of Melbourne
Parkville, Victoria 3052
Tel: + 61 3 344 6520 (office)
Fax: + 61 3 344 7761 (fax)


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