

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

 The goals of the Journal of Manufacturing Systems are as follows:

  • to publish relevant literature for manufacturing industries, research and development organizations, and the SME membership on the underlying theory and application methodologies of integrating established and developing manufacturing processes, equipment, and software into systems;
  • to encourage the dissemination of scientific methods to plant operating personnel on systems concepts with the potential of decreasing manufacturing costs, increasing productivity, and assuring product quality;
  • to provide a forum for the researcher and practitioner to express views on current and future directions of manufacturing systems research, development and implementation.

All technical papers are refereed to maintain a high standard of content, style, and value to the readership. An important criterion for accepting a contribution is the relevance of the work to industrial problems and situations and its potential usefulness to practicing engineers. Technical Notes are published with only editorial review in an effort to provide the research community with a channel to communicate new developments in a timely fashion.


Instructions to Authors
All submissions must be accompanied by a covering letter detailing what you are submitting.
Please indicate the author to whom we should address our correspondence (in the case of multiple authors) and include a contact address, telephone/fax numbers and e-mail address (Elsevier is gradually introducing a service for authors to receive PDF proofs by e-mail).
Please include details of any previous or concurrent submission. It is also useful to provide the Editor-in-Chief with any information that will support your submission (e.g. original or confirmatory data, relevance, topicality).
Note When your manuscript is received at Elsevier it is considered to be in its final form. Therefore you need to check your manuscript carefully before you submit it to the editor.


We can accept most word-processing formats (ideally Microsoft Word or WordPerfect). Please see the relevant Guide for Authors to check the style of the individual journal to which the manuscript is to be submitted, particularly the reference style. This means that fewer changes have to be made, which reduces the possibility of errors being introduced.

Most formatting codes are removed or replaced when we process your article so there is no need for you to use excessive layout styling.
Please do not use options such as automatic word breaking, justified layout, double columns or automatic paragraph numbering (especially for numbered references).
Do use bold face, italic, subscripts, superscripts, etc., as appropriate.
When preparing tables, if you are using a table grid, please use only one grid for each separate table and not a grid for each row. If no grid is being used, use tabs to align columns instead of spaces.
When you create your manuscript, please make sure it is in the following order:

Main Text


Figure Legends
Note  Do not import the Figures into the text file.


For initial submission of your paper for review most journals will still accept a printed copy. Please see the individual Guide for Authors for further information.

Disk Submission
Elsevier now publishes all manuscripts using electronic production methods and therefore needs to receive the electronic files of your article along with the hardcopy of the accepted version. To ensure fast and easy processing of your submission, please adhere to the following guidelines:
Save text and graphics on separate disks
Label all disks with your name, a short version of the article title, the journal to be published in, and the filenames. Please also include details of the software platform (PC, Mac, Unix, etc) used to create your files
Ensure that the files on the disk match the hardcopy exactly. In cases of a discrepancy, the hardcopy version will be used as the difinitive version by the production team
Online Submission
To speed up the submission process Elsevier is introducing online submission for its journals. To see if the journals you are interested in have this new feature please go to the journal home page.
Each journal has its own editors and editorial boards for submission of papers. To find the editorial address for the publication you are interested in, go to that journal's homepage and check the journal's Guide for Authors.
Before sending your paper to the Editor, please make sure that you have included all necessary details.
For all submissions (either online or on disk), please make sure you have provided the following:
Name of the author designated as the corresponding author, along with their:
E-mail address
Full postal address
Telephone and fax numbers
Further considerations
References are in the correct format for the journal? See the journal's Guide for Authors for details.
All references mentioned in the Reference list are quoted in the text, and vice versa?
Permission has been obtained for use of copyrighted material from other sources (including the Web)?
Online submission
Text files are in a standard word-processing format (Microsoft Word 97 or LaTeX are preferred). Alternatively, they can be in either PostScript or PDF format.
Graphics are high-resolution. Preferred formats are either TIFF or EPS.
Disk submission
If submitting on disk, please ensure that the disk version and the hardcopy of the manuscript are identical. In addition, please check the following:
Disk is enclosed
Disk has been labelled with:
article details (first author, first words of title)
file name(s)
media format (e.g., PC, Mac)
file format (e.g., Word, LaTeX)
All text pages are enclosed
Original artwork is enclosed (high-quality prints)
All figures are enclosed and have captions
All tables are enclosed (including title, description, footnotes)
Colour figures clearly marked as being intended for colour reproduction or to be reproduced in black-and-white?

Editorial Board
J.T. Black, Auburn University, AL, USA
Address all correspondence to:
Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, One SME Drive, PO Box 930, Dearborn, MI 48121-0930, USA. ext. 451, Tel: +1 (313) 271-1500 , Fax: +1 (313) 271-2861
Editors Emeriti:
J.G. Bollinger, (Founding Editor), University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI, USA
R. Suri, University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI, USA
Associate Editors:
L. Abdel-Malek, New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA
L. Alting, Technical University of Denmark
R.G. Askin, University of Arizona, AZ, USA
S. Benjaafar, University of Minnesota, MN, USA
J. Bessant, University of Brighton, UK
R.E. Billo, University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA
J. Blatt, Florida Institute of Technology, FL, USA
Y.A. Bozer, University of Michigan, MI, USA
J.J. Browne, National University of Ireland, Eire
C.F. Carter Jr., Association for Manufacturing Technology, VA, USA
T. Chang, Purdue University, IN, USA
K.K. Cho, Pusan National University, Korea
B.K. Choi, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
J.R. Crookall, Cranfield Institute of Technology, UK
N.A. Duffie, University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI, USA
D. Dutta, University of Michigan, MI, USA
P.J. Egbelu, Iowa State University, IA, USA
H.A. ElMaraghy, University of Windsor, Canada
S. Fujii, Kobe University, Japan
K.M. Gardiner, Lehigh University, PA, USA
J.D. Goldhar, Illinois Institute of Technology, IL, USA
F.H. Grant, University of Oklahoma, OK, USA
R.J. Graves, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, NY, USA
P. Gu, University of Calgary, Canada
T.G. Gutowski, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA, USA
J. Haddock, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, NY, USA
S.W. Haider, IBM Corporation, GA, USA
K. Hitomi, Ryukoku University, Japan, Nanjing University, PRC
R.J. Hocken, University of North Carolina-Charlotte, NC, USA
G.K. Hutchinson, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, WI, USA
H. Hwang, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
N. Hyer, Vanderbildt University, TN, USA
B.C. Jiang, Yuan-Ze University, Taiwan
S. Joshi, Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA
L.A. Kendall, University of Minnesota-Duluth, MN, USA
F. Klocke, Technical University of Aachen, Germany
R. Komanduri, Oklahoma State University, OK, USA
T.R. Kurfess, Georgia Institute of Technology, GA, USA
C.Y. Lee, Texas A&M University, TX, USA
J. M. Lee, Seoul National University, Korea
Y.S. Lee, North Carolina State University, NC, USA
S. Maghsoodloo, Auburn University, AL, USA
F.J. Michel, Factory Operation & Factory Automation, VA, USA
A.Y.C. Nee, National University of Singapore
J. Ni, University of Michigan, MI, USA
N.G. Odrey, Lehigh University, PA, USA
P. O'Grady, University of Iowa, IA, USA
J. Peklenik, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
C. Poli, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, MA, USA
S. Raman, University of Oklahoma, OK, USA
J. Ranta, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
S.B. Rao, Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA
G. Sathyanayaranan, Lehigh University, PA, USA
C.M. Savage, Knowledge Era Enterprises, MA, USA
G. Sohlenius, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
D.A. Stephenson, General Motors Corporation, MI, USA
D.R. Sule, Louisiana Technological University, LA, USA
R. Suri, University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI, USA
V. Tipnis, Synergy International Inc., USA
T. Tomiyama, University of Tokyo, Japan
B.F. von Turkovich, University of Vermont, VT, USA
R. Uzsoy, Purdue University, IN, USA
J.A. Ventura, Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA
N. Viswanadham, National University of Singapore
H.P. Wang, Florida A&M University/Florida State University, FL, USA
M.C. Wanner, University of Rostock, Germany
W.E. Wilhelm, Texas A&M University, TX, USA
T.C. Woo, University of Washington, WA, USA
P.K. Wright, University of California-Berkeley, CA, USA
S.D. Wu, Lehigh University, PA, USA
Y.L. Yao, Columbia University, NY, USA
W.J. Zdeblick, Federal Mogul Corporation, MI, USA
M.T. Tabucanon, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand


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