

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Aim and Scope

Material published in The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics (JLME) contributes to the educational mission of The American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics, covering public health, health disparities, patient safety and quality of care, and biomedical science and research. It provides articles on such timely topics as health care quality and access, managed care, pain relief, genetics, child/maternal health, reproductive health, informed consent, assisted dying, ethics committees, HIV/AIDS, and public health. Symposium issues review significant policy developments, health law court decisions, and books. A leading peer-reviewed journal for research at the intersection of law, health policy, ethics, and medicine, JLME is THE authoritative source for health law teachers, practitioners, policy makers, risk managers, and anyone involved with the safe, equitable, and ethical delivery and promotion of the public's health.

Instructions to Authors

The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, a publication of the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics, does accept unsolicited manuscripts.

The Journal's readership includes more than 4,500 attorneys, physicians, nurses, hospital and HMO administrators, ethicists, and other professionals concerned with issues related to health care. Published articles are both relevant and accessible to this broad spectrum of readers.

The following guidelines outline the major steps to prepare papers for publication. It is the editors' desire to make the preparation of manuscripts as simple as possible. If you have questions, please contact us at the address or numbers listed below.


Manuscript preparation: All manuscripts must be typed, double-spaced, on 8½" x 11" paper.

Length: Manuscripts should be ten to forty pages, including endnotes.

Endnotes: The Journal uses endnotes, not footnotes. See Endnote format below for elaboration.

What to submit: Please send one copy of your manuscript by mail as well as an electronic copy either as a 3½" diskette sent by mail or as an attachment sent by email to <publications@aslme.org >. The electronic copy must be an uncompressed Microsoft Word for Windows file. (If using Word is impossible, please contact the editorial office before sending a file in another format.)

On the cover page, you must state:
1. your address;
2. your telephone number (including work, home, and cellphone numbers), fax number, and email address and your preference for communication;
3. a two-to-three (complete) sentence bio of each author, including the author's present title and institutional/corporate affiliation and any academic degrees and from what institutions they were received (please include full name, city, and state); and
4. a précis of the article (this should be 50-200 words to initiate peer review, with the understanding that it will be rewritten by the author to be 50-75 words for publication).

Any acknowledgments must be stated on the cover page only. If you send the file as an attachment, be sure your email includes contact information in the event we can't open the attachment.

Peer review: Decisions to accept or reject papers are based on the recommendations received during blind peer review. The evaluation process generally takes eight to ten weeks. Out of respect for peer reviewers, the editors do not consider articles already under consideration by other journals. The peer review process will not begin until authors complete the "Statement from Author Submitting Manuscript for Consideration to the Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics." This form is sent to authors when we acknowledge receipt of the submission.


Editing: Authors will be consulted during the editing stage about any editorial changes to their texts. Minor standardizations (headings, alignments, references, minor punctuation revisions, applications of our stylebook, and so forth) will not be discussed. Authors will also receive final-stage proofs for review, at which time only significant corrections will be permitted. Because of the constraints of publishing, authors will be given only a brief window of time (typically, two business days) to respond to editing changes and then, later on in the process, the final-stage proof.

Once a manuscript has been accepted, authors are expected to be aware of specific impediments to their ability to be reached at least by email and to respond to editing changes or the final-stage proof (e.g., vacation, conference traveling) within the timeframe mentioned above. They must alert the managing editor of these impediments when the final manuscript is submitted (if they are aware of the impediments at that time) or at least two weeks prior to the time when they will be unreachable or unable to give the article's review their immediate attention. Otherwise, an author's failure to respond to the editing changes and/or the final-stage proof during the time provided will be deemed an acknowledgment by the author that the changes and/or final proof is/are acceptable for publication.

Usages: To maintain uniformity, authors must use standard American English spellings. Authors also must abide by editing done in compliance with the Journal's in-house stylebook, which governs our use of acronyms, hyphenation, italicizing, capitalization, subheading, citation, and the like.

Figures and diagrams: All figures, diagrams, and tables must be camera-ready. The editors will not create figures, diagrams, or tables. They must be created as separate electronic files. If you have questions about suitability, contact the editorial office. Figures, diagrams, and tables should be given individual title and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Indicate in the text or margin of your manuscript the most appropriate location for each figure.

Endnote format: The Journal uses endnotes, not footnotes. For reasons related to layout, we also do not want any link between the endnote number in the body of the paper and the corresponding endnote reference at the end of the body. Consequently, do not use the built-in endnote/footnote mechanism within Microsoft Word. Instead, within the body of the paper, superscript each endnote number. Then, at the end of the body, type the endnote references in normal type. The text of the endnotes must be formatted as outlined below. Each new citation requires its own note: If you want to refer to a note listed previously in the text, then at the endnote entry use id. or supra, as is warranted. Do not place more than one note at one place in the text.

Because of its interdisciplinary appeal, the Journal has a unique style of citation. Book and article references generally follow the Chicago Manual of Style; statute, case, regulation, and like citations generally follow the Uniform System of Citation (the Bluebook). Endnotes are numbered consecutively; references to earlier notes should receive their own numbers, for example,

1. See Jones, supra note 18.

Notes should not be strung together. For example, replace 21,22,23 with 21. The text of any multiple citation within a single note is linked together with semicolons.

Below, find the acceptable endnote forms, listed by categories. You must use initials with first names. For institutional authors, go smallest unit to largest (e.g., Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). Please note that, unlike Bluebook form, general references to articles require complete page citations, that is, the first and last pages. If you are quoting from a published work or citing to a particular part of it, you must also cite the page(s) in question that you are quoting from or citing.

Articles in journals

Use abbreviated titles for two journals only: N. Engl. J. Med. and JAMA. Journals that begin each issue at page 1 (as opposed to running page numbers consecutively throughout the full volume) must also include the specific issue number. For example:

1. D.E. Hoffmann and A.J. Tarzian, "The Girl Who Cried Pain: A Bias Against Women in the Treatment of Pain," Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 29 (1992): 13-27, at 19.

2. J.P. Jones, "Hospitals," Hastings Center Report, 55, no. 3 (1986): 2-11.

Nonarticle in journals

Use plain type following author name to describe anything less than an article (student note, letter to the editor, editorial), unless these descriptions are in the title of the work itself.

1. J.P. Jones, Book Review, "Hospitals," Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 30 (2001): 56-60, at 57.

Articles or chapters in edited collections

1. J.P. Jones, "Hospitals," in W.W. Jones and W.P. Jones, eds., Hospitals and Mergers (Garden City: Publishers Press, 1978): 3-8.

Newspapers and magazines

Spell out the date. Page numbers are not essential since they sometimes vary by edition.

1. J.P. Jones, "Hospitals," New York Times, October 1, 1986, at 6.


These always require a pincite.

1. W.W. Jones and W.P. Jones, eds., Hospitals and Mergers (New York: Publishers Press, 1978): at 10.


This is a modification of the book citation. Government and international reports can stand alone (hence, they're italicized), but they traditionally don't have publishing and publication city information.

1. Author, Report Name, Description (if applicable, in caps if official), Identifying number (month, day, year).

Treatises and other intergovernmental materials

Follow bluebook. Generally, documents (including resolutions) are italicized.


1. Jackson v. Metropolitan, 348 F. Supp. 954, 956-58 (M.D. Pa. 1972), aff'd, F.2d 754 (3d Cir. 1973).

Statutes and regulations

Note that every new citation requires a year.

1. 7 C.F.R. § 319.76 (1990).

Internet: generally

The webpage being cited should be the page where the source begins, not where the source is merely described or available for purchase. Do not provide Internet citations for webpages that require a password or fee to access.

The title of the webpage, if this is the source being cited, should always be in italics (as opposed to quotation marks) unless the portion being cited is only a part of a webpage (e.g., a side column).

Authors are required to independently verify all Internet citations as a final step to submitting their manuscript. Inadvertent errors can only be caught by trying to access the Website addresses as they are written in the endnotes from an Internet browser. Internet addresses should be typed out letter by letter (that is, not in hyperlinked format).

a. "at" for sources available ONLY on the Internet

1. R.R. Smith, Jones on the Internet: Confusion and Confabulation, Citation Debate Forum, at <http://www.citations.org> (last visited Jan. 20, 2000).

b. "available at" for sources also available from traditional media
Please provide the complete form of the traditional citation as well as the parallel Internet citation. Because the source has already been published elsewhere, there is no need to add a "last visited" date after the Internet citation.

1. "Tyson Family Loses in Oregon Court; Eugene Judge Denies HIV-Positive Mom Right to Breastfeed, Assigns Custody of Infant to State," Rethinking AIDS, 7, no. 6 (June 1999), available here.

c. "available through" for search-engine-type websites:

1. ... available through <www.tobaccodocuments.org>.

Interviews or personal communications

For personal communications, if there is more than one author for the article, specify which author in parenthesis.

1. Jagdesh Bhagwati, interview by Geraldine Doogue, Life Matters, Australian Broadcasting Corporation (March 12, 2002).

2. Personal communication from Joe Smith to author (MJM) (February 23, 2003).


1. J. Saramago, "From Justice to Democracy by Way of the Bells," closing speech of the World Social Forum, Porte Alegre, Brazil, February 5, 2002, trans. R. Finnegan and C. Johnson.

Paper presented at conference

1. G.J. Annas, Genism, Racism, and the Prospect of Genetic Genocide, paper presented at The New Aspects of Racism in the Age of Globalization and the Gene Revolution, UNESCO 21st Century Talks, World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, Durban, South Africa, September 3, 2001, available here (quoting Craig Venter).

Abstract from paper presented at conference published in conference proceedings

1. E.W. Clayton, "Creating a Process to Collect Human Biological Materials and Medical Records for Research from Patients in Teaching Hospitals," abstract from presentation at A Decade of ELSI Research: A Celebration of the First Ten Years of the Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications (ELSI) Programs, printed in Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 29, no. 2, suppl. (2001): 5.

2. Z. Lazzarini et al., "State Efforts to Reduce Perinatal HIV Transmission," Abstract No. 44105, Proceedings of the XII International Conference on AIDS, Geneva, Switzerland, June 28 July 3, 1998 (1998): 959.

Research Protocols

1. L. Brewster, J. Kleijnen, G. Van Montfrans, "Pharmacotherapy for Hypertension in People of Sub-Saharan Africa or of Sub-Saharan African Descent." Protocol of the Cochrane Hypertension Group, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 3, 2001 (citing earlier studies).


Copyright forms: Authors are required to sign copyright forms prior to publication. No compensation is paid for articles published.

Copies: Authors receive two complimentary copies of the issue in which their work appears. At publication, authors may purchase additional journal copies at a discounted rate. The price of a single issue is $20. Bulk orders of more than 10 copies are $18 per issue.

Reprints: Reprints of articles can be ordered at press time.


Direct all inquiries to:
Edward Hutchinson
The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics
American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics
765 Commonwealth Ave., Suite 1634
Boston, Massachusetts 02215
Tel: (617) 262-4990 ext. 13
Fax: (617) 437-7596
Email: publications@aslme.org

Editorial Board

Sandra H. Johnson, J.D., LL.M.
Ana Smith Illtis, Ph.D.

Executive Director
Benjamin W. Moulton, J.D., M.P.H.

Edward J. Hutchinson

Assistant Editor
Elizabeth L. Rosenthal

Editorial Assistant
Rebecca K. Mitcheson

Board of Editors
Anita Allen-Castellitto, J.D., Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania Law School
Troyen A. Brennan, M.D., J.D., M.P.H., Brigham & Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School
Baruch A. Brody, Ph.D., Baylor College of Medicine
Arthur L. Caplan, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania Medical Center
R. Alta Charo, J.D., University of Wisconsin Law School
James F. Childress, M.A., Ph.D., University of Virginia
Ellen Wright Clayton, M.D., J.D., Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Ronald E. Cranford, M.D., University of Minnesota
Bernard M. Dickens, Ph.D., LL.D., LL.M., University of Toronto Faculty of Law
Nancy Neveloff Dubler, LL.B., Montefiore Medical Center
Ezekiel J. Emanuel, M.D., Ph.D., National Institutes of Health
Norman C. Fost, M.D., M.P.H., University of Wisconsin Medical School
Barry Furrow, J.D., Widener University School of Law
Jay A. Gold, M.D., J.D., M.P.H., MetaStar, Inc.
Lawrence O. Gostin, J.D., LL.D. (Hon.), Georgetown University Law Center and Johns Hopkins University
Angela R. Holder, LL.M., Duke University Medical Center
Sandra H. Johnson, J.D., LL.M., Saint Louis University School of Law
Jeffrey P. Kahn, Ph.D., M.P.H., University of Minnesota Center for Bioethics
Marshall B. Kapp, J.D., M.P.H., Southern Illinois University School of Law
Nancy M. P. King, J.D., Univeristy of North Carolina School of Medicine
John D. Lantos, M.D., University of Chicago School of Medicine
Zita Lazzarini, J.D., M.P.H., University of Connecticut Health Center
Theodore R. LeBlang, J.D., Southern Illinois University School of Medicine
Robert J. Levine, M.D., Yale University
Wendy K. Mariner, J.D., LL.M., M.P.H., Boston University School of Public Health
Maxwell J. Mehlman, J.D., Case Western Reserve University
Alan Meisel, J.D., University of Pittsburgh School of Law
Christine I. Mitchell, R.N., M.S., M.T.S., FAAN, Children's Hospital Boston
Jonathan D. Moreno, Ph.D., University of Virginia
E. Haavi Morreim, Ph.D., University of Tennessee College of Medicine
Thomas H. Murray, Ph.D., The Hastings Center
Wendy E. Parmet, J.D., Northeastern University School of Law
Edmund D. Pellegrino, M.D., Georgetown University Medical Center
Stephen G. Post, Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University
Philip R. Reilly, M.D., J.D., Interleukin Genetics, Inc.
Arnold J. Rosoff, J.D., University of Pennsylvania - Wharton School
Karen H. Rothenberg, J.D., M.P.A., University of Maryland School of Law
Margaret A. Somerville, A.M., FRSC, McGill University
Daniel P. Sulmasy, O.F.M., M.D., Ph.D., St. Vincent's Hospital and Medical Center
Susan M. Wolf, J.D., University of Minnesota Law School
Stuart J. Youngner, M.D., Case Western Reserve University
Laurie Zoloth, Ph.D., San Francisco State University


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