

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal



The practice of intensive care medicine crosses many medical specialties and disciplines ?anesthesiology, cardiology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, hematology, immunology, infectious disease, neonatology, nephrology, neurology, nursing, pediatrics, pharmacology, psychiatry, pulmonology, radiology, rheumatology, surgery, toxicology, transplantation, and trauma—and presents many complex and difficult challenges.

The Journal of Intensive Care Medicine is the only journal that offers all medical and surgical clinicians in adult and pediatric intensive care state-of-the-art, broad-based analytic reviews and updates, original articles, reports of large clinical series, techniques and procedures, topic-specific electronic resources, book reviews, and editorials on all aspects of intensive/critical/ coronary care.

Superbly edited, the journal includes authoritative, peer-reviewed reviews of:

*  Disease progression and treatment in intensive care
*  Common diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and techniques for a variety of organ systems 
*  New and experimental approaches to disease treatment
*  Patient evaluation and management
*  End of life issues

The Journal of Intensive Care Medicine also discusses the essential principles, protocols, clinical presentations, guidelines, indications, contraindications, complications, necessary equipment, priorities, ethical and legal issues, changes, and recommendations for ongoing care for every aspect of ICU patient care.

Some of the "hot" topics (right out of the latest headlines!) from recent issues include:

*  Genetic predisposition toward critical illness
*  Temporary cardiac pacing and defibrillation
*  Medical aspects of biological and chemical agents of mass destruction
*  Evaluation and management of poisoning
*  Serial APACHE III scoring for acute renal failure in the ICU

Other major clinical practice and research topics include:

*  Acute Liver Failure
*  Acute Renal Failure
*  Adult Respiratory Disease Syndrome (ARDS)
*  Cost-Effective Procedures
*  Critical Illness of the Elderly
*  External Forces Shaping Intensive Care such as Organizational Quality, Health Care Reform, Ethics, and Law
*  Intensive Care of Organ Transplant Recipients
*  Intensive Care of Patients with HIV Disease
*  Non-Invasive Ventilation
*  Nutritional Support in the ICU
*  Outcomes: Long term Survival; Quality of Life
*  Reperfusion Therapy for Acute Myocardial Infarction
*  Shock
*  Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Technology in the ICU
*  Traumas: Brain Injury; Burns; Spinal Cord Injury; Abdominal Injury; Pediatric; Thoracic Injury; Multiple Organ

For the best coverage of the whole field of intensive care medicine in a scholarly review format, subscribe today to the Journal of Intensive Care Medicine!


Instructions to Authors


Submission Manuscript Guidelines:


Editorial Purpose and Policies

The Journal of Intensive Care Medicine is intended for all clinicians and researchers interested in intensive care. The JICM publishes analytic reviews of major topics in intensive care, reports of experiences from large clinical series, reviews of techniques and procedures, and reports of new technologies.

Manuscripts will be critically reviewed by an editor with appropriate independent referees from the Editorial Board and other expert sources. Manuscripts are considered with the stipulation that they are submitted solely to the Journal of Intensive Care Medicine and that no part of the submission has previously appeared elsewhere. Where questions exist, authors should submit copies of material that has appeared or has been submitted elsewhere. Statements and opinions expressed in the articles and communications appearing in the journal are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the editors and publisher. The editors and publisher disclaim any responsibility or liability for such material. Neither the editors nor the publisher guarantee, warrant, or endorse any product or service advertised in this publication, nor do they guarantee any claim made by the manufacturer of such product or service.

The JICM welcomes manuscripts in the following areas of interest:

·Analytic Reviews: Reviews and updates on progress in treatment of disease entities in the intensive care unit (3000 to 7500 words).

·Reports of Large Clinical Series: Major accumulated clinical experience with conditions treated in the intensive care unit, or reports of smaller series with extensive literature reviews (3000 to 7500 words).

·Techniques and Procedures: Reviews of common intensive care procedures, discussion of large clinical experiences with procedures, novel approaches to a standard procedure, or new procedures and techniques (2000 to 6000 words).

·New Technologies: Reviews of new technologies of interest to the practitioner of intensive care (2000 to 6000 words).

·Correspondence: Letters relating to material previously published in the journal and other brief comments on matters of general interest. Letters will be subject to editing and possible abridgement.

Submission of Manuscripts

Manuscripts must be prepared and submitted in the manner described in the American Medical Association’s Manual of Style. Send manuscripts (original plus 2 complete copies and an electronic file on a 3.5-inch disk) by first class mail (air mail for overseas), not certified or registered, to: James M. Rippe, MD, Editor, Journal of Intensive Care Medicine, Editorial Office, 21 North Quinsigamond Avenue, Shrewsbury, MA 01545, USA. Transfer of copyright to Sage Publications is a condition of publication (authors will receive a copyright transfer form prior to publication). Please submit signed transfer of copyright forms to the editorial office at the address above, attention James M. Rippe, MD. Any questions, please contact Elizabeth Porcaro, the Managing Editor, at bporcaro@rippelifestyle.com or 508-756-1306.

Manuscript Preparation

·The manuscript is typed on white paper, 22 ?28 cm (8??11 in.), with margins of at least 2.5 cm (1 in.) at top, bottom, and both sides.

·Use double spacing.

·Arrange the manuscript with the following sections and begin each section on a separate page: (1) title page, (2) abstract, (3) key words, (4) text, (5) acknowledgments, (6) references, (7) glossary (if needed), (8) tables (each table on a separate page), (9) figures, and (10) legends.

·All pages should be numbered consecutively, beginning with the title page, and the first author’s name, and the page number should be included in the upper right corner of each page.

·Abbreviated terms are spelled out at first use and followed with the abbreviation in parentheses. Avoid overuse of contrived abbreviations.

·Written permission to use nonoriginal material (quotations exceeding 100 words, any table or illustration) from both author and publisher of the original is included, and the source is credited in the manuscript. No article will be accepted as a submission to the Journal of Intensive Care Medicine without all required permissions.

·Title page: Include (1) the full title of the paper—short, clear, and specific; (2) authors?full names, (3) degrees and institutional affiliation of all authors; (4) name, address (including zip code), e-mail address, and phone number of all contributing authors; and (5) a running title of 3 or 4 words. Indicate which author to whom communications should go to regarding the manuscript and reprint requests.

·Abstract: Provide an article summary of 300 words or less.

·Key words: Include 4-5 key words.

·Text: In analytic reviews, sections on definition and incidence, pathophysiology, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, and treatment are appropriate.

·Grant and other acknowledgments: Specify support of any work discussed, by a grant or otherwise, as well as the meeting, if any, at which the paper was presented (including place and date).

·References: Doublespace references throughout, number them in the sequence in which they appear in the text, and identify them in text by superscript Arabic numerals. Accuracy and completeness of references are the author’s responsibility.

·References follow American Medical Association style. If there are more than 6 authors, the first 3 authors are used followed by “et al?including names and initials of all authors. Index Medicus abbreviations are used for journal titles, volume, inclusive page numbers, and year:

Journal: Mazze RI, Cousins MJ, Kosek JC. Strain differences in metabolism and susceptibility to the nephrotoxic effects of methoxyflurane in rats. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1973;184:481-488.

Book: Baston HC. An Introduction to Statistics in the Medical Services. Minneapolis, Minn: Burgess; 1956:110-114.

Chapter: Cohen PJ, Marshall BE. Effects of halothane on respiratory control in rat liver mitochondria. In: Fink BR, ed. Toxicity of Anesthetics. Baltimore, Md: Williams and Wilkins; 1968:24-36.

·Tables: Double space on pages separate from the text. Tables should not duplicate material text or illustrations.

·Legends: Credit for any previously published illustration must be given in the corresponding legend. All symbols should be explained in the legend.

Figure and Artwork Submission

All artwork must be supplied in camera-ready form. This includes not only charts and graphs, maps, photographs, and line art, but also tables with 17 or more columns, such as correlation matrix tables.

All artwork should be clean black-and-white originals, never photocopies. Laser-printed art is ideal. Artwork should be protected from marks and should not be folded or stapled. Each figure should appear on a separate sheet of white paper. It is the responsibility of the author to provide correct, final copies of the figures by the time the article is submitted to the publisher.

·Photographs. Photographs should be glossies or halftone prints (velox prints), rather than snapshots, and the contrast should be sharp for best reproduction. Slides and transparencies are not acceptable.

·Photographs of recognizable participants are accompanied by a signed release from the patient authorizing publication. Masking eyes to hide identity is not sufficient.

·Grayscale shading. Whenever possible, cross-hatching should be used in lieu of grayscale shading. If shading must be used, it should not exceed a 20% screen, and bold type must be used.

·Electronic copies of figures: Electronic submission of figures is encouraged when created in the following electronic formats:

TIFF (identified *.TIF) Tag Image File Format,

EPS (identified *.EPS) Encapsulated Postscript File,

JPEG (identified *.JPG) Joint Photographic Experts Group, and

The following graphic application file formats are supported:

Adobe Illustrator version 8.0 for PC,
Adobe Photoshop version 5.5 for PC, and
CorelDraw version 8 for PC.
·Naming and saving files. If you are submitting scanned art, please follow these guidelines:

Line art (black and white) should be scanned at 1200 ppi and 1 bit bitmap.
Grayscale images should be scanned at 350 ppi and 8 bit bitmap.

Please save each figure as its own file and do not include any extra text (ie, figure captions).

There are 4 requirements in file identification:

·platform (PC or Mac),

·application and version the file was created in (ie, Illustrator 8.0.1),

·type of file it was saved or exported as (ie, .TIF, .EPS), and

?identification of figure by number (ie, file names should include the figure number; Figure 1).

When saving the file, be sure to embed the fonts into the file. There is no other way to ensure that the text in your art will remain as you intend.

·Sizing. Please save the image to the size of the final printed version with an allowance of not more than 10% larger. The camera-ready images that are submitted with your manuscript should be printed at the same size as the file is saved.

·Illustrations: Include 2 sets of unmounted, glossy, black-and-white photographic prints for each illustration, with a gummed label on the back of each giving the first author’s name, figure number, and an arrow indicating the top. Photocopies of the illustration(s) are attached to the other 2 copies of the manuscript. If possible, illustrations should be one column width (7.62 cm, or 3 in.) or full-page width (15.88 cm., or 6?in.).

·Color figures: Color figures that will enhance the article may be accepted for publication. Part of the reproduction and printing costs will be paid by the JCIM. The author must be prepared to pay a per page charge of $800 for the first illustration and $200 each for additional pieces on the same page, as well as for any special effects. Submit color prints carefully packed with the manuscript in a separate container or between 2 sheets of cardboard. If you choose to run color photographs in black and white, please keep in mind that it may be difficult to discern between colors when they are turned into grayscales.


Editorial Board


Editorial Board
Kanu Chatterjee, MB, FRCP, Medical Anthropology, University of California, San Francisco 
Ray Clouse, MD, Washington University School of Medicine 
Paul F. Dellaripa, MD, Harvard Medical School 
Eric Eichenwald, MD, Harvard Medical School 
Joseph Frassica, MD, University of Massachusetts Medical School 
Stephen O. Heard, MD, University of Massachusetts Medical School 
Steven N. Levine, Louisiana State University 
Fred A. Luchette, MD, FACS, FCCM, Burn Shock Trauma Institute, IL 
Mary E. Mancini, RN, MSN, CNA, FAAN, Nursing 
Barry P Markovitz, MD, Washington University School of Medicine 
Deborah Markowitz, MD, University of Massachusetts Medical School 
Richard A. Matthay, MD, Yale University, School of Medicine 
Zab Mohsenifar, MD, FACP, FCCP, UCLA School of Medicine 
Robert A O'Rourke, MD, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio 
Paul M. Palevsky, MD, VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System 
Edward P Richards, JD, MPH, Law and Ethics 
Frederick B. Rogers, MD, FACS, The University of Vermont College of Medicine 
Allan H. Ropper, MD, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts 
Michael G. Seneff, MD, George Washington University 
Nicholas Smyrnios, MD, University of Massachusetts Medical School 
Keith L Stein, MD, FCCM, FCCP, Baptist Hospital 
Theodore A. Stern, MD, Harvard Medical School 
F. Marc Stewart, MD, University of Washington  
Daniel Teres, MD, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts 
Eric vanSonnenberg, MD, Harvard Medical School 
Rade Vukmir, MD, JD, Northwest Medical Center 
Brian Wispelway, MD, University of Virginia Health Sciences Center 
Luke Yip, MD, Rocky Mountain Poison & Drug Center 

Managing Editor
Beth Porcaro 


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