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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


The Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry is an established international forum for research in all aspects of Biological Inorganic Chemistry. Original papers of high scientific level are published in the form of Articles (full length papers), Short Communications and Focused Reviews. Topics include; the chemistry, structure, and function of metalloenzymes; the interaction of inorganic ions and molecules with proteins and nucleic acids; the preparation and properties of coordination complexes of biological interest including both structural and functional model systems; the role of metal-containing systems in the regulation of gene expression; the application of spectroscopic methods to determine the structure of metallobiomolecules; the function of trace elements in living systems; and related subjects.




Instructions to Authors


Authors are encouraged to submit their papers electronically directly to the Editor-in-Chief by using online manuscript submission http://www.elsubmit.com/esubmit/jib. Alternatively authors can submit four copies of their manuscript, one complete set of original illustrations plus three copies to the Editor-in-Chief.

Authors interested in online submission are requested to go to the website and upload their manuscript and its associated artwork. An electronic (PDF) proof is generated and the reviewing process is carried out using that PDF. It is important that all graphical and tabular elements be placed within the text, so that the PDF is suitable for reviewing. This will also allow the preferred position of placement to be indicated, however please note that due to journal conventions, it may not be possible to meet all requirements for placement of artwork. Moreover, the PDF file may be edited after acceptance to follow journal standards. Authors and editors send and receive all correspondence by email via the website and no paper correspondence is performed.

Abstracting services
Biological Abstracts, CABS/Current Awareness in Biological Sciences, Chemical Abstracts, Current Contents/Life Sciences, EMBASE, Index Medicus/MEDLINE, International Abstracts in Biological Sciences, PASCAL.

Types of contributions

  • Full length papers
  • Short communications
  • Focused Reviews
  • Brief book reviews
  • Meeting reports

Communications will be published as soon as possible after acceptance. Information about the style of manuscripts is included below. Note that the style for short communications is different. Brief book reviews and meeting reports are also welcome.

Communications will be published as soon as possible after acceptance. Information about the style of manuscripts is included below. Note that the style for short communications is different. Brief book reviews and meeting reports are also welcome. Announcements of future meetings of interest will also be published.

Submission of papers
Authors should submit four copies of their manuscript, one complete set of original illustrations and three copies, plus four copies of any supporting material to the Editor-in-Chief:

Professor John H. Dawson
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of South Carolina
631 Sumter Street
Columbia, SC 29208, USA
Tel.: (+1) (803) 777-7324
Fax: (+1) (803) 777-9521
E-mail: JIB@sc.edu

Contributions are accepted on the understanding that the authors have obtained the necessary authority for publication. Submission of an article must be accompanied by a statement that the article is original and unpublished and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. Upon acceptance of an article by the Journal, the author(s) will be asked to transfer the copyright of the article to the Publisher. This transfer will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information.
Once a paper has been accepted, submission as electronic manuscripts, i.e. on disk with an accompanying manuscript and one set of original figures, is required. Electronic manuscripts have the advantage that there is no need for rekeying of text, thereby avoiding the possibility of introducing errors and resulting in reliable and fast delivery of proofs. Do not submit your original paper as electronic manuscript but hold on to the disk until asked for this by the Editor.

Authors are reminded that delays in publication may occur if the instructions for submission and disk and manuscript preparation are not strictly followed. To facilitate communication, authors are requested to provide their current e-mail address, telephone and fax numbers.

When submitting a paper, authors are stongly encouraged to provide names and addresses of four potential referees.

Manuscript preparation
Manuscripts should be typed in double spacing on one side of consecutively numbered pages of A4 (21 cm x 30 cm) with a wide margin on the left. In addition to the original, three copies should be submitted. For the final version, in addition to the original and three copies, authors should submit an electronic version of their manuscript on disk.

Some flexibility of presentation will be allowed but authors are urged to arrange the subject matter clearly under such headings as Abstract, Introduction, Experimental (or Materials and Methods), Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements (if desired), References, Tables, Figure legends and Figures. The Results and Discussion sections may be combined when appropriate.

For a rough estimate of the final length of their printed article, authors should count 850 words per full two-column page or 4 illustrations per page.

Short communications
In short communications, the Introduction, Experimental, Results and Discussion sections should be combined into a single untitled section of less than 1200 words with any experimental detail that cannot be briefly described placed in the footnotes. An abstract of 100-200 words should be included.

Focused Reviews
These are concise summaries of research progress covering either tightly defined research topics pertaining to the results from several labs written by an expert in the subject matter, or specific aspects of the research from a single lab written by the senior researcher from that lab. An Abstract of 100-200 words should be included.

Papers will be published in English. Authors' manuscripts must be consistent in style, spelling and syntax. Authors in Japan please note that upon request, Elsevier Science Japan will provide a list of people who can check and improve the English of your paper (before submission). Please contact our Tokyo office:

Elsevier Science K.K.
1-9-15 Higashi-Azabu
1 chome, Building 4F
Tokyo 106-0044
Tel.: (+81) (3) 5561-5032
Fax: (+81) (3) 5561-5045
E-mail: info@elsevier.co.jp

Articles should be headed by a concise but informative title. This should be followed by the name(s) of the author(s) and by the name and address of the laboratory/institute in which the work was carried out. If the address of the author(s) at the time when the paper will appear is other than the laboratory/institute in which the work was carried out this may be stated in a footnote. The name and complete address of the person to whom the proofs are sent must be given, inclusive of e-mail address, telephone and fax numbers, on a separate sheet. Recognition of financial support should not be made by a footnote to the title or name(s) of the author(s), but should be included in Acknowledgements at the end of the paper.

The abstract is the part of your paper that will be read by the largest number of scientists so it plays a crucial role. The abstract is a condensation of the information (facts) in the paper; it is not a description of the contents of the paper. The abstract should present as much as possible of the qualitative and quantitative information contained in the paper. It should be brief (100-200 words) and on one paragraph.

Keywords and abbreviations
A maximum of five keywords should be given below the abstract to describe the contents of the paper. Authors are encouraged to include also a list of abbreviations and their definitions.

Authors should include an experimental section in their papers, which includes a description of all experiments in sufficient detail to permit reproduction of the work performed, analytical data, and other numerical results not given in the text. Dangerous procedures and potential health hazards should be clearly indicated. If the source and quality of reagents will be helpful, please include this information.

References should be numbered consecutively throughout the text and should be collected together in a reference list at the end of the text. Footnotes should not include bibliographic material, and reference lists should not include material that could more appropriately appear as a footnote. Numerals for references are given in square brackets []; each number should correspond to a single reference, i.e. references with a, b, etc. are not acceptable. In the reference list, periodicals [1], books [2], articles in books [3], Conference Proceedings [4] should be cited in accordance with the following examples:

[1] N.R. Barnes, A.F. Schreiner, M.A. Dolan, J. Inorg. Biochem. 72 (1998) 1-12.
[2] J.K. Barton, C.M. Dupureur, in: K.S. Suslick (Ed.), Comprehensive Supramolecular Chemistry, vol. 5, Supramolecular Reactivity and Transport: Bioinorganic Systems, Pergamon, Oxford, 1996, pp. 295-316.
[3] E. Tsuchida (Ed.), Blood Substitutes, Present and Future Perspectives, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1998.
[4] F.W. Lytle, D.E. Sayers, E.A. Stern, Proc. Fifth Int. EXAFS Conf., Seattle, WA, 1988, Physica B 158 (1989) 701-711.

Each reference must be complete, thus the use of ibid., idem., et al., etc. is not permitted. Note that the style of the journal is to list starting and ending pages of articles cited in the references.

All tables must be cited in the text, have titles, and be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Table titles should be complete but brief. Information other than that defining the data should be presented as footnotes. Only horizontal rules should be included and kept to a minimum.

Preparation of manuscripts on disk
Articles prepared using any of the more popular word-processing packages are acceptable but please note the following points:

  • Submissions should be made on a double-density or high-density 3.5" disk. Take care to ensure that the disk is formatted to its physical specification.
  • The disk should always be accompanied by a hard-copy version of the article, and the content of the two should be identical. The disk text must be the same as that of the final refereed, revised manuscript.
  • Disks formatted for either IBM PC compatibles or Apple Macintosh are preferred. If you can provide either of these, our preference is for the former.
  • The article should be saved in the native format of the word processor used; WordPerfect and Microsoft Word are preferred.
  • Although most popular word processor file formats are acceptable, we cannot guarantee the usability of all formats. If the disk you send us proves to be unusable, we will publish your article from the hard copy.
  • Please do not send ASCII files as relevant data may be lost.
  • The disk format, word-processor format, file name(s) and the title and authors of the article should be indicated on the disk.
  • There is no need to spend time formatting your article so that the printout is visually attractive (e.g. by making headings bold), as most formatting instructions will be removed upon processing.
  • Leave a blank line between each paragraph and between each entry in the list of bibliographic references.

Information on creating graphics can be found at: http://www.elsevier.nl/homepage/sab/artwork/

Although there are still a large number of technical difficulties to overcome, we are processing graphic files in a growing number of cases. Both scanned and computer-generated illustrations, either in colour or black and white, are acceptable.
Hard copy should be supplied in all cases: Since we cannot a priori guarantee the usability of your graphic file(s) high quality hard copies of all illustrations should accompany the accepted printout of the manuscript in all cases.
Files should preferably be submitted on disk, either IBM or Macintosh. Submission via e-mail is not recommended for large files.
TIFF or EPS files are preferred. TIFF files should preferably be compressed, but only LZW (Macintosh) compression is acceptable. Please note that corrections in EPS figures are only possible if they have been prepared with Adobe Illustrator 3.0 or higher versions. The usability of other formats is to a large extent dependent on the information you supply to us concerning the software and hardware used. It is a good idea to put the relevant information in the header of the file.
Drawings made with Adobe Illustrator and Aldus Freehand (Macintosh) and CorelDraw (IBM/DOS) generally give good results. Drawings made in WordPerfect or Word generally have too low a resolution; only if made at a much higher resolution (1000 dpi) can they be used. Files of scanned line drawings are acceptable if done at a minimum of 1016 dpi. For scanned halftone figures a resolution of 300 dpi is sufficient. Scanned figures compressed with JPEG usually give no problems. Please note that scanned figures cannot be enlarged, only reduced.

Line drawings should be in a form suitable for direct reproduction, drawn in black ink on drawing or tracing paper. Alternatively, such illustrations may be supplied as high contrast black and white glossy photographs. Where magnifications are concerned, it is preferable to indicate the scale by means of a ruled line on the photograph. Figures will generally be reduced in size before printing and any lettering should be sufficiently large (minimum height 3-5 mm) to remain legible. Hand-written labels are not acceptable. A photocopy of each figure should also be supplied with each copy of the manuscript. Figures should be numbered in the order of their appearance in the text and identified with the name(s) of the author(s).

Colour illustrations
Illustrations can be printed in colour when they are judged by the Editor and referees to be essential to the presentation. Generally, the publisher and author will each bear part of the extra costs involved. The charge to be passed on to authors of articles containing colour figures is EUR 635.00 for the first page containing colour and EUR 318.00 for each additional page containing colour. Authors located in Europe or Japan will be billed in Euros, while authors located outside Europe or Japan will be billed in US dollars.

Original illustrations are not returned except by special request.

Supplementary material
All supplementary material referred to in the text should be retained by the author or deposited in one of the recognised data retrieval centres. A note informing the reader that further details are available and their location should be introduced under the heading "Supplementary material".

Abbreviations and Nomenclature
Proper use of abbreviations and nomenclature is an important part of an author's presentation. On these topics, authors are requested to consult the Information for Contributors to Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, copies of which are available free of charge from the BBA Editorial Secretariat, PO Box 1345, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Standard IUPAC nomenclature and symbolism should be used in order to accurately and clearly communicate the chemical information contained in the manuscript. There are numerous publications and chemical society guidelines that can be consulted including: Biochemical Nomenclature and Related Documents, Second Edition, Portland Press, London, UK, 1992, ISBN 1-85578-005-4; Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry, Third Edition, G.J. Leigh (Ed.), Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, UK, 1990, ISBN-0632-02319-8; and Bioinorganic Glossary: M.W.G. de Bolster, R. Cammack, D.N. Coucouvanis, J. Reedijk, C. Veeger, Glossary of Terms Used in Bioinorganic Chemistry (IUPAC recommendations 1997); Pure Appl. Chem. 69 (1997) 1251-1303. See also: http://alpha.qmw.ac.uk/ugca000/iupac/bioinorg/

Manuscripts Describing New Protein Structures. Once a paper describing a new protein structure is accepted for publication, the authors must be prepared to submit to the Protein Data Bank all of the structural data required to validate the discussion, including both X-ray amplitudes and phases and the derived atomic coordinates. If the paper discusses a protein structure only at the level of the main chain alpha carbon atoms, then only alpha carbon coordinates need be deposited. Manuscripts will not be published until confirmation has been received from the author that the required information has been sent to the Protein Data Bank.

If requested by the authors, the editors will ask the Data Bank not to distribute the information until a specified date. For coordinate lists this date may not be more than one year beyond the acceptance date of the manuscript. For the full structure amplitude and phase data the time interval before distribution may not exceed four years. The release data specified by the author will appear in a footnote to the paper along with the statement that the information has been submitted to the Protein Data Bank. In the absence of a specified release date, it will be assumed that the information is available immediately on appearance of the publication.

The author for correspondence will receive a set of pdf proofs, which he/she is requested to correct and return as soon as possible. No new material may be inserted in the text at the time of proofreading. A note added in proof must be dated and the author must have requested and received the Editor's approval.

Fifty offprints are supplied free of charge to the main author. Additional offprints may be ordered at the prices quoted on the offprint order form. The order form should be returned promptly since the price of offprints ordered after publication is substantially higher.

There are no page charges.

Further information
All questions arising after acceptance of a paper, especially those concerning proofs, should be directed to:

Elsevier Science B.V.
Issue Management
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry
1000 CT Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Fax: (+31) (20) 485 2319
E-mail: r.sanden@elsevier.nl

Please quote the JIB reference number if known, otherwise full author name(s) and title must be given.



Editorial Board
J.H. Dawson, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of South Carolina, 631 Sumter Street, Columbia, SC 29208, USA
Editorial Associate:
M. Sono, Columbia, SC, USA
Associate Editors:
H.C. Freeman, Sydney, Australia
I. Morishima, Kyoto, Japan
A.J. Thomson, Norwich, UK
R. Weiss, Strasbourg, France
Editorial board:
M.W.W. Adams, Athens, GA, USA
P. Aisen, Bronx, NY, USA
E.N. Baker, Auckland, New Zealand
J.K. Barton, Pasadena, CA, USA
S.J. Berners-Price, Crawley, Perth WA, Australia
P. Brzezinski, Stockholm, Sweden
A. Butler, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
D. Coucouvanis, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
T. Funabiki, Kyoto, Japan
H.B. Gray, Pasadena, CA, USA
Z. Gross, Haifa, Israel
T.W. Hambley, Sydney, Australia
H.A.O. Hill, Oxford, UK
R.H. Holm, Cambridge, MA, USA
K.D. Karlin, Baltimore, MD, USA
T. Kiss, Szeged, Hungary
T. Kitagawa, Okazaki, Japan
S.J. Lippard, Cambridge, MA, USA
S. Mann, Bristol, UK
D. Mansuy, Paris, France
A.G. Mauk, Vancouver, BC, Canada
E. Münck, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
C.J. Murphy, Columbia, SC, USA
T.V. O'Halloran, Evanston, IL, USA
C. Orvig, Vancouver, BC, USA
J.E. Penner-Hahn, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
J. Reedijk, Leiden, The Netherlands
J.F. Riordan, Boston, MA, USA
P.J. Sadler, Edinburgh, UK
E.I. Solomon, Stanford, CA, USA
T.G. Spiro, Princeton, NJ, USA
M.J. Stillman, London, Ontario, Canada
V. Ullrich, Konstanz, Germany
J. Ulstrup, Lyngby, Denmark
M. Vasák , Zürich, Switzerland
J.S. Valentine, Los Angeles, CA, USA
A.J. Villa, Rosario, Argentina
Y. Watanabe, Nagoya, Japan
U. Weser, Tübingen, Germany
K.E. Wieghardt, Mülheim, Germany
R.J.P. Williams, Oxford, UK
W.-D. Woggon, Basel, Switzerland
O. Yamauchi, Osaka, Japan
C.G. Young, Parkville, Victoria, Australia



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