

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The Journal of Human Evolution concentrates on publishing the highest quality papers covering all aspects of human evolution. The central focus is aimed jointly at palaeoanthropological work, covering human and primate fossils, and at comparative studies of living species, including both morphological and molecular evidence. These include descriptions of new discoveries, interpretative analyses of new and previously described material, and assessments of the phylogeny and palaeobiology of primate species.

In addition to original research papers, space is allocated for the rapid publication of short communications on new discoveries, such as exciting new fossils, or on matters of topical interest, such as reports on meetings. The journal also publishes longer review papers solicited from workers active in particular fields of research. All manuscripts are subjected to review by three referees of whom two will be associate editors.

Research Areas Include: 
   Palaeoanthropological work, covering human and primate fossils 
   Comparative studies of living species, including both morphological and molecular evidence 
   Primate systematics, behaviour, and ecology in the context of the evolution of the group involved 
   Functional studies, particularly relating to diet and locomotion 
   Body size and allometric studies 
   Studies in palaeolithic archaeology 
   Taphonomic and stratigraphical studies supporting fossil evidence for primate and human evolution 
   Palaeoecological and palaeogeographical models for primate and human evolution

Instructions to Authors
The Journal of Human Evolution is the premier forum in physical anthropology and palaeontology for publishing high quality, peer-reviewed research papers on all aspects relating to human and primate evolution.

Research papers should be written as concisely as possible and contain the maximum density of information. Submitted manuscripts can be any length up to approximately 150 pages (including tables and references), subject to limitations on space. The Editors of JHE will also consider publishing special issues devoted to particular topics or themes that fall within the purview of the journal.

In addition to original research papers, space will be allocated in the "News & Views" section of the journal for short communications on new discoveries or critical comments on recently published papers, whether in JHE or elsewhere. These are normally less than 2000 words and include up to 4 figures. For rapid publication, "News & Views" submissions will be allotted space in the next issue going to press. JHE also publishes solicited reviews of books.


There are two alternative ways to submit your manuscript:

Electronic Submission: This method of submission is strongly preferred. Send your manuscript as an attachment via e-mail to one of the Editors. The text, tables and figure captions should be combined in a single file, in MS Word, RTF or PDF format. Figures can be embedded in the same file, or provided separately in JPG format, in both cases scaled to screen resolution (about 1024 x 768). On acceptance of a manuscript the author will be asked to provide the images in high-resolution suitable for publication.

Typescript Submission: Send the original typescript and five copies to one of the Editors, along with the original figures. Each manuscript copy should include high quality photocopies (preferably colour photocopies of photographs, including those in black and white) of all figures. In addition, where possible, send a diskette, zip-disk, or CD with a copy of the text and tables.

Send submissions to either:

Fred Spoor
Department of Anatomy and Developmental Biology
University College London
Rockefeller Building
University Street
London WC1E 6JJ
E-mail: f.spoor@ucl.ac.uk


William H. Kimbel
Institute of Human Origins
Arizona State University
Box 874101
AZ 85287-4101
E-mail: wkimbel.iho@asu.edu

Preparation of Manuscript
Papers should be submitted in English. Non-English speaking authors may also submit a summary in French, German, Portuguese, Russian or Spanish., the length of which should not exceed 400 words. Papers should be typewritten using double spacing throughout (including references, tables, legends and footnotes). The position of tables and illustrations should be indicated in the text; footnotes, tables and legends for illustrations should be typed separately at the end of the manuscript. Figures and tables should be comprehensible without reference to the text. All pages should be numbered serially. Manuscripts must be submitted in a complete and finished form. The Editors reserve the right to return unacceptable material to authors for revision.

Title Page. The first page of the manuscript should include the following information: Title: A concise, well-phrased and informative title; Author(s) and affiliation(s): The names, complete mailing addresses, and e-mail addresses (where pertinent) for each of the authors; Corresponding author: The name, address and telephone/fax/e-mail information for the corresponding author; Keywords: An ad hoc selection of keywords; Running Title: A running title of not more than 40 characters (including spaces), suitable for page headings (the full title may be used if it is 40 characters or less).

Abstract. An abstract will be printed at the head of all papers; this should not exceed 300 words, and should be intelligible to the general reader without reference to the main text. Abbreviations and literature citations should be avoided in the abstract.

Section Headings. These should not be numbered or capitalized. Section headings should be centred on the page; subsection headings placed left; sub-subsection headings placed left with text following on the same line (these two are underlined). Further subdivisions of sections should be avoided.

Tables. Tables should be double spaced. A short, informative title should be provided. All other information should be included at the bottom of the table.

References. References should be listed alphabetically at the end of the paper, presented as in the following examples:

Asfaw, B. (1987). The Belohdelie frontal: new evidence of early hominid cranial morphology from the Afar of Ethiopia. J. Hum. Evol. 16, 611-624.

Baker, E..W., Malyango, A.A. & Harrison, T. (1998). Phylogenetic relationships and functional morphology of the distal humerus from Kanapoi, Kenya. Am. J. Phys. Anthrop. 26 (Suppl.), 66.

Kirkpatrick, R.C. (1996). Ecology and behavior of the Yunnan snub-nosed langur (Rhinocolobus bieti, Colobinae). Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California.

Leakey, M.G. & Harris, J.M. (2002). Lothagam: The Dawn of Humanity. New York: Columbia University Press.

Oates, J.F. (1994). The natural history of African colobines. In (A.G. Davis & J.F. Oates, Eds) Colobine Ms: Their Ecology, Behaviour and Evolution, pp. 75-128. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Marean, C. W. (2000). The Middle Stone Age at Die Kelders Cave 1, South Africa. J. Hum Evol. 38, 3-5, doi:10.1006/jhev.1999.0348.

Lieberman, D. E., Pearson, O. M. & Mowbry, K. M. (2000). Basicranial influence on overall cranial shape. J. Hum Evol. 38, 291-315, doi:10.1006/jhev.1999.0335.

Titles of journals should conform to the style used in the World List of Scientific Periodicals. A list of abbreviations (PDF, 31 kb) of journal titles commonly cited in JHE is available from the Editors. Provide full, unabbreviated titles for rarely cited journals. Citation in the text should read thus: Smith & Robinson (1999), or (Smith & Robinson, 1999). When a citation has more than two authors, the citation style Smith et al., 1999 or (Smith et al., 1999) should be used. The convention (Brown, 1999a), (Brown, 1999b) or (Brown, 1999a, b) should be used where more than one paper by the same author(s) has appeared in one year. Citations listed in the text should be arranged in chronological order, not in alphabetical order (e.g., Jones, 1998; Andrews, 1999; White, 2001). Do not cite a paper as in "this issue", even if it is part of a "Special Issue"; always provide the year in the text and the full citation in the reference list.

Digital Object Identifier
Academic Press assigns a unique digital object identifier (DOI) to every article it publishes. The DOI appears on the title page of the article. It is assigned after the article has been accepted for publication and persists throughout the lifetime of the article. Due to its persistence, it can be used to query Academic Press for information on the article during the production process, to find the article on the internet through various web sites, including ScienceDirect, and to cite the article in academic references. When using a recently published article in a reference section, it is important to include the article's DOI in the reference, as volume and page information is not always available for articles published online. The References section, above, shows examples of DOI included in references. The DOI of a paper can be found printed on its title page.

Footnotes should be avoided. Essential footnotes should be indicated by superscript numbers in the text and collected on a separate page placed at the end of the manuscript.

Line drawings and photographs will be referred to as Figure 1, Figure 2 (not Fig.), etc. All illustrations should be prepared remembering that the Journal's maximum page area is 202 x 161 mm. Where possible, related photographs or diagrams should be grouped to form a single figure, prepared uniformly and usually to the same scale. Photographs of specimens and line drawings of maps should contain a metric scale bar. Magnification factors should not be specified in figure legends, as they may be altered by reduction.

For full details of formatting original artwork and its electronic submission, see Artwork Instructions on the Author Gateway of our website. If mailing original figures, it is strongly recommended that photographs and line art be mounted securely on thick illustration board with a protective flap secured to the rear. The author's name and the figure number should be written clearly on each illustration, together with the indication "TOP" and indication for reduction if necessary.
JHE publishes one figure in colour per submission without charge (subject to Editors' approval). The cost of additional figures is available upon application.

The Publishers provide proofs for checking. Corrections that represent substantial alterations from the submitted manuscript may be charged to the author(s).

The Publisher will supply 25 offprints of each paper to the senior author. Further offprints can be ordered at extra cost; using the offprint order form that will be sent with the proofs.

Authors submitting a manuscript do so on the understanding that if it is accepted for publication, copyright in the article, including the right to reproduce the article in all forms and media, shall be assigned exclusively to the Publisher.

Author enquiries
Authors can keep a track of the progress of their accepted articles, and set up email alerts informing them of changes to their manuscript status, by using the "Track a Paper" feature of Elsevier Author Gateway (http://authors.elsevier.com). Contact details for questions arising after acceptance of an article, especially those relating to proofs, are provided when an article is accepted for publication.

Please click on the link to view the abbreviations for journal titles commonly cited in JHE.

Editorial Board
T. Harrison, Department of Anthropology, New York University, New York, USA
F. Spoor, Department of Anatomy and Developmental Biology, University College London, United Kingdom
W. Kimbel, Institute of Human Origins, Arizona State Unitersity, Tempe, USA
Associate Editors:
L. Aiello, London, United Kingdom
P. Anderws, London, United Kingdom
D. Begun, Ontario, Canada
S. Churchill, Durham, USA
A. Deino, Berkeley, USA
E. Delson, New York, USA
C. Gamble, Southampton, UK
L. Godfrey, Amherst, USA
M. Godinot, Paris, France
R. Gr¨¹n, Canberra, Australia
G.F. Gunnell, Ann Arbor, USA
J.J. Hublin, Talence Cedex, France
E. Indriati, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
N.G. Jablonski, San Francisco, USA
W.L. Jungers, New York, USA
B. Latimer, Ohio, USA
M. Leakey, Nairobi, Kenya
C. Lockwood, Arizona, USA
D. Lordkipanidze, Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia
R.L. Lyman, Columbia, USA
L. MacLatchy, Boston, USA
S. McBrearty, Connecticut, USA
J. Moggi-Cecchi, Firenze, Italy
Y. Rak, Tel Aviv, Isreal
M.J. Ravosa, Illinois, USA
K. Reed, Arizona, USA
J.H. Relethford, New York, USA
B.G. Richmond, Illinois, USA
G.P. Rightmire, New York, USA
L. Rook, Florence, Italy
M. Singleton, Illinois, USA
R.J. Smith, Missouri, USA
C.C. Swisher, New Jersey, USA
E. Trinkaus, Missouri, USA
C. van Schaik, Durham, USA
Book Review Editor:
B. Wood, Department of Anthropology, George Washington University, Washington DC, USA
Editorial Assistants:
J. Manser
J. Moore
J.E. Scott
D.F. Su


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