

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

This Journal is devoted to the advancement of the science and technology of guidance, control, and dynamics through the dissemination of original archival papers disclosing significant technical knowledge, exploratory developments, design criteria, and applications in aeronautics, astronautics, celestial mechanics, and related fields. The Journal publishes qualified papers on dynamics, stability, guidance, control, navigation, optimization, electronics, avionics, and information processing related to aeronautical, astronautical, and marine systems. Papers are sought which demonstrate the application of recent research to practical engineering problems. Papers that describe aspects of the dynamics and control of significant recent developments, such as a new or different aircraft or spacecraft, also are desired. Scope

Instructions to Authors

general requirements

Authors must submit their manuscripts on WriteTrack™, AIAA’s Web-based manuscript submittal and tracking system. AIAA has prior publication rights to any paper presented at its meetings, but papers will be considered for journals only if the authors formally submit them. All manuscripts must be as brief and concise as proper presentation of the ideas will allow. Manuscripts must be in English (American spelling), double-spaced and single-column, with wide margins to allow for editorial instructions. A template is available on WriteTrack for authors who use Microsoft Word 6.0 or later.

important author documents

Please access the links below to learn more about the manuscript criteria and requirements to which all authors are expected to adhere. [Note: In addition to these documents, authors are advised to access the template mentioned above, which is available only on WriteTrack.] All authors who submit papers will be required to sign other forms and/or provide relevant information directly on WriteTrack: manuscript clearance, no-infringement statement, verification of publication status, publication history, and adherence to ethical standards. Those whose papers are eventually accepted for publication also will be required to sign a copyright-release form.

Ethical Standards for Publication of Aeronautics and Astronautics Research
Ethical obligations of authors, editors, and reviewers.

Publication Ethical Standards: Guidelines and Procedures
Descriptions of specific publication ethics violations and resulting author sanctions.

Editorial Policy Statement on Numerical and Experimental Accuracy
Description of acceptable standards for high-quality investigations with properly documented results.

Journal Scopes
Description of primary focus and subject area for each journal.

Acceptance Procedure for Archive Journals of AIAA
Detailed explanation of AIAA publication procedures.

Paper Type Definitions
Descriptions and length requirements for each type of paper published in AIAA technical journals.

Information for Contributors to Journals of the AIAA
General journal manuscript submission requirements and descriptions of paper types.

Manuscript Style and Format
Specific requirements for tables, figures, mathematics, and references in AIAA technical journals.

Submission of AIAA Conference Papers to Journals
Submission criteria for AIAA technical journals.

Abstract Preparation
Journal abstract content and length guidelines.

Biography Preparation
Journal author biography preparation guidelines.

Reference Format
Required reference information and format guidelines for AIAA technical journals.

Page Proof Instructions
Instructions on providing corrections to page proofs for your manuscript.

Reprint Orders
AIAA technical journal reprint order form for authors who do NOT pay publication charges.

Editorial Board
Dr. George Schmidt
Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc.
555 Technology Square
Cambridge, MA 02139-3563

Associate Editors  (terms expire in year indicated)

Prof. Kurt Anderson (2004)
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Dept. of Mechanical, Aerospace, Nuclear Engineering
Troy, NY 12180-3590

Prof. S. Balakrishnan (2003)
University of Missouri–Rolla
Dept. of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
1870 Miner Circle
Rolla, MO 65409-0050

Dr. Karl Bilimoria (2003)
NASA Ames Research Center
Mail Stop 210-10
Moffett Field, CA 94035

Dr. Alain Carrier (2004)
Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space Advanced Technology Center
Org. H1-61, Building 250
3251 Hanover St.
Palo Alto, CA 94304-1187

Dr. Richard Colgren (2004)
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company
Building 608, Plt. 10
Reconnaissance and Advanced Programs
Palmdale, CA 93599-2526

Dr. Victoria Coverstone (2003)
University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
Dept. of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering
306 Talbot Laboratory
Urbana, IL 61801-2935

Dr. David Doman (2005)
Control Theory and Optimization Branch
2210 Eight St., Ste. 21
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-7510

Dr. Dale Enns (2003)
Honeywell Inc.
3660 Technology Dr.
Minneapolis, MN 55418-1096

Dr. Wodek Gawronski (2005)
California Institute of Technology
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Mail Stop 238-528
Pasadena, CA 91109

Dr. Hari Hablani (2004)
The Boeing Company
Flight Systems Design and Analysis
Mail Code H013-C323
Huntington Beach, CA 92647-2099

Prof. Jonathan How (2003)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Mail Code 33-328
Cambridge, MA 02139

Dr. Ping Lu (2004)
Iowa State University
Dept. of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
2271 Howe hall, Room 1200
Ames, IA 50011-2271

Dr. Michael McFarland (2004)
Raytheon Missile Systems
P.O. Box 11337
Tucson, AZ 85734-1337

Dr. Robert Melton (2003)
The Pennsylvania State University
Dept. of Aerospace Engineering
233 Hammond Building
University Park, PA 16802-1401

Dr. Vivekanand Mukhopadhyay (2003)
NASA Langley Research Center
Mail Stop 348
Hampton, VA 23681-2199

Mr. Stephen Osder (2004)
Osder Associates
P.O. Box 9825
Scottsdale, AZ 85252-3925

Prof. Mark Psiaki (2003)
Cornell University
Sibley School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Ithaca, NY 14853-7501

Prof. Jurek Sasiadek (2003)
Carleton University
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Dept.
1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 5B6,

Dr. Bala Subrahmanyam (2004)
Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center
Mail Stop L9-24, Bldg. 21
3251 Hanover St.
Palo Alto, CA 94304-1191

Prof. Panagiotis Tsiotras (2004)
Georgia Institute of Technology
School of Aerospace Engineering
270 First St.
Atlanta, GA 30332-0150

LCOL David Vallado (2005)
Raytheon CDommand, Control, Communication, and Information Systems
Mail Stop A3601, Building S75
16800 East Centretech Parakway
Aurora, CO 80011-946

Dr. Kevin Wise (2006)
The Boeing Company
111 Summerset Drive
Saint Charles, MO 63304-7671


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