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出版社:UNIV CHICAGO PRESS, 1427 E 60TH ST, CHICAGO, USA, IL, 60637-2954

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Since its inception in 1893, The Journal of Geology has been devoted to the study of geological principles and is currently publishing research and theory in geophysics, geochemistry, sedimentology, geomorphology, petrology, plate tectonics, volcanology, structural geology, mineralogy, and planetary sciences. Contents range from work on the composition of the lunar interior to computer modeling of fossil development.

Frequency: bimonthly. Volume 111 begins January 2003. ISSN: 0022-1376. 225 pages/issue.
Instructions to Authors

The Journal of Geology publishes original contributions dealing with any aspect of geology including space science. Contributions should have wide appeal to geologists, present new concepts, and/or derive new geological insights through the use of new approaches and methods. Works that are highly specialized or technical or that have only local/regional geographical significance should be submitted elsewhere. Manuscripts exceeding 22 printed pages rarely can be accepted. Short focused manuscripts can be processed as rapidly as six months and can be published as Geological Notes (usually fewer than 10 printed pages), but these have the same conceptual generality and significance as longer manuscripts. Also included in the Journal are Discussions, and authors' Replies. The manuscript must be in completed form and carefully checked for errors. Manuscripts not meeting these requirements will be returned to authors. Manuscripts held in revision for more than nine months will be considered as new contributions and should be prepared accordingly. Authors are asked to contribute page charges of $70.00/page at the time page proofs are checked. Authors who cannot pay full page charges may apply for a partial or total waiver. Higher page charges are assessed for papers exceeding 22 printed pages.

Authors should submit three copies of the manuscript, including copies of all illustrations. To aid the Editors in selecting suitable reviewers, please send the names and addresses of three competent reviewers.

Please address manuscripts to:

Journal of Geology
University of Chicago
Henry Hinds Laboratory
5734 S. Ellis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637


Manuscripts should be typed on one side of non-corrasible bond paper not larger than 8.5 x 11 in. The entire manuscript, including references, abstracts, legends for illustrations, and tables should be at least double-spaced, with generous margins. A minimum of necessary corrections may be made within the text, but not in the margins. Each page must be numbered beginning with 1 on the title page and continuing through the text, the references, and the legends for the illustrations. For matters of general style and arrangement of headings, consult the January issue of the Journal. Tables should be numbered consecutively, on separate sheets, designed to fit in a Journal column or page. Tables must be presented in Journal format. All tables and illustrations must be mentioned in the text, in numerical order if possible. The appropriate locations for tables and figures should be indicated in pencil in the margin of the typescript. Abstracts for major articles should not exceed 250 words, and those for Geological Notes should not exceed 100 words; all abstracts should be one paragraph. Appendices will be considered as being submissions to the Journal's Data Depository. Acknowledgments should include only significant contributions by professional colleagues and financial support of research. Footnotes are not permitted in the text.


Figures include line drawings and halftones (photographs). Legends for these should be typed in numerical order on a separate sheet. Figures should be designed with the size of the Journal page (6.75 in. wide x 9 in. deep), and column (3.25 in. wide) in mind. Each illustration should be identified (on the back in light pencil) by the name of the author and its number, and its top should be indicated. Magnification should be given by a scale line where appropriate. Unsatisfactory illustrations will be returned to the author. Original illustrations should not be sent because of the very real possibility of loss through the mails. If they are sent, they will be discarded following their publication unless the author has requested their return in advance.

Original figures should be prepared in a professional way. We prefer that they then be photographed and clear, glossy photographs submitted to the Journal. Figure material larger than 8.5 x 11 in. cannot be accepted. Care should be taken not to overload maps with irrelevant detail, nor to use excessive amounts of space to convey little information. The smallest symbols or letters used should not be less than 1.5 mm high after reduction. Simple data plots will be reduced to single-column width, and lettering must be sized accordingly. No figures can be printed larger than page size. The author should supply copies of each figure suitable for sending to reviewers (photocopies, offset reproductions, etc.).

Photographs must be sharp and clear, printed on glossy paper, and not smaller than their publication size. They should not be mounted. Copies of photographs for sending to reviewers need not be of the same high quality as the originals, but they must be clear (Xerox copies are usually inadequate). Review copies may be mounted.

Several drawings or photographs grouped on a page as one figure are distinguished as A, B, C, etc. Do not group photographs in this way unless it is essential. It is more convenient to treat individual photographs as separate figures. All figures should be numbered consecutively (1, 2, 3, etc.).


In the text, references to the literature cited should list author's name, year of publication, and possibly specific page numbers in this form: (Smith 1928, p. 36-40). Under the heading "References Cited" at the end of the text should be listed all literature cited, double-spaced, arranged alphabetically by authors, and chronologically under each author, as illustrated in recent issues of the Journal. Accuracy and consistency are most important in the bibliography.

Proof and Reprints

Final revised manuscripts must be correct in every detail. The author is asked to check page proofs for typographical errors, but no other changes are permitted. The Journal supplies free 50 reprints (without covers) of each article, but only if page charges (full or partial) are paid. Additional reprints may be ordered when page proofs are returned.

Style and Abbreviations


 EditIn matters of style, spelling, abbreviations, etc., the guides recommended are the University of Chicago Press Manual of Style and the U.S. Department of the Interior Suggestions to Authors of Reports of the United States Geological Survey.

Editorial Board

Alfred T. Anderson, Jr.

Barbara J. Sivertsen



L. Y. Aranovich
Institute of Experimental Mineralogy
Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernoglovka

Bruce J. MacFadden
University of Florida

Michael Bickle
University of Cambridge

Arnold J. Miller
University of Cincinnati

Kevin Burke
University of Houston

David Nash
University of Cincinnati

John Dewey
Oxford University

Rudy L. Slingerland
Pennsylvania State University

Gerald M. Friedman
Brooklyn College (CUNY) and
Northeastern Science Foundation

Bruce H. Wilkinson
University of Michigan


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