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出版社:SPRINGER, ONE NEW YORK PLAZA, SUITE 4600 , NEW YORK, United States, NY, 10004

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

 The Journal of General Internal Medicine is the official journal of the Society of General Internal Medicine.   It promotes improved patient care, research, and education in primary care. Its articles focus on topics such as epidemiology, prevention, the health care system, curriculum development, and numerous other non-traditional themes, in addition to classic clinical research on problems in internal medicine.

Print ISSN: 0884-8734
Online ISSN: 1525-1497


Instructions to Authors

Journal of General Internal Medicine considers for publication manuscripts on issues relevant to its mission of promoting improved patient care, research and education in general internal medicine and primary care. Submissions must be original and not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.

JGIM is now accepting manuscripts electronically via an online submission site, Manuscript Central. The use of an online submission and peer review site will speed the time to decisions, enable immediate distribution and allow authors to track their own manuscripts. To access this system for submission and review, go directly to http://jgim.manuscriptcentral.com/ .

Manuscripts should fall into one of the following categories:

Original Articles
These articles describe original research relevant to clinical care and/or teaching in general internal medicine, including health policy issues. They should have a detailed description of an appropriate study design and analysis plan. Reports of randomized controlled trials should follow the recommendations of the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) statement (JAMA. 2001; 285) (
see www.consort-statement.org for the current CONSORT guidelines and checklist). They should not exceed 3,500 words. They should have a structured abstract of less than 250 words with no more than 6 tables or figures.

Innovations in Education and Clinical Practice
These articles provide succinct descriptions of innovative approaches to improving education and patient care in general internal medicine (see editorial in J Gen Intern Med. 1999; 14:775-6). Articles should be less than 3,000 words, with an unstructured abstract of less than 150 words, and no more than 3 tables, figures or pictures. Each article should have sections for the introduction (or problem identification), methods (or program description), results (or program evaluation), and discussion. The introduction should describe the problem and the aim of the innovation. The methods should include the rationale or theoretical basis for the innovation and a description of the innovation with enough detail to address feasibility. Authors may choose to make additional details available upon request. The results should present information about use of the innovation and feedback about and suggestions for improving the innovation. Authors should present qualitative evaluation information when quantitative information is not available. The discussion should comment on the relation to previous work and the implications for improving patient care and education. If an author feels that an alternative format would be more appropriate for a given paper, the author should contact the Editor before submission.

Health Policy
These articles feature original research, scholarly reviews, and perspectives on health policy issues. Submissions should be relevant to general internists and should help readers understand more about health policy and its effects on patients, physicians, medical institutions, or populations. Articles examining how alternative strategies foster or impede the delivery of high-quality primary care are of special interest (see editorial in J Gen Intern Med. 2000; 15: 519-20). Articles may be submitted in the form of an original article, brief report, review, or perspective, and should follow the corresponding instructions.

Populations at Risk
These articles describe both positive and negative efforts to improve care delivery for "populations at risk." "At risk" populations include groups who are at risk for sub-optimal health outcomes by virtue of their socioeconomic characteristics, health insurance status, functional status, or diagnosis (see editorial in J Gen Intern Med. 2000; 15: 271-2). Articles submitted for the "Populations at Risk" section may be in the form of an original article, brief report, review, or perspective, and should follow the corresponding instructions.

Brief Reports
These are short descriptions of original research relevant to clinical care and/or teaching in general internal medicine. They should have an appropriate study design and analysis plan. They should have no more than 1,500 words. They should have an unstructured abstract of less than 100 words, no more than two tables or figures, and no more than 20 references.

The Editor encourages submission of systematic reviews of clinical topics important to the practice of general internal medicine, especially topics relevant to the care of vulnerable and under-served populations and topics for which there is new evidence about management options. Reviews of clinical topics should include references to relevant practice guidelines. We also invite reviews of research and educational methods relevant to general internal medicine. Reviews should not exceed 4,000 words. The abstract of 250 words or less should be structured.

These articles should provide appropriately referenced viewpoints on timely issues in clinical practice, medical education, and health policy that represent opportunities to act on SGIMs core values. These values include: 1) excellence in patient-centered, scientifically sound medical care, research and education; 2) fostering collegial support and mentoring as well as interdisciplinary collaboration; 3) adopting creative and innovative approaches to advance clinical care, teaching and research; 4) promoting social responsibility and the health of vulnerable, under-served populations; and 5) incorporating these values into our daily professional lives with integrity and love of medicine. Articles should be less than 3,000 words with an unstructured abstract of less than 150 words, and no more than four tables or figures.

Editorials are solicited by the editors and should not be submitted by through Manuscript Central. They provide commentary on articles selected for publication.

GIMedia Reviews
These include reviews of books, software, Web sites, and other enduring media materials that may be of interest to those who are working to improve patient care, research and teaching in primary care. Authors interested in having their materials reviewed should contact the journal office: Renee F. Wilson, Managing Editor, 1830 E. Monument Street, Room 8061, Baltimore, MD 21287. Media Reviews should be sent electronically to jgim@jhmi.edu. Media Reviews will not be accepted through the Manuscript Central system.

Letters to the Editor
We encourage letters of up to 450 words that comment on material published in JGIM. Letters should be submitted to the journal office via e-mail, jgim@jhmi.edu within two months of publication of the JGIM material. Letters will not be accepted through the Manuscript Central System.

These include creative or reflective prose of up to 1,500 words and poetry of up to 500 words that focus attention on humanistic concerns encountered in general internal medicine practice. Submissions may be written from the perspective of a patient, patients family member, health care provider, teacher, investigator, or trainee. All reflections will be submitted to the Journal¡¯s annual creative writing contest, which has a February 28 deadline.  Reflections and Creative Writing pieces cannot be submitted through the Manuscript Central system. These submissions must be sent to the journal office via e-mail (jgim@jhmi.edu)

Review Process
Most manuscripts are sent to two peer reviewers who are not editors, although the editors decide about some manuscripts without outside review. Manuscripts are rated according to importance of the question, originality/innovation, quality of methods, quality of presentation, relevance to mission of SGIM, appropriateness of conclusions, and potential impact on patient care, education or research. Editors give particular attention to the following questions. What is the most innovative aspect of the paper? How could this paper lead to a change in patient care, education or future research? What can be done to maximize the impact of the paper?

The expected time from receipt of a manuscript to a decision about acceptance, rejection, or revision is 6-10 weeks. Manuscripts accepted for publication will be edited for style, clarity, spelling, and grammar. Galley proofs will be sent to the corresponding author for approval before publication.

Specific Directions for Submission

Copyright Transfer Forms

The copyright forms are available at the following web site, http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/pdf/jgim_copyright.pdf).

Manuscripts generally should be prepared according to guidelines described in "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals," which can be found in the following locations: Ann Intern Med 1997; 126(1)36-47; N Engl J Med 1997;336(4):309-15; JAMA 1997;277(11):927-34; and www.icmje.org. One exception involves abstracts in original articles, which should be no longer than 250 words and follow the guidelines for structured abstracts that are described in "More Informative Abstracts Revisited," which was published in Ann Intern Med 1990;113:69-76.

ALL NEW MANUSCRIPTS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED VIA MANUSCRIPT CENTRAL (http://jgim.manuscriptcentral.com/), except for Editorials, Letters to the Editor, GIMedia Reviews, and Creative Writing/Reflections.

Title Page
Include the manuscript title (less than 15 words); full names, advanced degrees, and institutional affiliations of all authors; name and date of any conference at which the paper was presented; disclosure of all funding sources, grants, and other financial support received for the work reported, including the granting institution (required); and name and complete address of the corresponding author and the author responsible for reprint requests. Also include a word count.

Structured abstracts should adhere to the following format. Abstracts for Reviews should follow the outline excluding setting, patients/participants, and interventions.

Objective: State the main objective or hypothesis of the study.

Design: Describe the general design of the study, (e.g. randomized trial, decision model) and any important design elements (e.g., blinding, criterion standards for diagnostic tests).

Setting: Indicate the study setting, including the level of clinical care (e.g., private practice, teaching clinic, or hospital).

Patients/Participants: State selection procedures, entry criteria and number of participants entering and finishing the study.

Interventions: Describe essential features of interventions, including their methods and duration of administration.

Measurements and Main Results: Give the main results, including 95% confidence intervals as appropriate. When reported, p-values should be given even for results that are not statistically significant.

Conclusions: State the conclusions of the study that are supported by the data, along with their readiness for clinical application.

Key Words: Include up to five key words or terms for use in indexing.

Be sure to double-check the abstract for accuracy, making sure that it is consistent with the methods and results sections of the manuscript.

For original research articles and brief reports, organize the text into the following sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. Abbreviations should be kept to a minimum and defined when first introduced. Use generic drug names. For studies involving human subjects, include a statement of informed consent. All measurements should be expressed with Syst¨¨me International (SI) units.

Number references in parentheses on the line of text. Number references consecutively as cited in the text. List all authors when there are six or fewer; when there are seven or more, list the first three and "et al." Follow the format set forth in "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals" (see citations listed above). Authors must double-check the completeness and accuracy of all references because errors in the references are a common cause of delays in publishing accepted manuscripts.


Braddock CH, Fihn SD, LevinsonW, Jonsen AR, Pearlman RA. How doctors and patients discuss routine clinical decisions - informed decision making in the outpatient setting. J Gen Intern Med. 1997;12:339-45.

Fleiss JL. Statistical Methods for Rates and Proportions. New York: John Wiley and Sons; 1981:165-8.

Each table can be submitted separately from the main document, or at the end of the main document. They should be numbered, titled, and double-spaced.

Each figure should be submitted separately. Legends can appear with the figures or as separate documents. Color photographs and figures will be considered for publication if the author is willing to cover the extra production expense of $800 per page.

Previously published illustrations, tables, and text must be fully identified as to author and source. For all borrowed illustrations, tables and verbatim quotations of 200 words or more, authors must obtain written permission from both the previous publisher and the author and forward such permission with the manuscript. The author is responsible for fees associated with reprinting previously published materials.

Authors must obtain written permission from those who are cited in the acknowledgements. 


Editorial Board


Eric B. Bass, MD
Journal of General Internal Medicine
Johns Hopkins University
Division of General Internal Medicine
1830 East Monument Street, Room 8068
Baltimore, MD 21205
Phone: +1 410-955-9868
Fax: +1 410-955-0825
Email: jgim@jhmi.edu

Senior Associate Editors
Daniel Ford, MD, MPH
Albert W. Wu, MD, MPH

Associate Editors
Mary Catherine Beach, MD, MPH
Paulo H. Chaves, MD, PhD
Marie Diener-West, PhD
Nicholas H. Flebach, MD
John A. Flynn, MD
Eliseo Guallar, MD, DrPH
Steven N. Goodman, MD, MHS, PhD
Mark T. Hughes, MD
Ernest Moy, MD, MPH
Patrick G. O'Connor, MD, MPH
Brent G. Petty, MD
Hoangmai Pham, MD, MPH
Jodi Segal, MD, MPH
Stephen D. Sisson, MD

Managing Editor
Renee F. Wilson

Assistant Managing Editor
Kisha Brown

GIMedia Review Editor
Nancy Ryan Lowitt, MD, EdM

Creative Writing Editors
Anna Reisman, MD
Peter M. Jucovy, MD

Editorial Fellows
Joel B. Braunstein, MD
Sarah L. Clever, MD, MS
Michael Paasche-Orlow, MD, MPH
Christopher O. Phillips, MD, MPH


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