

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

This journal is devoted to all scientific aspects of the chemical composition of human foods, and emphasizes new methods of analysis; data on composition of foods; studies on the manipulation, storage, distribution, and use of food composition data; and studies on the statistics and distribution of such data and data systems. The journal is looking to build on its strong base in nutrient composition and to place increasing emphasis on other food components such as anti-carcinogens, natural toxicants, flavors, colors, functional additives, pesticides, agricultural chemicals, heavy metals, general environmental contaminants, and chemical and biochemical toxicants of microbiological origin.


   Data and methods for natural and/or normal chemical and biochemical components of human foods - including nutrients, toxicants, flavors, colors, and functional additives 
   Methods for determination of inadvertent materials in foods - including pesticides, agricultural chemicals, heavy metals, general environmental contaminants, and chemical and biochemical toxicants of microbiological origin

Research Areas Include:

   Computer technology and information systems theory directly relating to food composition database development, management, and utilization 
   Effects of processing, genetics, storage conditions, growing conditions, and other factors on the levels of chemical and biochemical components of foods 
   Processes of development and selection of single-value entries for food composition tables 
   Quality control procedures and standard reference materials for use in the assay of food components 
  Statistical and mathematical manipulations involved with the preparation and utilization of food composition data

Instructions to Authors

Authors' Responsibilities
Submission for publication requires approval by all of the authors and by the institution where the work was carried out; further, that any person cited as a source of personal communications has approved such citation. Written authorization may be required at the Editor's discretion. Articles and any other material published in the Journal of Food Composition and Analysis represent the opinions of the authors and should not be construed to reflect the opinions of the Editors, INFOODS, United Nations University, FAO, or the publishers. Any data included in articles on commercial foods are reported solely as factual information and are limited to the samples analysed. No warranty or guarantee is made or implied that other samples of these products will have the same or similar composition. The inclusion of such articles or data does not imply endorsement of any product.

Authors submitting a manuscript do so on the understanding that, if it is accepted for publication, copyright in the article, including the right to reproduce the article in all forms and media, shall be assigned exclusively to the Publisher. For employees of national governments, this provision applies only to the extent to which copyright is transferable under the laws and regulations of the country of the employee. All manuscripts must have a completed copyright form prior to publication. The Publisher will not refuse any reasonable request by the author to reproduce any of his or her contributions to the journal.


Electronic manuscripts can be submitted by e-mail or computer disk. Electronic manuscripts submissions should be accompanied by one hard copy exactly matching the electronic version, each time a new version is transmitted. Most word-processing packages are acceptable, however, the editorial offices prefer that authors use a recent version of Microsoft Word or Corel WordPerfect. Manuscripts saved with formatting intact are preferred; rich-text format (.rtf extension) is acceptable, but straight text (.txt extension) files are discouraged. When submitting a revised version of a manuscript, please provide the file electronically along with a new hard copy of the revised manuscript. Authors must still read proofs carefully.

Authors can also upload their article as a LaTeX, Microsoft?(MS) Word? WordPerfect? PostScript or Adobe?Acrobat?PDF document via the Author Gateway page of this journal (http://authors.elsevier.com), There you will also find a detailed description on its use. The system generates an Abode Acrobat PDF version of the article which is used for the reviewing process. It is crucial that all graphical and tabular elements be placed within the text, so that the file is suitable for reviewing. Authors, Reviewers and Editors send and receive all correspondence by e-mail and no paper correspondence is necessary.

Note: compuscripts submitted are converted into PDF for the review process but may need to be edited after acceptance to follow journal standards. For this an "editable" file format is necessary. See the section on Electronic format requirements for accepted articles and the further instructions on how to prepare your article below.

Printed manuscripts should be submitted to:

Journal of Food Composition and Analysis
ESNA, Room C238
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome
Tel: +39-06-570-53728
Fax: +39-06-5705-4593
E-mail: jfca@fao.org

Types of Papers
The following types of papers are published:

Original Research Articles are complete reports of original, scientifically sound research. They must contribute new knowledge and be organized as described under "Manuscript Preparation".

Short Communications are brief reports of scientifically sound research, but of limited scope (for example, limited number of samples analysed), that contribute new knowledge. They may be preliminary reports of new findings, in which case the author is expected to publish complete findings later in an article.

Reviews are papers which provide an analysis of a scientific or applied field, which include all important findings and bring together reports from a number of sources. There are two categories of reviews:

Critical reviews?which provide a comprehensive, extensive review of a topic and a thorough referencing of the relevant literature.
Study reviews?which provide an analysis of a selected number of published or unpublished studies.

Review articles may be invited by the Editor or the Editorial Board. Alternatively, potential authors considering the preparation of a Review article should contact the Editor to suggest the topic and its scope, providing an outline in the form of major headings and a summary statement. In any case, such articles are subject to the normal processes of refereeing and revision.

Reports are papers presenting the results of an expert consultation, or a scientific or regional committee, in the field of food composition and analysis.

Commentaries are opinion pieces, focused on some scientific or applied aspect of food composition. They are informative, and may link diverse disciplines or address difficult implications or issues. Controversial commentaries are acceptable, as are ones expressing contrasting opinions. In most cases, these will be invited, but suggestions and unsolicited submissions will be considered by the Editor.

General Guidelines for all Submitted Articles
Articles should be concise and in English. Submit three complete copies including the original, double-spaced, with 2.5 cm margins on all sides. When using word processing software with a 'line numbering' feature, please turn line numbering on for the convenience of reviewers. The title should be limited to 15 words or 80 characters. The abbreviated running title should contain no more than 50 characters. The name and contact details (address, telephone, fax numbers and email address) of the corresponding author, to whom proofs and other correspondence are to be sent, should be clearly indicated. American or British spelling will be accepted (e.g. "center" and "centre" are both acceptable); however, any one contribution should be consistent and maintain either American or British style. Use generic names of chemicals whenever possible. Proprietary names and trademarks should appear only to identify the source of the chemical and subsequently only the generic name should be used. All abbreviations should be unpunctuated.

The decimal point, not the decimal comma, should be used when reporting numeric data in tables and text. Insert a zero in front of a decimal point when it applies. For instance, instead of .36 use 0.36. All numeric data must be presented to an appropriate number of significant digits.

The SI system (Systeme International d'Unites) or the SI Derived system should be used in reporting units of measurement. Energy should be given as kJ or MJ (equivalent kcal or Mcal may be given in parentheses). The Celsius scale (?C) may be used for temperature.

Actual analytical data should be reported. For example, report nitrogen in addition to a calculated protein value, or define the nitrogen to protein ratio clearly under Materials and Methods and thereafter use protein. All factors used in calculations (e.g. energy), and all components used in aggregations (e.g. retinol equivalents), should be specified. Carbohydrate reported as "Total carbohydrate by difference" is not acceptable in Results or in tables, however it may be used in discussions.

Manuscript Preparation
The abstract, consisting of 200 words or fewer, must precede the text and briefly summarize major findings and conclusions. Do not use statements such as "Results are discussed". It should be typed on a separate page, and key words should be listed immediately after the abstract.

As a general guideline, reports of original research should be presented with sections identified as Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions and References. In the Introduction, briefly review important prior publications and state the reasons for the investigation that is being reported. Under Materials and Methods, describe and cite where applicable sampling protocols, sample handling/preparation, and all experimental conditions and procedures (including quality control/quality assurance procedures), with sufficient clarity to permit qualified researchers to repeat the work. This section must include number of samples collected, prepared, extracted, and number of analytical replicates per sample; and the statistical procedures/programs used to assess the work should be cited. When only one or two samples have been analysed, notwithstanding the number of replicates, authors should present the normal precision of their assays and then report the mean (without a standard deviation), using the appropriate number of significant digits for that precision. The data and the statistical interpretation should be presented in the Results section. Authors may wish to combine Results and Discussion in one section. In the Conclusions section, important and novel aspects of the work should be summarized.

Tables are to be numbered consecutively, with Arabic numerals. The table numbers and titles should be listed on a single separate sheet. Tables will be reproduced as camera-ready copy. Therefore, they should be carefully and clearly typed since, except for reduction in size, they will appear exactly as submitted. If the tables will be prepared using a word processor or computer, it is recommended that a laser printer be used. If a laser printer is unavailable and a dot matrix printer will be used, it is important that the density of the dots (i.e., the number of dots in the matrix) be sufficient that the numbers do not appear broken. Short tables of one or two pages in length should be typed double-spaced and planned to fit an area of 12.5?20 cm after reduction to 40% of the original size. Lengthy tables should be typed single-spaced and divided into sections so that each section can fit in the area indicated. Repeat column headings when dividing tables. No corrections will be made to the tables themselves in proofs; corrections will be added as typeset footnotes. Each table should be identified in pencil on the back with the name of the journal, author's name, and table number.

In text, footnotes should be indicated by superscript numbers and should be typed on a separate sheet accompanying the manuscript. Table footnotes should be identified by superscript lowercase letters and placed directly beneath the tables.

Figures should be completely understandable even without reading the text and should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Every figure should have a legend. All legends should be typed double-spaced in a list on a single separate sheet. Graphs and charts should be professionally prepared and may be submitted as original ink drawings or as sharp black-and-white photographic reproductions. The size of the lettering of the figures and charts must be legible when reduced to one-half size. Photocopies of figures are not acceptable. Each figure should be identified in a margin with the name of the journal, author's name, and figure number.

Black-and-white photographs and photomicrographs may be submitted as glossy prints. If a full-page plate is desired, please submit the photograph in size 12.5x17.5 cm or any ratio thereof. Illustrations in color can be accepted only if the authors defray the cost. Do not clip or mark the photographs in any way; figure identification should be indicated in pencil on the reverse.

Standards and References
All abbreviations, chemical names, and journal names should follow the style of the latest Chemical Abstract Service Source Index. A useful writing guide is the CBE Style Manual, 6th ed., 1994, published by the council of Biology Editors. Reference citations in the text consist of the author's name and the year of publication in parentheses: (Jones, 1998), (Jones and Smith, 1998), or (Jones et al., 1998). References should be given in the language of the original paper. List references alphabetically by name. Note the following styles to be used:

PAUL, A.A. & Southgate, D.A.T. (1978). McCance and Widdowson's The Composition of Foods. Her Majesty's Stationer Office, London and Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press, Amsterdam/New York/Oxford.

SLOVER, H.T. & Thompson, R.H. JR. (1985). The development and use of quality control samples in food lipid analysis. In Biological Reference Materials: Uses and Need for Validation of Nutrient Measurement (W.R. Wolf, E.) pp 239?253. Wiley, New York.

VANDERSLICE, J.T., Maire, C.E., Doherty, R.F., & Beecher, G.R. (1980). Sulfosalicylic acid as an extraction agent for vitamin B6 in Food. J. Agric. Food Chem. 28, 1145?1149.

For Website references:
INFOODS. (1994). Tagnames for Food Components. Retrieved March 21, 2000 from the World Wide Web: http://www.fao.org/infoods/tags/0tags.htm.

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. (1999). USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 13. Retrieved June 3, 2000 from the Nutrient Data Laboratory Home Page on the World Wide Web: http://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/foodcomp.

When reporting results of studies using nutrient databases, authors should cite and reference the database and/or software product with name, version number, release date, and vendor.

When manuscripts have been accepted for publication, they will be forwarded to Elsevier Science in the U.K. Page proofs will be prepared and sent to the corresponding author with reprint order forms from the Elsevier office. Significant author alteration to manuscripts after production may be charged back to authors. Queries regarding page proofs and other publication details should be addressed to the Publisher, at Email: A.Warren@elsevier.co.uk. Processing of accepted papers can be tracked online at TrackPaper

Twenty-five reprints of each article will be supplied free to the corresponding author. Additional reprints may be ordered using the form accompanying the proofs.

Publication of Symposium Papers
There are special situations when a group of papers from a scientific meeting may be published together in a regular issue of the Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. In addition, there are scientifically specialized conferences and symposia on food composition, of two to three days duration, that may be published as a special issue or supplement. In all cases, the material must be original research and/or up-to-the minute reviews, of high quality and importance to the food composition community.

To obtain approval, the convenor of the meeting, symposium or conference should contact the Editor outlining the symposium scope and the papers to be considered, with abstracts if available. On receipt of this information, the Editor will determine suitability of the material for a focused regular issue or special supplement. All manuscripts will be reviewed according to the Journal's standard review procedure.

Guide to Online Submission


Welcome to the Elsevier online submission service. This service has been designed to be as easy as possible to use. Authors can upload their article as a LaTeX, Microsoft?(MS) Word?/B> or WordPerfect?/B>. It is also possible to submit an article in PostScript or Adobe?Acrobat?PDF format, but if the article is accepted it will be necessary to send in the original source files.

The system generates an Adobe Acrobat PDF version of the article which is used for the reviewing process. Authors, Reviewers and Editors send and receive all correspondence by e-mail and no paper correspondence is necessary. Note: articles are converted into PDF for the review process but may be edited after acceptance to follow journal standards.

 Click here for a walkthrough of the online submission process

What to submit?
Journal specific guidelines on types of article accepted and how to prepare your article can be found in the Author Gateway journal page, in the Guide for Authors.

File Formats
Word Processor Formats
Please submit your article as a file in one of the following formats:

  • MS Word 6
  • MS Word 97
  • MS Word 98 for Macintosh?
  • MS Word 2000
  • WordPerfect 6.1 or higher
  • RTF

Important notes on word processor file preparation

  • For review purposes you must submit your article as a SINGLE FILE. You need to embed all your figures and tables within this file.
  • Fonts: Please choose Times, Times New Roman, Courier, Arial or Helvetica fonts as much as possible. Other fonts (e.g. Chinese, Japanese and Korean (CJK) character fonts) may cause the PDF conversion to fail. If your manuscript does not correctly convert to PDF, replace the font(s) where necessary and try again.
  • Most formatting codes will be removed or replaced on processing your article so there is no need for you to apply excessive layout styling. In addition, avoid options such as automatic word breaking, justified layout, double columns, automatic paragraph numbering (especially for numbered references). However, do use bold face, italic, subscripts, superscripts, etc.
  • For the production of your article you will also have to submit your graphic files separately as high resolution graphics. (See also the section on Electronic Artwork below.)

For general instructions on how to prepare an article using LaTeX, see the Latex file guidelines. In addition, please note the following:

  • Include all your graphics in the LaTeX file, e.g. with the \includegraphics from the graphics package.
  • Submit any special class (or style) files and other macro files with your article. We are using an up-to-date TeX installation (TeXLive5d), so you need not include any of the standard packages.

If possible, please submit the original LaTeX or word processor files: this website will take care of converting them into a PDF file.

If you wish to create your own PDF, download the ES_review.joboptions to the "Settings" folder of your Acrobat Distiller and choose the "ES_review" joboptions before converting your file.

Note: This joboptions file is for Adobe Distiller v4.05 and later. If you are still working with an older version, or if you need more help, see. PDF settings .

File naming
To avoid confusion, please make sure your file has a short, descriptive name. Short means less than 30 characters and descriptive means names like figure1.tif and smith-article-version1.doc.

Electronic Artwork
For the production of your paper in the journal we need high-resolution graphic files in either TIFF or EPS. For information on how to prepare your artwork for electronic submission, see http://authors.elsevier.com/artwork.

The online submission process

  1. Find the journal on the Author Gateway by searching or browsing
  2. Read the 'Guide for Authors' for specific instructions on submitting a paper to that journal
  3. Click on the 'online submisssion' link in the right hand journal services box
  4. Log in if you are already a registered user (if you are not already a registered user you need to 'create a profile' by submitting your contact details and choosing a username/password combination). This creates a completely secure environment to send your paper to us online.
  5. Once you are logged in you are taken to the Journal's submission page where you choose to 'Submit New Paper'. You are taken through the following steps:
    1. Enter data related to your manuscript (Title, Authors, Keywords etc.)
    2. Choose the accepting Editor. (if the Journal has more than one Editor, you will find a drop-down list with the names of all the Editors of this Journal to whom you may submit your article. The journal Guide for Authors will give you more information on how to decide which Editor to choose)
    3. Upload your manuscript file(s). See the section on File Formats for more information.
    4. The website creates a PDF from your source file(s). You must check this PDF as it will be sent to the reviewers. If the PDF is not OK edit and resubmit your source file(s) or contacts author support for advice - PDF/PostScript source can be submitted as well as LaTeX/Word Processor files.
    5. Upload your figures separately for the production process and select how you want your figures to appear in print (colour or black and white). If the figures are too large (>5 Mb) you may send manually direct to the editor.
    6. Check your submission details are correct and press submit to send your files to the journal editor

  6. You will receive an acknowledgement email to say the paper is under review
  7. Until the review process is completed you will not be able to update your submission from the website. If you have made a mistake you must contact the editor.

If revision is required:

  1. You will receive an email from the editor
  2. You can revise your paper by using the link in the email which takes you back to the online submission service (when revising your paper all the previous information is retained - no retyping is needed but it can be updated and new files attached). Alternatively you can access the paper directly from the Journal's online submission page or from 'my home' on the Author Gateway.
  3. Make any changes necessary and add or remove figures/other files
  4. A revised PDF is created which is sent to the editor at the end of the process and you receive an acknowledgement email
  5. Once your new version is submitted you will not be able to make any further revisions from the website

After submission
For information on the status of your article, please contact the Editor to whom you submitted your article. There is an email link to the editor in the journal's online submission service or on 'my home' in the Author Gateway.

Final decision:
You will receive an email containing the final decision of the Editor, containing editorial comments.

After acceptance
Once your paper has been accepted you can track its progress from your home page on the Author Gateway. It will automatically move from the 'Online Submissions' section of 'my home' to 'Accepted Papers'. From here you can view the progress of your paper through the production process to the final published article. We will also email you with the major milestones, including a direct link to your article when it appears on ScienceDirect. For more information on tracking go to Getting Published with Elsevier.

If you have any comments about this document, or any difficulties using this electronic submission site, please contact Author Support at Elsevier.

Author Artwork

Submitting your illustrations, pictures, tables and other artwork in an electronic format helps us to produce your work to the best possible standards, ensuring accuracy, clarity and a high level of detail. This site shows how to prepare your artwork for electronic submission and includes information on common problems, suggestions on how to ensure the best results can be gained plus image creation guides for popular applications. See the links under Application Guidelines for details about using specific artwork software for Windows and Macintosh platforms

Editorial Board
B. Burlingame PhD, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, Rome, Italy
Assistant Editor:
M. Lemery, Rome, Italy
Consulting and Founding Editor:
K.K. Stewart, Texas, USA
Board Editors:
J.L. Burguera, Merida, Venezuela
R.R. Eitenmiller, Georgia, USA
H. Greenfield, New South Wales, Australia
J.F. Gregory, Florida, USA
M. Heinonen, Helsinki, Finland
J.M. Holden, Maryland, USA
W. Horwitz, Maryland, USA
M. Ihnat, British Columbia, Canada
V. Iyengar, Vienna, Austria
J. Klensin, Massachusetts, USA
H.V. Kuhnlein, Quebec, Canada
B.W. Li, Maryland, USA
R.C. Lindsay, Wisconsin, USA
J. Lupien, Rome, Italy
N.J. Miller-Ihli, Maryland, USA
S.P. Murphy, Hawaii, USA
L. Naiken, Beau Bassin, Mauritius
K. Nielson, Utah, USA
J.A.T. Pennington, Maryland, USA
K. Phillips, Virginia, USA
W.M. Rand, Massachusetts, USA
G.A. Reineccius, Minnesota, USA
D.B. Rodriguez Amaya, Campinas, Brazil
H. Schönfeldt, Irene, South Africa
K. Stewart, Texas, USA
S.L. Taylor, Nebraska, USA
K. Tontisirin, Rome, Italy
R. Vannoort, Christchurch, New Zealand
B.A. Watkins, Indiana, USA
B.W. Zoecklein, Virginia, USA

Printed manuscripts should be submitted to:

Journal of Food Composition and Analysis
ESNA, Room C238
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome
Tel: +39-06-570-53728
Fax: +39-06-5705-4593
E-mail: jfca@fao.org


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