

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版频率:Continuous publication

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

 Journal of Fluid Mechanics is the leading international journal in the field and is essential reading for all those concerned with developments in fluid mechanics. It publishes authoritative articles covering theoretical, computational and experimental investigations of all aspects of the mechanics of fluids. Each issue contains papers on both the fundamental aspects of fluid mechanics, and their applications to other fields such as aeronautics, astrophysics, biology, chemical and mechanical engineering, hydraulics, meteorology, oceanography, geology, acoustics and combustion



 Journal of Fluid Mechanics

Instructions to Authors

Instructions for authors
Authors wishing to have a paper published in the Journal should submit it using the online submission and refereeing system, Manuscript Central. Full details are given on the Instructions page. The paper can be submitted to any editor or associate editor, but note that Professor Davis does not normally handle new submissions, and Professors Davidson, Linden and Lohse handle only fast-track papers.

Submission of a paper implies a declaration by the author that the work has not previously been published, that it is not being considered for publication elsewhere and that it has not already been considered by a different editor of the Journal.

A report on a conference must be submitted within three months of the meeting.

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Preparation of papers
Authors should write their papers clearly, concisely and attractively, so that their work will be readily understood. Papers must be suitably prepared, adhering closely to the Journal's editorial requirements for notation, English and presentation, a brief summary of which is available.

Authors are urged to prepare papers in LaTeX using the JFM style file, with the double-spaced [referee] option for initial submission.

The LaTeX2e style file jfm.cls together with a guide to its use jfm2egui.tex, sample pages jfm2esam.tex, a guide to editorial style and notation jfm2enot.tex, bibliography, and supporting files can be downloaded in .zip format. Separate figure files must be provided for final publication.

LaTeX files not in the jfm format, plain TeX, or Word files are also acceptable for publication purposes but preparation of proofs will take longer. Such manuscripts should be typed in double spacing, with references listed at the end in alphabetical order of authors and with a separate list of figure captions. See the section below on Preparation of files for submission and production for further information on files required at various stages in the submission process.

Online supplementary material
Extensive detailed mathematical relations, tables or figures likely to be useful only to a few specialists will not be printed but made available as an electronic supplement to the online version of the paper. This material is supplied by the author in the form of a PDF file, with a standard header, and is not typeset or copy edited. It should be uploaded to Manuscript Central with designation 'Supplementary material for review'.

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Preparation of figures
Space is at a premium so figures should be as small as possible while displaying clearly all the information required. Large areas of white space should be avoided and an aspect ratio chosen that makes full use of the width of the page rather than being tall and narrow (the width available is 13 cm).

Line widths must be no smaller than 0.35 pt. Lines any thinner than this will not reproduce well.

Figures published in JFM are relettered in the Journal's typeface, so lettering inserted by authors will be replaced. If figures are reduced in size please ensure that the lettering is still easily readable.

Please note that it is not possible to have colour figures online only. The printed and online versions must be the same. If a figure needs to be in colour for clarity then it needs to be in colour in the printed version as well.

Figure files
The preferred format for figure files is .eps or .tiff at resolution 1200 dpi for lines, 600 dpi for greyscale and 300 dpi for colour (which preferably should also be in CMYK - cyan magenta yellow black - format).

If the paper is in Word format please supply separate figure files for final publication, though figures can be embedded in the text for reviewing purposes.

Figures to be printed in black and white must be submitted as black and white files.

Figures not available in electronic form
For initial submission, copies of any figures only available in hard copy form (including photographs) should be sent to the Associate Editor handling the paper, clearly marked with the paper's ID number. If the paper is accepted, hard copy originals should be sent to the JFM Editorial Office, again marked clearly with the ID number. These figures will be scanned and so should be of the highest possible quality. Grey scale or dot fills will not scan well.

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Preparation of movies

Moving images allow the presentation of temporal evolution and can thus elucidate many physical mechanisms. Movies published online by the Journal of Fluid Mechanics should serve a scientific purpose within the context of the paper. The following principles should guide the submission of video material, which will be refereed alongside the paper with which it is associated.

The published paper should be coherent in the absence of the movie
The movie should be referenced within the paper
The movie should be accompanied by a caption explaining clearly what is being shown, including any relevant parameters, and the scientific points to be observed
Movies should be prepared using the movie template and then archived into a .zip or .tar file. Acceptable movie file formats are .mov, .avi, .mpg and .mp4. The completed file should be uploaded as part of the on-line manuscript submission. The file should be designated as supplementary material for review. The cover letter should highlight the fact that movie files have been uploaded. Each movie should be no more than 10 MB. It is the responsibility of the author to ensure that the movie page can be viewed in a standard web browser with a Quicktime plug-in.

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Preparation of files for submission and production
The Manuscript Central online submission and refereeing process uses PDF files, so authors should upload  a PDF file of their paper if possible. Otherwise,  Word and postscript formats can usually be converted to PDF by the Manuscript Central system. Uploaded files for refereeing must be no larger than 2 MB as Manuscript Central may have problems handling them, and they will take too long for editors and referees to download.

Once a paper is provisionally accepted, the editor will ask authors to upload final source files for production (e.g.LaTeX and figure files - see the guidelines for preparation of figures), as PDF files are not suitable for typsetting purposes. More details are given on the online refereeing and submission Instructions page.

If the paper was submitted under the old system, and not via Manuscript Central, on notification of acceptance please mail to the  Associate Editor a hard copy of the final version, together with all the source files on a CD or diskette.

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Publication process
Accepted papers are included in the list of papers awaiting publication, copy edited and sent to the Cambridge University Press for printing. When the proof is ready, authors will receive an email alert giving details of the web site from which to collect a PDF file of the proof, together with a file of their original manuscript with the copy-editor's changes marked on it, and instructions for its correction and return.  The corrected proof with the corrections shown in the margin must be returned either in hard copy form or as PDF file - lists of corrections must not be sent. Within a few weeks of receipt back in Cambridge, corrected proofs are included in a volume of JFM and publication details can be obtained from the searchable index.

Prices for colour figures
Please note that it is not possible to have colour figures online only. The printed and online versions must be the same. If a figure needs to be in colour for clarity then it needs to be in colour in the printed version as well.

There is a charge for colour figures which must be borne by authors. The costs are:

   1 page   ?300
   Additional pages   ?150 per page

Instructions to Authors

Editorial Board

Professor Stephen H. Davis
Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics
McCormick School of Engineering
Northwestern University
Evanston IL 60208
Email sdavis@casbah.it.northwestern.edu

Professor T. J. Pedley
Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
Centre for Mathematical Science
Wilberforce Road
Cambridge CB3 0WA
Email tjp3@damtp.cam.ac.uk

Associate Editor (Fast Track Papers)

Dr Paul Manneville
Laboratoire d’Hydrodynamique (LadHyX)
Ecole Polytechnique
F-91128 Palaiseau Cedex
Email manneville.jfm@ladhyx.polytechnique.fr

Professor Katepalli R. Sreenivasan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Yale University
New Haven CT06520
Email k.sreenivasan@yale.edu

Associate Editor

Professor R. J. Adrian
Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
University of Illinois
104 South Wright Street
Urbana IL 61801-2935
Email r-adrian@uiuc.edu

Professor J. F. Brady
Department of Chemical Engineering 210-41
California Institute of Technology
CA 91125
Email jfbrady-jfm@cheme.caltech.edu

Dr PA Davidson
Department of Engineering
University of Cambridge
Trumpington Street
Cambridge CB2 1PZ
Email pad3@eng.cam.ac.uk

Professor I. Goldhirsch
Department of Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer
Faculty of Engineering
Tel Aviv University
Ramat Aviv 69978

Dr Patrick Huerre
Laboratoire d’Hydrodynamique (LadHyX)
Ecole Polytechnique
F-91128 Palaiseau
Email huerre.jfm@ladhyx.polytechnique.fr

Professor David Hughes
Department of Applied Mathematics
University of Leeds
Woodhouse Lane
Leeds LS2 9JT
Email d.w.hughes@leeds.ac.uk

Professor S K Lele
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Stanford University
CA 94305-4035
Email lele@leland.stanford.edu

Professor C. C. Mei
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MA 02139
Email ccmei@mit.edu

Dr Nigel Peake
Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
Centre for Mathematical Science
Wilberforce Road
Cambridge CB3 0WA
Email N.Peake@damtp.cam.ac.uk

Professor D. H. Peregrine
School of Mathematics
University of Bristol
Bristol BS8 1TW
Email d.h.peregrine@bristol.ac.uk

Professor Norbert Peters
Institut für Technische Mechanik
RWTH Aachen
Templergraben 64
D-52056 Aachen
Email n.peters@itm.rwth-aachen.de

Professor A. J. Smits
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Princeton University
Princeton NJ 08544
Email asmits@princeton.edu

Professor P Steen
School of Chemical Engineering
Cornell University
Olin Hall
NY 14853-5201
Email phs-jfm@cheme.cornell.edu

Professor Howard A. Stone
Division of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Harvard University
MA 02138
Email has-jfm@deas.harvard.edu

Dr M. G. Worster
Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
Centre for Mathematical Science
Wilberforce Road
Cambridge CB3 0WA
Email grae@itg.esc.cam.ac.uk

Professor W.R. Young
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
University of California, San Diego
Mail Code 0213
La Jolla CA 92093
Email wryoung@ucsd.edu


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