

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版频率:Continuous publication

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Aims and Scope:

The Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry is an international and interdisciplinary vehicle publishing new knowledge and findings on enzyme inhibitors and inhibitory processes.

The journal publishes research papers, short communications and reviews on current developments across the disciplines of enzymology, cell biology, microbiology, physiology, pharmacology, drug design and biophysics. Among the various fields of enquiry, special attention is given to structural and molecular studies, kinetics and inactivation mechanisms, structure- activity relationships (including QSAR and graphic techniques) within a chemical series or group, drug development studies, and control mechanisms in metabolic processes.

Instructions to Authors

Manuscripts. All submissions will be subject to the normal process of peer review. Please submit three copies of your manuscript, typed on one side of the paper and double spaced, as well as an electronic version on disk (see below) to the Editor-in-Chief, Dr. H. Smith, or the appropriate Regional Editor (see inside front cover). Contributors should note that material submitted to the journal must be original, must not have already appeared in another publication and must not be submitted for publication elsewhere while under consider­ation by the journal.

The title of the paper and the author(s) name(s) should appear at the beginning of the paper. All pages of the manuscript must be numbered. All manuscripts should include full correspondence details (street address, telephone, fax and email addresses) of the corresponding author. Papers are accepted only in English.

Please make sure your contact address information is clearly visible on the outside of all packages you are sending to Editors .

Disk submissions. Authors should send the final, revised version of their article in both hard copy (paper) and electronic (disk) forms. It is essential that the hard copy (paper) version exactly matches the material on disk. Please print out the hard copy from the disk you are sending. Submit three printed copies of the final version with the disk to the journal’s editorial office. Save all files on a standard 3.5-inch high-density disk. We prefer to receive disks in Microsoft Word (PC format), but can translate from most other common word-processing programs as well as Macs. Please specify which program you have used. Do not save your files as “text only“or “read only”

Types of Contributions. Full-length research papers: detailed original research work. The usual order of presentation is: Title page (including a shortened vesion of the title for running heads), Abstract (100-150 words), Key words (up to 6), Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References. Short communications: complete and original work which does not merit a full-length paper; an abstract is not required. Review articles: commissioned, or submitted on topics of current interest. Where submission is without prior invitation, authors should send a summary of the article for consideration to the Editor-in-Chief before commencing detailed work on the manuscript.

Tables and figures. Tables must be typed on separate sheets and not included as part of the text. The captions to illustrations should be gathered and typed on a separate sheet. Tables should be numbered by Roman numerals and figures by Arabic numerals. Table footnotes should be typed below the table and designated by superior lower case letters. The approximate position of tables and figures should be indicated in the paper. Please supply clear copies of artwork (preferably the originals) for figures in a finished format suitable for reproduction. Figures will not normally be redrawn by the publisher. Photographs intended for halftone reproduction must be good glossy original prints, of maximum contrast. Clearly label each figure with author’s name and figure number, indicating “top"where this is not obvious. The author(s) must arrange permission for the reproduction of illustrations and tables within articles. Figures may be sent electronically, preferably in either TIFF (tagged image format) or EPS (encap­sulated Postscript) formats. However, we can also accept PICT or JPEG formats.

References These should be indicated in the text by consecutive superior Arabic numbers (without parentheses). The full list should be collected and typed at the end of the paper in numerical order. Listed references should be complete in details, but should not state the full names of referenced papers. The abbreviated forms of journal titles should be used. Examples:

Marcel, V., Palacois, L.G., Pertuy, C., Masson, P. and Fournier, D. (1998) Biochem. J. 329 , 329-334.

Balhausen, C.J. (1962) An Introduction to Ligand Field (McGraw Hill, New York).

Colour: The journal has a limited number of free colour pages within its annual page allowance. Authors should consult the editorial office with respect to colour reproduction at submission stage. Any figure submitted as a colour original may appear in a colour within the journal's online edition. Colour reproduction in excess of the journals budget will only be considered on condition that authors contribute to the associated costs.

Early Electronic Offprints. Corresponding authors can now receive their article by e-mail as a complete PDF. This allows the author to print up to 50 copies, free of charge, and disseminate them to colleagues. In many cases this facility will be available up to two weeks prior to publication. Or, alternatively, corresponding authors will receive the traditional 50 offprints. A copy of the journal will be sent by post to all corresponding authors after publication. Additional copies of the journal can be purchased at the author’s preferential rate of 5.00 per copy.

Copyright. It is a condition that authors vest copyright in their articles, including abstracts, in Taylor & Francis Ltd. This enables us to ensure full copyright protection and to disseminate the article, and the journal, to the widest possible readership in print and electronic formats as appropriate. Authors may use their article elsewhere after publication provided that prior permission is obtained from Taylor & Francis Ltd. Authors are themselves responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyright material from other sources


H.J. Smith - The Welsh School of Pharmacy, U.W.C.C, Cardiff Univ, Redwood Bldg., King Edward VII Avenue, CFI 3XF UK

E-mail: smithhj1@cardiff.ac.uk

Editorial Board

Editorial Board

Professor Angela Brodie - Dept. of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics, University of Maryland at Baltimore, USA
Professor R Santen - University of Virginia Health Science Centre, Dept. of Medicine, USA
Dr Jorg Sturzebecher - Klinikum der Universitat, Jena Zentrum fur Vaskulare Biologie und Medizin, Institute fur Biochemie, Germany
Professor Peter Crooks - College of Pharmacy, University of Kentucky, USA
Professor Gino Amiconi - CNR Center for Molecular Biology, Department of Biochemical Sciences, Italy
Professor K. Ueda - Laboratory of Molecular Clinical Chemistry, Institute for Chemistry Research, Kyoto University, Japan
Professor T. Hashimoto - Department of Biochemistry, Shinshu University School of Medicine, Japan
Dr Saeed R Khan - John Hopkins Medical Institutions, Division of Experimental Therapeutics Oncology, Baltimore, USA
Dr H. Mitsuya - The Experimental Retrovirology Section Medicine Branch, National Cancer Institute, USA
Professor J. C. Powers - School of Chemistry Georgia, Institute of Technology, USA
Professor M. Sandler - Bernhard Baron Memorial Research Laboratory, Queen Charlotte Maternity Hospital, UK
Professor R. B. Silverman - Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University, USA
Professor T. Sugimura - National Cancer Institute, Tokyo, Japan
Professor M. Sasaki - 2nd Department of Biochemistry, Medical School, Nagoya City University, Japan
Professor J. C. Dearden - School of Pharmacy, John Moores University, UK
Dr R. D. E. Sewell - Welsh School of Pharmacy, Cardiff University, UK
Professor A. Scozzafava - Universita Degli Studi, Laboratorie Di Chimica Inorganica & Bioinorganica, Italy
Professor Chris Whiteley - Department of Biochemistry, Rhodes University, South Africa
Professor Guillaume Le Baut - Laboratoire de Chimie Therapeutique, France
Professor R. W. Hartmann - Unviersity of Saarland, Germany
Dr Jure Stojan - Institute of Biochemistry Medical Faculty, Univerisity of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Professor D. Poirier - Medicinal Chemistry Division, Oncology & Molecular Endocrinology Research Centre, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Quebes, Canada


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