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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal



The Journal of Endodontics, the official journal of the American Association of Endodontists, publishes scientific articles, case reports and comparison studies evaluating materials and methods of pulp conservation and endodontic treatment. Endodontists and general dentists can learn about new concepts in root canal treatment and the latest advances in techniques and instrumentation in the one journal that helps them keep pace with rapid changes in this field.

The Journal has an impact factor of 1.933, the highest of any journal in the specialty (2005 Journal Citation Index).

 Journal of Endodontics

Instructions to Authors

Information for Contributors
The Journal of Endodontics is owned by the American Association of Endodontists. Submitted manuscripts must pertain to endodontics and
may be original research (eg., clinical trials, basic science related to the biological aspects of endodontics, basic science related to endodontic
techniques, case reports, or zebras) or review articles related to the scientific or applied aspects of endodontics. Authors of potential review
articles are encouraged to first contact the editor during their preliminary development (e-mail address: JEndodontics@UTHSCSA.edu).
  1. Manuscripts should be submitted to Dr. Ken Hargreaves, Editor, Dept of Endodontics, UTHSCSA, 7703 Floyd Curl Dr, San Antonio, TX
78229-3900. Material submitted to the J Endo CAN NOT be returned.

2. Manuscripts submitted for publication must be submitted solely to the J Endo and not published elsewhere.

3. An accompanying submittal letter must include:
  a. The name and address (including e-mail) of one authordesignated as the corresponding author. This author will be responsible for editing of proofs and ordering reprints when applicable.
  b. The following paragraph:
“In consideration of the Editors of the Journal of Endodontics taking action in reviewing and editing this submission, the author(s) undersigned hereby transfer, assign, or otherwise convey all copyright ownership to the AAE in the event that such work is published in that Journal.?This paragraph must be signed by ALL authors.
  c. If the purpose of a paper is to evaluate a commercial product,then a separate statement must be included with the submission which asserts that the product was used exactly according to manufacturer’s instructions. If this was not the case, a precise description of any variant use must be prominently stated in the abstract, methods, and, if appropriate, in the title.
  d. All authors must also sign the following statement, which must accompany the manuscript: “I affirm that I have no financial affiliation (e.g., employment, direct payment, stock holdings, retainers, consultantships, patent licensing arrangements, or honoraria) or involvement with any
commercial organization with direct financial interest in the subject or materials discussed in this manuscript, nor have any such arrangements existed in the past three years. Any other potential conflict of interest is disclosed.?BR>Any author who can not sign this statement must append a
paragraph to the manuscript which fully discloses any financial or other interest which poses a conflict. This paragraph should follow the “Discussion?section.
  e. If human subjects are used, include the following statement:
“The informed consent of all human subjects who participated in the experimental investigation reported or described in this manuscript was obtained after the nature of the procedure and possible discomforts and risks had been fully explained.?BR>

4. If previously published material or extensive direct quotations are used, written permission from the original authors and publishers must accompany the manuscript.

5. If personal communication is cited, written permission must  accompany the manuscript.
6. If identifiable persons are shown in illustrations, written permission from the subject must accompany the manuscript.
7. Upon receipt of a manuscript, the Journal will send an acknowledgement to the corresponding author via e-mail.
8. MANUSCRIPTS RELATED TO THE BASIC SCIENCE OF ENDODONTIC      TECHNIQUES (eg., leakage studies, stress/strain/failure/strength
/corrosion/compositional studies of instruments, restorative materials or devices, etc will be limited to 2,000 words (Abstract + Text) and a
total of no more than 3 Figures/Tables/ Illustrations. Authors are encouraged to consult with the Editor (JEndodontics@UTHSCSA.edu) if they are unclear whether their manuscript falls into this category of studies.
9. All manuscripts, illustrations, charts, references, etc., must be submitted in DUPLICATE and all parts of each manuscript must be
double spaced with 1-inch margins. A 3 1/2 inch floppy disk containing the electronic version of the manuscript in either Microsoft
Word or in RTF (Rich Text Format) MUST also be submitted.
10. Every manuscript must include each of the following elements. They must be arranged in the following order:
  a. Title page. The title should be short and clear. The authors?full names, highest academic degrees, and institutional affiliations should be on this page.
  b. The name and mailing address (INCLUDING E-mail) of the corresponding author and a suggested running title of three to four words must appear on the title page.
 c. The abstract must be on a SEPARATE page and must not exceed 150 words. The abstract must tell exactly what was done, the results, and the conclusions.
 d. Text of the paper.
 e. A page with a statement identifying grant and other acknowledgements if appropriate.
 f. A page with references cited. A MAXIMUM of 35 REFERENCES are permissible, with the exception of review articles (no limit).
 g. The following are not a necessary part of all submissions. If included, they follow in this order: Charts, figures, and tables.
 h. Figure legends must be listed on a separate page.
 11. All pages must be numbered at the bottom center. The pages should be numbered consecutively starting with the title page as 1.
12. On ONE copy of the paper, the author’s name(s) should appear on the title page. On the other copy, the author’s name(s) and affiliation(s) should NOT appear anywhere in the manuscript.
14. References follow the style of Index Medicus. They must be keyed to the text and numbered consecutively in the order of appearance.
Authors should review any recent issue of the Journal for specific style.
15. Tables should supplement, not duplicate, the text. Each table must be typed on a separate sheet of paper. Tables should be numbered
consecutively with arabic numbers. They must be designed so as to adapt to column or page width of the Journal. Table titles and footnotes should appear on the same page as the table.
16. Figures, including GRAPHS AND ILLUSTRATIONS, must conform to the following guidelines:
 a. Size must be at least 3 X 4 inches but no more than 4X5 inches.
 b. Figures must be numbered with arabic numbers
 c. Clear glossy Black and White photos must be submitted.
 d. They must be UNMOUNTED and submitted in duplicate.
 e. They must be arranged in two separate sets.
 f. They must be labeled on the back in PENCIL with the figure number and the word “top?written at the top edge. On the “set for publication?ONLY, the corresponding author’s name must also be written on the back in pencil.
 g. Where necessary, authors should designate areas of special interest with arrows and indicate right and left.
 h. Radiographs must use 1-32 numbering and are viewed so that, tooth 8, for example, is on the left of the figure.
17. Color illustrations are possible and, at the Editor’s discretion, may be printed at no cost. However, this is a limited allowance and once
exceeded, authors will be responsible for the costs of any color reproduction.
18. Figure legends must include a key for symbols appearing on the graph illustrations. Photomicrograph legends must specify magnification and stain. SEM must give magnification and a reference bar indicating length. Credit for a previously appearing figure must be given in the legend.
19. The editor reserves the right to edit manuscripts, fit articles into available space, and ensure conciseness, clarity, and stylistic consistency.
20. Whenever possible, an Associate Editor, a member of the scientific advisory panel, or another reviewer will formulate a critique of a submitted manuscript and this information will be transmitted to the author if manuscript revision or rejection is indicated.
21. Editorial comment, on occasion, may be published along with a manuscript.
22. Disclaimer. “The statements, opinions and advertisements in the Journal of Endodontics are solely those of the individual authors, contributors, editors, or advertisers, as indicated. Those statements,opinions, and advertisements do not effect any endorsement by the American Association of Endodontists or its agents, authors, contributors, editors, or advertisers, or the publisher. Unless specified
otherwise, the American Association of Endodontists and the publisher disclaim any and all responsibility or liability for such material.

Editorial Board
Kenneth M. Hargreaves

James M. Drinan

Stacy L. Bogard
Harriet M. Bogdanowicz

I. B. Bender

Frederic Barnett
J. Craig Baumgartner
James M. Drinan
Gerald N. Glickman
Gary R. Hartwell
Robert S. Roda
William G. Schindler
Shahrokh Shabahang

Ronald W. Anderson
Donald E. Arens
Robert Augsburger
J. Craig Baumgartner
Harry Blechman
Daniel J. Caplan
Robert E. Cassidy
Stephen Cohen
Charles Cunningham
Eva Dahl
Harold Goodis
Marvin A. Gross
James L. Gutmann
Gary Hartwell
Gunnar Hasselgren
Michael A. Heuer
M. Lamar Hicks
Jeffrey W. Hutter
Syngcuk Kim
Keith V. Krell
Neill Luebke
Sandra Madison
Scott R. Makins
J. Gordon Marshall

Andre Mickel
Leo J. Miserendino
Letty Moss-Salentijn
Carl Newton
David Pashley
David Pitts
Don M. Ranly
Eric Rivera
James O. Roahen
James B. Roane
Paul Rosenberg
Robert J. Rosenberg
Frederick Rueggeberg
Larz S. Spangberg
Bjorn Steffensen
Timothy Svec
Mahmoud Torabinejad
Calvin D. Torneck
Henry Trowbridge
Richard Walton
Franklin S. Weine
Lisa Wilcox
Thomas Winkler
Hesham Youssef


Pabla Barrientos, Chile
Steven A. Cohn, Australia
Yolanda Justus, Mexico
Katsuei Mori, Japan
Rafael Mínana, Spain
Augusto Posada, Colombia
Elena Pruskin, Argentina, Official Translator
Adam Stabholz, Israel
M. Rafael Gonzalez, Venezuela
Ernesto R. Vizcarra, The Philippines

American Association of Endodontists Board of Directors

Mahmoud Torabinejad, President
Sandra Madison, President-elect
Marc Balson, Vice President
Howard B. Fine, Secretary
John S. Olmsted, Treasurer
Kenneth M. Hargreaves, Editor
James M. Drinan, Executive Director
Samuel O. Dorn, Immediate Past-President

District I   Shepard S. Goldstein, Clara M. Spatafore
District II   Mitchell H. Davich, Richard R. Weiss
District III   Timothy A. Grubb, Scott B. McClanahan
District IV   Robert A. Coleman, Charles L. Steffel
District V   William T. Johnson, Robert L. Reames
District VI   Patrick E. Taylor, Frank J. Wilkinson


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