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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

 The Journal of Electron Microscopy is the official journal of the Japanese Society of Microscopy, the second largest society of microscopy in the world. The journal is an international forum, open to all scientists in the field, for publishing the best research in advanced electron microscopy and new scanning probe microscopy. To ensure this policy, the journal has appointed eminent scientists from around the world to be Regional Editors. The Journal of Electron Microscopy publishes six issues a year, and papers cover the application of advanced microscopy in diverse fields. Articles cover theories, methods, techniques, and instrumentation, as well as their applications to life and material sciences.

Journal of Electron Microscopy is covered by the following major indexing services:-

Current Contents: Life Sciences
Elsevier BIOBASE/Current Awareness in Biological Sciences
EMBASE/Excerpta Medica
Medline (Index Medicus)
Science Citation Index


Instructions to Authors

  1. Scope & Policy
  2. Types of papers accepted
  3. Preparation of the manuscript
  4. Submission of manuscripts
  5. Reviewing process
  6. Revision
  7. Submission of disk
  8. Proofs
  9. Page charges
  10. Offprints
1. Scope and policy

Journal of Electron Microscopy, the official publication of the Japanese Society of Microscopy, aims to promote research in advanced electron microscopy and new scanning probe microscopy by publishing informative articles dealing with their theories, methods, techniques and instrumentation as well as their applications to life and material sciences. Although the journal is closely associated with the society, contributions by non-society members are welcome.

2. Types of papers accepted

Full-length papers
Full-length papers should present new findings of broad interest and describe significant and original results to be critically evaluated.

'Letters' of exceptional interest or with novel findings will be rapidly accepted and published.

'Notes' giving brief reports mainly of technical and instrumental importance will be accepted.

The journal accepts 'Reviews' that deal with particular subject areas in a thoughtful and personal manner. They are commissioned by the Editor-in-Chief, the Managing Editor, Regional Editors or Executive Editors.

3. Preparation of the manuscript

Full-length papers are fewer than ten printed pages. This is approximately equivalent to 30 double-spaced type pages (including references, figure legends and tables). In case the total printed pages exceeded ten, there will be a page charge of US$100 per additional page. Letters and Notes should not exceed four and two printed pages, respectively.

General format
All manuscripts should be typewritten on one side of A4 (approx. 210 x 297 mm or 8 1/2 x 11 in.) white paper with double spacing throughout (including figure legends and references) and with 2.5 cm (1 in.) margins. Pages should be numbered sequentially. Do not hand-write mathematical equations and chemical formulae. One set of figures should be mounted and ready to be sent to the printers. The other copies of the figures can be high quality photocopies for line drawings, but photographs or very high-quality photocopies should be provided for halftone figures.

Full-length papers should start with an ABSTRACT, followed by a brief INTRODUCTION, which outlines the historical or logical origins of the study, a section on METHODS and one on RESULTS, in which the findings are presented in a compact form with minimal reference to earlier literature or to possible interpretations. The DISCUSSION should be devoted to interpreting the results from various viewpoints and to considering their physical and biological significance. Also CONCLUDING REMARKS are obligatory. They may start with a brief summary of the results, but repetition of the abstract should be avoided.

Letters and Notes should also start with an ABSTRACT, but there should be no other individual sections afterwards.

Title page
This must include the following: title, full first name and surname of each contributor followed by full address, telephone and fax number, E-mail address, name of the contributor who will deal with correspondence including proofs, and a running title not in excess of 50 letters and spaces. Six keywords should be provided for use by indexing services. The total number of pages and figures being submitted should also be indicated on this page.

It should be written on complete sentences and should summarize the content in no more than 250 words (for full-length papers and Reviews) or no more than 100 words (for Letters and Notes). If references are used in an abstract, they must include the author(s), journal title, volume number, starting page and year. Avoid abbreviations in abstracts as far as possible.

Main text
There should be an indication in the main text to show the most appropriate placement of each table and illustration. Acknowledgements, references, tables and figure legends should follow the main text in that order.

References are to be cited in the text by a number in brackets and should be numbered in order of first appearance. An example is: 'McMichael and Gotch [12] have reported ...'. Where there are more than three authors, the citation in the text should use the formulation 'et al.'. An example is: 'This observation has been reported by Shackelford et al. [24]'.

In the list of references, papers from journals should be listed thus:
    Hirokawa K, Kokubo Y, Kitamura M, and Shiraishi T (1987) Fine structure of intestinal fibroblasts autoradiographic and three dimensional studies. J. Electron Microsc. 37, 213-228.
Books should be listed as:
    Squire J (1981) The Structural Basis of Muscular Contraction. (Plenum Press, New York.)

    McMichael A J and Gotch F (1987) T-cell antigens new and previously defined clusters. In: Leukocyte Typing III, ed. McMichael A J, pp. 31-35, (Oxford University Press, Oxford).
Tables should be typed on separate sheets and numbered consecutively with Roman numerals. They should be self-explanatory.

Illustrations should be presented in the order in which they are mentioned in the text. Illustrations should be numbered as a single series and should have the name of the first-named author and the figure number on the back. Instructions relating to the final size of the figure must be clearly specified by indicating on the back of the figure the final size required. The final size of printed figures cannot exceed 174 mm wide x 237 mm deep for a full page illustration and 84 mm wide for a single column one. All symbols and letters must be clearly produced using printed paste-on or transfer lettering. Labels should be large enough for the final reduction (letters or numbers less than 2 mm high are not acceptable in the final print) and should show clearly against the background. If there are two or more parts to a figure, they should be labelled a, b, c, etc. (i.e. lower case letters).

Photographs must be glossy prints, and should be mailed with protection against bending. They must include magnification scale and should be mounted. Micrographs are reproduced without reduction, and should not exceed 174 mm x 237 mm. All figures in a group should have approximately the same contrast values. Special instructions to the printer may be written on the back to produce the best results.

Colour figures will be published in the journal but authors are required to pay the costs. Colour photographs can be published without charge to the authors if the Editor-in-Chief considers the figures to be of utmost importance to the journal. Please contact the editor in charge of your paper for details.

Use of SI units is mandatory.

When submitting a manuscript, authors may suggest the names of potential referees (who have not yet seen the manuscript). The names of possible referees, if any, should not be written on the manuscripts itself, but on the cover letter to the Editor.

4. Submission of manuscripts

Submission of a paper will be taken to imply that it reports unpublished work (except for Reviews) and that it is not being considered for publication elsewhere. JEM starts accepting online submissions on 18 June 2002, although submission by post will still be accepted. All manuscripts sent by post will be uploaded to the system at the editorial office.

4.1 Online submission
See Online Manuscript Submission for details.

4.2 Submission by post
A paper submitted by post must be accompanied by a word processor disk containing files of text and images. The editorial office will upload files to the online submission system. Every manuscript will be reviewed online; but authors who submitted by post will receive decision letters by post.

Submission from Japan
Editorial Office of Journal of Electron Microscopy
c/o Oxford University Press (OUP-Tokyo)
1-1-17-5F, Mukogaoka
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
113-0023 Japan

Submission from outside Japan
Those who wish to submit their papers from outside Japan should send the paper to either one of the Regional Editors whose names and addresses are listed below or the Editorial Office c/o OUP-Tokyo. Prospective contributors are requested to select the Regional Editor in their field (either material or life sciences).

Manuscripts will not be returned. Authors who wish the original artwork to be returned should indicate this on the title page of the manuscript.

Regional Editors

Prof. Dr Hermut Bartels, Anatomische Anstalt, Universität München, Pettenkoferstrasse 11, D-80336 München, Germany

Dr David Cherns, H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory, Bristol University, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol BS8 1TL, UK

Prof. Randal E. Morris, Department of Cell Biology, Neurology and Anatomy, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45267-0521, USA

Dr Stephen J. Pennycook, Corporate Fellow and Electron Microscopy Group Leader, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Solid State Division, PO Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6030, USA

Prof. Manfred Rühle, Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung, Heisenbergstrasse 1, D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany

Dr Gustaaf Van Tendeloo, EMAT, University of Antwerp (RUCA), Groenenborgerlaan 171, B-2020 Antwerp, Belgium

5. Reviewing process

The paper will be assigned to one Executive Editor or Regional Editor, who asks one (in the case of Letters, Notes, and Reviews) or two (in the case of full-length papers) referees to review it. The Regional Editor or Executive Editor in charge will ask authors for revision, if necessary, or notify rejection based on the comments by the referees. The Regional Editor or Executive Editor in charge will decide the acceptance or rejection of the paper. The Editor-in-Chief or Managing Editor may take on the final decision at their request.

6. Revision

When a manuscript is returned to authors for revision prior to final acceptance, the revised version must be submitted within 3 months after it is returned.

7. Submission of disk

Authors are requested to submit a word processor disk for the final version of the manuscript. When returning the revised version of the manuscript to the Regional Editor or Executive Editor in charge, the author is requested to attach one disk containing the final version. Notes on disk preparation and a disk submittal form are published in each issue.

8. Proofs

Authors are sent page proofs. They should be checked within 48 hours for typographical errors and returned to the publisher by express post. Essential changes of an extensive nature may be made by insertion of a Note added in proof. A charge (minimum US$50) will be made to authors who insist on amendment within text at the page proof stage.

9. Page charges

There will be a page charge of US$100 per each additional page for full-length papers that exceed ten printed pages.

10. Offprints

Thirty offprints of each contribution are provided free of charge. Further offprints can be ordered by returning the order forms provided with the proofs.

Editorial Board
Editor-in-Chief: Hideki Ichinose
Managing Editor: Takahisa Sasaki
Executive Editors: Masahiro Kawasaki
Hiroki Kurata
Nobuo Tanaka
Syo Matsumura
Eisaku Katayama
Yoshio Matsui
Osamu Ohtani
Kuniaki Takata
Yayoi Nishiyama
Kunio Takayanagi
Seiji Takeda
Yoichi Sato
Regional Editors: Helmut Bartels
Terry J Beveridge
David Cherns
Randal E Morris
Antonio Nanci
Stephen J Pennycook
Manfred Rühle
Gustaaf Van Tendeloo
Editorial Board: K. Abe
Y. Bando
F. Ernst
D. Grube
Z. Horita
T. Inouye
K. Kataoka
C. Kinoshita
W. Larsen
F.-H. Li
B. Maunsbach
L. Marks
J. Mayer
Y. Osamura
C. J. Rossouw
H. Saka
Y. Shibata
R. Shimizu
D. Shindo
S. Suzuki
H. Takahashi
Y. Takano
Y. Uchiyama
T. Yamamoto
N. Yao
K. Yazaki
J. Zhu
Advisory Board: T. Osafune
T. Sasaki
H. Sawada
M. Tanaka
K. Tsuno
T. Ushiki
S. Yamashina
Editorial Office

Journal of Electron Microscopy
C/o Oxford University Press
1-1-17-5F Mukogaoka
Tokyo 113-0023


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