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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
Journal Mission
The mission of Journal of Computational Physics is to publish material that will assist in the reliable and accurate solution of scientific problems by numerical computation.

Instructions to Authors

Submission of Manuscripts
Manuscripts must be written in English and should be submitted electronically through our on-line submission system accessible via http://www.elsevier.com/locate/jcp

Editorial Office Journal of Computational Physics
Street address: Sara Burgerhartstraat 25
1055 KV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Postal address: P.O. Box 103
1000 AC Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 20 485 2358
Fax: +31 20 485 2370
E-mail: jcp@elsevier.com

There are no submission fees or page charges. Only original papers will be considered. Manuscripts are accepted for review with the understanding that no substantial portion of the study has been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere and that its submission for publication has been approved by all of the authors and by the institution where the work was carried out; further, that any person cited as a source of personal communications has approved such citation. Written authorization may be required at the Editors' discretion. Manuscripts that do not meet the general criteria or standards for publication in Journal of Computational Physics will be immediately returned to the authors, without detailed review. Authors submitting a manuscript do so on the understanding that if the manuscript is accepted for publication, copyright in the article, including the right to reproduce the article in all forms and media, shall be assigned exclusively to the Publisher. The Copyright Transfer Agreement, which may be copied from the pages following the Information for Authors in the Journal or downloaded from the Copyright Notice and Transfer page, should be signed by the appropriate person and should accompany the original submission of a manuscript to this journal. The transfer of copyright does not take place until the manuscript is accepted for publication. Authors are responsible for obtaining permissions to reprint previously published figures, tables, and other material. Letters of permission should accompany the final submission. Authors may suggest a member of the Board of Editors to handle the review of their paper, and may also suggest the names of six suitable referees.

Electronic Submission

Authors are requested to transmit the text and art of the manuscript in electronic form, through our on- line submission system accessible via http://www.elsevier.com/locate/jcp, each time a new version is submitted. Manuscripts prepared using TeX or LaTeX are welcome; however, LaTeX is strongly preferred. The Elsevier LaTeX package (including detailed instructions for LaTeX preparation) is available at http://www.elsevier.com/locate/latex. Note that the use of other specialized versions of TeX or extensive use of custom macros may necessitate conventional typesetting. The manuscript will be edited according to the style of the Journal, and authors must read the proofs carefully. Complete instructions for electronic submission can be found on the Journal of Computational Physics home page at http://www.elsevier.com/locate/jcp.

Please address electronic mail for Professor G. Tryggvason to jcp@elsevier.com.

Preparation of Manuscript
Manuscripts should be typed double-spaced throughout on one side of 8.5 x 11-inch or A4 white paper. Figures and tables must be included in all copies. If you are using the LaTeX template, the output will be formatted automatically according to the style of the Journal. Otherwise, please number pages consecutively and organize them as follows: The Title Page (p. 1) should contain the article title, authors' names and complete affiliations, footnotes to the title, and the postal address for manuscript correspondence (including e-mail address and telephone and fax numbers). Note: LaTeX template users should include a separate sheet with address and correspondence information. The Abstract (p. 2) provides a brief summary of the main findings of the paper. After the abstract a list of up to 10 keywords that will be useful for indexing or searching should be included. Authors are requested to classify their own manuscripts using the Mathematical Reviews Index and/or the additional classifications listed in the January 1989 issue of Journal of Computational Physics. Authors are requested to choose at least two categories: one in numerical analysis category 65, and one other (generally a physical classification) from the categories beyond 65.
Acknowledgments should be brief and should precede the references.
References should be cited in the text by a number in square brackets. Literature cited should appear on a separate page at the end of the article and should be styled and punctuated using standard abbreviations for journals (see Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index, 1989). For unpublished lectures of symposia, include title of paper, name of sponsoring society in full, and date. Abbreviation of DOE Laboratory report names should follow the style of Nuclear News Abstracts. Give titles of unpublished reports with "(unpublished)" following the reference. Only articles that have been published or are in press should be included in the references. Unpublished results or personal communications should be cited as such in the text. When citing an Academic Press journal, authors may choose to include the DOI, if available, from the article's title page. Please note the following examples, the second of which shows an article available on IDEAL but not yet assigned to a printed issue.
1. J. Szumbarski and J. M. Floryan, A direct spectral method for determination of flows over corrugated boundaries, J. Comput. Phys. 153, 378 (1999), doi:10.1006/jcph.1999.6282.
2. P. Betsch and P. Steinmann, Inherently energy conserving time finite elements for classical mechanics, J. Comput. Phys. (2000), doi:10.1006/jcph.1999.6427.
3. I. Gohberg, P. Lancaster, and L. Rodman, Matrix Polynomials (Academic Press, New York, 1982), p. 54.
4. E. F. Toro, Riemann-problem based techniques for computing reactive two-phase flows, in Proc. Third Intern. Confer. on Numerical Combustion, Antibes, France, May 1989, edited by Dervieux and Larrouturrou, Lect. Notes in Phys. (Springer- Verlag, New York/Berlin, 1989), Vol. 351, p. 472
Footnotes in the text should be avoided if at all possible. If they must be used, identify by superscript numbers and type together on a separate page, double-spaced.

Short notes of six pages or less (including figures, tables, and references but excluding title pages) will be considered for publication. Letters to the Editor commenting on articles already published in this Journal will also be considered. Neither notes nor letters should have an abstract.

Equations should be typewritten whenever possible and the number placed in parentheses at the right margin. Reference to equations should use the form "Eq. (3)" or simply "(3)." Superscripts and subscripts should be typed or handwritten clearly above and below the line, respectively. Use the exponent ? whenever possible.

Figures should be in a finished form suitable for publication. Number figures consecutively with Arabic numerals, and indicate the top and the authors on the back of each figure. Lettering on drawings should be of professional quality or generated by high-resolution computer graphics and must be large enough to withstand appropriate reduction for publication. Each figure must start on a new page; do not embed figures in the text. Supply a descriptive legend for each figure. Type legends double-spaced consecutively on a separate page.

Color Figures
Illustrations in color in most cases can be accepted only if the authors defray the cost. At the Editor's discretion a limited number of color figures each year of special interest will be published at no cost to the author. To minimize the costs to the author, multiple color figures may appear out of numerical sequence. Mounted color figures must be submitted on paper or flexible board due to the nature of the reproduction process.

Number tables consecutively with Roman numerals in order of appearance in the text. Type each table double-spaced on a separate page with a short descriptive title typed directly above and with essential footnotes below.

Proofs will be sent to the corresponding author. To avoid delay in publication, only necessary changes should be made, and the proofs should be returned promptly. Authors will be charged for alterations that exceed 10% of the total cost of composition.

Fifty reprints will be provided to the corresponding author free of charge. Additional reprints may be ordered.


Editorial Board


G. Tryggvason, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Massachusetts, USA

Associate Editors:

M.J. Baines, University of Reading, Reading United Kingdom
A. Bayliss, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA
J.P. Boyd, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
S. Chen, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
P. Colella, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California, USA
P. Degond, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Toulouse, France
A. Friedman, Simulations and Theory Group, Heavy Ion Fusion Virtual National Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, USA
D.A. Knoll, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA
W.R. Martin, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
P. Moin, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA
S.J. Osher, University of California, Los Angelos, USA
A. Pouquet, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder Colorado, USA
T. Schlick, New York University, New York, USA
B. Smit, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam The Netherlands
P.K. Smolarkiewicz, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado, USA
J. Strain, University of California, Berkeley, California, USA
E. Turkel, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
E.V. Vorozhtsov, Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Novosibirsk, Russia
P. Wesseling, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
T. Yabe, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
S. Zaleski, Laboratoire de Mod¨¦lisation en M¨¦chanique, Universit¨¦ Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France

Editors Emeriti:

J.U. Brackbill
J. Killeen
P. Roe

Editorial Office Journal of Computational Physics
Street address: Sara Burgerhartstraat 25
1055 KV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Postal address: P.O. Box 103
1000 AC Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 20 485 2358
Fax: +31 20 485 2370
E-mail: jcp@elsevier.com


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