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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Journal of Clinical Periodontology was founded by the British, Dutch, French, German, Scandinavian, and Swiss Societies of Periodontology.

The aim and scope of this Journal is to convey scientific progress in periodontology to those concerned with application of this knowledge for the benefit of the dental health of the community. It addresses itself primarily to clinicians, general practitioners, periodontists, as well as to teachers and administrators involved in the organisation of prevention and treatment of periodontal disease. The Journal publishes original contributions of high scientific merit in the field of physiology and pathology of the periodontium, diagnosis, epidemiology and prevention and therapy of periodontal disease, review articles by experts on new developments in basic and applied periodontal science, advances in periodontal technique and instrumentation, and case reports which illustrate important new information. The language of the Journal is English, but all articles are published with summaries in German and French. The usual selective criteria for acceptance of manuscripts apply for this Journal. The members of the Advisory Board will serve primarily as referees. Publication time will be kept to a minimum in order that new findings can be made generally available in the shortest possible time.


Print ISSN: 0303-6979
Online ISSN: 1600-051X

Instructions to Authors

Click here to download Instructions for Authors in PDF format.

Manuscripts should be sent in triplicate to the editorial office at the address below:

Journal of Clinical Periodontology
Department of Periodontology
Institute of Odontology
Gothenburg University
Box 450
S-405 30

Material for announcements of important meetings and other Society matters should be sent to the Publisher:
Blackwell Munksgaard
1 Rosenørns All?BR>P.O. Box 227
DK-1502 Copenhagen V

Authors submitting a paper do so on the understanding that the work has not been published before, is not being considered for publication elsewhere and has been read and approved by all authors. The submission of the manuscript by the authors means that the authors automatically agree to assign exclusive copyright to Blackwell Munksgaard if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication. The work shall not be published elsewhere in any language without the written consent of the publisher. The articles published in this journal are protected by copyright, which covers translation rights and the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute all of the articles printed in the journal. No material published in the journal may be stored on microfilm or videocassettes or in electronic databases and the like or reproduced photographically without the prior written permission of the publisher.

Copyright Assignment form

Acceptable material - Original investigations, reviews, and case reports. The last will be published only if they provide new fundamental knowledge, and if they use language understandable to the clinician. It is expected that any manuscript submitted represents unpublished original research.

Manuscripts - Manuscripts including Tables and Figures may be submitted in either English or American, but usage should be consistent. Since the work will be reviewed by two or more referees, manuscripts should be sent in triplicate. The author is advised to retain a further copy (manuscripts are not insured against loss or damage). While papers are subject to editing, the Journal does not hold itself responsible for statements made by the contributor. The author alone is responsible for statements made in his work, including changes made in the manuscript by the editors or by the language editor.

The Manuscript must be typewritten on one side of the paper only (quarto - A4) with wide margins and double-spacing. The first page should contain, on separate lines, the title of the article, and the authors names and institutions. A maximum of 6 authors may be listed; if more than 6, the remaining should be accredited in an acknowledgement. If the title is longer than 40 letters and spaces, a short title, not exceeding that limit, will be required for use in the running head. The last page should include the full postal address of the author to whom communications and proofs should be sent. Articles should not ordinarily exceed 8 printed pages. Papers should be clearly divided into the following sections: Abstract - Key words - Introduction - Material and Methods - Results - Discussion - Acknowledgements (if any) - References. Note: Structured abstracts: An abstract of no more than 200 words structured: objectives - material & methods - results - conclusion, and no other information.

Short Communications - Short communications limited to 1-3 pages are accepted for quick publication. These papers need not follow the usual division into material and methods, etc., but should have an abstract.

References in the text should quote the last name(s) of the author(s) and the year of publication (Brown & Smith 1966). 3 or more authors should always be referred to as, for example, (Brown et al. 1966).

A list of references should be given at the end of the paper and should follow the recommendations in Units, Symbols and Abbreviations: A Guide for Biological and Medical Editors and Authors, (1975), p. 36. London: The Royal Society of Medicine.
a) The arrangement of the references should be alphabetical by authors surname.
b) The order of the items in each reference should be:
(i) for journal references:
name(s) of author(s), year, title of paper, title of journal, volume number, first and last page numbers.
(ii) for book references:
name(s) of author(s), year, title of book, edition, volume, chapter and/or page number, town of publication, publisher.
c) Authors names should be arranged thus:
Smith, A. B., Jones, D. E. & Robinson, F. C.
Note the use of the ampersand and omission of comma before it. Authors names when repeated in the next reference are always spelled out in full.
d) The year of publication should be surrounded by parentheses: (1967).
e) The title of the paper should be included, without quotation marks.
f) The journal title should be written in full, italicised (single underlining in typescript), and followed by volume number in bold type (double underlining on typescript) and page numbers.

Engfeldt, B. & Hjertquist, S.-O. (1967) Effect of various fixatives on the preservation of acid glycosaminoglycans in tissues. Acta Pathologica et Microbiologica Scandinavica 71, 219-232.
Shafer, W. G., Hine, M. K. & Levy, B. M. (1963) A textbook of oral pathology. 2nd edition, p. 138. Philadelphia: Saunders.
Bodansky, O. (1960) Enzymes in tumour growth with special reference to serum enzymes in cancer. In Enzymes in health and disease, eds. Greenberg, D. & Harper, H. A., pp. 269-278. Springfield: Thomas.

Illustrations - All graphs, drawings or photographs must be printed on transparent or glossy paper, and should be numbered in sequence with Arabic numerals. Each Figure should be identified with the Figure number on the back and the orientation indicated. In the text, its approximate location should be indicated by a circled marginal note. All Figures should clarify the text and their number be kept to a minimum. Details must be large enough to retain their clarity after reduction in size. Illustrations should preferably fill single column width (54 mm) after reduction, although in some cases 113 mm (double column) and 171 mm (full page) widths will be accepted. Micrographs should be designed to be reproduced without reduction, and a linear size scale incorporated.

Photographs may be submitted individually, in which case they should be unmounted. Alternatively, authors may wish to have a group of photographs printed together in a single block, in which case the photographs should be mounted. Authors should see that the photographs are mounted in such a manner as to ensure that full use is made of the paper. In general, best results are obtained with photos the same size as the final blocks; they must be submitted as glossy prints showing good detail and moderate contrast. Colour illustrations in small numbers may be accepted free of charge to the authors at the discretion of the Editor. Otherwise the author must pay for the illustrations at a rate to be quoted by the publisher. Final quotation will be given by the publisher. Original colour transparencies as well as three sets of colour prints should be submitted.

Click here for guidelines on submitting your illustrations electronically.

Captions to Figures (legends) should be typed consecutively on a separate page or pages at the end of the paper.

Tables - The Tables should be typed on sheets separate from the text, and titles must be self-explanatory. They should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals and due regard should be paid to the proportions of the printed page. The approximate location in the text should be indicated by a circled marginal note. Double documentation in the form of tables and figures is not accepted.

Summaries in German and French - The title and abstract of the paper will be translated into German and French by the Publisher.

Abbreviations and symbols - Only standardised terms, which have been generally accepted, should be used. Units, Symbols and Abbreviations, The Royal Society of Medicine, London, will be the reference source for these. Unfamiliar abbreviations must be defined when first used. "Two-digit system" should be used for tooth identification (see Fédération Dentaire Internationale (1971) International Dental Journal 21, 104-106). For further details concerning preparation of manuscripts see Style Manual for Biological Journals, 3rd edition. Washington, D. C.: American Institute of Biological Science 1972. Use no Roman numerals in the text. In decimal fractions, a decimal point, and not a comma, must be used. The minus sign is shown as -.

Scientific names of bacteria should be binomials, the generic name only with a capital, and should be underlined once (for italics) in the typescript. A name must be given in full upon first mention in a paper; the generic name may be abbreviated thereafter, but the abbreviation must be unambiguous. With regard to drugs, generic names should be used instead of proprietary names. If a proprietary name is used,âshould be attached when the term is first used.

Proofs - Page proofs only will be sent. Only minor corrections are allowed without extra cost.

Offprints - Offprints can be ordered on the offprint form which will accompany the proofs.

Compuscripts - To facilitate the handling of manuscripts, text must be submitted in machine-readable form and accompanied by a diskette. The software used, the program version number, as well as the format of the diskette, should be clearly marked. Full details will be sent following notification of acceptance of the article

Editorial Board

Jan Lindhe, Gothenburg, Sweden

Editorial Office:
Department of Periodontology
Institute of Odontology
Gothenburg University
Box 450
S-405 30

Fax: +46-3141-8156

Assistants to the Editors:
(Statistical Advisers)
A.A.M. Hart, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Tommy Johnsson, Gothenburg, Sweden
(French translations)
Monique Pedersen, Vedbæk, Denmark
Michel Brecx, Brussels, Belgium
(German translations)
Peter Eickholz, Heidelberg, Germany
Bernd Michael Kleber, Berlin, Germany
Peter Purucker, Berlin, Germany

Associate Editors:
S.Asikainen, Helsinki, Finland
Th.F.Flemmig, Münster, Germany
H.S. Koskas, Paris, France
K.P. Lang, Bern, Switzerland
R.M. Palmer, London, UK
U. van der Velden, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
J. Wennström, Gothenburg, Sweden
M. Addy, Cardiff, UK
E. Adonogianaki, Athens, Greece
P. Adriens, Brussels, Belgium
G. Armitage, San Francisco, USA
W. Beertsen, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
T. Berglundh, Gothenburg, Sweden
J.P.Bernimoulin, Berlin, Germany
P. Bouchard, Paris, France
N. Claffey, Dublin, Ireland
M. Curtis, London, UK
G. Dahlén, Gothenburg, Sweden
J.J. Echeverria, Barcelona, Spain
D. Etienne, Paris, France
E. Frandsen, Aarhus, Denmark
P. Gjermo, Oslo, Norway
A. Haffajee, Boston, USA
P.A. Heasman, Newcastle, UK
P. Holmstrup, Copenhagen, Denmark
C. Hämmerle, Berne, Switzerland
A. Isberg, Ume? Sweden
W. Jenkins, Glasgow, UK
N. Johnson, London, UK
D.R. Kinane, Glasgow, UK
T. Kocher, Greifswald, Germany
K. Kornman, San Antonio, USA
I.B. Lamster, New York, USA
M. Listgarten, Philadelphia, USA
D. Lundgren, Gothenburg, Sweden
J.T. Mellonig, San Antonio, USA
J. Meyle, Giessen, Germany
A. Mombelli, Berne, Switzerland
M. Newman, Los Angeles, USA
S. Offenbacher, Chapel Hill, USA
R. Page, Seattle, USA
P. Papapanou, New York, USA
M. Quirynen, Leuven, Belgium
L. Sander, Glasgow, UK
M. Sanz, Madrid, Spain
M.Simion, Milan, Italy
R.A. Seymour, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK
A. Sicilia, Oviedo, Spain
L.Trombelli, Ferrara, Italy
U. van der Velden, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
R. Williams, Chapel Hill, USA
E.G. Winkel, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
A.J. van Winkelhoff, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


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