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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis publishes original articles on newly developing modes of technology and laboratory assays, with emphasis on their application in current and future clinical laboratory testing. This includes reports from the following fields: immunochemistry and toxicology, hematology and hematopathology, immunopathology (including immunohistochemistry and molecular probe assays), microbiology, genetic testing, immunohematology, and clinical chemistry.



Instructions to Authors
Submission of Manuscripts
Title Page. Make titles brief and specific. Indicate author(s), affiliation(s), and source of support. Give the address, Fax and telephone numbers, and the E-mail address of the author responsible for proofs. Please indicate name, address, Fax and telephone numbers of author to whom reprint requests are to be sent. Provide a short version of the title (no more than 40 characters) for running heads. List five to ten key words that will adequately index the subject matter, preferably from the Index Medicus list of accepted key words; do not repeat words from the title.

Abstract. This should be typed, double-spaced on a separate page and is not to exceed 200 words. The substance of it should be factual and comprehensive on its own.

Organization of Text. Each page after the first, including references, legends, and tables, should be numbered consecutively with last name of the senior author at the page top. Quotations must be accurate and give full credit to source. Permission to quote and reproduce text previously published must be cleared by the author and copies of all permissions must be included with the manuscript. Indicate placement of all tables and illustrations in the text. Text should be divided into the following sections: introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion.

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References should be cited in the text numerically and set off by parentheses, i.e., (1), (2). References should be listed as they appear, numbered consecutively, and typed double-spaced. Follow the style of Index Medicus and do not use periods after abbreviations of journal titles. Authors are responsible for bibliographic accuracy and must check every reference in the manuscript and proof-read upon receipt of proofs.

1. Freedman JB, Musclow EG, Garvey BL, Abbott D. 1994. Unexplained periparturient thrombocytopenia. Am J Hematol 21:397-407.

Chapter in a Book:
2. Glassy MC, Gaffar SA, Peters RE, Royson I. 1994. Human monoclonal antibodies to human cancer cells. In: RA Reisfeld, S Sell, editors. Monoclonal Antibodies and Cancer Therapy. New York: Wiley-Liss, Inc. p 97-109.

3. Reisfeld RA, Sell SM, editors. 1994. Monoclonal Antibodies and Cancer Therapy. New York: Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Tables. Tables should be typed double-spaced, each on a separate page at the end of the manuscript. The tables should be numbered consecutively with arabic numerals and contain a brief, specific title. The data presented in the table must be logically and clearly organized; it should be self-explanatory and should supplement, not duplicate the text.

Illustrations. Drawings and figures should be of high quality and camera ready. Halftones (photographs, photomicrographs, electron micrographs, roentgenograms) should be submitted cropped and unmounted. Halftones that are grouped under one figure number should be lettered "a," "b," "c," etc. on the lower right-hand corner. On the back of each figure, lightly write in pencil the figure number, an indication of the top edge, and the last name of the senior author. Color will be printed only at the author's expense. Upon acceptance of color illustrations, the publisher will provide price quotes.

Legends. They should be numbered consecutively with arabic numbers and typed double-spaced on a separate sheet of 8.5 ¡Á 11-inch white bond paper. They should be brief and specific. Magnification for light photomicrographs should be indicated, if possible. Internal scale markers are suggested for electron micrographs. The type of stain used should be indicated in the legend only if it is other than hematoxylin and eosin.

Only previously unpublished work should be submitted; all text, including solicited material, is subject to editorial review and revision. Only manuscripts in English will be accepted and manuscripts become the property of the Journal and may not be published elsewhere without written permission from both the editor and publisher. Upon acceptance of a manuscript for publication, the author will be requested to sign an agreement transferring copyright to the publisher.

Disk Submission Instructions

Please return your final, revised manuscript on disk as well as hard copy.
The hard copy must match the disk.

The Journal strongly encourages authors to deliver the final, revised version of their accepted manuscripts (text, tables, and, if possible, illustrations) on disk. Given the near-universal use of computer word-processing for manuscript preparation, we anticipate that providing a disk will be convenient for you, and it carries the added advantages of maintaining the integrity of your keystrokes and expediting typesetting. Please return the disk submission slip below with your manuscript and labeled disk(s).

Guidelines for Electronic Submission

Storage medium. 3-1/2" high-density disk in IBM MS-DOS, Windows, or Macintosh format.

Software and format. Microsoft Word 6.0 is preferred, although manuscripts prepared with any other microcomputer word processor are acceptable. Refrain from complex formatting; the Publisher will style your manuscript according to the Journal design specifications. Do not use desktop publishing software such as Aldus PageMaker or Quark XPress. If you prepared your manuscript with one of these programs, export the text to a word processing format. Please make sure your word processing program's "fast save" feature is turned off. Please do not deliver files that contain hidden text: for example, do not use your word processor's automated features to create footnotes or reference lists.

File names. Submit the text and tables of each manuscript as a single file. Name each file with your last name (up to eight letters). Text files should be given the three-letter extension that identifies the file format. Macintosh users should maintain the MS-DOS "eight dot three" file-naming convention.

Labels. Label all disks with your name, the file name, and the word processing program and version used.

All print reproduction requires files for full color images to be in a CMYK color space. If possible, ICC or ColorSync profiles of your output device should accompany all digital image submissions.

Storage medium. Submit as separate files from text files, on separate disks or cartridges. If feasible, full color files should be submitted on separate disks from other image files. 3-1/2" high-density disks, CD, Iomega Zip, and 5 1/4" 44- or 88-MB SyQuest cartridges can be submitted. At authors' request, cartridges and disks will be returned after publication.

Software and format. All illustration files should be in TIFF or EPS (with preview) formats. Do not submit native application formats.

Resolution. Journal quality reproduction will require greyscale and color files at resolutions yielding approximately 300 ppi. Bitmapped line art should be submitted at resolutions yielding 600-1200 ppi. These resolutions refer to the output size of the file; if you anticipate that your images will be enlarged or reduced, resolutions should be adjusted accordingly.

File names. Illustration files should be given the 2- or 3-letter extension that identifies the file format used (i.e., .tif, .eps).

Labels. Label all disks and cartridges with your name, the file names, formats, and compression schemes (if any) used. Hard copy output must accompany all files.

Print and return with labeled diskette(s)

Corresponding author's name:
E-mail address:


Manuscript number:

Type of computer:

Program(s) & version(s) used:


I certify that the material on the enclosed diskette(s) is identical in both word and content to the printed copy herewith enclosed.

Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: _____________

 Production Questions
Cecilia Banzon
Phone: 201-748-8889
Fax: 201-748-6825
E-mail: cbanzon@wiley.com

Editorial Board
E d i t o r s

Richard A. McPherson, M.D.
Virginia Commonwealth University,
Medical College of Virginia Hospitals
Richmond, Virginia

Robert M. Nakamura, M.D.
Ralph A. Reisfeld, Ph.D.
Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation
La Jolla, California

A s s o c i a t e   E d i t o r s
Victor A. Bernstam
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Sharad D. Deodhar
Cleveland, Ohio

Carleton T. Garrett
Richmond, Virginia

Y. Hokama
Honolulu, Hawaii

Eiji Ishikawa
Kiyotake, Miyazaki, Japan

Mariano F. LaVia
Charleston, South Carolina

Sabina von Kleist
Freiburg, Germany

James L. Wittliff
Louisville, Kentucky

James T. Y. Wu
Salt Lake City, Utah

E d i t o r i a l   B o a r d
Jonathan Ben-Ezra
Richmond, Virginia

Robert C. Boguslaski
Elkhart, Indiana

David J. Brigati
Fort Worth, Texas

Francis V. Chisari
La Jolla, California

Robert H. Christenson
Baltimore, Maryland

Ming T. Chu
Buffalo, New York

Linda Cook
Burlington, Massachusetts

Laurence M. Demers
Hershey, Pennsylvania

Ronald J. Elin
Bethesda, Maryland

Andrea Ferreira-Gonzalez
Richmond, Virginia

Robert I. Fox
La Jolla, California

David M. Goldberg
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Charles D. Hawker
Salt Lake City, Utah

Ronald B. Herberman
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Glen L. Hortin
Bethesda, Maryland

Robert L. Hunter, Jr.
Atlanta, Georgia

Paul E. Hurtubise
Cincinnati, Ohio

Kohzoh Imai
Sapporo, Japan

Mark A. Jandreski
East Walpole, Massachusetts

Larry Kaplan
New York, New York

Yasushi Kasahara
Tokyo, Japan

David F. Keren
Ann Arbor, Michigan

L.M. Killingsworth
Spokane, Washington

John A. Lott
Columbus, Ohio

Rodney S. Markin
Omaha, Nebraska

Nelson F. Mendes
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Gerald C. Miller
Tulsa, Oklahoma

Wolfgang M¨¹ller-Ruchholtz
Kiel, Germany

Herbert K. Naito
Cleveland, Ohio

Paul K. Nakane
Nagasaki, Japan

Librado Ortiz-Ortiz
Mexico City, Mexico

Amadeo J. Pesce
Cincinnati, Ohio

J.L. Preud¡¯homme
Topieres, France

Roger S. Riley
Morgantown, West Virginia

Robert F. Ritchie
Scarborough, Maine

Robert C. Rock
Baltimore, Maryland

John Savory
Charlottesville, Virginia

Jeffrey Schlom
Bethesda, Maryland

William E. Schreiber
Vancouver, Canada

Joyce G. Schwartz
San Antonio, Texas

John A. Smith
Birmingham, Alabama

Hans L. Spiegelberg
La Jolla, California

Calvin L. Strand
Jersey City, New Jersey

Eng M. Tan
La Jolla, California

Russell H. Tomar
Madison, Wisconsin

Gabriel Virella
Charleston, South Carolina

M a n a g i n g   E d i t o r
Maryann Fischler

J o u r n a l   P r o d u c t i o n

John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Cecilia Banzon
Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis

Send an original and two copies of each manuscript (including tables), double-spaced and typewritten on 8.5 ¡Á 11-inch white bond paper, along with two sets of illustrations to:

Dr. Richard A. McPherson, Editor
Maryann Fischler, Managing Editor
Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis
Editorial Office
Department of Pathology
Medical College of Virginia Hospitals
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, VA 23298-0258
(804) 828-5389; Fax (804) 828-6156


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