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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

 Journal of Clinical Immunology is intended for clinicians who deal with the normal immune system and patients with diseases related to the immune system. This well-established journal publishes articles on all aspects of basic research on clinical immunology and its application to medical practice.


Instructions to Authors
The Journal of Clinical Immunology is an international journal devoted exclusively to basic and clinical immunology and molecular biology in humans.

Scope: The Journal of Clinical Immunology accepts manuscripts in the areas of human basic and clinical immunology and molecular biology. The area of basic immunology includes (but is not limited to) studies of lymphocytes, macrophages, neutrophils, natural killer cells, complement components, immunoglobulins, antibodies, cytokines and their receptors, immunoregulation, signal transduction, T-cell receptors, and immunoglobulin genes. The area of clinical immunology includes (but is not limited to) primary immunodeficiency disorders, secondary immunodeficiency diseases including AIDS, autoimmune disorders, immediate hypersensitivity disorders, hepatobiliary immunology, gastrointestinal immunology, renal immunology, tumor immunology, transplantation immunology, neuroimmunology, and aging. Papers on animal models of human diseases are welcome. Articles dealing with molecular biology related to human diseases are accepted. Special Articles are by invitation only.

  1. Manuscripts (and books for review) should be sent to:

    Sudhir Gupta, M.D.
    Medical Sciences I Room C240
    University of California
    Irvine, California 92697-4069

    Tel. (949) 824-5818
    fax (949) 824-4362
    e-mail: JCI@uci.edu
    The correspondence author should include a telephone number or a fax number on the title page or cover letter of the manuscript.
  2. Submission is a representation that the manuscript has not been published previously and is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. A statement transferring copyright from the authors (or their employers, if they hold the copyright) to Plenum Publishing Corporation will be required before the manuscript can be accepted for publication. The Editor will supply the necessary forms for this transfer. Such a written transfer of copyright, which previously was assumed to be implicit in the act of submitting a manuscript, is necessary under the U.S. Copyright Law in order for the publisher to carry through the dissemination of research results and reviews as widely and effectively as possible.
  3. Type double-spaced, and submit the original and two copies (including illustrations and tables). Type on one side only of 8 ??11 inch paper, with 1 ?inch margins all around.
  4. In addition to hard-copy printouts, please submit the manuscript, figures, and tables in electronic form on CD-Rom, PC-formatted Zip, or 3.5" diskette. All manuscripts must be submitted in either Microsoft Word format (.doc) or Rich Text Format (.rtf). This applies to articles submitted using both Windows and Machintosh/Mac-OS. Tables and figures should be formatted as .DOC, .TIFF, .PPT, .JPG, or .GIF.
  5. Order the elements comprising the manuscript as follows: title page, abstract, key words, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusions, appendix, acknowledgments, references, tables, and figure-caption list.
  6. The title page should include the title of the article, author(s)' name(s) and affiliation(s) (the department and institution from which the work originated), complete mailing address of the one author who will review the proofs, and suggested running head (not to exceed 40 characters, including spaces). Note that the affiliation should be a footnote to the author's name.
  7. An abstract is to be provided, preferably no longer than 150 words. Do not use abbreviations, footnotes, or references in the abstract.
  8. A list of 4? key words is to be provided directly below the abstract. Key words should express the precise content of the manuscript, as they are used for indexing purposes.
  9. All acknowledgments (including those for grant and financial support) should be typed in one separate paragraph that directly precedes the references section.
  10. References should be typed double-spaced in a separate section at the end of the paper and numbered consecutively in the order in which they are cited in the text. Cite in the text by the appropriate Arabic numeral enclosed in parentheses. Include the last names and initials of all authors, title of article, name of publication, volume, inclusive pages, and year published. Abbreviations should conform to those in Index Medicus. The style and punctuation of the references should conform to the following examples:

    Journal Article
    1. Keightley RG, Cooper MD, Lawton AR: The T cell dependence of B cell differentiation induced by pokeweed mitogen. J Immunol 117:1538-1544, 1976

    2. Chandra RK, Newberne PM: Nutrition, Immunity, and Infection: Mechanisms of Interactions. New York, Plenum Press, 1977

    Contribution to a Book
    3. Buckley RH: Augmented immunoglobulin E synthesis in primary immunodeficiency. In Cellular, Molecular, and Clinical Aspects of Allergic Disorders, S Gupta, RA Good (eds). New York, Plenum Medical, 1979, pp 513-535
  11. Tables should be numbered (with Roman numerals) and referred to by number in the text. Each table should be typed on a separate sheet of paper. Center the title above the table, and type explanatory notes below the table.
  12. Illustrations (photographs, drawings, diagrams, and charts) are to be numbered in one consecutive series of Arabic numerals in the order in which they are cited in the text. The captions for illustrations should be listed on a separate sheet of paper (not on the figures). Photographs should be large, glossy prints, showing high contrast, and should be prepared with india ink. Either the original drawings or good-quality photographic prints that are sharp and clear are acceptable. Identify figures on the back with author's name and number of the illustration. Include an indication of "top," if not obvious. Illustrations should be no larger than 8 ??11 inches. Three complete sets of illustrations should be submitted.
  13. The journal requires that investigations performed in the United States on human subjects have the prior approval of the appropriate institutional committee on human experimentation.
  14. After a manuscript has been accepted for publication and after all revisions have been incorporated, manuscripts should be submitted to the Editor's Office as hard copy accompanied by electronic files on disk. Label the disk with identifying information ?software, journal name, and first author's last name. The disk must be the one from which the accompanying manuscript (finalized version) was printed out. The Editor's Office cannot accept a disk without its accompanying, matching hard-copy manuscript.
  15. The journal makes no page charges. Reprints are available to authors, and order forms with the current price schedule are sent with proofs.

Editorial Board
Sudhir Gupta
University of California, Irvine, USA

Associate Editor:
Rebecca H. Buckley
Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC, USA
Max D. Cooper
The Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Birmingham, AL, USA

Advisory Board:
Anthony Fauci, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD; Lars Hanson, University of Göteborg, Sweden; Eng Tan, Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla, CA; Thomas Waldmann, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD; Hans Wigzell, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden; William Paul, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD

Editorial Board:
Chester Alper, Boston, MA; Philip Askenase, New Haven, CT; Nina Bhardwaj, New York; Constantin Bona, New York; Laurence Boxer, Ann Arbor, MI; John Cambier, Denver, CO; Paolo Casali, New York; Nicholas Chiorazzi, Manhasset, NY; Michael Dustin, New York; Martha Eibl, Wien, Austria; Zeev Estrov; Gabriel Fernandes, San Antonio, TX; Robert Gallo, Baltimore, MD; Stephen Holgate, Southampton, UK; Gary Hunninghake, Iowa City; Michael Karin, La Jolla, CA; Garnett Kelsoe, Durham, NC; Mitchell Kronenberg, San Diego, CA; Razelle Kurzrock, Houston, TX; Lawrence Lachman, Houston, TX; Norman Letvin, Boston, MA; Eric Long, Rockville, MD; Gailen Marshall, Houston, TX; Narender Mehra; John Monroe, Philadelphia, PA; Joost Oppenheim, Frederick, MD; Hans Ochs, Seattle, WA; John Ortaldo, Frederick, MD; Gordon Ross, Louisville, KY; Michael Selsted, Irvine, CA; Ethan Shevach, Bethesda, MD; Yehuda Shoenfeld, Tel-Hashomer, Israel; Ralph Steinman, New York; Dennis Taub, Baltimore, MD; Giorgio Trinchieri, Dardilly, France; Marc Weksler, Boston, MA; Ron Whisler, Columbus, OH


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