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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


 Published monthly, the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology provides timely, authoritative studies developed from the interplay of clinical medicine, epidemiology, biostatistics and pharmacoepidemiology. Articles are oriented toward methodology, clinical research or both. A special section, Pharmacoepidemiology Reports, is dedicated to the rapid publication of articles on the clinical epidemiologic investigation of pharmaceutical agents.

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Instructions to Authors


Contributions are welcomed from any pertinent source but should be written clearly enough to be understood by scholarly clinical readers and clinical researchers. Pertinent symposia and reviews will be considered for publication.

The Journal of Clinical Epidemiology does not accept articles reporting material that has been published at any length elsewhere. The author(s) should state, in a covering letter, that the submitted material has not been published and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. If any form of preliminary publication other than an abstract of not more than 400 words has occurred or is being considered, a reprint or manuscript should accompany the material submitted to the Journal.

Conflict of Interest

As a scientific forum for research and commentary, the Journal is willing to consider submissions from any appropriate source, and to review them according to pertinent scientific and editorial standards. Since the text itself may not always allow evaluators and subsequent readers to discern possible conflicts of interest, authors should always acknowledge all sources of funding for the research. In addition, authors (and reviewers) should disclose any financial relationships (such as consultancies, stock ownership, contracts, honoraria, etc.), as well as personal relationships, academic competition, or intellectual commitments that might bias the work or interfere with objective judgment. The covering letter is the appropriate place for such disclosures. All sources of funding must be disclosed as an acknowledgment in the text.

Submission Process

Electronic Submission is preferred and will more readily be processed. If submitting your manuscript electronically, you will still need to mail a hard copy of the manuscript and the illustrations to the appropriate editorial office.

For expedient processing, authors from the Americas should correspond with the Ontario office. The manuscript, illustrations, and submitting letter should be sent by e-mail to ltugwell@uottawa.ca. One copy of the manuscript and the submitting letter should be sent to the Maastricht office.

Authors from all other countries should submit the manuscript to the Maastricht office. For electronic submission to the Maastricht office, the e-mail address is kim.luyten@hag.unimaas.nl. In addition, one copy of the manuscript, illustrations, and submitting letter must be sent via mail. For mail submission to the Maastricht office, the address is Dr. J. Andr?Knottnerus, University of Maastricht, Peter Debijeplein 1, P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD, Maastricht, The Netherlands. If submission is submitted by mail only, three copies of the manuscript, illustrations, and submitting letter should be sent.

Manuscripts and Abstracts

Manuscripts should be typewritten and double spaced on one side of standard 8? x 11" paper, with generous margins. Author(s) should retain the original to facilitate revisions or resubmissions. The title should be a simple declarative statement summarizing the message of the article as succinctly as possible. The letter of submission should identify an address for the corresponding author, and where possible, the author's fax number, e-mail address, and telephone number.
Each original article must have an abstract/summary not exceeding 200 words. Abstracts must be structured with the following headings: Objective, Study Design and Setting, Results, and Conclusion. Double-space abstracts, and print them on a separate page. Abstracts not in compliance with this format will be returned to the authors for revision. The bottom of the abstract page should list six key words (index-appropriate terms) and a running title.


All references should be to publications that are readily available or in press, avoiding personal communications, presentations at meetings, and manuscripts submitted but not yet in press. Citations should be placed at the end of each article (not as footnotes on each page), and should be numbered consecutively in the text, enclosed in square brackets on the lines of writing (not as superscript numbers). At the end of the article, references should be listed in the numerical order in which they are cited. The references should be typed, double-spaced, and should conform to the styles noted either in the 'Vancouver Convention' or by Index Medicus or the Council of Biology Editors Style Manual (available from http://www.icmje.org or the American Institute of Biological Sciences, 1401Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22209, U.S.A.). Ultimate responsibility for accuracy of citations rests with the author(s).
Along with the conventional printed product, the publisher has requirements for electronic files in which text citations are properly matched to the reference list. Please review any revised manuscript for discrepancies (especially with numbering) and correct the references appropriately.


(i) Book chapter
Temple R. Dose-response and registration of new drugs. In: Lasagna L, Erill S, Naranjo CA, Eds. Dose-Response Relationships in Clinical Pharmacology. Amsterdam: Elsevier;1989:145-170.

Kramer MS. Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics: a Primer for Clinical Investigators and Decision-makers. Berlin: Springer; 1988.

(iii) Journal
Garraway WM, Whisnant JP, Kurland LT, O'Fallon WM. Changing pattern of cerebral infarction: 1945-1974. Stroke 1979; 10:657-663.

(iv) Miscellaneous
Ontario Ministry of Health. Schedule of Benefits, Ontario Health Insurance Plan. Kingston, Ontario: Ontario Ministry of Health; April 1987.

Abbreviations, Symbols and Nomenclature

Well-known abbreviations (e.g. DNA, EKG) may be used without definition; all others must be defined when first used. Units of measurement should be used in accordance with current custom and acceptability. Generic names of drugs are preferred; a proprietary name may be used if its generic equivalent is identified.


Illustrations accompanying manuscripts should be numbered and provided with suitable legends, on a separate sheet of paper. The top of the figure, its number, author's name, and manuscript title should be indicated on a label applied to the back of each figure. Do not write on the back of any photograph. Authors should indicate on the manuscript the appropriate positions of tables and text figures. At least one copy of each illustration should be in an original or photographed form that is suitable for direct conversion to publication. Additional copies of illustrations may be photo duplicated if the images can be clearly distinguished by manuscript reviewers.

A reasonable number of half-tone illustrations will be reproduced free of cost to the authors (only good glossy photograph prints should be supplied), but special arrangements must be made for color plates, elaborate tables, or extra illustrations. Copy for line figures (such as pen drawings, tables and charts) must be drawn and lettered in black ink (laser prints would suffice). The original manuscripts and diagrams will be discarded 1 month after publication. The cost of color (to be borne by the author) requires consultation with the Publisher.

Review and Production Process

Manuscripts are examined by both Editors and two reviewers. Decisions of the Editors are final. All material accepted for publication is subject to copy-editing. Authors will receive page proofs of their article before publication, and should answer all queries and carefully check all editorial changes at this point. Authors are urged to check their proofs carefully before return, since late corrections cannot be guaranteed for inclusion in the scheduled issue. Authors are responsible for the specific content of their articles. Reprints may be purchased using the order form that is sent with the page proofs.

Neither the Editors nor the Publisher accept responsibility for the views and statements expressed by authors in their communications.


Editorial Board
J.A. Knottnerus, University of Maastricht; Scientific Director, Netherlands School of Primary Care Research, Maastricht, The Netherlands
P. Tugwell, Director, Centre for Global Health, University of Ottawa, Institute of Population Health, Ottawa, Ontario
Editors Emeritus:
A.R. Feinstein, (Deceased), New Haven, CT, USA
D.P. Earle, (Journal of Chronic Diseases) Chicago, IL, USA
L. Lasagna, (Journal of Chronic Diseases) Boston, MA, USA
W.O. Spitzer, (Journal of Clinical Epidemiology) Palo Alto, CA, USA
J.P. Vandenbroucke, (Journal of Clincial Epidemiology) Leiden, The Netherlands
Policy Advisory Board:
P.B. Beeson, Redmond, WA, USA
B. Bégaud, Bordeaux Cedex, France
P. Burney, London, England
L.E. Cluff, Gainesville, FL, USA
S. Erill, Barcelona, Spain
M.A. Ibrahim, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
L. Lasagna, Boston, MA, USA
R.G. Petersdorf, Seattle, WA, USA
D.L. Sackett, Oxford, U.K.
W.O. Spitzer, San Francisco, CA
B. Terracini, Torino, Italy
Editorial Consultants Board:
R.N. Battista, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
N.I. Berlin, Miami, FL, USA
N.F. Boyd, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
L.M. Brass, West Haven, CT, USA
M.E. Charlson, New York, NY, USA
J. Concato, West Haven, CT, USA
A.S. Detsky, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
T.C. Eickhoff, Denver, CO, USA
J.M. Esdaile, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
M. Feinleib, Hyattsville, MD, USA
J.L. Fleiss, New York, NY, USA
N.O. Fowler, Cincinnati, OH, USA
H.A. Guess, Blue Bell, PA & Chapel Hill, NC, USA
G.H. Guyatt, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
F.E. Harrell, Jr., Charlottesville, VA, USA
G.B. Hill, Rockland, Ontario, Canada
R.I. Horwitz, New Haven, CT, USA
T.A. Hutchinson, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
M. Jenicek, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
R.L. Kane, Minneapolis, MN, USA
W.B. Kannel, Boston, MA, USA
S.V. Kasl, New Haven, CT, USA
P. Knipschild, Masstricht, The Netherlands
T. Kottke, Minneapolis, MN, USA
M.S. Kramer, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
L.H. Kuller, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
C.M. Kunin, Columbus, OH, USA
L.T. Kurland, Rochester, MN, USA
J.F. Kurtzke, Washington, DC, USA
V.A. Lawrence, San Antonio, TX, USA
S.R. Leeder, Westmead, Australia
J. Lelorier, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
J.M. Leventhal, New Haven, CT, USA
A.L. Nalchemson, Gothenburg, Sweden
A.M. Ostfeld, New Haven, CT, USA
P. Peduzzi, West Haven, CT, USA
M.S. Porta, Barcelona, Spain
D.F. Ransohoff, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
A.A. Rimm, Cleveland, OH, USA
B.E. Rodda, Austin, TX, USA
F. Rosendaal, Leiden, The Netherlands
R.B. Shekelle, Houston, TX, USA
G. Tognoni, Milano, Italy
H. Tyroler, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
P. Vineis, Torino, Italy
E.H. Wagner, Seattle, WA, USA
G.W. Williams, Blue Bell, PA, USA
J.I. Williams, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
T.F. Williams, Bethesda, MD, USA
S. Wood-Dauphinee, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
H.R. Wulff, Herlev, Denmark



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