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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Journal of Cleaner Production on ScienceDirect(Opens new window)

The Journal of Cleaner Production serves as an interdisciplinary, international forum for the exchange of information and research results on the technologies, concepts and policies designed to help ensure progress towards sustainable societies. It aims to encourage industrial innovation, new and improved products, and the implementation of new, cleaner processes, products and services. It is also designed to stimulate the development and implementation of prevention oriented governmental policies and education programmes.
Cleaner production is a concept that goes beyond simple pollution control. It involves active research and development into new processes, materials and products which are more resource and energy efficient. Prevention is increasingly becoming the primary corporate and government approach for ensuring environmentally friendly and economically sound production and service provision strategies. Technical assistance and training programs are increasingly being established to accelerate the adoption of cleaner production by governments and universities.

Instructions to Authors

Submission of Papers

Authors are requested to submit their original manuscript and figures with three copies to the Editor-in-Chief or the appropriate Subject Editor:

Editor-in-Chief:Professor Don Huisingh, Center for Cleaner Products and Clean Technologies, University of Tennessee, Suite 311, Conference Center Building, Knoxville, TN 37996-4134, USA; Fax: + 1 865 974 1838; E-mail: dhuising@utk.edu

Subject Editors:
Industrial Applications; Professor M. Overcash, Department of Chemical Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695-7905, USA; E-mail: overcash@eos.ncsu.edu

Cleaner Production Tools; Dr T. Ekvall, Energy Systems Technology, Chalmers University of Technology, S-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden; Fax: + 46 31 772 35 92; E-mail: tomas.ekvall@entek.chalmers.se.

Legislation, Policy and Regulation; Dr N. Ashford, Centre for Technology, Policy and Industrial Development, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Room E-40-239, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA; E-mail: nashford@mit.edu

Technical Assistance & Training; Dr G. Miller, Waste Management & Research Center, One East Hazelwood Drive, Champaign, Illinois 61820, USA; E-mail: gmiller@wmrc.uiuc.edu

Industrial Ecology & Sustainable Regions; Dr. J Korhonen, Lahti Polytechnic, Faculty of Business, PO Box 106, 15101 Lahti, Finland; E-mail jouni.korhonen@lpt.fi

When manuscripts are received by the Editor-in-Chief, he will send them to the most appropriate Subject Editor to proceed through the review process, or he may send them out to referees directly. All contributions are sent to two or more referees to ensure both accuracy and relevance to the journal. Manuscripts may therefore be returned to authors for revision if necessary. Revised manuscript submissions should be made as soon as possible after the receipt of the referee's reports. Please send your revised manuscripts to the Editor who contacted you with the referee's reports. Revised manuscripts returned after 6 months will be considered as new submissions and should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief, and will be subjected to the full review process. The receipt of all manuscripts will be acknowledged.

Submission of a paper implies that it has not been published previously, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and that, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any other language, without the written consent of the publisher. Translated material, which has not been published in English, will also be considered. All submissions should be accompanied by a written declaration, signed by all authors, that the paper has not been submitted for consideration elsewhere. Authors are solely responsible for the factual accuracy of their papers.

Types of Contributions

The following types of contribution are published:
Original Research Papers: Standard research papers of 6000-12000 words (approximately 10-20 manuscript pages) in length, with tables, illustrations and references, in which hypotheses are tested and results reported.
Educational Initiatives: Reports of research activities, education and training and new courses at academic institutions/industrial training centres in the area of cleaner production, of approximately 1000-2000 words (2-3 manuscript pages).
Governmental Initiatives: Reports on new or existing government programmes and developments, of approximately 1000B2000 words (2-3 manuscript pages).
Technical Product News: Concise scientific summaries/reports of approximately 500 words of new products/technologies of relevance to the field of cleaner production. Illustrations may be included but not company logos.
Conference Reports: Reports on major international conferences of particular interest to the journal, approximately 1000-2000 words.
Book Reviews, Software Reviews and Video Reviews: Reviews of approximately 500-1000 words on new books, software and videos relevant to the scope of the journal.
Calendar of Events: A listing of forthcoming conferences and meetings of relevance to this area of research, providing information on the date, title and venue, and who to contact for further details. Please send any items for addition to the Editor-in-Chief or the Publisher.

Manuscript Preparation

General: Manuscripts must be typewritten, double-spaced with wide margins on one side of white paper. Good quality printouts with a font size of 12 or 10 pt are required. The corresponding author should be identified (include a Fax number and E-mail address). Full postal addresses must be given for all co-authors. Authors should consult a recent issue of the journal for style if possible. An electronic copy of the paper should accompany the final version. The Editors reserve the right to adjust style to certain standards of uniformity. Authors should retain a copy of their manuscript since we cannot accept responsibility for damage or loss of papers. Original manuscripts are discarded one month after publication unless the Publisher is asked to return original material after use.

Abstracts: an abstract of approximately 100 words should be provided, outlining the aims, scope and conclusions of the paper. Include 3-5 keywords after the abstract.

Text: Follow this order when typing manuscripts: Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, Main text, Acknowledgements, Appendix, References, Vitae, Figure Captions and then Tables. Do not import the Figures or Tables into your text. The corresponding author should be identified with an asterisk and footnote. All other footnotes (except for table footnotes) should be identified with superscript Arabic numbers.

Units: Measurements and data should be given in SI units, or if SI units do not exist, in an internationally accepted unit.

Symbols: Greek symbols should be identified by name in the margin the first time they appear. Abbreviations should only be used for unwieldy terms that occur frequently in the manuscript, and should be used consistently throughout the text. Please clearly define any abbreviations used on first occurrence.

Mathematics: Detailed mathematical discussion should be placed in an appendix. Equations should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals in parentheses on the right hand side of the page. Special symbols (e.g. Greek letters) should be identified in the margin.

References: All publications cited in the text should be presented in a list of references following the text of the manuscript. In the text refer to references by a number in square brackets on the line (e.g. Since Ashford et al. [1]), and the full reference should be given in a numerical list at the end of the paper.
References should be given in the following form:
[1] Ashford N, Ayers C, Stone R. Using regulation to change the market for innovation. Harvard Environmental Law Review 1985;9(2):419-66.
[2] Matz SA. Snack food technology. Westport, CT: AVI Publishing, 1976.
[3] Gurman AS, Kniskern DP. Family therapy outcome research; knowns and unknowns. In: Gurman AS, Kniskern DP, editors. Handbook of family therapy. New York: Brunner/Maazel, 1981:742-75.
[4] Chaddock TE. Gastric emptying of a nutritionally balanced liquid diet. In: Daniel EE, editor. Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Gastrointestinal Motility. Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada), 1974: 83B92.

Illustrations: All illustrations should be provided in camera-ready form, suitable for reproduction (which may include reduction) without retouching. Photographs, charts and diagrams are all to be referred to as "Figure(s)" and should be numbered consecutively in the order to which they are referred. They should accompany the manuscript, but should not be included within the text. All illustrations should be clearly marked on the back with the figure number and the author's name. All figures are to have a caption. Captions should be supplied on a separate sheet.
Line drawings: Good quality printouts on white paper produced in black ink are required. All lettering, graph lines and points on graphs should be sufficiently large and bold to permit reproduction when the diagram has been reduced to a size suitable for inclusion in the journal. Dye-line prints or photocopies are not suitable for reproduction. Do not use any type of shading on computer-generated illustrations.
Photographs: Original photographs must be supplied as they are to be reproduced (e.g. black and white or colour). If necessary, a scale should be marked on the photograph. Please note that photocopies of photographs are not acceptable.
Colour: Where colour figures are required, the author will be charged at the current colour printing costs.

Tables: Tables should be numbered consecutively and given a suitable caption and each table typed on a separate sheet. Footnotes to tables should be typed below the table and should be referred to by superscript lowercase letters. No vertical rules should be used. Tables should not duplicate results presented elsewhere in the manuscript, (e.g. in graphs).

Electronic Submission

Authors should submit an electronic copy of their paper with the final version of the manuscript. The electronic copy should match the hardcopy exactly. Always keep a backup copy of the electronic file for reference and safety. Full details of electronic submission and formats, for both text and figures, can be obtained from http://authors.elsevier.com.


Proofs will be sent to the author (first named author if no corresponding author is identified of multi-authored papers) and should be returned within 48 hours of receipt. Corrections should be restricted to typesetting errors; any others may be charged to the author. Any queries should be answered in full. Elsevier will do everything possible to ensure that your article is corrected and published as quickly as possible. Therefore, it is important to ensure that all of your corrections are returned to us in one all-inclusive email or fax. Subsequent additional corrections will not be possible, so please ensure that your first communication is complete.


Twenty five offprints will be supplied free of charge. Additional offprints and copies of the issue can be ordered at a specially reduced rate using the order form sent to the corresponding author after the manuscript has been accepted. Orders for reprints (produced after publication of an article) will incur a 50&percent; surcharge.


All authors must sign the "Transfer of Copyright" agreement before the article can be published. This transfer agreement enables Elsevier Science Ltd to protect the copyrighted material for the authors, without the author relinquishing his/her proprietary rights. The copyright transfer covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article, including reprints, photographic reproductions, microfilm or any other reproductions of a similar nature, and translations. It also includes the right to adapt the article for use in conjunction with computer systems and programs, including reproduction or publication in machine-readable form and incorporation in retrieval systems. Authors are responsible for obtaining from the copyright holder permission to reproduce any material for which copyright already exists.

Author Services

Authors can also keep a track of the progress of their accepted article, and set up e-mail alerts informing them of changes to their manuscript's status, by using the 'Track a Paper' feature of Elsevier's Author Gateway.

Editorial Board
Don Huisingh, Center for Clean Products and Clean Technologies, University of Tennessee, 311 Conference Center Building, Knoxville, TN 37996-4134, USA Tel: +1 865 974 3379, Fax: +1 865 974 1838, Email: dhuising@utk.edu
Subject Editor: Legislation, Policy and Regulation:
N.A. Ashford, Centre for Technology, Policy and Industrial Development, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Room E-40-23, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. Fax: +1 617 253 7140, Email: nashford@mit.edu
Subject Editor: Cleaner Production Tools:
T. Ekvall, Energy Systems Technology, Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden. Tel: 46 31 772 4336, Fax: +46 31 772 3592, Email: tomas.ekvall@entek.chalmers.se
Subject Editor: Industrial Applications:
M. Overcash, Department of Chemical Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695-7905, USA. Tel: 1 919 515 2325, Fax: 19195153465, Email: overcash@eos.ncsu.edu
Subject Editor: Industrial Ecology and Sustainable Regions
J. Korhonen, Department of Economics, University of Joensuu, Ammattikoulunkatu 10. B. 1, 33230, Tampere, Finland. Email: jouni.korhonen@ipt.fi
Subject Editor: Technical Assistance and Training
G. Miller, Waste Management and Research Centre, One East Hazelwood Drive, Chapaign, Illinois, 61820, USA Email: gmiller@wmrc.uiuc.edu
Editorial Board:
J. Aloisi de Larderel, United Nations Environment Programme, Paris, France
A.V. Arvanitis, Biopolitics International Organisation, Athens, Greece
L. Baas, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
K. Christiansen, Teknik Energy and Environment, Soeborg, Denmark
C.M. Corral, Netherlands Institute for Applied Scientific Research, Delft, The Netherlands
M. Crul, Aries Environmental Innovation, The Netherlands
R.P. Côt?/B>, Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, Canada
G.N. Demirer, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
P.D. Eagan, University of Winconsin-Madison, WI, USA
G. Finnveden, Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), Stockholm, Sweden
P. Fischer, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
J. Geibig, UT Center for Clean Products and clean Technologies, University of Tennessee, USA
O.J. Hanssen, Stifelsen Ostfoldforskning, Frederikstad, Norway
G.M. Hilson, Imperial College of Science, Royal School of Mines, London, UK
G.J. Hyfantis Jr., Environmental Systems Corporation, Knoxville, TN, USA
T. Jackson, University of Surrey, UK
A. Johansson, Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT), Espoo, Finland
B. Kothuis, BECO - Institute for Sustainable Business, Cape Town, South Africa
J. Luskin, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, MA, USA
C. Luttropp, KTH Machine Design, SE-10044 Stockholm, Sweden
D. Mebratu, UNEP-ROA, Kenya
M. Parasnis, Bangkok, Thailand
D. Reeve, Cleaner Production Australia, Eltham, Australia
H. Schnitzer, University Graz, Austria
L. Stone, University of Auckland, New Zealand
A-M. Tillman, Chalmers University of Technology, Goteborg, Sweden
P.S. Vogas, Athens, Greece
Kunio Yoshida, University of Tokyo, Japan


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