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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal
The Journal of Chromatography A publishes papers on all aspects of separation science including chromatography, electrochromatography, electrophoresis, hyphenated and other multi-dimensional techniques, sample preparation as well as detection methods such as mass spectrometry. Contributions consist mainly of research papers dealing with chromatographic and electrophoretic theory, instrumental developments and their analytical and preparative applications. Section A covers all areas except biomedical sciences and biomedical applications of separation science, which are published in section B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences.
Instructions to Authors
  • Types of contributions
    The following types of papers are published in the Journal of Chromatography A and Journal of Chromatography B: Regular research papers (full-length papers), Review articles, Short Communications, Discussions, Technical Notes and Letters to the Editor. Review articles are invited or proposed in writing to the Editors, who welcome suggestions for subjects. An outline of the proposed Review should first be forwarded to the Editors for preliminary discussion prior to preparation. Short Communications are usually descriptions of short investigations, or they can report minor technical improvements of previously published procedures: they reflect the same quality of research as full-length papers, but should preferably not exceed five printed pages. Discussions (one or two pages) should explain, amplify, correct or otherwise comment substantively upon an article recently published in the journal. Submission of an article is understood to imply that the article is original and unpublished and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.
    Upon acceptance of an article by the journal, the author(s) will be asked to transfer the copyright of the article to the publisher. This transfer will ensure the widest possible disemination of information.
  • Submission of papers
    Manuscripts in English (four copies, together with a set of reproducible figures) should be submitted to:

Editorial Office
Journal of Chromatography (A or B)
P.O. Box 681
1000 AR Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Manuscripts for the SYMPOSIUM Issues (three copies are required) should be submitted during the symposium concerned. After the symposium, correspondence should be sent by regular air mail (NOT by registered, special delivery of private mail services) to the Editor handling the corresponding proceedings, i.e., either:

Dr. E. Heftmann, Editor of Journal of Chromatography A, Symposium Volumes, P.O. Box 928, Orinda, CA 94563-0818, USA

Dr. Z. Deyl, Editor of Journal of Chromatography A and B, Symposium Volumes, Institute of Physiology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Videnska 1083, 14220 Prague 4-Krc, Czech Republic


Prof. Gy. Vigh, Editor of Journal of Chromatography A, Symposium Volumes, Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University, MS 3255, College Station, TX 77843-3255, USA

Every paper must be accompanied by a letter from the senior author, stating that he/she is submitting the paper for publication in the Journal of Chromatography A or B. In the letter, possible reviewers may be suggested.

Authors may electronically submit articles to the Journal of Chromatography from the Journal's web site http://www.elsevier.com/locate/chrom. Full instructions for on-line submission and for preparation of manuscripts and illustrations are also available from the website.

  • Manuscripts

Manuscripts should be typed in double spacing on one side of consecutively numbered sheets of paper of uniform size. A 2-cm margin should be left on each side, an easily readable font (12 pt.) should be chosen, and (in case of computer-processed manuscripts) a letter-quality printer or equivalent should be used. The manuscript should be preceded by a sheet of manuscript paper carrying the title of the paper and the name, full postal address, FAX number and e-mail address of the author to whom correspondence is to be addressed. As a rule, papers should be divided into sections, headed by captions (e.g. Abstract, Introduction, Experimental, Results, Discussion). All illustrations, photographs, tables, etc. should be on separate sheets. If publications `` in press' are cited, on which the new paper is based, copies of these publications should be enclosed. Four copies of the complete manuscript (with illustrations and tables attached to each copy) should be submitted.

Electronic manuscripts
Electronic manuscripts have the advantage that there is no need for the rekeying of text, thereby avoiding the possibility of introducing errors and resulting in reliable and fast delivery of proofs. For the initial submission of manuscripts for consideration, hard copies are sufficient. Upon revision, your disk and (exactly matching) printed version (printout, hardcopy) should be submitted together to the accepting editor or Editorial Office according to their request. Double density (DD) or high density (HD) diskettes (preferably 3.5 inch) are acceptable. Label the disk with the name of the computer and the wordprocessing package used, your name, and the names of the files on the disk. Further information may be obtained from the Publisher.

The title of the paper should be concise and informative. Since titles are widely used in information retrieval systems, care should be taken to include the key words. The title should be followed by the authors` full names, academic or professional affiliations, and the address of the laboratory where the work was carried out. If the present address of an author is different from that mentioned, it should be given in a footnote. Acknowledgements of financial support are not to be made in a footnote to the title or name of the author, but should be included in the Acknowledgements at the end of the paper.

Abstract and keywords
All articles should have an Abstract of 50-100 words which clearly and briefly indicates what is new, different and significant. No references should be given. A list of keywords should be added.

Every paper must have a concise introduction that mentions what has been done before on the topic, with appropriate references, and that states clearly what is new in the paper now submitted.

The Experimental section should contain sufficient information for others to repeat the experiments. Whereas general conditions can usually best be specified in the Experimental section, it is often better to give specific details in the figure captions. Appendix 1 lists what should typically be specified.

Tables and illustrations
Although appropriate tables and illustrations contribute to a clear and concise presentation of results, they should not merely repeat data already given in the text. References to the illustrations and tables should be included in appropriate places in the text by Arabic numerals.
Tables should be typed (in double spacing) on separate pages, and numbered in Roman numerals according to their sequence in the text. A brief descriptive heading should be given above each table. Below the heading the experimental conditions should be described. The layout of the tables should be given serious thought, so that the reader can grasp quickly the significance of the results.
Figures should be submitted in a form suitable for reproduction, either drawn in Indian ink on drawing or tracing paper, or as sharp prints [either photographic (glossy) prints or prints from a high-resolution laser printer]. All axes of graphs and chromatograms should be clearly labelled, with full quantitative data, or equivalent information should be provided in the legend. Please note that any lettering should also be in a form suitable for reproduction. Lettering (which should be kept to a minimum) and spacing on axes of graphs should be such that numbers, etc., remain legible after reduction in size. One reproducible copy and three photocopies are required. The figures should preferably be of such a size that the same degree of reduction can be applied to all of them. The size of the figures should preferably not exceed the size of the text pages. Simple straight-line graphs (such as calibration lines) are not acceptable, because they can readily be described in the text by means of an equation or a sentence. Claims of linearity should be supported by regression data that include slope, intercept, standard deviations of the slope and intercept, standard error and the number of data points; correlation coefficients are optional. Standard symbols should be used in line drawings; the following are available to the typesetters and can also be used in the legends: filled or open squares, triangles, circles or diamonds, + or x.

Photographs should have good contrast and intensity. Sharp, glossy photographs are required to obtain good halftones. References to the illustrations should be included in appropriate places in the text by Arabic numerals and the approximate position of the illustration should be indicated in the margin of the manuscript. Each illustration should have a caption, all the captions being typed (with double spacing) together on a separate sheet.
If structures are given in the text, the original drawings should also be provided. Coloured illustrations are reproduced at the author`s expense, the cost being determined by the number of pages and by the number of colours needed.

The written permission of the author and publisher must be obtained for the use of any figure already published. Its source must be indicated in the legend.
For further information regarding artwork, please visit the website: www.elsevier.nl/locate/authorartwork

Nomenclature, symbols, abbreviations and units
Widely accepted symbols, abbreviations and units (SI) should be used. If there is any doubt about a particular symbol or abbreviation, the full expression followed by the abbreviation should be given the first time it appears in the text. Abbreviations used in tables and figures should be explained in the captions. In general, the recommendations of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) should be followed and attention should be given to the recommendation of the Analytical Chemistry Division in the journal Pure and Applied Chemistry Nomenclature for Chromatography, Pure Appl. Chem., 65 (1993) 819-872. Decimal points should be indicated by full stops. All decimal numbers smaller than unity should include a leading zero (e.g. 0.11). Company-specific research codes for compounds should not be used; after a full definition of the compound (possibly including such codes) in the Introduction, it may be further indicated by a bold-face Roman or Arabic numeral.

References should be numbered in the order in which they are cited in the text, and listed in numerical sequence on a separate sheet at the end of the article. The numbers should appear in the text at the appropriate places in square brackets. In the reference list, periodicals [1], monographs [2], multi-author books [3], and proceedings [4] should be cited in accordance with the following examples:

[1] S. Chellam, M.R. Wiesner, J. Membrane Sci. 138 (1998) 83.
[2] T.R. Bott. Fouling of Heat Exchangers. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, 1995.
[3] C.H. Foyer, in R.G. Alscher, J.L. Hess (Editors), Antioxidants in Higher Plants. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1993, p. 31.
[4] A. Veide, C. Hassinen, D. Hallen, M. Eiteman, B. Lassen, K. Holmbert, in R.D. Rogers, M.A. Eiteman (Editors), Proceedings of the American Chemical Society Symposium on Aqueous Biophasic Separation. Plenum Publishers, New York, NY, 1995, p. 133.

Abbreviations for the titles of journals should follow the system used by Chemical Abstracts. Articles not yet published should be given as `` in press' (journal should be specified), ``submitted for publication' (journal should be specified), `` in preparation' or `` personal communication'.

Vols. 1-651 of the Journal of Chromatography; Journal of Chromatography, Biomedical Applications and Journal of Chromatography, Symposium Volumes should be cited as J. Chromatogr.

From Vol. 652 on, Journal of Chromatography A (incl. Symposium Volumes) should be cited as J. Chromatogr. A and Journal of Chromatography B as J. Chromatogr. B.

  • Dispatch

Before dispatch of the manuscript please check that the envelope contains four copies of the paper complete with references, legends and figures, and a disc with the electronic version of the manuscript. One of the sets of figures must be the originals suitable for direct reproduction. Please also ensure that permission to publish has been obtained from your institute.

  • Proofs

One set of proofs will be sent to the author to be carefully checked for printers` errors. Only type-setter`s errors may be corrected. No changes in, or additions to, the edited manuscript will be accepted.
To ensure the fastest possible publication, proofs are sent to authors by air mail and must be returned by fax, courier, or airmail to the Log-In Department (Fax: +353-61-709110; e-mail: esillogin1@elsevier.ie; office address for courier service: (Journal Name), Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd., Log-In Department, Elsevier House, Brookvale Plaza, East Park, Shannon, Co. Clare, Ireland). If this is not done, the article will be passed for publication with house corrections only.

  • Reprints

Twenty-five reprints of Full-length papers, Reviews, Short Communications, Discussions and Technical Notes will be supplied free of charge. Additional reprints can be ordered. The order form containing price quotations will be sent to the authors together with a copyright transfer form upon acceptance of the manuscript.

  • Important information

- For information on editorial matters (including submission, reviews and revision of manuscripts) please contact: Editorial Office, Journal of Chromatography, P.O. Box 681, 1000 AR Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Tel.: (+31-20) 4852794; Fax: (+31-20) 4852304; E-mail: chrom-eo@elsevier.nl
For specific enquiries on the preparation of electronic artwork, consult http://www.elsevier.com/locate/authorartwork - For enquiries relating to the status of accepted articles through our Online Article Status Information (OASIS), author Frequently Asked Questions and other enquiries relating to Elsevier Science, please contact http://www.elsevier.com/locate/authors. Contact details for questions arising after acceptance of an article, especially those relating to proofs, are provided when an article is accepted for publication.
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Editorial Board
U.A.Th. Brinkman, Free University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
J.G. Dorsey, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA
R.W. Giese, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA
C.F. Poole, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA
V. Schurig, Universität Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany
S. Terabe, Himeji Institute of Technology, Hyogo, Japan
Editors Symposium Volumes:
Z. Deyl, Prague, Czech Republic
E. Heftmann, Orinda, CA, USA
Editors Bibliography Section:
J. Janák, Brno, Czech Republic
V. Schwarz, Prague, Czech Republic
Z. Deyl, Prague, Czech Republic
I. Miksík, Praha, Czech Republic
P. Kuban, Brno, Czech Pepublic
Editorial Office:
Editorial Office, Journal of Chromatography, P.O. Box 681, 1000 AR Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Editorial Board:
K.D. Altria, Harlow, Essex, UK
D. Barcel?/B>, Barcelona, Spain
A. Berthod, Villeurbanne, France
P. Bocek, Brno, Czech Republic
M. Careri, Parma, Italy
V.A. Davankov, Moscow, Russia
G.J. de Jong, Utrecht, The Netherlands
W. Engewald, Leipzig, Germany
S. Fanali, Rome, Italy
F. Foret, Brno, Czech Republic
R. Freitag, Ecublens, Switzerland
T. Greibrokk, Oslo, Norway
G.A. Guiochon, Knoxville, TN, USA
A. Guttman, San Diego, CA, USA
P.R. Haddad, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
W.S. Hancock, San Jose, CA, USA
S. Honda, Higashi-Osaka, Japan
Cs. Horváth, New Haven, CT, USA
Y. Ishihama, Ibaraki, Japan
K. Jinno, Toyohashi, Japan
B.L. Karger, Boston, MA, USA
R. Kennedy, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
M.G. Khaledi, Raleigh, NC, USA
Ch.A.. Lucy, Alberta, Canada
P.J. Marriott, Melbourne, Vic., Australia
I. Molnar-Perl, Budapest, Hungary
U.D. Neue, Milford, USA
W.M.A. Niessen, Leiden, The Netherlands
H. Nishi, Osaka, Japan
P.G. Righetti, Verona, Italy
K. Robards, Wagga Wagga, Australia
L.C. Sander, Gaithersburg, MD, USA
P. Schoenmakers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
A. Seidel-Morgenstern, Magdeburg, Germany
A.M. Siouffi, Marseille, France
R.M. Smith, Loughborough, UK
L.R. Snyder, Orinda, CA, USA
F. Svec, Berkeley, CA, USA
R.E. Synovec, Seattle, WA, USA
N. Tanaka, Kyoto, Japan
T.A. van Beek, Wageningen, The Netherlands
P. van Zoonen, Bilthoven, The Netherlands
Gy. Vigh, College Station, TX, USA
R.D. Voyksner, NC 27709-2194, USA
J.T. Watson, East Lansing, MI, USA
S.T. Weintraub, San Antonio, Texas, USA
Yu Kui Zhang, Dalian, P R China


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