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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

The purpose of The Journal of Chemical Physics is to bridge a gap between journals of physics and journals of chemistry by publishing quantitative research based on physical principles and techniques, as applied to "chemical" systems. Just as the fields of chemistry and physics have expanded, so have chemical physics subject areas, which include polymers, materials, surfaces/interfaces, and biological macromolecules, along with the traditional small molecule and condensed phase systems. The Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP) is published four times per month (48 issues per year) by the American Institute of Physics.

Further information about the Journal of Chemical Physics can be found at the publisher's web site for The Journal of Chemical Physics provided by The American Institute of Physics. Information regarding electronic manuscript submission is found at the Editorial Office of The Journal of Chemical Physics, this web site.

Instructions to Authors

Manuscript Submission

All electronic manuscripts (new and revised) must be submitted via this web site.

New paper manuscripts must be submitted to the University of Chicago office.

E-mail and regular mail concerning a previously submitted manuscript should go to the appropriate editorial office.

What Submission Implies

Submission implies that the manuscript has not been published previously, and is not currently submitted for publication elsewhere. Submission also implies that the corresponding author has consent of all authors. Upon acceptance for publication transfer of copyright will be made to AIP.

Manuscript Categories

Manuscripts must be submitted as one of the following categories: Articles, Communications, and Letters to the Editor (Note, Comment, Reply, or Errata.)


Articles are reports of original research of significance to the chemical physics community. There is no specific length limit, but articles should be as concise as possible consisstant with a clear description of the work.


Communications provide rapid publication of brief reports presenting concise descriptions of highly significant work whose rapid publication will be important to a relatively large number of workers in the field. Communications are limited to 400 column lines, defined below.

column lines = (1/58)x(characters/MS line)x(MS lines/MS text page)x(MS text pages) + 1.5x(number of references + figure captions + table captions ) + 22x(number of tables + figures)*

* Number of one-column width square equivalents of tables and figures.

Communications exceeding 4 journal pages in length will not be published, but will be returned to the authors at galley proof stage for shortening.


Letters are limited to 200 column lines and are in one of three categories.


Letters in this category have the character of articles except for their length. They are reviewed using the same standards as regular articles. Notes are intended as final publication of the work describe and are not preliminary reports.

Comments and Replies to Comments

Letters in this category include discussion and comments on articles and Letters previously published in The Journal of Chemical Physics. Comments and Replies should address non-trivial points of interest to readers other than the authors of the comment and the paper being commented on. Comments should address only the scientific points in question. Comments will normally be submitted for review to the authors of the published work being discussed. These authors will be given the opportunity to submit a Reply for simultaneous publication. Publication of a comment or a reply will be delayed until both parties have an opportunity to examine the manuscript(s). Publication of a Comment or a Comment and Reply is conditional on the editors' judgment that such publication is warranted by the scientific significance of a particular manuscript(s). The editors will normally consult independent referees. A Reply to a Comment accepted for publication must be scientifically significant in order to be published.


Errata are corrections of errors in Articles, Communications, and Letters previously published in The Journal of Chemical Physics. The title of an erratum should begin with the word 'Erratum' followed by the title of the Article or Letter being corrected and the reference.

Editorial Board

All electronic manuscripts (new and revised) must be submitted via this web site.

New paper manuscripts must be submitted to the University of Chicago office.

E-mail and regular mail concerning a previously submitted manuscript should go to the appropriate editorial office.

Questions or problems regarding this web site should be addressed to the webmaster ( webmaster@jcp.uchicago.edu).

University Of Chicago

Donald H. Levy, Editor
John C. Light, Senior Associate Editor
The Journal of Chemical Physics
Department of Chemistry
5735 S. Ellis Ave.
The University of Chicago
Chicago, IL 60637
Telephone: (773) 702-7067
Fax: (773) 702-8314
E-mail: editor@jcp.uchicago.edu

Colorado State University

Marshall Fixman, Associate Editor
Branka Ladanyi, Associate Editor
The Journal of Chemical Physics
Department of Chemistry
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523
Telephone: (970) 491-3310
Fax: (970) 491-3361
E-Mail: editor@jcp.ColoState.edu

University of Washington

Ernest Davidson, Associate Editor
The Journal of Chemical Physics
Box 351700/Bagley 303A
Department of Chemistry
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195
Telephone: (206) 685-0625
Fax: (206) 685-1617
E-mail: editor@chem5.chem.washington.edu

University of California

Horia Metiu, Associate Editor
Department of Chemistry
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
Telephone: (805) 893-8771
Fax: (805) 893-5460
E-mail: editor@jcp.ucsb.edu




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