

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Journal Cover

Journal Scope

The Journal of Chemical Education is the official journal of the Division of Chemical Education of the American Chemical Society, co-published with the American Chemical Society Publications Division. Launched in 1924, the Journal of Chemical Education is the world’s premier chemical education journal. The journal publishes peer-reviewed articles and related information as a resource to those in the field of chemical education and to those institutions that serve them. JCE typically addresses chemical content, activities, laboratory experiments, instructional methods, and pedagogies. The Journal serves as a means of communication among people across the world who are interested in the teaching and learning of chemistry. This includes instructors of chemistry from middle school through graduate school, professional staff that support these teaching activities, as well as some scientists in commerce, industry, and government.

Journal Sections and Types of Content

The Journal of Chemical Education is a monthly, subscription-only journal published both in print and online. In addition to the full-text articles appearing in both venues, supplemental materials in a variety of formats are published online. Electronic formats of archival content are available from 1924 (Volume 1) to the present. The content of the Journal is currently organized into several sections that define the materials primary use or function:

  • General information: News, commentary, reports, columns, and book/media reviews.
  • Content for a broad audience: Descriptions of applications, history, or interdisciplinary activities or those that promote public understanding.
  • Content from or for the classroom: Teaching tips, methods, demonstrations, content, and principles.
  • Content from or for the laboratory: Experiments, demonstrations, techniques, equipment, or instrumentation.
  • Research in education and science: Descriptions of chemical education research based on learning theories, tested by experiments, and corroborated by data; or scientific research with a clear and direct connection to teaching or learning.
  • Classroom Activities: Hands-on activities that can be done in the classroom or laboratory and/or as a take-home project.

Within or across sections, JCE is also organized using a set of Features. Features can describe an audience (e.g., Secondary School Chemistry), a type of laboratory experiment (e.g., Green Chemistry or Microscale), a column or report type (e.g., Research Advances), or a practical attribute (e.g., Cost Effective Teacher). Feature Editors donate their time and expertise, serving as authors, organizers, or reviewers.
JCE Features

Books and Multimedia

In addition to the print and online Journal, JCE also offers multimedia and books. Please click on the links below for additional information:

Instructions to Authors
Submission Procedure
Submit papers online at http://paragonplus.acs.org/login. Complete details regarding acceptable file formats and submission details are available at this site. Submission is taken to imply that all coauthors have approved of the content and submission to the Journal of Chemical Education and that the corresponding author is authorized to represent all authors. The Web submission site employs state-of-the-art security mechanisms to ensure that all electronically submitted papers are secure. These same security mechanisms are also utilized throughout the peer-review process, permitting access only to editors and reviewers who are assigned to a particular paper.
Cover Letter
A letter must accompany the submission and include the following elements:

manuscript title, name of the corresponding author, name(s) of any other author(s);

a recommended section or audience;

a paragraph explaining why the paper is appropriate for the Journal of Chemical Education;

recommended reviewers and their contact information [optional]
Required Certifications
The Paragon Plus environment requires that the corresponding author:

provide information whether this manuscript in whole or in part been previously considered by JCE;

confirm that the manuscript has been submitted solely to JCE and is not published, in press, or submitted elsewhere.
The ACS Paragon Plus Environment provides an electronic Copyright Status Form (eCSF) that must be completed by the corresponding author at the time of submission. ACS also offers a PDF version of the form that can be completed and uploaded to ACS Paragon Plus during manuscript submission. Complete details are available at http://pubs.acs.org/page/copyright/journals/index.html.
Manuscript Preparation for Articles, Notes, and Demonstrations
Acceptable File Formats and Graphics Specifications
Please refer to the Manuscript Submission and Peer Review in ACS Paragon Plus site (http://pubs.acs.org/page/4authors/submission/index.html) for a complete listing of acceptable file formats.
Organization of the Paper
Title. Titles should clearly and concisely reflect the emphasis and content of the paper and be accessible to a broad audience. Titles are of great importance for current awareness and information retrieval and should be carefully constructed for these purposes.
Author List. Include all those who have made substantial contributions to the work. To facilitate indexing and retrieval and for unique identification of an author, use first names, initials, and surnames (e.g., John R. Smith) or first initials, second names, and surnames (e.g., J. Robert Smith). At least one author must be designated as the person to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Abstract. Page 1 should contain the title of the manuscript, the authors' names and institutional addresses, the abstract, and the keywords, in that order. The abstract should be no more than 200 words long and should summarize the important points made in the manuscript.
Keywords. Authors should provide a list of at least three keywords selected from the Journal's list. Keywords help categorize your manuscript. A list of acceptable keywords and their categories is available on the Journal website.
Manuscript Text. The text should start on page 2 and follow ACS style guidelines (The ACS Style Guide, http://pubs.acs.org/page/books/styleguide/index.html). Place tables, and figures with their captions, in the text where they will be most useful to the reader.
Acknowledgment. Include grant and other financial support, technical assistance, advice from colleagues, gifts, etc.
Literature Cited. Place the bibliography at the end of the manuscript text, following the style of the Journal as shown below and described in The ACS Style Guide (3rd ed., 2006, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-8412-39999). A thorough literature search includes JCE and other relevant journals, accessible through several search and abstracting services. Include in this section only material that has been published in the literature or on the Internet. In the text of the manuscript, reference numbers should be italicized and enclosed in parentheses.
For example, a journal citation:
1. Mocellin, E.; Goscinska, T. J. Chem. Educ. 1998, 75, 771–772.
For example, a book citation:
1. Wang, J. Analytical Electrochemistry, 2nd ed.; Wiley-VCH: New York, 2000; pp 1–35.
Titles of journals are abbreviated according to Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index (CASSI, www.cas.org/products/print/cassipr/index.html). Papers accepted for publication are cited as “in press”; the DOI should be given if the paper is published online. Cite papers that are in preparation or have been submitted but not yet accepted as unpublished or personal communications.
Supplemental Information. Supporting information should be provided with the submission and is made available to the reviewers during the peer-review process. JCE can accommodate and make readily available almost any type of supplementary figures
or data (e.g., the Lab Documentation section of a laboratory experiment). Include a paragraph at the end of the paper indicating the nature of the material. Follow the directions in Paragon Plus for submission of the supporting information file(s). If possible, combine supplementary material into one file, with figures and tables embedded in the text where they should appear. Not every article or note will have supplemental information.
Tables. Submit within the body of the manuscript text file, using these rules where appropriate:

Number consecutively, and use Arabic numbers.

Include a descriptive heading that, together with the individual column headings, makes the table self-explanatory.

Column headings for physical quantities should consist of quantity/units. (For a concentration of 2.47 μmol/L, the heading would be concentration/(μmol L–1) or concentration/(10–6 mol L–1), and the number entered in the table would be 2.47.)

Give footnotes letter designations and cite them in the table by italic superscript letters. The sequence of letters should proceed by line rather than by column.

When a reference is cited, insert a lettered footnote in the table and put the reference number in a footnote.

When columns are used, arrange data efficiently in order to save space.
Graphics. Artwork may be categorized into structure blocks, equations (or numbered reactions), schemes, charts, and figures.

Within each category, use Arabic numbers to sequentially number artwork.

All chemical structures should be prepared using ChemDraw and the ACS document settings.

Schemes may have titles and footnotes.

Figures must have captions.

Number structures with boldface Arabic numbers.

Submit graphics at the required publication size.
1-column figures must be ~8.4 cm wide. 2-column figures must be ~17.7 cm wide.
Figures containing photographic material should be in TIF format at 600 dpi. Submit line-art figures as EPS files.
Use Arial or Helvetica font for lettering within a graphic.
Lettering should be ~8 points, and lines should have ~0.5-point thickness at final published size.
Lettering and lines should be of uniform density.
Axes of graphs should be labeled with quantity/units in the same way that table headings are done.
Panel labels should be Roman, uppercase, and in the upper-lefthand corner of the panel.

Do not place a keyline or box around the entire graphic.

To save space, place legends for graphs within the main body of the graph, whenever possible.

Graphs containing similar information should be of similar size.

Name your graphics Figure 1, Figure 2, etc., and refer to each graphic object in the main manuscript text where the graphic should be located.
Nomenclature. Use abbreviations and acronyms sparingly, and all usage should be defined at the first occurrence in the text. Whenever possible, use systematic nomenclature as recommended by IUPAC for chemical compounds.
Editorial Board


Norbert J. Pienta
University of Iowa


Department of Chemistry, W313 CB
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242-1219
Phone: (319) 335-1309
Fax: (202) 354-4826
E-mail: norbert-pienta@jce.acs.org

Associate Editors

Erica Jacobsen (High School Chemistry)
Portland, OR
Diane Bunce (Chemical Education Research)
The Catholic University of America
David Yaron
Carnegie Mellon University
Arthur Halpern
Indiana State University


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