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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal


The Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (JCRS), a preeminent peer-reviewed monthly ophthalmology publication, is the official journal of the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) and the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS). JCRS publishes high quality articles on all aspects of anterior segment surgery. In addition to original clinical studies, the journal features a consultation section, practical techniques, important cases, and reviews as well as basic science articles



Instructions to Authors


Submission information
Manuscripts submitted to the journal must be original material that has not been published or accepted for publication, in whole or in part, in English or in another language, elsewhere. All papers are submitted to an international panel for peer review. Criteria for editorial review include suitability of subject matter, originality of content contribution to the field, and timeliness.

Manuscripts can be sent to either the North American or the European office:

Stephen A. Obstbaum, MD
Douglas D. Koch, MD
4000 Legato Road, Suite 850
Fairfax, VA 22033, USA

Emmanuel S. Rosen, FRCS
Thomas Kohnen, MD
10 St. John Street
Manchester, M3 4DY

Manuscript preparation
Submission should include an original manuscript and three complete copies, typed on one side of the paper only, and double-spaced with generous margins. If the manuscript is revised, submit four copies; on one of the copies, highlight or underline the actual changes. Also submit a clearly labeled revised disk.

The journal's Assignment of Copyright Form, signed and dated by all authors must be submitted with each manuscript. This form is published in the January/February and July/August issues and also online on the ASCRS http://www.ascrs.org/publications/publications.html and ESCRS http://www.escrs.ie/pubs/jour/fjour.html web sites.

Computer Disks
Authors are encouraged to submit a 3? HD/DD computer disk with the manuscript. Please observe the following criteria. Send only hard copy when first submitting your paper for acceptance and review. When your paper has been reviewed, revised if necessary, and accepted, send a disk containing the final version with the final hard copy. Make certain that the disk and hard copy match exactly (otherwise the diskette version will prevail). Specify what software was used, including which release, e.g., WordPerfect 6.1. Specify what computer was used (IBM compatible PC, Apple Macintosh, etc.). The article file should include all textual material (text, references, table, figure captions, etc.) and separate illustration files, if available. The file should follow the general instructions on style/arrangement and, in particular, the reference style of the journal. The file should use the wrap-around end-of-line feature, i.e., returns at the end of paragraphs only. Place 2 returns after every element, such as title, headings, paragraphs, and figure and table call outs. Be sure to keep a back-up disk for reference and safety.

The title of the paper should be short and specific. A short running head should also be provided.

The title page should include the following: (1) each author's full name (i.e., first name, middle initial if used, and last name) and highest degree; (2) city, state, and country in which work was carried out; (3) if presented at a meeting, name of the organization, city, country, and exact date of presentation; (4) sources of public and private financial support, including organization's name, city, and country; (5) name and address of author to receive reprint requests; (6) statement about the authors' proprietary or financial interest in a product or lack thereof.

References, legends for figures, and legends for tables should be typed, doubled-spaced, on separate sheets and should follow the text of the paper.

All papers are subject to revision to conform with terminology and style used by the journal. Authors should adhere to accepted English usage and syntax. Suggested references: American Medical Association Manual of Style, 8th ed. Baltimore, MD, Williams & Wilkins, 1989; Scientific Style and Format; the CBE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers, 6th ed. New York, NY, Cambridge University Press, 1994.

Reports of clinical studies should be prefaced by a 250- word structured abstract. The structured abstract should have the following sections:

Purpose: Indicate the question that the study answers or the hypothesis that it tests.

Setting: Indicate where the study took place; this enables readers to assess the study's applicability to their practice.

Methods: Describe the study design, indicating randomization, masking, and whether the data collection was retrospective or prospective. Identify the patients, including selection procedures, inclusion criteria, and numbers. Indicate the intervention procedures and the outcome measurements.

Results: Present the outcomes and measurements. Data should include the level of statistical significance.

Conclusions: State the conclusions and their clinical pertinence.

Reports of clinical studies should also include a synopsis for the table of contents. The synopsis should be no more than 30 words and should describe the main finding of the paper and its significance but not duplicate the abstract conclusion.

Techniques and case reports should be prefaced by a 150-word descriptive abstract.

The text must follow a logical sequence: statement of the problem, materials and methods used, presentation of results, and discussion. Conclusions can be incorporated into the discussion or placed in a separate section.

The description of materials and methods must be explicit enough that the study can be repeated by others; results must be reproducible. If a method has been published in an English language, peer-reviewed journal, a reference is adequate. Use generic or descriptive nomenclature for drugs and instruments, with brand name in parentheses.

In clinical studies involving experimental investigations, the manuscript must state that informed consent was obtained from all participants and that the study was reviewed by an ethics committee or review board (IRB) or that no IRB approval was required.

In experimental studies using animals, the manuscript must describe the care of the animals and indicate ethics committee or IRB approval. These studies should conform to principles of animal maintenance such as those described in the Association for Research in Vision and Opthalmology Statement for the Use of Animals in Ophthalmic and Vision Research.

Statistical methods should be defined; any not in common use should be described in detail or supported by references. General guidelines on the use of statistical methods and specific recommendations on statistical estimation and significance are given under Statistical Guidelines.

In the results sections, avoid redundant data presentation; as a rule, information stated in the text should not be repeated in the tables. Graphs and table should be used for detailed lists of findings.

Suggested reference: Day RA. How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper, 3rd ed. Phoenix, AZ, Oryx Press; 1988.

All sources must be acknowledged by a reference and all references must be cited in the text. The list of references should be numbered in order that the references are cited in the text. Journal names must be abbreviated according to the form used by Index Medicus. Use "et. al." only when a paper has more than four authors, and only after listing the first three authors. Papers are judged in part on the appropriateness of the references cited, and references are expected to reflect the most current literature on the subject.

References supporting scientific conclusions should, in general, be drawn from primary, preferably refereed, sources available in the open literature. Summary or review articles are less appropriate references for specific technical matter, although they may certainly be included to help the reader appreciated the broad view of a topic. Unrefereed "news" publications are generally not satisfactory scientific references, although they may be appropriate for certain historical purposes. References to these publications should be followed by a citation in parentheses in the text and not in the list of references. The citation should include author, title of article, date of publication, issue date, and page numbers.

Information from manuscripts that are not yet in press or have been reported at meetings may be cited only in the text, not as formal references. Personal communications from others should be dated and included parenthetically in the text. The author should obtain written permission from the individuals cited personal communications and include a copy of this permission with the manuscript.

Unpublished research documents that are not easily available to the public should be avoided as references if possible. If such materials are used, the author must ensure that the corporation or agency involved will make the information available to others on request. A copy of any such reference should be enclosed with the submitted manuscript to assist in editorial review. The material in such references must satisfy the criterion of public verifiability, which will be applied to the manuscript as a whole. For example, a study claiming superior performance of a drug that is not commercially available and whose structure is unspecified could not be reproduced by others. Such a study would be inappropriate either as an article or a reference.

Reference format:
Melles GRJ, Binder PS, Beekhuis WH, et al. Healing of reopened-and-surtured radial keratotomy wounds. J Cataract Refract Surg 1995; 21:620-626

Apple DJ, Kincaid MC, Mamalis N, Olson RJ. Intraocular Lenses; Evolution, Designs, Complications, and Pathology. Baltimore, MD, Williams & Wilkins, 1989

Fine IH. Corneal tunnel with a temporal approach. In: Fine IH, Fichman RA, Grabow HB, eds, Clear-Corneal Cataract Surgery and Topical Anesthesia. Thorofare, NJ, Slack, 1993; 5-26

Illustrative material
Black -and-white glossy photographs should accompany manuscripts. Prints should be no larger than 5 x 7 inches, untrimmed and unmounted. Oversized photographs with numbers or letters must be reproducible without loss of clarity.

Each photograph must be submitted in triplicate and labeled on its reverse side with the figure number and an arrow indicating the top of the illustration.

Color illustrations are acceptable only as necessary for technical clarity; the author will be responsible for the production cost of each color figure. Each color illustration should be submitted in triplicate: one set of slides and two sets of either color or black-and-white prints.

The author must include written consent from patients if identifiable or permission from previous publisher if the figure is a reproduction.

All figures and graphs should be professionally drawn and photographed. Computer-generated graphs must be clear or they will not reproduce well.

Tables should use Arabic (not Roman) numbers, and each table should be typed on a separate sheet, using horizontal lines to divide title and column headings according to the style used in the journal.

All tables and figures must be referenced in the text.

Statistical guidelines

To ensure meaningful statistical analysis of the study results, authors should consider the following questions:

  1. Was the source of subjects satisfactorily stated?
  2. Were concurrent controls used (as opposed to historical controls)?
  3. Were the treatments well defined?
  4. Was random allocation to treatment used?
  5. Was the randomization method described?
  6. Was the duration of post-treatment follow-up satisfactory ( at least 6 months)?
Conduct of Study
  1. Were the treatment and control groups comparable with relevant measures?
  2. Did a high proportion of subjects achieve adequate follow-up?
  3. Were the dropouts characterized by treatment received?
  4. Were the side effects of treatment reported?
Analysis and Presentation
  1. Was there a statement adequately describing or referencing all statistical procedures used?
  2. Were the statistical analyses appropriate?
  3. Were prognostic factors adequately considered?
  4. Was the presentation of statistical material satisfactory?
  5. Were confidence intervals given for the main results?
  6. Was the conclusion justified by the statistical results?
If authors make extensive changes to the text or the figures at the production stage (on page proofs), the journal reserves the right to charge the cost of the changes to the authors. No charge will be made for correcting errors made during the editorial process or by the printer.

Manuscripts from non-English-speaking countries should be reviewed by someone proficient in the use of English.
Study design should be review by a methodologist.

The senior author of each article will receive a reprint order form, which must be sent to the printer before publication of the issue.

Submission Checklist

  1. One original and three complete copies of the manuscript
  2. Title page
  3. Structured abstract (for clinical articles)
  4. Synopsis of article (for clinical articles)
  5. Three copies of all illustrative material
  6. Assignment of Copyright Form, signed by all authors
  7. Acknowledgment of financial and proprietary interests
  8. Acknowledgment of public and private support

Manuscripts will not be reviewed until all these items have been submitted.


Editorial Board
D.D. Koch MD, Houston, TX, USA
E.S. Rosen FRCSE, Manchester, UK
Associate Editors:
T. Kohnen MD, Germany
N. Mamalis MD, USA
Editorial Board:
J.L. Alio MD, PhD, Spain
N. Alpins MD, FACS, Australia
R.A. Applegate OD, PhD, USA
S.A. Arshinoff MD, FRCSC, Canada
E.I. Assia MD, Israel
M.E. Boulton BSc, PhD, Wales
W.N. Charman PhD, DSc, UK
J. Colin MD, France
A.S. Crandall MD, USA
H.V. Gimbel MD, Canada
G. Grabner MD, Austria
J.L. Güell MD, Spain
J.T. Holladay MD, USA
D. Huang MD, PhD, USA
W.B. Jackson MD, FRCSC, Canada
D.S.C. Lam FRCS, FRCOphth, Hong Kong
S.S. Lane MD, USA
M.A. Lawless FRACO, Australia
R.L. Lindstrom MD, USA
S. MacRae MD, USA
S. Masket MD, USA
P.J. McDonnell MD, USA
C.N.J. McGhee PhD, FRCOphth, New Zealand
R. Menapace MD, Austria
K. Miyake MD, Japan
T. Neuhann MD, Germany
O. Nishi MD, Japan
T. Oshika MD, Japan
I.G. Pallikaris MD, Greece
C. Roberts PhD, USA
D.L. Smerdon FRCSEd, UK
P. Sourdille MD, France
R.F. Steinert MD, USA
R.D. Stulting MD, PhD, USA

C. Zetterström MD, Sweden


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