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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

Journal of Business & Economic Statistics

The Journal of Business and Economic Statistics (JBES) publishes articles dealing with a broad range of applied problems in business and economic statistics. The topics include forecasting, seasonal adjustment, applied demand and cost analysis, applied econometric modeling, empirical finance, analysis of survey and longitudinal data related to business and economic problems, the impact of discrimination on wages and productivity, the returns to education and training, the effects of unionization, and applications of stochastic control theory to business and economic problems. Many of the articles published in the journal contain empirical applications, though submissions of papers in the areas of computation, simulation, networking, and graphics are encouraged as long as the intended applications are very closely related to the general topics of interest of the journal.

JBES is indexed in the Current Index to Statistics and in ABI/INFORM and is accessible through MathSci Online. JBES is abstracted in the Journal of Economic Literature and the online Economic Literature Index and is also available on microfiche and microfilm from Bell & Howell Information and Learning, Periodicals, P.O. Box 1346, Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1346.

Instructions to Authors

Submission Policy

Four nonreturnable copies of any manuscript submitted for consideration are requested for the reviewing process. Note: three of these should contain no record of the author's name due to the double-blind review process. Copies should be mailed first class to the editor. Manuscripts should be printed on 8 1/2 x 11-inch white, nonerasable 20-lb. bond, one side only, entirely double-spaced, consecutively. Manuscript should contain an abstract of 100 or fewer words, followed by 3-6 key words. The ASA Style Guide should be referred to for acceptable style. It is available from the ASA's Journals Production Office and was published in the February 1986 issue of The American Statistician. The author should retain an exact copy of the manuscript.

Manuscripts submitted in LaTeX (any version) should use the "article" style and should not use any special macros.

Once a manuscript is accepted for publication the author must supply figures in a form suitable for reproduction. Ideally, authors should submit Postscript versions of all figures, together with printed copies; alternatively, camera-ready figures with typeset labels may be submitted. Computer-printed artwork is often not of acceptable quality and dot matrix labels should be avoided.

Concise expressions of fact and interpretation pertinent to contributions published in JBES will be considered for publication [as letters to the editor]. They generally should be received within three months of publication of the contribution, although exceptions can be made for unusual circumstances. The editor may request the assistance of an associate editor. Authors of published articles may be given an opportunity to reply. Modifications of the letter may be requested by the editor. The decision regarding publication of the letter rests solely with the editor, who will have final authority.

Review and Acceptance Policy

Manuscripts are submitted to the editor, who assigns an associate editor. After an initial screen for suitability, the associate editor requests reports from anonymous referees. On the basis of these reports and the associate editor's comments, the editor either accepts a manuscript, rejects it, or requests a revision.

The journal requires that data source be clearly indicated in the article; furthermore, upon acceptance of papers for publication, authors are asked to make data available for downloading at the JBES FTP archive. JBES has a service whereby authors can post data sets of published papers for readers to download easily (via ftp). For papers using data sets built from publicly available data, providing the data will be a requirement for final acceptance. (The policy can be waived on a case-by-case basis when the data are proprietary or prohibitively expensive.) The final analysis data set and clear documentation should be posted in standard ASCII files using self-evident extensions like .dat and .doc.

To help defray the rising costs of publication, articles published in JBES are subject to a page charge to be billed to the institution or granting agency supporting the research. This charge represents only a portion of the cost per page. If the charge is honored, 100 free offprints will be supplied.


JBES is copyrighted and authors must sign a copyright transfer to ASA before publication. U.S. government employees are exempt from this requirement if the work is part of their official duties.

Editorial Board


Eric Ghysels and Alastair Hall
Editorial Office, JBES
Department of Economics
Gardner Hall, CB 3305
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3305
email: jbes@unc.edu

Associate Editors

Greg M. Allenby, Ohio State University
Torben Andersen, Northwestern University
Richard Anderson, Federal Reserve Bank
Joshua Angrist, MIT
Moshe Buchinsky, Brown University
Peter Burridge, City University, London
Christopher Carroll, Johns Hopkins University
Rong Chen, University of Illinois, Chicago
Lawrence J. Christiano, Northwestern University
Peter F. Christoffersen, McGill University
Qiang Dai, New York University
David N. DeJong, University of Pittsburgh
Francis X. Diebold, University of Pennsylvania
David Guilkey, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Jinyong Hahn, Brown University
James D. Hamilton, University of California, San Diego
Matthew T. Holt, North Carolina State University
Yongmiao Hong, Cornell University
Yuichi Kitamura, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Ekaterini Kyriazidou, University of California, Los Angeles
Christopher Lamoureux, University of Arizona
Thomas Lemieux, University of British Columbia
Peter Lenk, University of Michigan
Alan Montgomery, Carnegie Mellon University
Serena Ng, Boston College
Masao Ogaki, Ohio State University
Keith Ord, Georgetown University
Sastry Pantula, North Carolina State University
Ram C. Rao, University of Texas, Dallas
Bonnie Ray, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Robert J. Rossana, Wayne State University
Robin Sickles, Rice University
Holger Sieg, Duke University
Mark Steel, University of Kent at Canterbury
Norman, Swanson, Texas A&M University
Allan Timmerman, University of California, San Diego
Wilbert van der Klaauw, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Timothy J. Vogelsang, Cornell University
Harold Zhang, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Eric Zivot, University of Washington


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