

 刊名字顺( Alphabetical List of Journals):


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出版社:WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774

期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

 The Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, published by the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, is the highest-ranked journal in the field, with an impact factor of 6.230. The Journal is the primary source worldwide for cutting-edge basic and clinical research in the hormones that regulate bone and mineral metabolism and the pathophysiology and treatment of bone and mineral disorders. We are committed to providing the most up-to-date information on advances in the field: beginning in the Fall of 2003, papers accepted for publication will appear on the JBMR website (http://www.jbmr-online.org) upon final acceptance and months in advance of print publication.

The readers of the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research include scientists and physicians specializing in endocrinology, physiology, cell biology, pathology, molecular genetics, epidemiology, internal medicine, rheumatology, orthopaedics, geriatrics, dentistry, gynecology, molecular biology, nephrology, and pharmacology. The Journal is also distributed to a growing list of hospital and academic library subscribers worldwide. For non-subscribers, a sample issue of the Journal is always available on the JBMR website.

To Change Your JBMR Mailing Address:

Instructions to Authors

The Journal of Bone and Mineral Research is a peer-reviewed journal providing a forum for papers of the highest quality pertaining to all areas of the biology and physiology of bone, the hormones that regulate bone and mineral metabolism, and the pathophysiology and treatment of disorders of bone and mineral metabolism.

Editorial Policies and Practices
Review Process
Types of Submissions Accepted
Submitting a Manuscript
Manuscript Format
Key Words

Editorial Policies and Practices:

Acceptance Rate: The JBMR has an acceptance rate of approximately 35% partly due to requirement to stay within the approved page budget for the Journal.

Animal Studies: It is the responsibility of the authors to assure that their experimental procedures are in compliance with the guiding principles in the "Care and Use of Animals" (published each month in the Information for Authors of the American Journal of Physiology or available online at http://www.nap.edu/books/0309053773/html/) and to document that these studies were approved by the appropriate institutional animal care and oversight committee.

Authorship: To qualify for authorship, each author should contribute substantially to the intellectual content of the work. Such contribution consists of: 1) participating in the conception and design or analysis and interpretation of data; 2) drafting the article or critically revising it; and 3) approving the final version submitted, and approving any subsequent revisions. All three conditions must be met to justify authorship. Each author is required to submit their keywords from the attached list below and sign the Authors' Agreement Form indicating their agreement with the submission of the manuscript.

Conflict of Interest: Authors are required to disclose any financial interests, direct or indirect (dual commitment), that might affect the conduct or reporting of the work they have submitted. Such financial interests may take the form of corporate appointments, consultancies, stock ownership, or other equity interests or patent licensing arrangements with companies mentioned in or related to the subject matter of the article being submitted. If the authors are uncertain about what might be a dual commitment, they should err on the side of full disclosure. Such financial interests should be disclosed to the Editor-in-Chief in the cover letter and on the conflict of interest forms accompanying the article at the time of submission and it is the responsibility of the corresponding author to insure that all co-authors provide the necessary disclosure information. Conflict of Interest forms can be found on the online submission site (http://jbmr.editorialmanager.com) and on the JBMR web site (http://www.jbmronline.org). Information regarding dual commitments may be made available to reviewers. Conflict of interest information will be published for all accepted manuscripts.

Copyright: The copyright for material published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research is held by the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research. The ASBMR permissions policy is available online at http://www.jbmronline.org. Permission to reproduce this material should be obtained by writing the Editorial Office, P.O. Box 2759, Durham, NC 27715-2759, USA; fax: (919) 620-8465, email: david@jbmr.org.

Duplicate Publication: The Journal will not accept duplicate publication of scientific data. If closely related papers could be considered as duplicate publications, they should be submitted with the original manuscript and the authors should provide documentation to justify the originality of the newly submitted manuscript.

Human Subjects Studies: It is the responsibility of the authors to assure that all clinical investigations detailed in manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research are conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki (printed in each copy of the Journal) and to document that these studies have been approved by the appropriate institutional human research committee. Identifying information within written descriptions, photographs or pedigrees should not be published. If such information is included as essential scientific information, the authors must submit written consent of patient or guardian to publish such photographs in the print and electronic versions of the journal.

Prior Publication: The Journal will accept original manuscripts that contain material that has not been reported elsewhere, except in the form of an abstract of not more than 400 words, or an alternative short communication. If any preliminary report other than an abstract has been published or submitted, copies must be submitted with the manuscript and this must be noted in the cover letter to the editor. Prior abstract presentations must be described in a footnote to the title. Initial submissions must be accompanied by the copyright assignment form (located in the back of the Journal), with original signatures of all authors.

Responsibilities of Reviewers: External peer reviewers should disclose to the Editor-in-Chief any potential conflicts of interest that could bias their opinions of the manuscript. They should disqualify themselves from reviewing specific manuscripts if they believe it to be appropriate, or accept the decision of the Editor-in-Chief, who may elect to consult a designated expert in the subject area of the manuscript regarding disqualification if there is any question regarding a potential conflict of interest. The critical review of manuscripts is an essential component of the scientific publication process, to which every scientist can and should contribute. The review should comprise a critical but impartial scientific and literary appraisal in your fields of your knowledge and skills. You should not review a manuscript outside your expertise or where a personal, scientific or financial interest could be considered likely to bias your judgement. If you have any doubts about these matters please contact the Editorial office. As a reviewer, you may not use or disclose any unpublished content of a manuscript under review without the express written permission of the Authors obtained through the Editorial office. Under special circumstances, you may wish consult a collaborator or colleague on some special point. Please clear this with the Editorial office and then note this fact, and the name of the collaborator or consultant, in your comments to the Editor in your review.

Sequence Data: If submitted manuscripts describe original nucleotide/amino acid sequence data, these data should be submitted to GenBank (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Genbank/index.html) by the authors, and the accession numbers should be included with the submitted manuscript.

Shared Material: As a condition of publication, cell lines, hybridomas, DNA clones, antibodies, and biological reagents described in papers published in the Journal will be made available to scientists in non-commercial institutions for purposes of replicating the reported studies.

Review Process:

The Editorial team is reviewing the establishment of a triage process under which all manuscripts would undergo an initial review by the editorial staff, including the Editor and at least one Associate Editor, to ensure the paper meets certain criteria. Under this scheme, approximately 25-30% of new submissions may be returned to the authors without formal review, for reasons that may include:

  • insufficient direct relevance to bone biology and mineral metabolism,
  • inadequate or unethical methodology,
  • inadequate statistical power or assessment,
  • insufficient innovation or contribution to the advancement of the field.

All other manuscripts will undergo the full peer review process, being referred to an Associate Editor, who will identify reviewers with the expertise to review the paper. At each Associate Editor's discretion, any manuscript may be referred specifically for statistical review relating to the appropriateness or otherwise of statistics used, adjustment for multiple comparisons, sample size issues and the like. Manuscripts with inadequate or inappropriate statistics will not be accepted. Authors are encouraged to suggest names of appropriate reviewers (include phone/fax/address/e-mail for each reviewer suggested) and may also request that a specific reviewer not be used.

For approximately 1-2% of new submissions there exists an expedited review process which is planned to reduce the time to initial decision to two business days. This process will be limited to key, pivotal papers that represent a major advance in the field. If an author believes his or her submission fits into the category of papers of such a pivotal nature that it might appropriately be considered in the top 1-2% of submissions, the authors should notify the Editor-in-Chief in advance of final preparation of the manuscript, presenting preliminary information (an abstract, a letter detailing the import of the study and indicating an approximate date of submission). The Editor-in-Chief will examine the information provided and if it is agreed that the paper should be accorded the expedited review process, the authors must submit the manuscript to the JBMR within a 1-2 day time frame of the agreed date for submitting the paper in order to assure an initial decision could be achieved within the two business days proposed.

Authors will receive a full response on their manuscript detailing any changes required by the Reviewers and Editorial team and the decision about the acceptance or otherwise of the manuscript.

Authors who wish to object to an unfavorable decision must do so within two months of notification of a decision. Please note all communications must be addressed to the Durham, North Carolina editorial office via email (journal@jbmr.org). Any materials or communications sent to the Editor or Associate Editors will incur delays because they will be forwarded to the central Editorial Office for handling.

Types of Submissions Accepted

Original Studies: Reports of original research of interest to the bone and mineral community are the primary material to be published as original studies. Studies of bone and cartilage biology and mineral homeostasis including regulatory factors and pathways, pathophysiology, molecular biology and physiology, genetics, epidemiology and clinical trials of new agents and in new clinical situations.

Key overviews: Overviews of major areas will be commissioned by the Editorial team and may be proposed by Authors. Conceptual diagrams are encouraged in such overviews. All such overviews, even when commissioned, will be subject to full review.

Case Reports and Clinical Vignettes: The Journal encourages the submission of case reports and clinical vignettes that provide new and exciting insights into the pathophysiology and characteristics of disorders related to skeletal function and mineral metabolism and/or highlight practical diagnostic and/or therapeutic considerations. In general accepted material will be limited to one printed page (text and figures); color photographs will incur additional charges of $900 per printed page with color. The format of these papers should follow that described below (see "Preparation of Manuscript" section below) with the added consideration of providing case historical data as appropriate. Page charges/submission fees apply as indicated below (see "Author Fees"). Identifying information within written descriptions, photographs, or pedigrees should not be published. If such information is included as essential scientific information, the authors must submit written consent of the patient, parent, or guardian as applicable to publish such photographs in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. Case reports should be submitted to our online system at http://jbmr.editorialmanager.com.

Letters to the Editor: The Journal accepts Letters to the Editor that probe issues raised in published articles and that address issues of general importance in the areas of musculoskeletal function and mineral metabolism. While not all Letters to the Editor will be published, those that are judged worthwhile will be forwarded to the authors of the manuscript in question or to selected experts in order to provide the opportunity for a response to appear. Letters to the Editor should be submitted to our online system at http://jbmr.editorialmanager.com or sent by e-mail to manuscript@jbmr.org. If you choose not to submit online, you may send the submission via mail (ONE HARD COPY AND DISK). Due to the nature of this submission, only Letters to the Editor may be submitted either online or by mail.

Submitting a Manuscript

If you have questions regarding any of the requirements for submitting a manuscript to the Journal, please contact the JBMR editorial office at journal@jbmr.org (fax U.S. 919-620-8465; ph U.S. 919-620-0681).

Editorial ManagerTM On-line Submissions and Review System

All manuscripts must be submitted to the JBMR electronic submission and review system at http://jbmr.editorialmanager.com. Full instructions for on-line submission are available on the Editorial Manager site and on jbmronline.org. Click on Instructions for Authors in the menu. Then click on "Instructions for using the Editorial Manager Submission and Review System. Upon receipt of a manuscript, an e-mail message will be sent to the corresponding author confirming receipt of the paper. If you do not receive this confirmation within 48 hours, contact the editorial office (manumail@jbmr.org) to confirm receipt.

Manuscript Format

We wish to emphasize the importance of clarity and succinctness of the presentation of material:

  • Please respect the relevance of all material to the Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion and avoid unnecessary repetition.
  • Do not repeat the results and conclusions in the Introduction.
  • Conclusions should NOT be stated throughout the Results section.
  • Results should not be restated throughout the Discussion section.
  • Avoid simply restating the Results in the Discussion rather than explaining how each result advances the overall conclusions of the study.
  • The final part of the Discussion should refer back to the rationale for the study and explain how the findings have advanced the area.

We strongly recommend authors employ the format and guidelines detailed below.

Abbreviations and Nomenclature

Abbreviations and nomenclature should follow the recommendations of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry and the International Union of Biochemistry [see http://www.chem.qmul.ac.uk/iupac/jcbn/]. The International system of Units (SI units) is recommended. It is desirable to include appropriate conversion factors to aid the reader. The list of abbreviations in Endocrinology 138:1 (January 1997) is generally acceptable in JBMR. Drug names should always be generic.

Bone Histomorphometry: Papers on bone histomorphometry should use the nomenclature, symbols, and units described in the Report of the American Society of Bone and Mineral Research Committee (JBMR 2:595-610, 1987) and available on the JBMR web site (http://www.jbmronline.org).

Tumor Necrosis Factor: Papers on tumor necrosis factor (TNF) should use the nomenclature described in the Report of the American Society of Bone and Mineral Research Committee. (JBMR 15:2293-2296, 2000) and available on the JBMR web site (http://www.jbmronline.org).

Authors Copyright Assignment and Key Words

Each author of the manuscript is required to sign the Author's copyright assignment and consent form and must submit his or her academic qualifications, email address and individual key words (see the following JBMR key word at the end of the Instructions to Authors and available on line). All Authors of a manuscript should be registered on the Editorial Manager web site (http://jbmr.editorialmanager.com) and their personal classifications designated. Failure to provide this information will delay processing of the manuscript. Please note that all corresponding authors must notify their co-authors of the decision on their paper.

Page Limitations

The number of pages in the average JBMR article has increased from approximately 6-8 pages to 10 or more over the past several years. This impacts the number of papers that can be accepted and published. These longer manuscripts are not necessarily more informative. Hence manuscripts over 8 pages will be discouraged and any published manuscript over 8 pages will incur extra page charges.

Three manuscript pages (double-spaced, 8.5 x 11 inch paper, font size of 12) usually equals one published page therefore, submitted manuscripts must be no longer than 24 pages or 8,500 words (about 39,000 characters of text). This includes the text of the manuscript as well any references, figures or tables. Please calculate your printed pages based on the following guidelines.

Any manuscript that exceeds the page limitations must be accompanied by a letter to the editor providing a detailed account of the components that comprise the excess, in order that the editors and editorial staff may evaluate the manuscript's length and assist the authors in making reductions as necessary.

Title Page, Author's Names, Abstract: one-half published page

Text: Double-spaced on 8 1/2 x 11 inch paper, font size 10 to 12 point. Three text pages are equivalent to one published page.

References: Forty-five references are equivalent to one printed page.

Figures: one figure is equivalent to one-quarter to one-half a printed page or 200-350 words.

Tables: one-half to one printed page. Order

Title Page, Microabstract, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments, References. (Number ALL pages consecutively).

Title page

Authors' names and affiliations

All funding sources supporting publication of a work or study

A running title of no more than 45 characters

Each author's email address

Key words of the paper using the JBMR standardized key words.

Corresponding author's name, street address, phone, fax numbers and email addresses.


Each manuscript should start its abstract with a microabstract limited to 3-4 sentences and 60 words or less (no more than 300 characters and spaces). This will remain as the start of the abstract and will be excerpted in the Table of Contents to each issue. It may also be used for wider circulation. It should describe the:

  • Area and reason for the study
  • Approach taken including sample size aspects
  • Overall result
  • General significance of the findings

All information should be accessible to a non-expert audience.


The abstract should follow directly after the MicroAbstract, in a structured format under the headings:

  • Introduction
  • Methods (including sample size and statistical approaches)
  • Results and Conclusions

The entire Abstract, including MicroAbstract should not exceed more than 360 words.

The abstract should be self-explanatory without reference to the text.

Five key words should be listed at the bottom of the abstract page.

The layout of the MicroAbstract and Abstract should be similar to the following:

Exposure to data in a structured or repetitive format may have distinct communication outcomes. Several formats were evaluated by preference and 7-day recall in a randomized cross-over study in 90 individuals. The simplified format was better understood by 75 + 5% and remembered by 65 + 5%. This study supports a structured format for scientific papers.

Introduction: The number of pages in the average JBMR article has increased from 6-8 pages to 10 or more over the past several years. This may be the result of repetitive presentation of data and could impact on comprehensibility.

Materials and Methods: This section should carefully describe the methods and materials used including sample size and statistical approaches. It should include details for unique experiments and appropriate references for commonly used techniques.

Results: This section should succinctly state the results and not draw conclusions all through the Results. Finally many papers did not make any real conclusions but merely repeated the major findings without referring to how these addressed the reason for the study as raised in the Introduction.

Conclusions: The Introduction should be clear and concise and not pre-empt the final data. The Methods should provide what is required in a clear way without excessive unnecessary detail. The sources of materials should be shown by …………………… study findings. For example, there are many possible improvements in the presentation and clarity of papers being submitted and published in the JBMR.


This should clearly and concisely review the rationale for the study and identify what issues were going to be addressed. It should clearly place the report within the area being studied. It should not describe the outcome of the study (in any detail).

Materials and Methods

This section should carefully describe the methods and materials used including sample size and statistical approaches. Commonly used techniques should be referred to appropriate references and not described in detail. However, unique experiments should be described in adequate detail to allow repetition by others. Sequence and source of unique constructs etc should be made available to other scientists to allow repetition (see section on Shared Material under Editorial Policies and Practices). The role of any outside organization in the collection of data, its analysis and interpretation and/or in the right to approve or disapprove publication of the finished manuscript must be described in the Methods section of the text. Any limitation to the full access of the Authors to all material must be disclosed , although such limitation may lead to failure to accept the manuscript. This is particularly important for any manuscripts detailing work supported in part or entirety by a pharmaceutical or instrument manufacturer/supplier. The sources of materials should be shown by supplier but, with the internationalization of many suppliers, geographical origin, i.e., city, state and country, are NOT required except for smaller perhaps local suppliers.


This section should succinctly state the results without any lengthy discussion or interpretation of individual data. Conclusions presented as declarative headings are not preferred. Extensive conclusions do not belong in the Results section.

Where possible data should be presented in graphical rather than tabular format. Small tables may best be incorporated into the text. Tabular data should not repeat that shown in the Graphs. Graphs should start the y axis at 0 or show a clear scale break in those cases where starting at 0 would be difficult. The numerals on graph scales should be sufficiently large and clear enough and spaced to allow the data to be interpreted and the nature of the scale, eg linear or log, readily appreciated. The scale numerals should be easily readable, even when printed at the reduced size that figures will usually be printed, ie column width.

Statistical tests should be clearly defined and statistical significance should be shown in both figures and tables by superscripts of a, b, c, rather than *, ? # or other non-sequential symbols.

Data in text or tables should be shown to numbers of significant digits consistent with the accuracy of each individual measurement and biological relevance. For example weight, usually measured to the nearest 0.5 kg, should be shown in mean and SD to at most one significant digit after the decimal point.


The Discussion should summarize but not repeat the Results and should distinguish between logical explanations of the results reported and extrapolations or hypotheses drawn from the results.

The Discussion should end with a succinct summary of the data and conclusions AND should put the findings into the context of the reason for the study as outlined in the Introduction. Where possible and reasonable, some conclusion should be made about the wider implications of the study findings.

Acknowledgments: Authors are responsible for obtaining and submitting to the editorial office written permission from anyone (with a MD or a PhD) named in the Acknowledgments section. Authors should acknowledge in the manuscript all support for the work, including funding, equipment and drugs.

End of Text: Name, address and email of person to whom reprint requests should be addressed.

Manufacturer Name: Please provide the manufacturer name of all products used in paper. Geographical location is not necessary unless it is a specific, perhaps local supplier.


Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references and significant errors in reference accuracy and/or style will delay publication of an accepted manuscript. Do not list references in alphabetical order, but list and number them as they appear in the paper. No et al. citations are allowed in the references. All authors must be listed in the references. If it is necessary to cite an abstract, this should be so designated.

References should be presented in the following style. The reference that is used in the research for the paper (online or print) should be the reference listed,

Journal articles: Horton MA, Rimmer EF, Chambers TJ 1986 Giant cell formation in rabbit long-term bone marrow cultures: Immunological and functional studies. J Bone Miner Res 1:5-14.

Articles in books: Boyde A 1972 Scanning electron microscope studies of bone. In: Bourne GH (ed.) The Biochemistry and Physiology of Bone, 2nd ed., vol. 1. Academic Press, New York, NY, USA, pp. 259-310.

Books (entire): Boyde A 1972 The Biochemistry and Physiology of Bone, 2nd ed., vol. 1. Academic Press, New York, NY, USA.

References to Online Material

Online journal: Horton MA, Boyde A, Rimmer EF What is it all about? Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med [serial online] Available at: http://www.ama-assn.org/sci-pubs.html. Accessed November 10, 2001.

Online reference (website information, not journal related): Williams A, Lea A, Allen D Kidneys and Cartwheels. Available at: http://www.science.com. Accessed November 10, 2001.

Figures and Tables

Tables and illustrations should complement and not reiterate the text. Tables/ illustrations should not include data that can be given in the text in one or two sentences. Each large figure may comprise about one-half printed page and a smaller figure about 1/4 of page. Type each table on a separate sheet of paper. Use Arabic numerals to number tables. (The authors must pay for publication of color illustrations in accordance with the Society's cost schedule. Current charges are $900 (U.S.) per page with color, in addition to the usual page charges.) Multi-part figures must be labeled (i.e. A,B,C). Please use small non-bold, non-italic capital letters and place them in Arial font when using figure headings/labelings. Guidelines for Submission of Digital Art are available on the home page of the Editorial Manager online submissions site (http://jbmr.editorialmanager.com).

Each table must contain all necessary information in the caption, and the table itself must be understandable independently of the text. Details of experimental conditions should be included in the table footnotes, although this should not unnecessarily repeat information in the Methods.

The authors must obtain permission to reproduce figures, tables, text, and abstracts from previously published material. Written permission must be obtained from the original copyright holder (generally the publisher or the sponsoring society, not the author) of the journal or book concerned. An appropriate credit line should be included in the figure legend or table footnote, and full publication information in the reference list. Written permission must be obtained from the author of any unpublished material cited from other laboratories, and should accompany the manuscript.

Figure Legends: A separate list of figure legends should be supplied at the end of the manuscript. Most figures will be set at single column width (approximately 3-1/8 inches). Please submit figures that are close to publication size to insure that clarity and legibility will be maintained when the figure is reproduced/reduced in size. Figure legends should be brief and should not restate information already in the Materials and Methods section.

Revised Manuscripts

We will make every effort to reduce the time between submission and first response and between submission of revised manuscript and second response. In general, failure to adequately deal with issues raised by reviewers with one revision will preclude acceptance of a manuscript. If a revision is not submitted within 3 months, the file on that manuscript will be considered closed.

Author Fees

Submission Fees: A non-refundable manuscript submission charge of $50 (U.S.) for all new manuscripts should be made payable to the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research. Checks or money orders must be mailed to the editorial office along with the author's agreement form (found on the back inside cover of any issue of the JBMR or at the website http://www.jbmronline.org). Checks must be drawn on a U.S. bank or a U.S. branch of a non-U.S. bank. Purchase orders will not be accepted for submission fees. We will accept credit cards, but we do not accept American Express. Those payments require card number, cardholder's name and signature as it appears on the card, and the expiration date. To pay by credit card, please fax the above information to the JBMR Editorial Office at (919) 620-8465.

Page Charges: If the paper is accepted for publication, page charges, currently $60 (U.S.) per printed page must be paid by all groups of Authors who have funds available from research grants or from their institutions. Payments for page charges up to 8 pages are not a prerequisite for publication of any article if the authors do not have research funding for page charges. Any manuscript over 8 printed pages will incur page charges of $120 (U.S.) per page.

Color Charges: Authors are required to pay for publication of color illustrations (see section below on Tables and Illustrations).

Key Words   EXERCISE
 AGING     Bone
    Bovine/Ovine     Muscle
    Rodent     Association
    Primate     Linkage
    Other     SNPs, Polymorphisms
  ARTHRITIS     Arrays
    Inflammation     Isolation
  CALCITONIN     Knock-out/in
  CLINICAL TRIALS     Clinical/Pediatrics
    Parathyroid     Patterning of the limb
    Humoral Hypercalcemia of Malignancy     Modeling and remodeling
    Magnesium     Molecular pathways
    Nephrolithiasis   HORMONES & RECEPTORS
    Familial Hypocalciuric Hypercalcemia     Androgens & SARMs
  EPIDEMIOLOGY     Calcitonin
    Evidence/Guidelines     Chemokines
    Population Studies     Corticosteroids
    Meta-Analysis     Cytokines
    Pharmacogenomics     Estrogens & SERMs
    Health Services & Economics     Growth Factors
  ION TRANSPORT     Neural factors/Leptin
    Collagen     Vitamin D
    Non-collagenous proteins     Familial Hyperparathyroidism
    Osteocalcin     Hypoparathyroidism
    Osteopontin     Pseudohypoparathyroidism
    Proteoglycans   QUANTITATION
  MENOPAUSE     Body composition
  METABOLIC BONE DISEASE     Bone densitometry
    Osteogenesis Imperfecta     Bone histomorphometry
    Osteopetrosis     Bone mineralization
    Osteomalacia     Bone QCT
    Rickets     Bone scintigraphy
  NUTRITION     Bone turnover markers
  OSTEOBLASTS & STEM CELLS     Bone ultrasound
    Apoptosis     Radiology
    Corticosteroid osteoporosis   TREATMENTS
  ORTHOPAEDICS     Bisphosphonates
    Biomechanics     Strontium
    Bioengineering     Fluoride
    Mechanical Loading     SERMs
    Implants     Vitamin D
    Stress/strain     Novel entities

REPRINTS. Reprints may be ordered by using the special reprint order form that will accompany the proofs. (Please note that the address for ordering reprints, which is on the order form, is different from the address to which you return your proofs.)


Editorial Board

The JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH is published monthly by The American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, 2025 M Street, N.W., Suite 800, Washington, DC 20036-3309. Telephone (202) 367-1161; Fax (202) 367-2161; Email: asbmr@dc.sba.com.

Journal of Bone and Mineral Research
3209 Guess Road Suite 201
Durham, NC 27705, USA
Phone (919) 620-0681
Fax (919) 620-8465



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