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期刊简介(About the journal)    投稿须知(Instructions to Authors)    编辑部信息(Editorial Board)   

About the journal

 The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery had its origin as the Transactions of the American Orthopedic Association. The first volume of that journal contained the proceedings of the meetings of 1887 and 1888. Volume XVI of the Transactions of the American Orthopedic Association is also Volume I of the American Journal of Orthopedic Surgery. In 1919, when The Journal became the official publication of the British Orthopaedic Association, the word American was dropped from the title and Orthopedic was changed to Orthopaedic. That year's volume, the Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery, became Volume I (new series). The present title, The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, was adopted in 1922. In 1948, A (American) and B (British) volumes were established. The American Volume, which is the senior, allows the British Volume to use the title that we share. The American Orthopaedic Association remained the owner of The Journal until 1954, when an independent non-profit corporation, The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Inc., was established.

Instructions to Authors

Instructions to Authors
Updated January 3, 2009
Submission of Manuscript
Preparation of Manuscript
Letter to the Editor
Review of Manuscripts
Levels of Evidence for Primary Research Question
A Concise Format for Reporting the Longer-Term Follow-up Status of Patients Managed with Total Hip Arthroplasty
A Concise Format for Reporting the Longer-Term Follow-up Status of Patients Managed with Total Knee Arthroplasty
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The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery welcomes articles that contribute to orthopaedic knowledge from all sources in all countries. • Articles are accepted only for exclusive publication in The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. Previously published articles, even those in peer-reviewed electronic publications, are not accepted by The Journal. • Publication does not constitute official endorsement of opinions presented in articles. • Published articles and illustrations become the property of The Journal. • If the Editor-in-Chief of The Journal requests additional data forming the basis for the work, the authors will make the data available for examination in a timely fashion. • All manuscripts dealing with the study of human subjects must include a statement that the subjects gave Informed Consent to participate in the study and that the study has been approved by an institutional review board or a similar committee. All Case Reports must include a statement that each subject was informed that data concerning the case would be submitted for publication. All studies should be carried out in accordance with the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki, as presented in The Journal (1997;79-A:1089-98). Patient confidentiality must be protected according to the U.S. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). • All clinical trials submitted for consideration must have been registered in a public trials registry. • All manuscripts dealing with experimental results in animals must include a statement that the study has been approved by an animal utilization study committee. The authors should also include information about the management of postoperative pain for both animal and human subjects. • In the preparation of a manuscript, authors should, in general, follow the recommendations in "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication" by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, October 2004 (www.icmje.org). • On occasion, reviewers, associate editors, and/or deputy editors may have a conflict of interest or a competing interest with regard to the subject matter of a manuscript. Such conflicts are disclosed to the Editor-in-Chief, who has no known conflicts of interest or competing interests and who makes the final decision regarding acceptance or rejection of all manuscripts submitted to The Journal.


Submission of Manuscript
The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery uses a web-based service, provided by Editorial Manager, requiring authors to submit and track manuscripts electronically. Authors must register via the Internet address jbjs.edmgr.com/. You will be e-mailed a confidential username and password that will enable you to access the system and submit your manuscript.

When you submit an article, the following items must be included:

1. Title Page: List the title of the manuscript and the authors' names in the order in which they should appear. Provide a complete mailing address for each author. Clearly designate the corresponding author and his/her mailing address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address.

2. Blinded Manuscript: The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery has a policy of blinded peer review. The manuscript must not contain any mention of the authors' names or initials or the institution at which the study was done. Page headers can include the title but not the authors' names. Manuscripts not in compliance with The Journal's blinding policy will be returned to the corresponding author.

3. IRB Approval: A copy of the letter granting approval from the institutional review board or the animal utilization study committee is required. You must reference the manuscript title and corresponding author on the fax cover sheet or in an accompanying letter.

4. Copyright Transfer and Author Agreement: Material appearing in The Journal is covered by copyright. All authors must sign a Copyright Transfer and Author Agreement form upon submission of the manuscript to The Journal. The form must reference the manuscript title and corresponding author. This form must be submitted by post mail, by fax, or in PDF format online.

5. Potential Conflict of Interest Statement: Authors of manuscripts must sign a Conflict of Interest Statement at the time of submission of each manuscript. The form must reference the manuscript title. This statement has no bearing on the editorial decision to publish a manuscript. That decision will continue to be based solely on the value of the article to the readers of The Journal. The signature of each author is required. No article will be published until the completed conflict of interest form has been incorporated into the record kept on that manuscript in The Journal office. The statements selected by the author or authors will be printed with the published article.

When you submit an article, the following items are optional:

1. Cover Letter

2. Acknowledgment If included, it must be attached as a separate file, not included in the text of the manuscript.

3. Tables must be labeled individually and submitted as separate electronic files. Tables should be submitted in their original file format and not as graphics files.

4. Figures must be submitted electronically. Each figure must be labeled separately and submitted as a separate electronic file. No more than 10 figures may be submitted. Refer to the section entitled Illustrations for figure format requirements.

The Journal discourages submission of illustrations that have been published elsewhere. When such illustrations are deemed essential, the author must include a letter, from the original holder of the copyright, granting permission to reprint the illustration. Give full information about the previous publication, including the page on which the illustration appeared.

Preparation of Manuscript
Manuscripts should be a maximum of 4000 words. They must be double-spaced with wide margins. Pages must be numbered sequentially. An article should consist of:

1. A structured abstract of no more than 325 words, consisting of five paragraphs, with the headings Background (which states the primary research question), Methods, Results, Conclusions, and Level of Evidence (for clinical articles) or Clinical Relevance (for basic-science articles). For the Level of Evidence section, describe the study type and assign a level-of-evidence rating to the primary research question, according to the criteria in this Table. Do not include an abstract with case reports.

2. The body should consist of:

Introduction: State the problem that led to the study, including a concise review of only the relevant literature. State your hypothesis and the purpose of the study. It is preferable if this is done in the form of a research question that describes the setting of the study, the popuation or sample studied, and the primary outcome measure.

Materials and Methods: Describe the study design in detail using standard methodologic terms, such as retrospective or prospective cohort study, prospective randomized trial, case-control, cross-sectional, etc. Reports of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) should follow the checklist developed by the CONSORT Group (www.consort-statement.org), published in JAMA 2001;285:1987-91. Submissions reporting cohort, case-control and cross-sectional studies should conform to the format suggested by the STROBE panel (http://www.strobe-statement.org). Reporting of meta-analyses should conform to the QUORUM criteria. These are available at http://www.consort-statement.org/mod_product/uploads/QUOROM% 20Statement%201999.pdf. In addition, as clinical trials must be registered in a public trials registry, state that the trial was so registered and provide the name of the registry and the registry number. Reporting of all study designs should include information about the sample including how it was assembled and how inclusions and exclusions were identified. State how the sample size was determined. If a sample of convenience was utilized, this should be stated. If sample size was estimated on the basis of assumptions about the primary outcome measure, these should also be described in detail. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses must include a description of the sources of data used for the study. Methods used for study selection, data extraction and data synthesis must be described succinctly but with sufficient detail that the general approach used could be replicated. At the end of the Materials and Methods section, under the heading Source of Funding, explain the role of the funding source for the study. If there was no external funding source or if the funding source did not play a role in the investigation, that should be stated.

Statistical Methods should be described in detail, with particular emphasis on the statistical strategy that was used to analyze the data. The most appropriate strategy is that which fits the data that was collected and addresses the research question or hypothesis stated in the Introduction. In most circumstances this should have been established before the study was undertaken. Justification for complex statistical strategies, including those involving any kind of modeling approach, should be described in detail. It is especially important to identify any assumptions about the data that are implicit to the statistical strategy. In the analysis of categorical data utilize exact methods wherever possible. Where the variable of interest cannot be assumed to have a normal distribution, use non-parametric methods of analysis. Report results with only as much precision as is of value. In general the approach suggested in Bailar JC III, Mosteller F. Guidelines for statistical reporting in articles for medical journals: amplifications and explanations. Ann. Intern. Med. 1988;108:266-73 should be used.

For hypothesis testing scenarios the statement "no significant difference was found between two groups" must be accompanied by a value describing the power of the study to detect a Type II error (Designing Clinical Research, eds. Stephen Hulley, Steven Cummings, 1988, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore pp 128-49).

P values are required to support any statement indicating a significant difference. Meta-analyses must include a description of how data was pooled and the details of any sensitivity analyses that were performed. Ninety-five percent confidence intervals are required for any estimate appearing in the text or graphs. Use of the word correlation requires reporting of the correlation coefficient. Do not identify any statistical software unless some aspect of the analysis was uniquely dependent on a particular software package. The Journal encourages the use of validated outcome instruments wherever possible. Novel measurement scales should only be used if existing scales are deemed insufficient in some way to the needs of the study. References to the psychometric characteristics of new scales, like those related to reliability, must be included. If an outcome system leads to a categorical ranking (excellent, good, etc.), the aggregate score for each patient should be provided.

Results: Provide a detailed report on the data obtained during the study. Results of many reconstructive procedures, such as total joint arthroplasty, obtained after less than two years of follow-up are rarely accepted. An average of two years of follow-up is not sufficient. For these studies all patients in the study must have at least two years of follow-up. Shorter follow-up periods may be acceptable within an appropriate context. For example, follow-up for treatment of fractures may be much shorter if the focus of the manuscript is fracture healing. The Editor will make a final decision on the adequacy of follow-up reported in all submissions. All data in the text must be consistent throughout the manuscript, including any illustrations, legends, or tables.

All measurements should be expressed using conventional terms and with SI (Systeme International) units in brackets.

Discussion: Be succinct. What does your study show? Is your hypothesis affirmed or refuted? Discuss the importance of this article with regard to the relevant world literature; a complete literature review is unnecessary. Analyze your data and discuss their strengths, their weaknesses, and the limitations of the study.

3. Illustrations accompanying your manuscript must be submitted electronically and be in TIFF or EPS format. Do not embed images into other software programs. No more than 10 images may be submitted.

Any digital manipulation of an image color, contrast, brightness, etc. must be applied to the entire image and may not result in misrepresentation of the original image. Enhancement or alteration of part of an image, without clear and explicit disclosure in the legend, is unacceptable.

Image files should be named appropriately and include the number of the figure (e.g., Figure1.tif, Figure2.eps, etc.). When completing the online submission form, remember to enter the name and number of the figure (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.) into the "description" field. This description should match the name of the image file.

Color images must be RGB (not CMYK). We cannot alter or vouch for the quality of color reproductions.

In accordance with HIPAA, remove any writing that could identify the patient (e.g., names, initials, patient numbers).

When using a digital camera to create your images, if possible, set the camera to save in TIFF format (not JPEG), set the resolution to a minimum of 300 ppi (pixels per inch), and set the size of the image to 5 × 7 in (127 × 178 mm).

The resolution of your electronic images is critical and is directly linked to how well they will appear when printed. Color and grayscale images, such as radiographs, must have a minimum resolution of 300 ppi, and line-art drawings must have a minimum resolution of 1200 ppi. An original image size of 5 × 7 in (127 × 178 mm) is preferred.

For questions regarding electronic submission of images, contact the Desktop Publishing Department at dtp@jbjs.org.

4. Legends must be included for all illustrations and listed in order. Explain what each illustration shows. Give the magnification of all photomicrographs. Define all arrows and other such indicators appearing on the illustration. If an illustration is of a patient who is identified by a case number, include that case number in the legend.

5. A bibliography, of references made in the text. Abstracts or meeting transactions more than three years old should not be cited. The references should be numbered according to the order of citation in the text (not alphabetically) and should be in PubMed/Index Medicus format (for an example, go to the National Center for Biotechnology Information [NCBI] web site www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi and search for specific reference citations). All references must be cited in the text.

Use "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication" by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, October 2004 (www.icmje.org) for standard format. For style guidelines, use "Scientific Style and Format. The CBE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers, 6th ed.," published by Cambridge University Press.

The following style conventions should be kept in mind:

1. The numerator and denominator should be included for all percentages. Round off percentages when the denominator is less than 200. Percentages should not be used when the value of n is less than twenty.

2. With very few exceptions, no other abbreviations or acronyms should be used.

The order of names reflects only the preference of the authors. Each author must have contributed significantly to, and be willing to take public responsibility for, one or more aspects of the study: its design, data acquisition, and analysis and interpretation of data. All authors must have been actively involved in the drafting and critical revision of the manuscript, and each must provide final approval of the version to be published. Individuals who have contributed to only one section of the manuscript or have contributed only cases should be credited in an acknowledgement footnote.

If a research group is designated as the author of an article, one or more group members who fully meet the above criteria for authorship should be listed in the article's byline, followed by "on behalf of the [name of group]." The other group members should be listed in an acknowledgment section at the end of the article. Alternatively, the byline can include only the name of the group, followed by an asterisk corresponding to a list that specifies the authors who fully meet the above criteria for authorship and that also mentions the other group members. In this case, for the purpose of citation in one's curriculum vitae, the citation can be followed by the individual's statement of the authorship role that he or she fulfilled (xx) as depicted in the following example:

Canadian Orthopaedic Trauma Society. Nonoperative treatment compared with plate fixation of displaced midshaft clavicular fractures. A multicenter, randomized clinical trial. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2007;89:1-10. [Role: xx]
Letters to The Editor
The Journal welcomes readers' comments on published articles. Letters will be accepted and edited at the Editor's discretion and will be published electronically on jbjs.org. Selected letters and author responses will be published in the print journal on a quarterly basis.
Instructions for submitting a Letter to the Editor

Review of Manuscripts
Manuscripts are evaluated by the editorial staff of The Journal and are sent to outside reviewers. The time between receipt of a submitted manuscript and the decision regarding its publication has averaged six weeks, but it can be longer.


Levels of Evidence for Primary Research Question
Levels of Evidence for Primary Research Question1
  Types of Studies
  Therapeutic Studies Investigating the Results of Treatment Prognostic Studies Investigating the Effect of a Patient Characteristic on the Outcome of Disease Diagnostic Studies Investigating a Diagnostic Test Economic and Decision Analyses Developing an Economic or Decision Model
Level I High-quality randomized controlled trial with statistically significant difference or no statistically significant difference but narrow confidence intervals

Systematic review2 of Level-I randomized controlled trials (and study results were homogeneous3)
 High-quality prospective study4 (all patients were enrolled at the same point in their disease with 80% follow-up of enrolled patients)

Systematic review2 of Level-I studies
 Testing of previously developed diagnostic criteria in series of consecutive patients (with universally applied reference "gold" standard)

Systematic review2 of Level-I studies
 Sensible costs and alternatives; values obtained from many studies; multiway sensitivity analyses

Systematic review2 of Level-I studies
Level II Lesser-quality randomized controlled trial (e.g., <80% follow-up, no blinding, or improper randomization)

Prospective4 comparative study5

Systematic review2 of Level-II studies or Level-I studies with inconsistent results
 Retrospective6 study

Untreated controls from a randomized controlled trial

Lesser-quality prospective study (e.g., patients enrolled at different points in their disease or <80% follow-up)
Systematic review2 of Level-II studies
 Development of diagnostic criteria on basis of consecutive patients (with universally applied reference "gold" standard)

Systematic review2 of Level-II studies
 Sensible costs and alternatives; values obtained from limited studies; multiway sensitivity analyses

Systematic review2 of Level-II studies
Level III Case-control study7

Retrospective6 comparative study5

Systematic review2 of Level-III studies
 Case-control study7
 Study of nonconsecutive patients (without consistently applied reference "gold" standard)

Systematic review2 of Level-III studies
 Analyses based on limited alternatives and costs; poor estimates

Systematic review2 of Level-III studies
Level IV Case series8 Case series Case-control study

Poor reference standard
 No sensitivity analyses
Level V Expert opinion Expert opinion Expert opinion Expert opinion
A complete assessment of the quality of individual studies requires critical appraisal of all aspects of the study design.
A combination of results from two or more prior studies.
Studies provided consistent results.
Study was started before the first patient enrolled.
Patients treated one way (e.g., with cemented hip arthroplasty) compared with patients treated another way (e.g., with cementless hip arthroplasty) at the same institution.
Study was started after the first patient enrolled.
Patients identified for the study on the basis of their outcome (e.g., failed total hip arthroplasty), called "cases," are compared with those who did not have the outcome (e.g., had a successful total hip arthroplasty), called "controls."
Patients treated one way with no comparison group of patients treated another way.
This chart was adapted from material published by the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, Oxford, UK. For more information, please see www.cebm.net.


A Concise Format for Reporting the Longer-Term Follow-up Status of Patients Managed with Total Hip Arthroplasty
This format is to be used when the original full-length article was published in The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery.

Length limit: Six manuscript pages, excluding references and figures.

Follow-up intervals: No less than five years since the previous publication and preferably at five or ten-year intervals, as long as no interim changes have occurred that require expedited reporting.


State, in a maximum of 150 words, why you are reporting the results at this interval and your major findings.


Briefly summarize and cite the original study published in The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. Describe the original:

patient cohort
type of arthroplasty and critical aspects of surgical and cementing or cementless techniques
type of series (Was this a selected or unselected series? A consecutive series? Were the operations performed by a single surgeon? By multiple surgeons? At multiple institutions? Were data acquired prospectively or retrospectively?)

List, but do not describe, the methods used to assess clinical and radiographic results and cite the appropriate reference.

For reporting clinical results:

you may use the same assessment scheme employed in your previous report e.g., Harris, Hospital for Special Surgery, Iowa, Mayo Clinic, or Merle d Aubign Postel rating system
you are strongly encouraged to include the WOMAC scores for the current cohort
you are encouraged to use the clinical and radiographic nomenclature described by Johnston et al. (J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1990;72:161-8) for other pertinent data
you must perform survivorship analyses (with calculation of confidence limits) using end points that are appropriate to your cohort

The results should include:

the original number of patients/hips studied and the number of patients/hips studied since the last report
the number of patients/hips who died, the number of patients/hips who were lost to follow-up, and the number of patients/hips currently being studied
the number of patients/hips in the updated series who were examined, the number who responded to questionnaires, and the number with available radiographs
the number of patients/hips in whom the primary joint replacement is still intact
basic demographic characteristics of the cohort, especially any that might affect results (age, diagnosis, gender, height, weight, and level of activity)
the number of arthroplasties revised for any reason. If the revised arthroplasties are included in the current series, report the status in this group separately
complications since the last report, including infection, dislocation, stem breakage, osteolysis, wear, and so on
For survivorship analysis, the following end points should be used:

(1) revision for any cause¡ªe.g., aseptic loosening, osteolysis, component breakage, or infection

(2) revision for aseptic loosening of the femoral component

(3) revision for aseptic loosening of the acetabular component

(4) definite radiographic loosening of the femoral component, according to the criteria of Harris et al. (J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1982;64:1063-7) for cemented stems and the criteria of Engh et al. (J Bone Joint Surg Br. 1987;69:45-55) for uncemented stems. If your results cannot be evaluated with these criteria, cite the appropriate reference for your rating criteria

(5) definite radiographic loosening of the acetabular component, according to the criteria of Hodgkinson et al. (Clin Orthop. 1998;228:105-9)¡ªi.e., migration or >1 mm of radiolucency in all DeLee and Charnley zones. If your results cannot be evaluated with these criteria, cite the appropriate reference for your rating criteria


The conclusions should include:

major factors limiting the longevity of the prosthesis at the time of this follow-up
recommendations regarding the continued use of the prosthesis if it is still available
if the prosthesis is not still available, lessons applicable to the current successor or to similar designs

A Concise Format for Reporting the Longer-Term Follow-up Status of Patients Managed with Total Knee Arthroplasty
This format is to be used when the original full-length article was published in The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery.

Length limit: Six manuscript pages, excluding references and figures.

Follow-up intervals: No less than five years since the previous publication and preferably at five or ten-year intervals, as long as no interim changes have occurred that require expedited reporting.


State, in a maximum of 150 words, why you are reporting the results at this interval and your major findings.


Briefly summarize and cite the original study published in The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. Describe the original:

patient cohort
type of arthroplasty and critical aspects of surgical and cementing or cementless techniques
type of series (Was this a selected or unselected series? A consecutive series? Were the operations performed by a single surgeon? By multiple surgeons? At multiple institutions? Were data acquired prospectively or retrospectively?)

List, but do not describe, the methods used to assess clinical and radiographic results and cite the appropriate reference.

For reporting clinical results:

you may use the same assessment scheme employed in your previous report¡ªe.g., Hospital for Special Surgery or Knee Society rating system
you are strongly encouraged to include the WOMAC scores for the current cohort
you are encouraged to use the clinical and radiographic nomenclature described by Insall et al. (Clin Orthop. 1989;248:13-4) and Ewald (Clin Orthop. 1989;248:9-12) for other pertinent data
you must perform survivorship analyses (with calculation of confidence limits) using end points that are appropriate to your cohort

The results should include:

the original number of patients/knees studied and the number of patients/knees studied since the last report
the number of patients/knees who died, the number of patients/knees who were lost to follow-up, and the number of patients/knees currently being studied
the number of patients/knees in the updated series who were examined, the number who responded to questionnaires, and the number with available radiographs
the number of patients/knees in whom the primary joint replacement is still intact
basic demographic characteristics of the cohort, especially any that might affect results (age, diagnosis, gender, height, weight, and level of activity)
the number of arthroplasties revised for any reason. If the revised arthroplasties are included in the current series, report the status in this group separately
complications since the last report, including infection, loosening, component breakage, osteolysis, wear, instability, and so on
For survivorship analysis, the following end points should be used:

(1) revision for any cause,e.g., aseptic loosening, osteolysis, component breakage, instability, or infection

(2) revision for aseptic loosening of the femoral component

(3) revision for aseptic loosening of the tibial component

(4) revision for aseptic loosening of the patellar component


The conclusions should include:

major factors limiting the longevity of the prosthesis at the time of this follow-up
recommendations regarding the continued use of the prosthesis if it is still available
if the prosthesis is not still available, lessons applicable to the current successor or to similar designs

Editorial Board

British Editorial Board
Robert Dickson, Chairman
Neil Thomas, Treasurer
Robert Marshall, Secretary
James Scott, Editor
Frank Horan, Editor Emeritus
Richard Villar, Assistant Editor
John Fixsen, Associate Editor
David Jones, Associate Editor
Vikas Khanduja, Associate Editor
David L. Limb, Associate Editor for Education
Andrew W. McCaskie, Associate Editor
Mark Paterson, Associate Editor
Alistair Ross, Associate Editor
Gareth Scott, Associate Editor
Andrew Carr, Deputy Editor for Research Emeritus
Leslie Klenerman, Associate Editor Emeritus
Michael Laurence, Associate Editor Emeritus
Clare L. Marx, President, BOA ex-officio
Colin Dent, Editorial Secretary, BOA
James Calder, London, England
George Bentley, London, England (EFORT)
Martin Bircher, London, England
Timothy Briggs, London, England
Charles Court-Brown, Edinburgh, Scotland
Joseph Dias, Leicester, England
Cy Frank, Calgary, Canada
S Govendar, Congella, South Africa
Fares Haddad, London, England
Alexander Hadjipavlou, Crete Greece
Robert Hawkins, Vancouver, Canada
Pierre Hoffmeyer, Geneva, Switzerland
David Hunt, London, England
Gregory Janes, Perth, Australia
Roger Lemaire, Li¨¨ge, Belgium
David Morgan, Brisbane, Australia
Brigitte Scammell, Nottingham, England (BORS)
Susan Stott, Auckland, New Zealand
Nico Verdonschott, Nijmegen, The Netherlands (EORS)
Andrew Williams, London, England

Council of Management
Robert Dickson, Chairman
Neil Thomas, Treasurer
Robert Marshall, Secretary
Andrew W. McCaskie
Clare L. Marx, President, BOA ex-officio

British Office
Stephen Bishop, General Manager
Emma Vodden, Editorial Production Manager
Michael Searle, Circulation Manager
Lucy Stephenson, Marketing Manager
Tessa Clarke, Office Manager


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